Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Mar 4, 2002


Date: Sunday, March 3, 2002 From: Leila Benson Subject: "The Rest of My Life" (Part # 11) Lesbian/Beginning; (F/f) Part # 11 "Gordie's Bedtime Story"

This is my first attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Which of course, is turning you on! The very first story I wrote was published some months ago. It was called "Joan and I " That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters or parts. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. While it focuses on Lesbian relationships, there are some graphic (F/m) parts. What can I say, it's my life. I guess you might say it's mostly a true story. If this kind of story is problem for you go no further. Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, her friend and mother of Cindy, who she baby sits for, and other friends and lovers.

Leila Benson

Part #11

"Well I don't have to tell you how close I'm to Allison. In many ways, I think her being my stepsister has made her in many ways closer. Don't worry, I'm not about to tell you a story if incest. Sorry, but there wasn't any of that. She was involved, even if inadvertently in my deflowering. When I was about fifteen, I went with my Mom to pick up Allison at her dance class. We were downtown and Mom was buying me my first suit. Allison had taken the bus to her class as she did three days a week. Mom was going to surprise her and drive her home. We arrived at the school and were directed to the studio where her class was taking place. There were only four dancers, including Allison. I had seen Allison at loads of recitals and in her various dance outfits for years, so seeing her at her class was nothing special. I however was immediately struck by her teacher, whose name I already knew was Adele. Allison had talked about her with admiration and affection ever since she started studying with her, which I suppose it, had been at least a year. Adele was wearing standard leotards, only hers were a bright green, which set off her dark red hair. I know it's considered sexist but what drew me powerfully to her was her body. She didn't have the long graceful look of a dancer. She was quite short as a matter of fact. It was her well-muscled calves and tight, somewhat protruding ass that I loved at first sight. As I now remember, it was the powerfully compact body as a whole that I found so very exciting.

Adele ended the class as we watched from an adjacent studio. We walked in as the class was moving out. Allison introduced me to Adele. My Mom, who knew her, gave her a warm hello. As we began to move out of the studio Adele asked me if I wouldn't mind helping her move a piano. It seemed that an assistant, who worked there, had called in sick. Apparently, from what she told us, this was a common occurrence.

Of course, the piano was on a rolling platform and rolled readily, non-the less it was heavy and required a good deal of strength to move it about. While Mom waited outside for Allison to get dressed, Adele and I rolled the piano to another studio. She asked me if it was ok if I would just take a few minutes to move a partition screen in the studio. I was happy to accommodate her and frankly, I loved showing off my strength. I know this sounds a bit odd but I could barely keep my eyes off her. I felt such a powerful pull towards her that I felt kind of shy and clumsy. She could not have been nicer, complimenting me on my strength and the efficient way I handled the partition screen. I could feel myself blush. She asked me if I had an after-school job. I told her I had just ended a job substituting for a friend at a Pharmacy. This was a loathsome; boring job that I was happy was over. She asked me if I would be interested in working for them at the studio. I told her that I thought that would be great! I was so excited to think I might be near Adele that I had no idea what the job was or who the other people were in "them". I shyly asked her what I would do, and she told me the job consisted in doing some of what I had just done, only more so and anything that needed doing, from answering the phone to bringing circulars around to schools and other public places. She told me the she had a partner named Greg, who I would meet and who she was certain would love to have me "on board."The formalities were short. Adele asked Mom if it was ok? Mom asked me. I said "great!"

