Rest Home Companion

By tt hh

Published on Jan 7, 2014


Rest Home Companion


Other stories by the same author- Dale Plays Dressup Family Camping RX For Insomnia --written under the name of eroticlit

This is a story that will be updated frequently

None of the characters depicted in the following story are based on real characters, nor do they follow the lives of persons living or dead. The author of this story does not condone sexual acts involving children, although the author does support the expression of ones self in safe ways such as writing and talking about personal desires. This story was written for the purposes of expression of fantasy and should be received as such.

I work at a retirement home, it's fairly easy work and I get to really know the people that are in here. In total there is 60 or so men and women that we take care of in their final days. Coming to work here was an odd move but I went from being a Paramedic and having a high paced lifestyle to quieting down at the home where I keep an eye on everyone that has been in the hospital recently and needing regular IV treatment. Fun work and the atmosphere is usually a lot less hectic than in an Ambulance.

There is a wing here that houses mostly war vets and public servicemen, they put them together so it's easier for them to get together and talk about the old days where they held a rifle every day. I really like going down there at night where the guys regail me in stories from the bunkers and tell me about the French pussy they had overseas. It can be a sad place though, most of the people here don't have family visits, they don't go outside much and from what I can tell, before I came along they weren't getting many warm mouths on their cocks.

I had been at the home for almost three months when I first saw one of the old guys getting themselves off in their rooms. I was doing a check on everyone before bed when I walked into Henry's room, he is mostly deaf so he likely didn't hear me enter he certainly didn't open his eyes when I stood at the door watching him fumble with his cock. Not knowing what to do I just backed out slowly and gave him ten minutes to finish up. I still had to go back into his room and check vitals and such so when I went in the next time he was lazily laying on his bed, obviously spent from his little session. I checked his pulse and blood pressure and told him I would see him later.

"Next time, you don't have to leave"

I was shocked, didn't know the old timer had seen me. "Henry my man, I didn't want to disturb you"

He just smiled and I walked out.

I am bi, dating a girl that I have awesome sex with but I am always looking for a good cock to suck on the side. Mostly in my town it's workers looking for a quick blow in their hotel rooms but I typically go for the dad types that will appreciate every time their cock touches the back of my throat. The thought of going down on one of my patients hadn't occurred to me but that night as I layed in bed at home I couldn't stop thinking about Henry's cock and the way that he was fumbling around with his old hands.

The next day at work I was a wreck, every time I saw one of the guys in a robe I was thinking of cock. The thought of having thirty or more possible cocks to service nightly was making it hard to not be hard all day at work. As the sun was setting and dinner was over I set out to do my final checks for the night and I made sure to leave Henry for last. My heart was pounding as I stood at his door, I couldn't hear any noises and almost hoped he had fallen asleep before I got there. Opening the door a crack I could see that he wasn't in bed. When I stepped in he was in his chair by the window, robe open with his hand resting on his thigh. Looked like he was either planning to get himself off again and fell asleep or had finished and passed out. Either way I was salivating at the the sight of his shrivelled cock. Henry wasn't an endowed guy, he had some weight on him so all I could see was a couple of inches on top of a huge ball sack. When I walked up to him he stirred a bit, I grabbed his wrist nearest his cock to get a pulse reading and he woke up. "I'm sorry for not being in bed, tried to have some fun before bed but couldn't finish with my sore wrists" - "Oh, that isn't good at all, you had fun last night though didn't you?" - "No, I haven't been able to finish in a long long time"

In a somewhat professional sense, mostly erotic my heart sank. This poor old timer couldn't get himself off without being in pain. I had the blood pressure cuff on him and squatted between his legs to listen to his chest sounds. From there I was almost at face level with his little cock. I really took my time inflating the BP cuff and stared him in the eyes for quite a while until he slowly thrust his hips towards my face. To me that was his way of saying that he needed to cum in a bad way and my mouth was his salvation. With the stethoscope and BP cuff still in hand I rolled forward on the balls of my feet and softly sucked his little cock into my mouth. My mouth was soaked with spit as I rolled my tongue around the underside, coaxing him hard. With slight pressure and my tongue working every way it could I slowly felt him getting hard. I had never had to work so much for a hard cock but this was going to happen no matter what I had to do.

Ever slowly he came to life, he only made it to just past the back of my tongue when fully erect but he was loving every slurp I gave him. He had his hands on the back of my head pushing as deep into my mouth as he could. "I haven't cum in years, please make me cum". Again my heart melted. This man was feeding me cock like a champ and I had to help him out, I had to taste every drop that he would give me. I don't know if it was an old age thing or if he was just really good at holding off but I worked him for almost a half hour before I could feel him swelling. He grabbed my hair harder than before and started grunting just before volleys of cum hit me. This guy wasn't kidding, he had a warehouse of thick sharp cum for me. Even after his orgasm let up I could feel him leaking into my mouth. My knees were sore from squatting, my jaw was aching from having this old cock in my mouth but it was a thrilling experience to have him empty inside my throat. As I let his shrivelling cock drop from my puffy lips he had already fallen asleep. I put a blanket on him and charted his pulse (before he came) before leaving him.

I was hard as a rock when I went to the nurses station. That was the most insane and erotic thing I had ever done. His cum taste was on my tongue for the rest of the shift. This is where I began. From here on out at the home I was a caregiver second, cum swallower first. There was such a list of possibilities, so many guys to figure out. I knew for sure that some wouldn't be too kind to a 20 something guys sucking on their cocks, they grew up in different times. Some of them I knew I would have to trick. Some I'm sure would be more than happy to feed me but it is all a matter of how and when.

