Rest of My Life

By Leila Benson

Published on Jan 28, 2002


Chapter 1: "Home from Camp"

This is my second attempt to write a story to achieve a long-felt ambition. I had read some erotic pieces before, and some were very good indeed. Still I wanted see if I could reach out with just words and achieve the desired effect. Turning you on of course! The very first story I wrote was published a few weeks ago. It was called "Joan and I "

That story became a Chapter in this much longer story which I'm now trying to break up into chapters. I would love to know if I had my desired effect. This story describes about six months in the sexual transformation of a teenager as she discovers her powerful sexuality. It's very much taken from life. I guess you might say it's mostly a true story.

If this kind of story is problem for you go no further.

Central characters - Molly, a 16 year old. Allison, the friend and mother she baby sits for. Other friends and lovers.

Leila Benson


By Leila Benson

Copyright 2002

Chapter 1

(Home From Camp)

Coming home from Camp was somewhat depressing. Although I was looking forward to seeing everybody and especially since it was the start of my senior year at High School.

My best friend Joan and I stayed in touch by an occasional letter but we had decided that the letters would be free of any, I guess you might call it mushy stuff. So they were easy to write and we didn't have to worry if they got into the wrong hands.

Aside from my mom, dad and brother the first person I saw was Allison Bogart. Her daughter Cindy was my main, I guess to be honest, my one and only babysitting job. Allison's husband Mark was somehow a distant cousin, so distant in fact that I never actually knew or remembered exactly how he was related.

I had sat for the Bogarts for about three years. I started when Cindy was about two. I loved the Bogarts and of course Cindy. I really never tried for other sitting jobs. I sat for them, usually once a week or so. That was more than enough for me, and to tell the truth, starting with a new kid was not anything I wanted to deal with. So with the money from sitting for Cindy and my allowance and a little money that my Grandma gave me every few weeks I got along just fine.

Allison Bogart was I guess about 29 at the end of that summer and Mark was 32. I can figure that out because we were all at their wedding. I had, as best as I can recall, had always known Mark. At least I can't remember when I didn't know him and his family. His dad owned the local newspaper and one of the local radio stations. Mark managed that station and the editorial page of the paper. Allison was from downstate. Mark had met her somehow through a friend at college.

I vividly recall when Mark brought her home for a weekend. There was a lot of talking about whether this was the girl he was serious about. My mother was convinced she was. She said she could tell by how intimately they looked at each other and touched each other. My mom definitely has a very sensitive nature. She was right of course and they announced their engagement a few weeks later.

I had always liked Mark a great deal. He always had time to ask how you were and how things were going. Kids can tell when someone is really interested and Mark was. I admit that I also loved the attention he gave me. I thought he was wonderful to look at. He was a little taller than average with a kind of dark complexion. He had tightly curled dark brown hair, almost black. He looked just like his mom who I know was of Italian background. Just to keep the record straight, everyone liked Mark a great deal especially my brother who always claimed it was Mark who really taught him how to field a fast ground ball. In other words, we kids thought he was a great guy.

Allison, I recall, was liking right away. She was much quieter than Mark, but of course she was the one coming into his world. I always remember thinking how hard I thought that might be. Allison was the first young woman I knew, who I actually thought was beautiful. She had in those years long light brown hair and the first green eyes I had ever seen. I sometimes would secretly stare from the side to see if her eyes were really green! She was tall, slender, and quite graceful. She told us she was a dancer, not professionally of course but something that she was very serious about. She was my ideal of what I thought a dancer looked like.

Allison took me to my first dance recital given at the State College in the next town. I adored it. In retrospect, I think I was sort of smitten by both of them, even then.

When I had come home from camp that Friday, the week before the Labor Day weekend, I admit I was in sort of a funk. The excitement of the summer was still vibrating in my mind and body. Although, I had plenty to look forward too, especially seeing my friend Joan. I knew she wasn't coming back till just after Labor Day so I had a week or so of kind of feeling suspended between two worlds. My fantasy memory life as you might imagine was going full time, but my days of waiting for the rest of my life to begin was weighting me down.

