Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Mar 7, 2002


Allison asked me if I had a good nights sleep. I think she asked me in complete innocence of anything that had happened with Lin or Gordie. Hannah and Nick were getting ready to leave with little Ben, who was protesting mightily about having to leave Cindy. Allison took me aside and asked me if I minded if she told the Myers it was ok to leave Ben, and maybe I could bring him over to them later in the day. I told her it was fine and frankly it was easier taking care of the two of them. "I'd love to do it. I'll drive him home for supper." Allison asked them if it was ok and I added my encouragement. After reassuring them that it was no trouble, it was agreed that I would take Ben over at the end of the day. It seems Nick was getting a ride back to town with Gordie and Lin, while Hannah and Ben stayed over for another day. Nick it seemed had to work on Labor Day Monday.

The day flew. It was not only no trouble to take care of Cindy and Ben, it was positively a breeze. You could not ask for sweeter and easier children to be around. They were a sitter's dream. At about six I swept Ben up with little protest. Allison gave me their old Station Wagon to drive him home. Allison somehow just assumed I could drive. I didn't tell her I had just gotten my license in June. In any case I think that in the back of my mind, seeing Hannah at her house and having a new place to explore seemed like something I was looking forward too all day. I'm not certain how much either my finding Hannah so attractive or the knowing that she may very well know a great deal about me had to do with my increasing interest in going.

The Myers house was very close if you could fly across the lake, but it was a longer drive than I expected. I had to not only drive part of the way around the lake, but also about half way there, you had to go around a series of low mountains that dropped directly into the lake. Mark had given me exact directions, so I was not worried, it just took longer than I thought it would. The weather had also begun to work against me. There were low threatening clouds in the direction I was heading and they quickly increased as I drove along. It was not thundering nor was they're lightning but a sharp wind had come up and the lake had become dark and forbidding. It was a slate gray with white streaks of broken white caps from the by now very nasty wind. Luckily the rain held off until I was just pulling into their driveway, and Mark's directions were perfect. We leapt out into the by now pouring rain and made a dash for the house. Ben was squealing in delight at this great adventure. In just the few seconds between Station Wagon and house I got soaked. All I was wearing was a pair of tennis shorts and a cotton pullover. The temperature must have dropped twenty-five degrees in the time it had taken to drive there. Hannah was holding the door open as we both flew in. For whatever reason Ben and I were laughing uproariously at this added adventure. By the time we were standing making a small puddle in the foyer. I started to get chilled, and began to shiver. Hannah saw right away what was happening and pulled both of us into the bathroom. "Quick get out of those clothes, Ben you come with me. Molly, you take a hot shower. I'll throw your things in the dryer. " She swept Ben out of the bathroom. I got out of my stuff, got the water temperature just right and hopped in. What a relief! I realized that I was not only chilled but I must have been a lot tenser driving over than I realized until the release of the shower allowed me to relax. Through the steamy shower curtain I saw Hannah pick up my things and leave something on a nearby chair. After luxuriating for awhile longer in the hot shower, I stepped out to find that Hannah had left both a bath towel, and a large white terry cloth robe. I put it on gratefully. By now I could see and hear the storm outside the fogged window. Lightning and thunder seemed very close indeed. I left the bathroom and called out for Hannah. She was downstairs in the kitchen. Ben was bathed and in is PJs. Hannah was giving him some supper. He looked like he could barely keep his eyes open. The kitchen was old fashioned, like something from the fifties. The appliances were up to date but everything else was from another era. It was not decorated at all, but very real. That's what made it so charming. As a matter of fact the whole small cottage was in many ways the opposite of the Bogart house. This cottage was very modest by comparison. It had just two bedrooms, a bathroom and a living room with a dining area on one end. It did have a small screened in porch. As a mater of fact the whole house could fit in the downstairs space of the Bogart's. Yet the whole cottage was perfect in many respects. Cozy and warm looking, very inviting and relaxed.