That's how I began my adventure with Adele. I met Greg the following day. He was a gay man of about 40. He was a former dancer with Merc Cunningham. He asked me a few questions and invited me to join their little dance troupe. I could not have been happier. I would bicycle to work do the various chores. Try hard not stare at the young nubile teenage dancers in their tight leotards. These anorexic girls luckily were no match for my lovely Adele. A few days later Adele asked me how it was to be surrounded by all those teenage girls. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I told her that those girls were like ten-year-olds compared to being near someone like her. She actually seemed pleased by my comment and told me so. She asked me, if after the last classes that day, would I appreciate helping her put up a window blind at her house. I of course was delighted that she asked me. I could barely contain my excitement that she had actually asked me to her house. The last class was over at twelve noon that Saturday. I called home and told them I was working later than usual that day. We left directly from the studio. Adele didn't even change. She just put a coat over her leotards. I put my bike in the studio. Adele told me she would drive me home and pick me up after school on Monday. She said she would fix us some lunch when we got to her house. The quick trip to her house was filled with Adele chatting away, with me very quiet. I simply was too anxious to talk. At that point, believe me I had no real idea why I was so nervous. I had been alone with her many times at the studio, so that was no big deal, but in her own private space, that had an effect on me. When we got to her Condo, I was so pleased that her space was so beautiful. It was a large two-bedroom apartment with her second bedroom setup as a kind of mini dance and exercise room. She told me to make myself comfortable while she showered and changed. I sat down on the couch while she went into her bedroom. On the coffee table was a large book, which I glanced at. I thought it was one of those "coffee table" art books, which I suppose it was. I looked at the cover and it seemed to be a book on dance. It's title I remember was "Young Dance". The title was in English and another language that I latter found out was Danish.

There was a silhouette of what seemed to be two girls dancing. It was an arresting picture, so I moved the book to my lap and opened it. I was stunned and thrilled to find that it was filled with image after image of young girls, I guess about eleven to fourteen years old. All the girls were either completely undressed or at least partially so. Most of the poses were, I guess supposed to be dance of one kind or another. The pictures were beautiful, but even to me, with really no experience in anything like this, the pictures were clearly meant to be sexually exciting. I was transfixed and also confused as to why the book was there and of course afraid of being seen looking at the book. I think I should be clear about my own sexual history at that point. I can be brief. Except for a lot of jerking off to the fantasy of different girls in my class, my total experience consisted of a few deep kisses and some minor above the waist petting. That was the sum total. To say that being alone with Adele and looking at this forbidden book was stimulating would be a gross understatement. I was busy scanning the book, trying to listen for the approach of Adele, when I was startled to hear her voice directly behind me on the couch. She had walked into the room in her bare feet on the carpet, and I never heard her. I could have died! She stayed for a moment behind me and simply said, "I love that book. That's why I keep it out. Let me show you some of my favorites." With that, she stepped around to the front of the couch. She was wearing a light blue terry robe. Her hair was wet. I could smell her shampoo. "I hope I haven't embarrassed you. These are meant to be sexually exciting pictures and what your feeling is the way it should be. So just relax and enjoy it all, ok?" With that, she sat down next to me. At least the book was on my lap and it hid my erect penis. She told me about the book and how the photographer had specifically chosen young woman or girls who were just discovering their sexual selves. How the pictures had to be shot in Denmark where these kind of pictures were not only allowed but treasured. We went through the book slowly together, with her pointing out pictures and pose's that she particularly loved. She told me that she loved both men and woman and that she was bi-sexual and why she so loved this book because it combined the unabashed sexuality of young woman and dance. "Did I understand what bi-sexual meant?" She wanted to know. I assured her I had heard of it. I was trying to sound mature and knowledgeable, but I frankly was in a state of such confusion, that I was spinning. She asked if I found the pictures as exciting as she did. She asked me in such a direct way that I was able to calm down to a large degree, and answer her directly and honestly. I told her that I loved the book as much as she did. She was curious what pictures were the "biggest turn-on's" for me. That was a difficult question to answer with her sitting next to me. I told her that I really had not had time to go through the book. I asked her to show me the ones that she liked. She agreed, and placed the book on the table between us. This revealed my erect penis. This all happened in an instant, so I hardly had time to be embarrassed, when she looked at my obviously enlarged self