I had been playing at weeding the garden in our back yard when my mom told me that Allison was on the phone. I raced into the house to take the call and I was amazed at the pleasure I got from simply hearing Allison's voice.

She wanted to hear about my camp experience and how the summer had gone and did I want to come on over and maybe have a swim. Cindy was at day camp and Allison thought it might be fun to surprise her when she came home at about 4:30. She also wanted to know if I wanted to go with them to their summer and weekend house at the lake for the Labor Day Weekend and maybe do a little sitting? I said yes to every thing.

I went upstairs, grabbed my bathing suit, told mom what Allison had said and took off. They only lived about five blocks away. I took my bicycle and off I went.

As I was peddling towards the Bogard's house it occurred to me that there was no doubt that Allison would like to know what had gone on at camp. I had in many ways confided more about my personal life to Allison than anybody other than Joan, but I had never talked with her about anything sexual, and God knows that was the core of my experience this past spring and certainly this summer. I decided that I would be very circumspect and not reveal too much. There was plenty to talk about what had gone on other than my sexual experiences and anyway I was feeling pretty shy about talking about that even to Joan!

I pulled into their driveway, dropped the bike against the garage wall and out of the house came Allison wearing her bathing suit with a sarong bottom.

She looked great, and I was so happy to see her that I realized my eyes had filled with tears. At that point it sort of came to me that I was overwrought. That the summer had had such a powerful effect on me was yet unclear.

Allison gave me a big hug, held me away from herself and gave me another. She took my hand and we walked through the house to the back screened in porch and veranda.

"Are you hot? Do you want to take a swim? Want to sit for awhile, have a cold drink? What would you like? Can you come this weekend? Your mom says it's fine with them. How about some iced tea" Allison exclaimed all this in one big burst of pleasure at seeing me. I was touched by here warmth.

I said. "I'd love to come this weekend. That would be great!"

Allison threw me a towel. "Dry yourself off. You're sopping wet. You must have raced over here. You can barely catch your breath. I'll get us some iced tea. Relax. I'll be right back."

I realized that my heart was racing and I was perspiring heavily. I took some deep breaths, wiped myself down, fixed my hair and in general pulled myself together. Allison came back a few minutes later with a tray with a big pitcher of the iced tea and glasses.

"Well you look a little more relaxed". She said as she handed me the glass. "You look great! For someone who was an Art Councilor, you obviously got a lot of sun. Well how was it? Did it work out? Tell me everything, I'm dying to know." She exclaimed!

"Wait a second." She added, now sounding sort of serious. "Do me a favor. Get up for a second I want to look at you." She said. "You know, I always hated when people said this when I was in my teens, but Molly you've grown, you've matured. I can see it in your face and your body. You're much more of a woman. I can see it very clearly." She said all that in almost one exclamation. "Listen, I hope I'm not embarrassing you? I don't mean to. I certainly don't want to make you uncomfortable. It's just so wonderful seeing it happen, It sort of popped out." She said that in her warm sweet way.

She was concerned that she may have embarrassed me or made me feel shy. I felt a swell of love for her caring so. "Oh, Allison I know your right, it does make me feel a little uncomfortable, but so what, I'll survive!"

We both burst out laughing at that and the tension almost evaporated. I realized I had been dying to tell her.

"Allison, it was the most important summer of my life. There's no doubt about it. I had a great summer." I told her that quietly and calmly. Allison looked at me intently.

"Molly, that means only one thing to me, I think you've lost your virginity, fallen in love, really discovered sex, or a combination of all of these things and others that I don't know about. Right?"

I could feel myself turn red. I knew I had because I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I now realized I had to make a fast decision. Just how much would I confide? In an instant I knew I would confide a heavily edited version of the events.

"God Allison is it that obvious? You're right on all the questions. Guilty as charged." I tried to keep it light, but I realized that I was very nervous.

Allison picked up on my false bravado immediately. "Look relax Molly, I really only want you to tell me what you feel comfortable talking about. I have absolutely no interest in making you feel like you have to tell me everything. I care about you and I remember when I was about your age I had no one to talk to at all, and believe me that was really difficult." She was trying to reassure me of her good intentions, which in fact I had never questioned in my heart. "Molly, I want to make a few things clear. Maybe this will help. Anything and I mean anything you confide in me is absolutely in confidence that's for openers, also, there is nothing that you can't ask me. I've known you for too long not to take seriously any concern of yours". She said all this with obviously such sincerity and feeling that I felt both such a rush of love and I also felt conflicted about not telling her absolutely everything, but yet I still felt it was better to withhold a great deal.