I sat down at the table. Hannah told me she had just gotten off the phone with Mark. "He told me the Road by their house had almost washed out and in no way should you try to get there tonight. He said if the phones stay working lets check in the morning. So Molly it looks like it's just the three of us. I think it was lucky you made it just in time. Are you warm enough in that robe? None of my clothes will fit you. Maybe you can fit into something of Nicks if you need to." I assured her. "No this is just fine. Nice and comfy after feeling so chilled. The warm shower helped too." Hannah helped Ben eat some supper. She motioned for me to sit down. "After he finishes this, I'm going to put him to bed. He's on his last legs. There some hot Pot Roast on the stove. I've set a place out for you. Why don't you help yourself? I'll come back down in a little while." Ben left without protest after giving me a hug. I walked over to the stove and helped myself. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. The Pot Roast was delicious. There was an open bottle of wine on the table. I poured and drank two glasses while I put away a large plate of the roast. At most Hannah was gone fifteen minutes. She came back down the stairs and filled her plate and poured me another glass. She raised the glass up to me, looked at me very directly and toasted. "To friendship and especially new friends. " Our glasses clinked. I was definitely feeling the three glasses of wine. "Ben went off like he had been drugged. I could barely get him to pee before he went to sleep, he was so exhausted. He'll sleep through the night now. Molly I want to thank you so much for driving him over. I hope I haven't ruined your last night at the Bogarts?" I assured her she hadn't. The wine had somewhat loosened my tongue. "I'm glad we're having a chance to meet and be alone." I still wasn't certain exactly what, if anything Allison had said to Hannah, and even the three glasses of wine would not allow me to ask her directly. She got up and cleared the table. I helped her put the dishes in the dishwasher. She turned to me and gestured to the living room. " Go inside and relax I just want to get into something more comfortable." She went back up the stairs and I walked over to the couch and flopped down. Even the living room furniture had that comfortable lived in look. A big old sectional couch with lots of soft throw pillows of different designs and fabrics. It all was very inviting. I found my self snuggling into a corner of the couch just as Hannah returned. She was wearing the same robe as I was, only hers was light blue. I realized that I was wearing Nick's robe. Hannah's would have been much too small for me. She sat down on the other side of the sectional. She sort of arranged herself using the pillows, and settled into a comfortable position. "Well Molly, you look nice and relaxed and comfy. Are you warm enough? I can get you a throw if you need it." I assured her. "I'm just fine." There was a long moment of silence. I needed to know if she knew, but I could not figure out how to broach it when Hannah broke the silence of the moment. " You know Molly I've known Allison since College. She's probably my closest friend. Certainly the most intimate. We have no secrets. She told me about you and of course, most important, the fact that you wanted her to tell me. I very much want you to know how touched and I guess you might say honored that you would want to share with me such intimate parts of your life. I think Allison has pretty much let me know where things were with her and the whole group. I want you to know how happy I am that you include me. I felt drawn to you the moment I saw you. It wasn't simply how much I thought you had matured. No it was something else that I strongly felt and especially this morning in the bathroom. Allison talked to me after breakfast and it all fell into place. Your being here tonight is in many ways, I guess I might say just plain wonderful. I sure hope you feel the same way."

Hannah's directness and warmth, combined with her own concern completely melted me. I was so overcome with feelings and relief that I barely trusted my voice. I nodded to her and with a somewhat unsteady voice told her how I felt. " God Hannah, I felt the same way about you, right from the same moment. I desperately wanted you to know. Allison was so fantastic picking up on that and making the connection. I'm so happy I could just cry." I was almost overcome with relief. I certainly was glad this seemed to be working out. The wine also helped to ease any awkwardness. Hannah was looking at me directly. She moved off her seat and moved over to sit next to me. She reached over and took both of my hands in hers and squeezed them. I was surprised at how strong her grip was and the warmth of her skin. The size and luminescence of her beautiful eyes again struck me. I could see her face moving towards mine. I knew we would kiss. My heart was now beating furiously. Still holding my hands, our mouths met and opened to each other. It was sublime. It was deep, strong and lasting as we searched each other's mouths. When we both parted, she said. "I wanted to taste your lips since this morning and I wanted you to taste me." She was still holding my hands tightly.