She told me she was happy I was having such a great reaction and I should simply enjoy the feeling as she was. That helped somewhat and my beating heart slowed a little. I also thought how amazingly considerate she was in trying to make certain I was feeling ok. I loved her even more for doing that. She turned a few pages and came to a picture of a girl on the edge of a bed. She was wearing a blouse which is unbuttoned revealing one small breast. The light is pouring in from a window just to her side. Another girl who is only wearing, what appears to be large lacy panties, (which look like they come from another time,) is sitting across from her in a large rattan chair. She has one hand between her legs, her head is thrown back and she is watching the other girl intently, as she appears to pull on one of her nipples. The girl one the bed also is watching her with such an intense look that I'm very struck by the strong sexual and loving emotion of the picture. She tells me that girls also love to get off with each other. She wanted to know if I had any experience with girls? She asked me so matter of factually that I answered truthfully the same way. Simply that I really hadn't, but I certainly wished too, and I thought about it a great deal, and I often thought of her, and as I was being really honest, that I thought about her all the time. All of this came out in one giant flow of words. When I finished she simply brushed her hand on my cheek gave me a gentle kiss, looked at me directly and told be she sometimes thought of me when she "got herself off". I was thunderstruck! She wanted to know if I would like to learn how to make love to a woman? I just nodded. She said that the book had some nice pictures that would give me a good idea what woman liked. We went from page to page as she explained what some of the girls were doing to each other what things felt particularly good. She was interested to know what seemed to be most exciting to me. This was all done with such calm deliberation, that while I certainly didn't become less aroused I was much calmer and if not really relaxed, I was sort of comfortable with her and my large erection. She told me that at my age, one of the problems a girl partner has, is that I might very quickly cum before the girl did and while you didn't necessarily have to have an orgasm together it was important that your partner was as happy as I was going to be. The girl sometimes takes longer to get there she said, but her climax can be as strong or even stronger than a guys and that I should remember that. I told her it was sort of like the golden rule, "do unto other as you would have other's do unto you." She loved that idea and agreed that I understood what she meant. She seemed very pleased with me and I must admit I felt very reassured by her. She wanted to know if I wanted to try? I told her that nothing would make me happier.

At this point Lin exclaims. "For God's sake Gordie, Molly and I need you to come to some climax, and I mean that figuratively and literally, and I desperately need it as much, as I'm sure Molly does. If you don't hurry I'm simply going to bring myself and poor Molly off." I must admit by now I was sort of playing with myself under the covers and I did need to come to some end. I was thrilled by Gordie's story and the last thing I wanted was to hurt him in any way. I told him that I was very caught up in his story and that he should go on, but I understood Lin's concern.

