Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Mar 6, 2002


Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2002 From: Leila Benson Subject: "The Rest of My Life" (Part # 14) Lesbian/Beginning; (F/f) Part # 14 "Tucked In"

This is my first attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Which of course, is turning you on! The very first story I wrote was published some months ago. It was called "Joan and I " That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters or parts. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. While it focuses on Lesbian relationships, there are some graphic (F/m) parts. What can I say, it's my life. I guess you might say it's mostly a true story. If this kind of story is problem for you go no further. Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, her friend and mother of Cindy, who she baby sits for, and other friends and lovers. Leila Benson

Part # 14

Lin and Gordie looked up almost simultaneously and together said, " Incredible". I felt very pleased with myself for being able to tell "my story'. I was even more aware that telling it had by now sent me into an even higher state of sexual excitement. Knowing that Lin and Gordie were going to leave me alone while they "made out" made me quite sad. Lin started to get off the bed as Gordie adjusted his shorts over his still erect penis. Lin looked down at me, bent over and whispered, " that it was not fair for me to promise you a bedtime story, and then leave you all hot and bothered". I was puzzled at what she meant. She turned and asked Gordie if he would give me a kiss goodnight and wait for her in the other bedroom. He came over, gave me a quick peck on my cheek and told me how much he enjoyed my story, and wished me a goodnight. I told him how much I had appreciated his and told him I would see him in the morning. He quietly told Lin to take as much time as she wanted, gave her a hug, and left. Lin told me to wait, that she just wanted to get ready for bed. She quickly undressed, got into her nightgown that was hanging near her overnight bag. I tried not to look, but I could not avoid seeing her long slender naked body for an instant before she pulled her nightgown over her lithe dancers body. She quickly stepped over to the bed, gestured for me to move over and slipped under the covers. She immediately put her arms around me and pulled me tight, kissed me, then moved one hand down to my butt, and pressed me into her. All of this happened so fast that I was unprepared for the urgency of her movements. I was at that point, was extremely turned on, but Lin's need seemed even stronger. She then moved down my body planting kisses along the way. When she got to my belly, she yanked the cover from the bed, pulled my legs apart and without saying a word, and pushed two fingers into my vagina. For a moment I was shocked by the suddenness of her action, but then her fingers began to move inside me. It was obvious that I was wet and open to her movements. I immediately began to thrust myself at her probing fingers. Her thumb began to rub my clit at the same time. She was rapidly bringing me to the edge. Just as I thought that I was going over she bent down replaced her thumb with her shooting tongue. In just a few quick licks and I began to climax. I grabbed the edge of the pillow and bit down on it to stifle my yell. I was dimly aware that Cindy was close as was Gordie, and I wanted to be as silent as possible. Lin of course could tell from my thrusting hips and muffled groans where I was in my orgasm. She continued until I slowly drew her fingers and head from my satiated pussy. I could barely speak. I managed a heart felt, "thank you". She moved up, kissed me briefly and said, "you deserved every bit of that for being such a great story teller. Now I'm going to get and give something to Gordie." With those words and another quick kiss on my forehead she was up and gone. I quickly fell into a deep delicious sleep.

I slowly awakened a little confused as to where I was. My switching rooms compounded it last night. I also had a fuzzy taste in my mouth. I'm a bug about brushing my teeth. I found my little travel bag, picked it up and tried the bathroom door. It was locked. The moment I realized it was locked was the moment I desperately had to pee. I had no idea if there was someone in the bathroom or if someone had inadvertently locked it. The bathroom could be entered from the hall, or from this room. I listened for a moment, then gently knocked. I heard someone say. " Almost through, be right out." It was Hannah. The door lock clicked and the door opened. I some how had assumed they had gone home last night. Hannah was standing there wrapped in a bath sheet. "Come in Molly, I was just going to take a shower". I told her I had thought they had left and I would have felt badly not saying goodbye. She explained that little Ben was so sound asleep and it had gotten so late that they had taken Allison up on her invitation. I told her that I had to pee desperately. I told her she didn't have to leave, that she should go right ahead with her shower. She thanked me and turned the water on in the stall shower, waited for the temperature to settle at the right spot. I simply could not wait a moment longer. I sat down and peed for what seemed an eternity. Hannah had taken off her towel, turned and hung it up on a hook. Are eyes met. In that instant I knew that Allison had told her about us. She was looking at me quite directly, she said.

" Gee Molly, you must really have had to go. I'm sorry if I held you up." Knowing that she knew gave me a strange confidence. I took in her dusky boyish body. Her breasts were small and uplifted; they reminded me of a photograph I had once seen in an old National Geographic Magazine. She had small hard looking perfectly conical breasts with dark long nipples. They were even darker than Lin's. They were almost purple She was very slender but by no means thin. She was perfectly proportioned for her small size. At best, she was five feet tall. Her curly black hair was repeated on her mound. What I noticed next was most striking to me. I don't know why, it just was. She had red polish on her toenails. Somehow, I found it strangely exciting. All of this happened in an instant. She smiled briefly and turned, entered the stall and closed the door. I wiped myself. Got up and brushed my teeth, and returned to my room. After I heard the sound of the shower end, I waited a few minutes, went in, took my own shower, got dressed and went downstairs. Everybody was up and about. Breakfast was being served buffet style on the veranda. The mood was light with a great deal of laughter and talk. I was observing all this from the stair landing. Although I really could not hear what people were saying you could tell from the sound of everyone's voice what a warm joyful group it was. I felt privileged to be amongst them.

Next: Chapter 15

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