She continued to hold one hand as she got up. She pulled me up from the couch. "Let's go up stairs. We'll be more comfortable. I just want to check Ben. Usually when he's out like that he's really out for the night." She picked up her wineglass and the bottle and I took mine. We climbed the narrow stairs. Her bedroom door was open. There was a king size bed a bureau and a small sitting area. There was a small alcove, which led to the same bathroom I was in earlier. There was a kind of beaded screen in front of the alcove. A light in the alcove filtered through the beads and gave the room a kind of exotic look. Later I noticed it was also the thick Moroccan rug on the floor and colorful lamps that gave it this look. The bed also had this silken colorful looking cover. With big pillows covered in complimentary colors. All and all I had never seen anything like it. I told her. "Hannah this is fabulous. I've never seen anything like it before." "Do you like it? I was hoping you would. I've been thinking about the two of us here for hours. It's made to look a little like a Moroccan Harem. It's just to help the fantasy I guess. Do you know what a harem is?" I shyly nodded yes. "Isn't it where the Sultan keeps his girl friends? Where groups of woman live? Hannah laughed a little. "Yes something like that. You know in places like Morocco a man can have many wives, but only if he can support them. It would be very unusual now but when I was growing up in Marrakech, my Nanny told me about them. She would tell me stories about when she was in one. I don't know if it was true, but it sure sounded like fun. All those nubile maidens with time on their hand with nothing to do but take care of each other's needs and desires. Definitely a big erotic dream for a budding bi-sexual adolescent girl." We both laughed at this idea. "Some day I'll tell you about all that. It was all very exciting for a young girl. I learned a great deal from my Nanny." " When did you come to America?" I asked here. "When I was sixteen. What a shock it was. But I adored it right away, even though it took a big adjustment for a really overprotected Moroccan Jewish Princess." Hannah sat at the foot of the bed and led me around to sit on the side. "Sit up on those pillows. Make yourself comfortable. She poured wine into the two glasses and passed me mine. I sipped it. I was not a big wine fan, but this was delicious. It had slight bubbles and tickled my nose a little. I told Hannah this. The wine was also making me flush. I could feel the heat in my face and I thought that Hannah's eyes seemed very bright. My robe had opened somewhat but I didn't care at all. The wine, the kiss and my attraction to Hannah were having its effect. "Do you mind if lie down next to you?" Hannah asked as she moved over to be next to me. She looked at me very directly. "Molly I want to take your robe off. Is that ok?" I nodded yes. Her direct question had increased my growing excitement. She moved to pull back my robe, as I lifted my back from the pillows to help her. Just the movement of the terry cloth on my breasts sent a shiver through my body. I could feel my nipples grow erect and I knew little goose had appeared on my swollen areola. I pulled my arms from the sleeves and shifted my body up to let her pull the robe from the bed. She was looking at me very lovingly and I enjoyed her hungry gaze. I was feeling strongly sexual and I knew she was also getting excited. I could see that she also was flushed and I could actually see the pulse beating in the vein on her neck. I was looking at her face. I slowly lowered my gaze. She understood and began to remove her robe also, and there they were, those extroidenary pinkish purple nipples. They were at least a half-inch long. I wanted desperately to touch them, so I did. I simply reached out and brushed them with the palms of my hands. "Oh yes, please I want you to." She gasped as she sucked her breath in. I simply took them in my fingers and gently pressed them. "Yes, yes, like that. Even a little harder. Oh yes like that, so good so good." The feel of them alive flesh in my fingers, those nipples that had not left my mind since I saw them this very morning, caused my own to respond in a completely sympathetic way. I was desperate to have her touch me and I wanted to place hers in my mouth so badly I could barely catch my breath. I knew I was breathing heavily when Hannah held my hands that were at her breasts and asked me. "Are you alright? Do you want to stop for a moment? " I lay back on the pillows. My hands were now at my sides on the bed. "It's just that I'm so excited and maybe it's the wine a little also. Hannah you just have no idea what this means to me. It's just that when I saw you for a moment this morning, just before you went into the shower, I was so turned on by seeing you, and even when I saw you yesterday I was so taken with you, that this is all like a dream come true. I'm just afraid it will end too soon." I knew I was breathlessly gushing like a schoolgirl, but I was a schoolgirl! At that moment I didn't care. Hannah leaned over me and silenced me with a small kiss. "Don't worry. We have all night and the rest of our lives. We don't have to hurry at all. You know what I want to do? Just hold you. Is that ok?" I not only agreed but I reached over to put my arms around her and she held me. The feeling of our skin pressing, the feel of her nipples almost on mine was no relief, but my breathing did slow down and I did catch my breath. She was gently kissing my cheek. She had an aroma all of her own. Spicy with a lemony undertone. I can never smell perfume that has those characteristics without thinking of Hannah and getting something of a sexual buzz. She was licking my cheeks and the very corner of my lips with the tip of her tongue. It felt wonderful. I