"Ok, ok I understand, but one of the great experiences in your life can't always be hurried Anyway she took me by the hand and we went into her bedroom. It was done in shades of blue and a sort of deep pink. I have a very clear memory of how warm and inviting it was. She had a large bed with very big pillows set up against the wall. Light was pouring in one of the windows. She pointed out that that was where she wanted the shade. No one could look in because we were higher than the next building. She had me take my shoes off and told me to get up and get comfortable. She sat down next to me and asked me if I wanted to make love to her. For a moment I wasn't certain what exactly "make love to her" meant. Then I realized that saying " screw" or "fuck", was not a wonderful way of describing what we were about to do. I simply nodded. She told me that all I had to do was relax as best as I could and she would teach me what it was to make love and to be loved. "First I think we should look at each other. I can't wait to see your beautiful body and I want to show you mine. Ok? " She reached over and gently brushed my penis through my jeans then began to loosen my belt. I took over from her and loosened it and the button and zipped the fly down. I quickly took my polo shirt off then my socks. I guess I was saving the most difficult for last. As I was lifting my ass to remove my pants she simply and quickly unseated and slipped her robe off. I was stunned. Remember this was the very first time I had ever seen a woman's completely naked body in my whole life. In that instant I forgot my swollen cock and feasted on the incredible body and person before me. She was also looking at me with such a warm sweet smile that my heart was filled with such a powerful combination of desire and love that I thought it would burst. "Gordie, I want you to know that you can look at me, touch me and you never ever be or feel shy or embarrassed. Do you understand that? It's really important that you feel as free and open as you possibly can. I found my voice and told her directly that I did understand what she meant and I would be her best pupil ever. I said that in a sort of kidding way but I also told her how grateful I was and that I felt I was living out some kind of dream. With that she touched my lips with her hand and brushed my erect penis. "Gordie this will feel like a dream but it is as real as can be." For a short while I took her up on what she had said and I just feasted my eyes on her. She had the most wonderful deep green eyes with long lashes. Her curly red hair was damp from the shower. She had a wide mouth, with full lips. Her lips were a deep pink, even with no lipstick. She had a dimple's on her lower cheeks when she laughed or smiled, which I adored. She had very pale, almost ivory skin. You could see the blue veins under it. She was that fair. Her breasts were a wonderful shape. They were not unlike many of the girls in the book. They were just bigger. They were very, I guess you might say uplifted. Her nipples pointed slightly up, and the amazing thing was they were the same color as her lips. I don't know why this struck me but it did. I didn't know then that she had other wonderful parts that were of that same erotic color. She was sitting next to me with her legs sort of under herself, leaning back on one hand. She reached over and said." Give me your hand, I'll show you something I bet you didn't know?" She took my hand and placed it on her breast. "Just gently play with my nipple. That makes a girl feel very good. I want you to hold my nipple gently. Just concentrate on how it feels, ok?" I did as she said. I loved the way it felt, and then I realized it was growing in my hand almost like a little penis only much subtler. When I held her nipple with my two fingers, it was very apparent; also, the part around her nipple got kind of goose bumps. She had closed her eyes. I could see that she really enjoyed it. She took my hand away and told me to close my eyes and she would show me something. I did and I felt the palm of her fingers on my nipples, then she played with them like I had touched hers. It felt great. I was amazed. I felt her breath on them a few moments later, and then her tongue licked them. I immediately felt my penis getting even harder than it had been. "You see Gordie, that gives you just a little idea how it feels. For a woman it's even better. I loved the feeling. "I would love you to kiss me. Just do it the way you want, and you can follow my lead or do it the way you want." I reached across to her and kissed her. Her lips at first were a little hard then they softened and I felt her mouth open as she enveloped me with her mouth. Her tongue moved into my mouth and began to play with my tongue. She was also kind of sucking and licking me at the same time. I loved the feeling of this live thing in my mouth and I returned her thrusts with my own. I was also caught up in her smell and taste. It was intoxicating. Her arms were around me holding me tight to her. She slowly moved her hands to the side of my head and gently moved me away from her mouth towards what I immediately knew was her breast. This time as I put her nipple in my mouth I could feel it grow between my lips. I sucked and gently nibbled at one then the other. I knew it must of felt good because she was moaning and telling me how good it was. She would sometimes tell me exactly what to do. She would have me be softer or harder. She wanted me to squeeze one nipple while I suckled on the other or I would change breasts. She would take my open palms, wet them with her tongue, and have me circle her nipples with them. She seemed to adore that. I loved watching her face. It was so expressive. Sometimes she would close her eyes and then she would look at me directly with this loving frank expression of what she was feeling. That was very exciting to see. She told me she didn't want to touch my cock too much. She said she was a little afraid I might cum too soon. I think she was right about that. The only way to describe my state was to call it ecstasy. Adele had quite a well-trained body. Her muscles were clearly defined and her legs especially were very strong looking and shapely. I especially loved her little belly, which aside from her breasts was her softest spot. She said she knew that I really had never seen a girls privates before and she would show me all of its secrets. She asked me if there was anything that I wanted to do, and I told her I wanted to kiss her soft sweet