I had two days off after I sucked Harvey dry, is deep thick cum kept coming to mind every moment of my days off. When my next shift started I felt like a young girl going on her second date, I had butterfly's thinking about what could be in store for me.

Right away I saw my cum donor friend Henry, he was in the TV room when I walked in through the main corridor. He nodded to me slightly then went back to his show.

In the way my day goes it usually a flutter of charts and checks, placing IV lines and running around for supplies so I had little to no time to think about who I could check on to see if they would let me give them speciality treatment on my night rounds. One that I thought for sure I could get interested was a man named Ron but he had been taken by his family for a few nights away from the rest home so I would have to wait for him to get back. He for the most part plays up being senile and forgetful but I've caught him a few times sharp as a whip and horny for anything. A while back he even went for a feel on me and I just brushed it off as a mistake but thinking back I'm sure he was testing the waters.

I was planning on getting to Henry last during my final rounds but to my surprise, one of the LPNs came up to me saying that he had asked if I could go back to his room, I had "forgotten something in there"

Curious, intrigued, horny, scared, nervous, turned on, flabbergasted.... so much going on in my head.

When I got to his room I entered like I would any other patient, quickly while making small talk as I closed the door. My new friend was in his chair again, robe open, reading a small book with a coffee on the table beside him. The old bugger was ready for a repeat, I wonder how long he had been prepping for this?

I kept chatting as if I was in there doing my checks, in this home because of the risk that it would hold we don't have locks on the doors but the residents can lock up their valuables in their dressers. At any time I could be interrupted by a nurse doing her own duties. Henry surprisingly had already gotten hard and was at full attention when I dropped down and swallowed him. This time he was a little more bold too, giving me slight bucks and humps as I gobbled him up. He didn't take as long and within five minutes I had drained him completely again, he was thinner this time and certainly didn't have the same volume of cum but the salty taste was still very enjoyable. I took his vitals and checked a few things for him as he calmed down from our second little adventure. While I was checking him he slowly stroked my hard cock under my scrubs. I'll admit, I felt like a little tart because as he was getting into holding my cock I gave his hand a little slap and told him to be good. I left the room smiling at him and told him that I would see him again tomorrow night.

I still had half the men to check up on for the night and admittedly I was going to have a hard time of it with the thought of our second cum session over already. The night went on as normal but nearing the end of my shift I had an assistance light go off, the other nurses were busy so I figured I would take a look for them, they typically deal with these things but they are usually something like a resident needing the heat turned up.

I walked into the room of a guy named Charles. He was in his mid eighties and didn't say a whole lot any more. When I got in the room he was fast asleep and from the looks of it he had been laying on the button that called the nurses. I was doing simple vitals to ensure that he was OK when I noticed that he was in the nude. Old Charles had a whopper of a cock too, even in his old age you could see that he would have been one of the biggest guys in any room he was in. I brushed my hand over his cock a few times to see if it would flutter but alas it did not. The door opened behind me and a nurse walked in asking if he was alright. "yeah" I said, nearly being caught with my hand on his heavy cock. "Charles is a heavy sleeper these days, usually doesn't wake when we roll him on the bed in the morning" the nurse was acting very casual, didn't seem to notice what I had been up to. "I think he just rolled onto the button in his sleep, I'll check him out though" I said to hurry her out of the room.

'Sound sleeper hey?'

I played with his thick cock a few more times to see if it would stir and sure enough, I started to get a semi-hardon from him. He didn't change his snoring at all as I gave him a soft hand job, slowly he got hard enough that I could stroke his whole length. It was two of my hand widths long and heavy to hold, I was envious of this old time stud. Not wanting to waste time but scared as hell he would wake and be pissed off at what I was doing I had my mouth on his soft head getting ready to test some more waters. Just as I was getting ready to devour as much of him as I could into my throat he half stirred and rolled onto his side, his leg was now covering most of what I craved and stopped my search for another load for the night.

My last investigation was with a guy named Leo. He was blind and I know that the nurses had a hard time with him always grabbing at their asses and tits. I asked Levita one of the nurses to help me in his room, I said I wanted to get him propped up better in the bed, truthfully, she had short hair around my length and I was thinking that if he figured it was her sucking he would lay back and enjoy without having to know who it really was with their lips wrapped firmly around his cock. She was a champ, came along without asking a thing, helped me and then left, no goodbye which was perfect for me. Now I played the part and pretended to be saying goodbye. He was half laying back, on top of the bedding in a robe and undershorts. I went close to him and adjusted bedding some more while 'accidentally' cupping his balls in the process. Leo played along beautifully. "Looks like you finally decided to give me the right treatment" he said as he moved his hand up to cop a feel of my (Levita's) chest. I lightly slapped his hand away but started into giving him a handjob, watching to make sure he didn't get exploring anymore with his hands.

Once Leo was nice and hard I picked up the pace, not sure if I should suck him or not, the chances of him finding out I wasn't who he thought I was was too much. He didn't take long to cum and I was able to suck it all off of my hand as he spasmed and moaned.

"You see, none of the girls will do that, come back any time son and you can do it right"

I was floored, the old bugger knew all along. "How did you know who it was?" - "I'm not totally blind, I saw the whole thing"

Well there is that I thought. I retired from his room excited. I had two down now, and the possibility of a third with Charles.

My plan was working out really well so far.

Next: Chapter 2

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