"You know, I'd love to go for a swim." I said. The pool looked inviting after the bike ride and I needed a little time and something of a break from the intensity of the moment.

"Of course. Go change. You know where. I'll meet you outside." Even Allison seemed somewhat relieved by the break.

I changed in the pool dressing room. When I came out Allison was already in the water. The pool was a recent addition. They had wanted to wait until Cindy could swim before they had installed it. It was very beautiful, with the water right up to the edge. It had a separate shallow area and a Jacuzzi with it's own water supply where you could control the temperature. All and all, it was by far the most luxurious pool I had ever seen.

"Come on in. The water feels great!" Allison yelled. I dove in. It did feel great. I swam around for a while. I thought to my self. " This is what frolicking is." The water and the activity made me feel more relaxed yet I knew I had to tell her something and I could not quite get that out of my mind. But what exactly?

Allison was standing in the shallow area and I worked my way down to her. "You know Allison, I trust you more than anyone, and I mean anyone." I said. "Last spring I had my first real experience." I sort of blurted out. "I mean sexual."

" I knew what you meant." Allison quietly said.

She climbed out of the water and pulled a towel from the back of a chaise lounge. She dried herself off. I watched her from the water, then I also climbed out. Allison handed me my towel that was on an adjoining chair. I felt more assured now. I was certain that in Allison's hands it would be ok.

"Listen Allison a lot has happened to me in five months, I'm not even sure I understand it all. Maybe by talking it out with you I'll understand a lot more. Ok?"

"Sure." She said, as she continued to dry herself. "Try me out, tell me as much or as little as you find comfortable. I'm not going to pull anything from you, I promise." She finished drying herself and leaned back on the covered chaise.

"Well". I said. "As they say lets start at the beginning."

I told her about my relationship with Joan from when it started in April. About my sexual attraction to woman. I didn't go into detail, but I tried to convey to her the power of my feelings. How stirred my desires had been by the affair. I told her about my relationship at camp with Lila and with Jeff. Allison listened quietly. She occasionally asked a question or two when the chronology of events may have been confusing. Otherwise she simply sat back and listened.

I had moved my chair so I was directly in front of her. At one point I was aware that my knee and hers had touched. I never would have been aware of anything like that before but there was no doubt about it, the telling of those experiences was making me excited. I should add that I had, ever since camp an almost continual sexual high, always a slight buzz somewhere in the background of my feelings.

While I was talking I sometimes had my eyes averted. I found myself focused on the downy fine hair on Allison's upper thigh and on her stomach below her navel. The sunlight on her skin had me transfixed. I felt I was almost in a spell when Allison interrupted me. I barely heard what she had said I was so into my story. I felt her hands in mine I stopped talking. She looked at me deeply with such tenderness tears came to my eyes.

She said. "Molly, come inside, you look chilled. Before you do, I want to say one thing. That is the most beautiful coming of age experiences I have ever heard and I think you're terrific, even more wonderful than I always thought you were. Now let's go change, I have a few things I want to share with you, Ok?"

We went into the shower changing room. There was a big double stall shower. I realized we were going to shower together. A powerful feeling of shyness overcame me. It reminded me of group showers at school, something I did everything to avoid. I felt like Sissy Spaseck in the movie "Carrie." Allison quickly took off her bathing suit and turned and entered the shower stall. I was frozen in place.

Allison said, "This is a double shower. You can have your own temperature."

She moved to the back shower and turned it on. She stayed just outside the spray until she had adjusted the temperature. I was standing there in my wet bathing suit shivering and at the same time looking at Allison's body.

The water was pouring off her head and made her hair a wet blonde helmet. Her eyes were closed which eased my discomfort. She was wonderfully tanned. You could clearly see the bathing suit lines on her body. She was long waisted with the beautiful well-formed legs of a dancer. Her breasts were larger than I thought they would be for some reason. I suppose because she was so tall and well proportioned.