belly. She pulled me down to it and I did. I loved the way she smelled. After a short while she wanted me to sit between her legs, so she could show me her pussy. I moved down to where she wanted me to be. She had a patch of red hair on the upper part but the rest was exposed. She wanted to know if I had ever seen one? I told her only in magazines like "Hustler" or some others at a friend's house and once when I had seen Allison naked briefly in the bathroom. But that had been fleeting and I was so embarrassed it didn't count. By now, I was no less turned on and tremendously excited; yet I did not feel in any way embarrassed. Here I was moving around Adele's bed naked with a completely erect cock and all I felt was a warm loving feeling for her to go with my sexually heated state. I settled between her legs. She had them slightly parted with her knees somewhat raised. She had pulled herself up on the pillows so she was looking at me. She told me that she would show me where her best spots were, and how I could learn how to bring a woman off, just like when I jerked off. That way I would understand the details of how to "pleasure" a woman. She first showed me the parts of her pussy in detail. How the hood hid her clit and kept it safe, just like the foreskin of a boy. She showed me her outer and inner lips and the opening to her vagina. I was very interested to see that the lips were the same color as her nipples and lips. She pointed out that the same color was around her anus and it was natures way of showing where the most sexually sensitive places where. She pulled back the hood of her clitoris to show me. She wanted me to get as close as I could so I would be able to see it clearly. She was right it was small. It was also a slightly different color than the surrounding skin. Whiter, like a tiny wet nub. She wanted me to take my finger and wet it then put it a little way in her vagina, which I did. She made a mewing sound when I did that. She wanted me to concentrate on the feeling on my finger, which was wonderful, warm, moist, tight and alive. She showed me how she could contract her vagina to tighten around my finger. She said she would do that around my penis, and it would feel great. I believed her! She wanted me to take out my finger and smell it. She said it would be a very different odor, which all women had it but each one was somewhat different, like fingerprints. She told me that men's penis also have a distinctive odor, not as strong but also very sexual to a woman. I did smell my finger. It was like the ocean, with a kind of funky undertone and a kind of metallic part also. I found it completely different than anything I had smelled before, and I was grateful that she had so wonderfully prepared me. She wanted me to put my finger in again and get it good and wet. When I did, she was considerably wetter than before. She told me how when a woman is excited she produces all that moisture to lubricate the penis in the vagina. This talk and everything was getting me so aroused that I became afraid I might simply cum without even touching myself. Adele wanted me to taste her juices, so I removed my finger and licked it. I found the taste strange and I'm glad I smelled it first, but after a little bit, It seemed just fine, just a slightly saltier taste than the smell. I told Adele that I was afraid of just cuming without doing anything. She told me that she was really glad that I told her my concern, it was important that we be completely honest with each other so we can share the most intimate desires and concerns. She leaned over and gave me a kiss. I felt like I had been given a great reward. She wanted to know how often I jerked off. I told her at least once a day. Did I know how long did it take for me to feel sexual again? I told her sometimes just a short while at other times as much as fifteen minutes. She laughed at that, but reassured me that she was not laughing at me. Only that teenage boys, have this wonderful sexual ability to quickly recover from an orgasm. She told me she was thinking that maybe I should have an orgasm, then I wouldn't have to worry so much. She wanted to know what I thought. I agreed with her, but I wasn't sure what she wanted me to do or meant. Should I masturbate? I didn't have to do that, she said. If I wanted too, she would get me off. She wanted to save me getting inside her for later. Did I agree? What could I say? I trusted her completely. She told me to lie back and leave it to her. I moved around to her other side and put my head back on the pillows. The moment my head hit the pillow, I realized how extremely tense I had been. Just leaning back felt wonderful. I had this fantasy that my penis was gigantic and rose up many feet from my body. With my eyes closed, I heard this strange but familiar sound. I looked around and saw Adele squeezing something into her hand from small dispenser. From the smell, I knew it was baby oil. Through half closed eyes, I watched her rub her hands together warming the oil .I felt her hand near my erect penis even before she touched it. When she did, it was with extreme gentleness. She grasped the shaft with one hand, and rubbed around the tip with the other. She told me she simply wanted to get me off a little, so I would not have to worry so much. Even with her gentle handling, I was very close to an orgasm. She said she had a trick that would prevent me from having a big explosion and she explained what she was going to do. She told me that just as I was starting to cum, she would press on an area just bellow my scrotum, and that would stop me from ejaculating fully and save me for later action. She wanted to know if I was ready. I nodded that I was. She rubbed my shaft a little then around the hole at the tip. She began to move faster and faster. She told me to move her hand at the speed that I liked. The moment that I moved her hand faster I started to cum. It happened so fast that I didn't think there was any way to stop it. As I began to squirt semen into the air, I felt this sharp pressure between my anus and scrotum. It was not at all painful, but it was strong and boy was she right. My ejaculation ended. I still felt sort of turned on, but it was like a pressure valve had been released. She had a little bowl filled with warm water and she washed me off and dried me. By the time she had finished, my penis had already begun to come alive again. She wanted me to just relax, to close my eyes for a few minutes. She placed a light cover over me as I turned on my side.