would meet her tongue with mine when it came near. It was like a little erotic game. Then she moved to my ears. She took my earlobe between her teeth and gently bit down. It was an exquisite little hurt that took my breath away. Then her tongue darted into my ear canal, then all around the outside. She nibbled on that little triangle of flesh in the very front of the canal and then back to the lobe. I was squirming with pleasure, even laughing a little because I was somewhat ticklish. Most of all however, was the erotic. I soon realized that my ear was for this moment, my pussy, and Hannah was making love to it through my supremely sensitized ear. As her tongue was darting in and out of my ear, I became aware that my hips were thrusting in rhythm to her moving tongue. Without even thinking about it I began to pull my nipples at the same speed. Hannah was playing me with her tongue! Finally I needed to stop for a moment. If I didn't, I knew I would have either cum right then and there or I would have had to thrust my fingers into myself to bring myself off. That's how excited she had made me. "Ok ok, I'll slow down." Hannah murmured. "You relax and catch your breath. I don't know your body yet. Your going to have to teach me what you like best and how you want me to go. I promise I'll let you know. You can count on it." She said with a little warm smile." "Oh Hannah that was incredible! I've never had anyone do that to me before. I would have never believed it. Do you like that too? How did you learn that? I only stopped you because I didn't want to cum yet and I was afraid I was going to. I can't always control myself." As I lay back on the pillows I felt hot from the sexual energy but also chilled from the cool air in the bedroom. Hannah picked her bathrobe of the chair and threw it over me. "Wait I'm going to get us some heat." As Hannah moved away, I marveled at her beautiful ass. I could see a tuft of black public hair between her legs as she bent over and reached into a small closet on the other side of the beaded screen. It was an alluring sight as she was bathed in backlight coming from the bathroom. She pulled something out of the closet and came through the screen. It was a large electric heater. She plugged it into the wall next to the bed and turned it on. The stream of warm air was almost immediate. It felt delicious and very welcome. All of Hannah's movements, in their exceptional grace, even these simple actions were completely alluring to me. She again sat down on the side of the bed and asked me if I was more comfortable? I told her I was. Again I could hardly keep my eyes off her breasts. I guess she saw my gaze. "Molly, I want you to have me in your mouth as much as you want it." She said that with such simple sincerity that it relieved me of feeling somewhat guilty about my growing obsession with her nipples. They had become the powerful focus of my erotic longing for her. She bent over to adjust the heater's direction and lovely warm air wafted over my body. She looked at me and said, "as they say not to hot, not to cold, but just right." She reached down and removed the robe that was draped over my body. Again just the fabric moving on my body was strongly exciting. She leaned over and simply said in a low voice. "Do you think you can trust me? " Trust her with what? I wasn't sure, but I answered. "Of course I do." "Molly, what I'm going to do is what I was taught by my Nanny and her friends. When I was about your age in Marrakech. That's a city in Morocco where I lived all my life before we came to America. She was a wonderful teacher, and for a highly sexed teenage girl in Morocco, she was heaven sent." She reached forward and took one of the pillows that I was not leaning on and brought it down. "Here, Move your butt up, put it down on this." I did as she asked. My hips and pelvis were now thrust upwards. She bent over and opened a drawer in the night table. She removed something. It was a long, narrow scarf like piece of silk with small loops on each end. She put a loop on each foot and somehow secured it. "Are you comfortable? The temperature ok? I just want you to know that you can tell me exactly what you like and what feels good. In fact I want you too. That way I can learn what it is that you love, and also what you don't. I promise you that you'll learn a lot about yourself. Believe me. If you feel I'm going to fast tell me, and move me along also if that's what you want. I'll try to stay in tuned with your desires, but I won't always know if you don't tell me. I promise you that when it's my turn I won't be shy, and that's the point, don't be shy. Let it all out. All of it. That's what will make this so experience so special. Ok? Promise?" She was very serious, but I had listened carefully, and I agreed. "Yes I promise, but just don't hurt me. You won't hurt me will you?" I have no idea where that question came from. Maybe it was the silk fabric tied to my feet. I'm not sure. Anyway out it came. So I guess it was on my mind somewhere. "Oh no Molly, you certainly never have to be concerned about anything like that believe me. I would never do anything that might harm or hurt you. Just put that right out of your mind." She reached over and hugged me to her, kissed my forehead, my nose then my lips quickly. She then began to gently pet my outer thighs. Very lightly at first then as she moved along toward my inner thighs she gently began to trace her fingers along that part. I was moving my legs apart to give her access to me. I loved the feeling of opening up to her With my ass lifted by the pillow I felt extremely open. She moved over where she was sitting more directly at my feet. She took one leg and put it on her shoulder. She asked me to lean forward. Which I did. She put the sash behind my head across my neck. It was then that