Rest Area Slut

By Ted Davidson

Published on Dec 6, 2023



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Rest Area Slut

I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it. I hated to use those nasty rest area bathrooms but I had no choice. Why did I have to live so far away from work? I pulled off the free way towards the building off of the road. My legs were shaking, not knowing if I could actually make it to the bathroom or not. Luckily this time though, I made it. The smell of the bathroom was intense, and it looked like it might be cleaned once a week. I ran to the other side of the room where the bank of urinals were located and picked my stall. I unzipped, flopped my dick through the hole, then released. The feeling was incredible. I immediately felt relief as my bladder drained my hot piss into the urinal.

"That feels so fucking good."

My head snapped around, I had thought I was alone but apparently not. I shook the last bit of piss from my dick, then stuffed it back into my pants. I was curious now to who said that. I glanced under the stalls as I made my way back through the bathroom and saw under one stall two sets of feet. One of them was kneeling down, and the other person's legs were trembling hard. No doubt someone was getting a blowjob in there. I chuckled to myself never seeing something like this in real life. I was immediately turned on at the thought of two men blowing each other on the side of the partition.

I knew that I was gay since the day I first set eyes on my first cock. Sure it may have been just my uncles when we were getting ready to go into the public pool but I knew from then on that I just preferred cock over anything else. I had never actually been with another man though. I enjoyed to toy with my ass from time to time with toys I bought off of Amazon, but never had the real thing.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum!" the trembling man said. "Ugh Ugh fuck."

I could feel the tension of my cock pressing against my zipper. I was startled when the kneeling man stood up and the lock to the stall clang open. Both men walked out with out even picking up a head to acknowledge that I had heard the entire thing. I walked over to the stall that there were just occupying and took a look inside. It was a strange stall because I was the same size as the rest but it had no toilet. It was just an empty stall, maybe for storing some of the cleaning supplies? I walked into the empty stall and the familiar smell of hot cum surrounded me. These men were in here for longer than just a quick suck off. I look to my left on the wall and see the a square about three inch by three inch is cut into the way, making a portal from one stall to the next. I guess in my mind I had always thought of a glory hole to be a little circle cut into the wall, not a square. My cock was now uncomfortable as it pressed against my jeans. Every scenario imaginable ran through my mind. I could have been on the other side of that wall, watching as the two men fucked. I unzipped my pants to release the pressure and noticed that my cock was already leaking precum, I was fucking horny. I proceeded to just go for it and pull my pants all the way down. I was now standing there with just my shirt on, cock firmly gripped in my hand.

My cock was nothing much to talk about. I would almost consider it average. It looked about normal on my skinny frame but compared to the rubber dicks that I was used to fucking, it didn't hold up.

I started to pump my cock in the bare stall and before I knew it, I was pumping rope after rope of hot cum all over the wall. It ran down in little dribbles until it started to drip from the bottom and pool on the floor. I was panting with lust, I was just picturing myself sucking, fucking a cock through that little window. After I was able to gather my thoughts, I pulled up my pants over my wet cock head, dampening my boxers with hot cum, knowing that it will dry to glue later on. I noticed then that I had not even locked the door to the stall and anybody could have just walked in at any time. I walked out similarly to the guys that just finished in there, head down, hoping to not make eye contact with anyone as I made my way back to my car.

I drove the rest of the way to work feeling the wet spot in my boxers, thinking about the two men still, pleasuring each other. My cock stiffened again in my pants and I knew that this would not be my last time exploring this rest area.

The next couple of time on my way to work I would stop by the rest area, hoping that the stall was occupied again but it remained empty the few times, but that did not stop me from blasting a couple of shots on that vacant stall each time I showed up there.

Saturday came and I did not work but that did not stop me from making the thirty minute drive to the rest area to see if anybody was there and if not, I could at least get out of my parents house to go rub one off. When I pulled into the rest area I saw that there were two cars there, parked right next to each other. I was hopeful this time because every other time it was just somebody in the woman's bathroom. But when I walked into the men;s bathroom I knew that this time it was not the case. There were gently moans coming from that side of the bathroom, no doubt there was at least one guy enjoying himself. I walked over to the stall that shared the glory hole with the bare stall. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I knelt down so that I could peer through the opening and I saw one man was leaning forward, hands against the door, and another man was behind him, pounding him into oblivion. I was not sure if they had seen me or not but I continued to watch these two men make love to each other. The first man had his head stretched back as he was being filled by his lover, while the man doing the pounding was gritting his teeth and was grabbing the man by his hips and slamming him back onto his cock. My own dick was already swollen and begging to be released. I unbuttoned my pants and let them fall. The men had either not heard it or just did not care that I was watching. I started to stroke my dick slowly, feeling every bit of my rock hard cock. The man doing the fucking was starting to slow but was forcefully slam into the man taking his dick.