I think I must off dozed off for a few minutes. I woke up not quite knowing where I was. Adele came into the room wearing her light blue bath- robe. Not at all sexy, just terry clothe. But thinking of what was under it started me up again. She came over and sat on the edge of the bed, bent down and kissed me on my cheek. I know it sounds silly, but I found her gesture so sweet that I found my eyes filling with tears. She was so loving and giving that my nervousness was completely gone. She wanted to know if the nap felt good. I told her that I was refreshed and was ready for my next lesson. We both laughed at that idea. She told me that she had put the heat up in the house because she wanted us to make love in the open, not under a blanket. She wanted my first experience to be out in the open. She told me that seeing was extremely important to heightening a sexual experience, especially to begin with. She reached over and placed my hand under her robe directly on her breast. She reached over and stroked my, by now erect again penis through the light blanket. She then pulled the blanket down and removed her robe. I can only say that it was as powerful an experience as it was the first time. Her nipple, where I had touched her was more erect than the other. I reached the other one and began to gently massage it. I could feel it enlarge between my fingers. When I pulled it a little, she sucked in air between her teeth and closed her eyes. I loved the feeling of giving her pleasure, specifically touching her and seeing her respond. She bent down and began to lick the head of my penis, especially around the rim and then the little hole. While she did that, she gently held my balls in her other hand while she held my erect shaft. I can hardly tell you how extraordinary this was. Each touch and lick send a shiver through my whole being, and not having to worry about spurting at her first touch gave me confidence that I could just enjoy the moment. She lay back next to me. Both her nipples seemed to be at least an inch long. I adored the way they were uplifted from her wonderful pear shaped breasts. She wanted me to sit between her legs. Which I did. She pulled me to her breasts and I began to suck them. First one then the other. The taste of the hard nipples in my mouth and her heavy breathing and sharp intakes of air as I experimented with how hard I would suck or nibble was an education in delighting her. She moved me back after a few minutes. She told me that she wanted me to "go down on her" I knew from before what she meant. She told me she would guide me as to what she liked and exactly where. She raised her knees and spread her legs until her pussy was completely revealed. She showed me how she wanted me to lick her along the clitoral hood then move to her outer lips, then the flower pedal like inner lips. I should pull back the lips and put my tongue inside her. I bent down to begin. I was glad that she had prepared me for the odor of her pussy. This time I loved the smell. I found it thrilling. Combined with the taste of her, the whole experience was immeasurably richer. That was the way I though of the whole smell and taste of her. She hardly had to say anything. I could tell from the sounds she made and her touch on the back of my head, what she liked. At one point, she shuddered a little bit and she then held my head from moving. Then she had me continue some more. After some minutes, when I was just beginning to feel that my tongue needed a rest, she moved my head up. Through half closed eyes she looked at me with a lovely smile and told me how wonderful that was. She wanted to know if I wanted to go inside her. For a moment, I wasn't sure what she meant. Then it dawned on me. She had me lie down on her I held my weight off her somewhat by pushing on the bed. She had her legs quite wide apart now. I could feel the dampness of her pussy. I wasn't certain what I should do. Just then, I felt her hand on my penis. She guided it in to her. It felt very good as my tip rested just inside her. Then with a thrust by her, in I went! It was glorious. The most wonderful feeling that I had ever experienced enveloped my cock! In that moment, I understood what it was all about. Adele was holding my ass tight. She then began to do something deep inside herself which moved around my cock in a gentle pulsating contraction. It was heaven. She then arched her pelvis upwards pushing me deeper yet. Without even realizing it, I began to meet her thrusts. I reached to hold her ass and to pull her even tighter into me. I was now moving in rhythm with her. Adele wrapped her legs around me. I felt as if I was merging with her she kept yelling things at me. Yes, yes yes, more more, harder harder, Christ! Oh my god! Shit! It was all beyond my ability to understand. All I knew was that I was riding an incredible, wonderful exquisite wave of feeling focused in her vagina and my cock. I was moving with giant thrusts faster and faster. I was holding on to her ass in an iron grip. Her breathing was turning into gasps each time I shoved myself into her. I could hear my own voice yelling also, but it seemed so far away. What I soon realized that I was going to cum and I needed to in the most urgent way. I wanted to flood her being with my own juices, and then it began, as though from my very core. From my toes, which I felt curling as the spasm hit me, to something deep within me which was shooting wave after wave of sperm on to her womb. As I began to cum, I felt her own climax hit in wave after wave of contractions of her vagina. It was as if each spasm of my orgasm was met by an equal pulsing of her own. We were both yelling, even screaming. At some point I simply became exhausted and lay there just breathing heavily. Adele was also tying to catch her breath. I could feel little flutters transmitted to my penis from her vagina. Although I was completely spent, they also felt marvelous. They were like small echoes of what had just happened.