Her breasts and nipples were very different than mine. They were almost perfect. I've read somewhere that someone "had nipples like buds". Well that describes Allison's. They were pink and erect from the shower. Her aureoles were the same lovely pink except for goose bumps around them. I looked down to see that her pubis was shaven. I was shocked. Allison opened her eyes and saw me looking at her.

She said warmly, "It even looked odd to me when I first shaved myself. Now I guess you might say it's like shaving under your arms. For gods sake take off that wet suit. You look like your chilled. Hand me the towel behind the door, ok?"

I handed her the towel, as I slipped my suit off. Allison dried herself off, but she was casually looking at me. "Molly you really have developed wonderfully in the last year. I could see it happening. Mark said something also. Of course seeing you directly in front of me it's so obvious. You've developed a lovely sweet ass and your breasts are just marvelous. The way the aureoles and nipples form such a perfect cone. It's a delectable shape. Really unusual. At the risk of embarrassing you, it's very sexy." She continued to dry herself as I walked into the shower. The shower felt great, it was relaxing, yet I was still, I guess you might say, still turned on. .

"Molly, I'm going to wash and dry your clothing. It's wet from your ride over." I heard Allison say. " Take the ivory silk robe from the hook behind the door. I'll meet you in the living room. Ok?" "Alright" I replied. I shampooed my hair with a wonderful smelling shampoo. I realized it was one of the nice odors I associated with Allison. I dried myself off, found the robe. It felt great on my body. I had never had silk over my body before. I loved the way it felt. I was refreshed, but not fully relaxed. There was no getting away from it I was excited, mildly, and I was very aware of the feeling.

I went into the living room; Allison was on the couch sideways, with her feet up. She motioned for me to sit at her feet, which I did.

"Listen Molly". She said calmly. "I'm going to share a confidence with you now. I've been bisexual since I also was about 16, and even more completely when I went to college. I know you met my lover here some time ago. Her Name is Lin and I've known her since college."

I clearly remembered Lin. She was a beautiful Eurasian woman about the same age as Allison. I had only met her briefly, yet I recalled she was striking, with a slender exotic look.

Allison continued, "I want us to be clear and straight about this. You and I are bisexual. This was not just some teenage sexual experiment. You're drawn powerfully to both men and woman almost exactly as I was. You seem fairly relaxed about it, which I think is marvelous. When I realized woman could sexually excite me I was very worried and remained that way until college. It was two long years of concern and anxiety for me, which believe me, I regret. I can't tell you how much pleasure it gives me to see you so relaxed about it." She said all of this in such a sincere deeply felt way my heart was melting. "Of course I know you're not really and fully as relaxed about all of this, but I tell you Molly you are so lucky to have had someone as loving as Lila as one of your first relationships. Molly to tell you the truth, I'm sort of jealous."

I looked up, and I could see she was very serious. I was flattered and I told her. " Allison that is so great for you to say. You're right about everything. Inside I'm not so calm at all, I guess."

I looked down again to see that Allison's robe had fallen open somewhat and I was looking directly at her shaved pussy. Her feet were up on the couch and her legs were slightly parted and I could see everything. I could feel my ears get red and hear my heart pickup speed.

I looked up and heard myself say, "Allison I need to be straight right now. All of this talking and seeing you, you know, sort of naked, but most of all just being with you has begun to get me excited right now. Is that normal? Am I too excitable? Do you think that's ok?" I asked.

Allison quickly stood up before me and leaned down and took my hands in hers and looking me right in the eyes and said. "Molly, that's only natural, those are wonderful feelings. I've felt turned on by you ever since you told me your story. Even a little before then when I saw you in your bathing suit. When I saw you coming out of the shower I could hardly control myself."

With that, Allison sat down next to me on the couch, leaned over and kissed my hair. As I looked up, she then bent towards me and kissed my lips. Not deeply but not lightly either. I responded by opening my lips. She reacted by taking my head in her hand and placing it under her chin, then she moved me away so she can see me. I'm speechless.