I realized what the silken sash was for. How ingenious. I'll bet she learned this from her Nanny in Morocco. It held my legs wide open in the most relaxed way. I closed my eyes at this point to relish the stroking of my inner thighs. It felt terrific. It had occurred to me earlier that this encounter with Hannah was going to very different than with Allison. It's not as though I didn't find Hannah desirable, because I certainly did. It was that Hannah saw me sexually and not particularly personally. In many ways I found knowing that very liberating. It was clear that her object was to give and get pleasure. It seemed simpler. That's why it felt so powerfully erotic. It wasn't a matter of one relationship being better than another wasn't. It wasn't. It was simply different. I know it's hard to believe that all of this was going on in my head as someone was stroking my naked inner thighs, but it's true. I opened my eyes narrowly, and of course there she was in front of me with my open leg on either side of her naked torso, with those incredible nipples fully erect. She had her eyes narrowed, with a look of rapt concentration on her flushed beautiful face. Just seeing her increased my excitement. She now moved her fingers from my inner thighs to stroke the crack of my thigh and pubis. I was dying for her to touch my pussy and I moved myself to try to indicate that, but she continued as she was doing. I had begun to pull my own nipple. It was such an old habit, that I only realized I was doing it, was when I heard Hannah say, "I always do that when I want to get my self off. Do you want me to do that for you? Molly, you should tell me what you want. You can be sure I'll tell you." "Yes please. I would like that." I whispered. I watched her wet her fingers in her mouth. She reached over and began to pull my nipples at the same speed that I had been doing it, which was the same speed as her other fingers were moving in the crack of my inner thigh. My eyes were closed. She stopped for a moment. I felt her fingers at my lips then she was inserting two into my mouth. She moved them in and out, all at the same speed she was pulling my nipple. I sucked on her fingers pretending they were her nipples. She began to play with my lips and the very corner of my mouth. I soon realized it was like a preview of what she was going to do to my pussy. It was marvelous. I opened my eyes when she removed her fingers. I was hoping I was right. But just in case I took her at her word and said clearly. "Hannah put them in me. I want to feel them in me." She did. Her two fingers slipped into me easily. She moved them in and out at the same speed she was pulling on my nipple. She then began to take the fluid from my very wet vagina, and by now, I was lubricating so heavily I could smell myself and feel it actually flowing. I remember being relieved; knowing my terry robe was under my ass, so I needn't worry about soiling that beautiful pillow. She rubbed my juices all over my pussy, so that I was wet all over. She then slowly began to play with my labia. Running her finger down one side then the other. She always started just bellow my clit, which was good because I usually don't like to have my clit touched unless it's with extreme gentleness. My hood is good to do but I usually find touching the tip of my clit simply to much and it can send me into little orgasms that I really don't want, because I want to continue getting pleasured until I'm really ready for a powerful one. Somehow, Hannah seemed to know that and the way she was playing with my cunt lips and then just up to the hood was tantalizing. It was almost more than I could stand. But I was not ready, or I should say not willing to cum yet. I wanted Hannah to continue what she was doing. What she was doing was perfect. When I would get too excited from her stroking me, she would put her fingers inside me. She would get more liquid and that would break the tension, yet her just going into me was another terrific feeling that I could hardly wait for. She would do all this, while always somehow maintaining a kind of rhythm that kept me in an almost unbelievable state of sexual excitement and tension. Somehow, she knew how to just keep me on the edge of the cliff. At one point she sort of slipped and grazed my anus with her finger. I almost screamed out. "Should I touch you there? Remember tell me. Do you want me to?" I managed to croak out a "yes." She again put her finger in me, removed it and began to circle my little ass hole with it, while she made the same circling movements on my aureole. She bent down and took my other nipple in her mouth and used her tongue to make those same circles there. I was starting to have some kind of climax. My anus started to spasm. Then the muscles in my upper thighs. I heard myself breathing at that moment and I sounded like a steam engine. Somehow, at that thought, I started to laugh, which changed into crying. Hannah stopped everything. She kept her hands on me but had stopped moving. "I just need to catch my breath. " I told her. "Please don't worry, it was so wonderful I was just feeling a little overwhelmed." She calmly asked with concern. "Is there something you would like me to do?" "Oh yes." I answered. "Please hold me tight, very tight." She reached over and quickly loosened the loop on my foot and I lowered my legs. She reached for me and put her arms around me and held me as tight as could have wished for. I breathed in the smell of her, my own sweat and juices, it was divine. I could feel my breathing slow. She moved my head away from her breast and kissed me deeply. I returned it with fervor. She broke away and told me, "you are a wondrous girl." I wasn't at all sure what she meant, but I thanked her anyway.

Next: Chapter 16

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