"You ready? I'm going to cum!" the man said.

"Fill me, fill me with your cum!"

There were about three more good slams before the man had stopped his fucking and he was now releasing streams of hot cum into the other man's ass. They remained locked together for nearly two minutes before he pulled his cock from the man's ass, letting it droop to the floor, cum still dripping from the tip. The man turned to see the other and they kissed deeply. Then they broke and both looked down to see my standing there in awe.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" I started to back away.

"No no no, it's okay! Just know there is no free show though!" The man that just had his cock in the other man stepped towards my window, and drooped his cock through. It glistened with cum and ass juices and was only inches away from my face. It was huge compared to mine, I think it might have been even longer than mine now and it was half soft!

"Go on, clean it for me." the man said. I wasn't sure what to do at that point but my horniness took over and I engulfed the man's cock into my mouth, tasting the sweet salty taste of the man's spunk and the pungent flavor of the other man's ass. I was in love with this man's cock, it tasted so good as I worked it around my mouth, making sure to get every bit of it cleaned. He pulled it from my mouth and stepped away from the wall.

"That's enough for today." the man said and pulled up his pants. He walked to the stall door and exited. I pulled mine up as well and left my stall, feeling sad that I wasn't able to go all the way with his cock. The man was waiting for me as I exited the stall.

"You come here often?" he said.

"From time to time when I need to take a piss on my way to work. You?" I asked.

"It's actually more than time to time. You could call us an exclusive club. We are just a bunch of married men that like to have a little bit of fun with each other. You think you might be interested in becoming our wall slut?"

"Wall slut?"

"Yeah. Basically all you would have to do is come to the rest area every Saturday and wait for members to come. If two come into the empty stall then you may not be needed, or, they might want to use either of your holes. One rule is though, if you want to be our wall slut, you have to do as they ask, no matter the task. You in?"

"Uh sure, that sounds like fun."

"It is fun, just as long as you know that you will always be our slut."

I nodded, but deep inside I was excited.

"Good, you can call me Frank."

"I'm Pete, nice to meet you." I shook his hand. Frank was an older man, maybe around 55 but you could tell that he has kept himself relatively fit over the years, probably working on a farm, or a mechanic because his hands were leathery and huge. He had a nice bit of stubble on his face and jet black hair. Easy to say is, Frank was a fucking hot older man.

"Be here next Saturday around 7pm. That is when most of the members show up. You will not wear clothes when you are working either. You will take them off once you close the door to your stall." Frank said, turning to wash his hands at the sink.

"I will be here." I said

"Then you better be ready because you are going to be used you little wall slut." he grabbed me by the back of the neck and kissed me square on the lips. Then just turned towards the exit, and left.

The following week I could barely keep focused at work. All I could think about was my new weekend job of being the rest area "Wall Slut". Each time that I was focusing on something important, my heart would skip, and then I was thinking about the upcoming Saturday. The excitement in me was growing more and more by each passing day. But it was all not just excitement, I was also nervous. I had never actually taken anything in my ass. I was sure that my "job" would include me getting fucked, so I knew that I would have to get ready.

Ever since I was younger, I would regularly include some kind of anal play into my jerkoff sessions, but that was normally just a finger running around the edge of my hole and the occasional attempt to push it inside of me, but I was always nervous about how much it would hurt. I would get to the first knuckle, then pullout once I started to feel even a little bit of pain. The furthest I had ever gotten to actually penetrating my ass completely was when I got the brilliant idea of re-purposing my vibrating toothbrush for a vibrating dildo. I was having my normal wank session in the shower when I got the idea. I had attempted to work it in, but even with it vibrating intensely, I could not bring myself to pass the barrier, no matter how horny I got. But now that I was the new wall slut, I knew I better get myself ready. I decided that getting myself some kind of toy would probably be my best bet if I was going to be ready for the weekend.

I was too nervous to go into one of those sex shops that were on the exit of the high way, but what I did find was that Amazon is completely full of sex toys, really any kind that you could ever want! I browsed for what seemed like hours until I decided on a somewhat modest looking rubber cock that was labeled as "beginner". I added it to my cart along with a pump bottle of lube. Thank god for two day shipping, I will be able to give it a try before Saturday.