I'm in the corner of the wide couch; Allison was sitting next to me. In almost a whisper she said, "Molly I would love to give you some pleasure and relax you. Is that something that you would like?"

I nodded yes. "Very much" I replied.

Allison took a cushion from the love seat and gave it to me. "Make your self comfortable, lie back, put your feet up." She half lifts my legs onto the couch. I did the rest.

I lay back on the cushion. She moved to sit next to me on the deep couch. We both fitted comfortably. She leaned over and lightly strokes my forehead, my hairline then my eyebrows, my shut eyelids. She took her fingertip and begins to trace my lips. I opened my mouth and touched the tip of her finger with my tongue. I licked her fingertip. She moved it into my mouth and I sucked it gently. She moved her finger in response to my lips and tongue, in and out, in and out. She played with the corners of my mouth then she moved to my ears and plays with the little bit of skin by the opening, then to the lobes.

I felt her other hand move around to the back of my neck. I can feel her breath close to me. I looked up through the slits of my eyes and saw her lips moving down towards mine. Her hand gently lifted my head towards her lips. I helped her. I opened my lips to receive her mouth. She sucked my lips then my tongue. She thrust her tongue into me, around my mouth. I was hungry for air. I realized I've hardly been breathing. I gulped for air.

Allison moved back. "You ok?" she asks.

"Ok? I whispered, "I'm great".

She smiled at me and took her hand and gently brushed my right nipple through the silk robe. I gasped, took in a big gulp of air. It wass like an electric shock. My heart was pounding now, my mouth went dry. I could feel my pulse in my ears and in my vagina. She took her other hand and brushed my other breast. I could feel myself thrusting my breasts out to meet her fingers. Through the silk robe she took my distended nipple in her fingertips and began to move up and down, hardly moving at all, just squeezing and moving.

I heard myself groan, "Oh my god Allison, that is so good, so good."

She stopped for a moment. I look at her. I was almost overwhelmed by such deep feelings. I implored her with my eyes. She took the belt of my robe away and quickly untied it and opened it. My breasts were revealed. She continued by circling my aureole with the very tip of her finger. She took my breast and lifts it gently as she bent towards it. She took the entire aureole and nipple in her mouth. I felt her tongue moved around my aureole then my nipple. Her teeth bit gently on my nipple. I was beside myself. I realized that I'm rocking back and forth to her sucks. I could hardly bare much more.

I gasped and pulled away, "Allison, the other, the other one."

She moved towards it. I almost thrust my other breast into her mouth. As she suckled it, I realized that I might have a small orgasm. I didn't want to. I wanted this to last. I could also feel I was very wet between my legs and I began to loose the moment. I also could actually smell myself; I had been flowing so heavily.

"Wait Allison, wait." I almost yelled. I pulled away.

Allison looked up. "Alright''? She asked.

"My god Allison, I'm more than alright, I'm feeling wonderful. I thought I was going to cum and I wanted to wait and I'm worried about being so wet and staining the couch."

Allison bent over and kissed me gently. "Shhhhh don't worry, I'll get a towel. I don't want you to have an orgasm until you want to. So you let me know if you want to wait. Just don't worry. Ok?"

She got the towel. I worried that the moment had been over. I stood up and she put it on the couch. My robe was open and I could feel how wet I was. She took her hands and gently put her hand on my shoulders and pressed me back down to the couch. I leaned back, my feet not touching the floor; the couch was so deep. Allison got down on her knees. She took the corner of the towel and gently began to wipe my upper thighs, then my inner thighs. I parted my legs to allow her. The moment is far from over.

She said, "You have a such a nice flow and I love the aroma, so sweet and salty, so womanly."

Her words and her gentle wiping of my pubis and the little hair I had there felt so good. My eyes were closed. I felt the edge of the towel gently brushed my vaginal lips then the hood of my clitoris. It was all very gentle and careful as Allison wiped every part of my outer genitals. I had widened my legs to allow her as much freedom as possible and to show her how much I wanted her to continue.

I whispered "Oh yes Allison that's great."

I could feel her breath on my pussy. She blew gently at my clitoral hood. She must be inches away then. I felt the tip of her finger just playing along the outer lips. I was completely open to her. My legs were as wide apart as they would go.