By now, I was very turned on from both the story and Lin's closeness. Lin was leaning against the wall with her bare legs over me. A light cotton blanket covered me. I occasionally touched myself. I could hardly help myself with Gordie's sexual tale going on. At one point, Lin put her hand on mine from the outside of the blanket. I guess it was obvious what I had been doing. She looked over and smiled. She moved her hand under the blanket and began to stroke the lower part of my belly. I placed my hand on hers and moved her down to my by now wet pussy. She began to play with me in a very quiet way. Knowing that she was doing that to me secretly while Gordie told his story heightened the feeling in a strange yet thrilling way. Gordie continued.

I felt my own weight on Adele, but I was reluctant to move off her. I was afraid to take my penis from inside her. I could feel it loosen as it lost much of it's hardness. I still loved the feeling of being inside her. I felt her hands on my head. She moved me up to her mouth and gave me a long deep kiss. I returned it gratefully. Adele said we should move on the count of three. She counted down and on three I moved to her side, still inside her. She put one leg over me and somehow contracted her pussy. She told me it was her pussy thanking me. I contracted also a few times to return hers. I could feel my cock grow a little and then begin to relax. We kissed some more and we both slowly moved apart just a little. The cool air on my just warmed cock was a rude shock and reminded me how delicious a place it had just been. I began to say to her how great this had all been, when she gently quieted me with her hand at my mouth. She told me she knew it was good and I should just relax and cuddle with her a little bit, which I did. The smell of her and my own sweat and sperm was very apparent. I loved it. I could feel the wetness on both of our groins. I moved my leg between hers to better feel her wetness on my thigh. She said she wanted to lick me clean like a pussycat. I certainly didn't object. She bent down and began to lick my penis every where. In a few minutes, I began to harden again. She remarked on that and wanted to know if I wanted to try again? Of course, I said yes. This time she wanted me to just lay flat on my back. She straddled me and put my now fully erect cock inside her. She came down on me and then began to rock herself on me. I reached for her nipples with my mouth and fingers. She was moving faster and faster. She put her head on my shoulder and I held her ass, pushing her hard into me. I started to cum again. She leaned back and screamed. Seeing her breasts moving with her final thrusts put me over the edge and we both came again to a lot of gasping and yelling. It was another beyond belief moment. Adele moved off me and lay down at my side. We both lay there breathing hard with our bodies filmed with sweat. She reached out to hold my hand and brought it to her mouth. She kissed it. She told me how wonderful I was. What a natural lover I was, and that showed my real character. That I was someone who knew how to give to woman, who was unselfish and because of that, I would receive a great deal. I told her how much I loved her. She shushed me with a kiss gave me a big hug and sent me to the shower. When I came back to the bedroom, my clothes were laid out. I quickly got dressed and went into the living room. Adele had the Blinds and a small tool- box. She helped me put up the Blinds. I had a cold Coke, kissed her goodbye. It was one of the proudest experiences in my life.

I continued my "job" with Adele on and off for over two years until I went off to college.

Next: Chapter 12

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