I begged her, "Allison, please, please, I need it, I need it, please."

Her tongue darted out and licked along my outer lips. I felt her hands moved under my ass and lifted my mound up to her mouth. She began to suck at my vagina. I could feel the suction. Her tongue was moving in and out of me. She moved away slightly then flicked her tongue on to my clitoris.

I screamed out "Do it, do it, yes, oh my god, oh my god!" My hands that had been to my side were then pulling her head into my pussy. I was beside myself with pleasure. I keep yelling, "Oh Allison, oh Allison."

She took my legs and put them over her shoulders. I realized how much I had been straining holding them open. I released her head for a moment. She looked up at me with such a loving smile. The lower part of her face was wet with my juices. She was licking my juices from her lips.

She whispered, "Are you ready? You can make as much noise as you want nobody can hear us."

I heard myself almost yell. "Yes, oh yes."

She leaned up and kissed me fully and deeply. I could smell and taste myself on her lips and tongue. She moved to my nipples and sucked and gently bit both. Then she was on her knees and reached behind me again and pulled me to her mouth. She began to lick and suck my clit. I could feel her hands pulling me into her. She had pulled my ass cheeks apart and was rubbing between them with her fingers. I was wet even there.

I felt myself beginning to move towards an orgasm. I could hear myself moaning in rhythm to her movements. My hands were now grasping at the edge of the couch pillow. I felt Allison's tongue moving from my clit to my vagina back and forth. She let go of my ass and reached up and with both hands and began to pull my nipples in time to the thrusts of her tongue.

At that moment I climaxed. I screamed out. I was having one convulsive wave after another. I did need something in me. I pushed Allison's head away and put my fingers inside myself and continued the movements. Allison started to now pulsate my clit with her fingertip while squeezing my nipple. I then had my feet on the floor and I was pushing myself onto Allison's fingers which had now replaced mine and I was pulling my own nipples and I kept on yelling. I was having one cum after another. I heard myself sobbing. Allison began to slow down. I lay back on the couch completely spent. Allison took her fingers out of me and quickly moved up next to me on the couch. I was sprawled out. I continued to sob. I couldn't stop myself.

Allison cradled me in her arms and asked, "You ok?" I nodded yes.

I was still getting small little spasms. I felt myself shudder. I said in a shaky voice. "I always cry when it's so good, I can't help it. Oh Allison, Allison thanks. It was so great. I can't stop."

I kissed her deeply. She held me tight. I began to come back to earth. I asked her. "What about you"?

She told me not to worry. I could owe her one. Mark would have a very hot surprise tonight. We both laughed. She stood up before me. Her robe was open. I reached behind her and pulled her over. I boldly kissed her shaven mound. She was wet. I took a deep breath to smell her wetness. She stepped back and told me not to get her started.

I said. "Allison I accept my debt."

Allison told me to relax, that she went to throw my clothes in the dryer. She quickly came back with a light blanket and covered me. She sat down next to me.

She said, "You are so wonderfully responsive. Making love to you is a great pleasure. I just want you to know that I'll only reveal to Mark what you want me to. You needn't worry about that."

I thought about that and what that meant. I told her that I didn't want us to hold any secrets from Mark that it would be a bad way to start some kind of relationship if we began with a secret. "So as far as I'm concerned I want you to tell him as much as you want. I completely trust you Allison and I'm sure I can trust Mark. Gee, Allison you have my complete confidence."

She bent down and kissed my forehead, and said, "Molly you'll never regret that. I promise you."

She left me for a while. I drifted off to sleep for a while. Allison came back newly showered and dressed. She had my clothes. "Here my darling, why don't you take a nice shower and get dressed. Cindy should be home in about a half an hour."

I showered and dressed and thought about the afternoon. I was filled with joy. Cindy came home and screamed with the delightful surprise of finding me there and the news that I was going away with them that weekend. I spent a few minutes alone with Cindy. Said goodbye to Allison and told her laughingly, "I'll think of you and Mark tonight. I'll speak with you tomorrow to get the arrangements for the trip."

I pedaled home filled with anticipation for the coming long weekend.

The End Of Part - I.

Next: Chapter 2

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