When I got home on Thursday, there was a small brown box sitting on my door step. I eagerly brought it inside. I trotted through the house, hoping not to bring attention to myself from my parents, and closed the door to my bedroom behind me. I threw the box onto my bed and look for something to open the box. Once the box was open, I dumped the contents onto my bed. The bottle of lube looked like a liquid soap dispenser the read "Anal Lube". I set it aside and grabbed the bag the contained my toy. It was wrapped in a completely black bag that had no description on it other than a white label with a bar code, but when I grabbed a hold of what was inside, I knew it was a cock. I tore it open and pulled it out, revealing a tan colored rubber cock that was about six inches long and very slender, perfect for beginners. I could not help myself, I needed to know what it felt like. I ripped my clothes from my body and got right to work. I found one of my text books from school, and sat it on the floor next to my bed. I stuck my new little friend to the top of it and watched it flop from side to side. The excitement was getting to be too much. I grabbed my lube and pumped two good squirts into the palm of my hand, and started to stroke the fake cock. I wiped the excess lube on a towel that was laying next to my bed, the positioned myself above the waiting toy. I used my bed to brace me as I began to squat down to the dildo. I felt the head touch my crack and I flinched away from how cold it was. Then started my descent again. The head started to spread my cheeks and before I knew it, it was pressing against my opening. I took a couple deep breaths and tried to relax as I started to apply more and more pressure to my tight ass. I felt it start to penetrate me and I backed off again. I was still nervous, but I knew that the cocks that would be waiting for me this Saturday probably be a bit bigger, so I had to go for it. I pressed hard this time and the head popped through and was now spreading my virgin ass. I flinched again and the usual pain started again. I tried to relax again and I began to notice that the pain was slowly going away. It was turning to a pleasant full feeling. The sharp, painful tingles were now turning to tingles of pleasure that rushed up my spine. I started to squat deeper, letting more of the cock penetrate me. Before I knew it, the fake balls were now sitting between my cheeks, and the entire cock was completely up my ass. I reached down to grab my own cock and was pleased to find that it was completely rock hard and already starting to leak precum onto the floor. I started to stroke it and before I could even think, my cock began to erupt thick globs of cum all over my carpet and onto the side of my bed. I moaned deeply while throwing my head back. I knew I had never came like that in my entire life. My legs shook as I pulled myself from the rubber cock, letting it flop from my ass. I looked back at it glimmer in the light. A knock came at my door.

"Pete, you alright in there? Sounded like you were moaning." my dad said on the other side of my door. I shuffled around to find some cloths, feeling the lube slick between my cheeks. I kicked the book dildo combo underneath my bed, and pulled on my clothes.

"Yeah! Everything is fine, just stubbed my toe!" I lied.

"Well dinner is about done." dad said, walking away from my door.

I caught my breath, I was almost caught in the act. All he had to do was be two minutes earlier and open my door. My dad would have seen his only son cumming like crazy, while a rubber cock was buried up his ass. I quickly pulled up my pants, and rushed down stairs to eat dinner.

The rest of that night I had to have came at least five times with my new toy. I even rode it a little, enjoying every inch of it sliding in and out of my ass. I was in love! I loved the way that it was just stretching me ever so slightly. I hoped that this would be enough for me to take the cocks that Saturday.

Saturday had finally came around and I was buzzing with excitement. I paced around my house in anticipation for my new "job".

"So what do you have planned for tonight? You seem a bit anxious." Dad said from the couch, watching me pace from the kitchen to the living room.

"Oh nothing, me and the guys just plan to get some pizza, then maybe play some games at Kyle's house." I lied again. "You?"

"Well, your mother is going over to Cheryl's house to play Rummy with her friends, I figured I would go over to Bill's house to play cards with my buddies." Dad said

"Nice, how many of you are going to be over there?" I asked, not really caring about the answer.

"Should be maybe four of us, not sure yet though." he said, getting up from the couch to walk past me to the kitchen.

"Try not to have too much fun." I said, letting him past me to the kitchen.

"Yeah, you too. He said.

I was finally on my way to the rest area. My mind was in a million different places. My heart pound in my chest, and my cock was rock hard as I drove down the nearly barren high way. I pulled onto the exit toward the rest area and saw that there were no cars in the parking lot. I was only about twenty minutes early but I figured that there would have been more people here. I pulled to a spot that was near the back, and parked my car. As I walked up to the building I saw a car pull in to the front spot and immediately recognized the face behind the wheel. It was Frank. I waved at him with a friendly smile to which he waved back. He walked up to me and stuck out his hand.

"Pete, you ready for tonight?" Frank said, pumping my hand twice, then letting go.

"You know it!" I said with genuine enthusiasm.

"Good, now why don't you go ahead and get into position. The first round of guys will be showing up any minute." Frank said, leading the way towards the building.

We both entered the bathroom, and this time it did not stink nearly as bad as it had before. This time it was more of a smell of lemon cleaner, and bleach.

"Go ahead and get into position. Remember, no clothes. You strip once you close that door. I will let you know when the first arrive."

I nodded, and walked down to the vacant stall.

Once inside, sat down my little bottle of lube that I had brought with me, then began to strip. Once I was completely nude, I started to lube up a couple fingers, then slowly started to work them inside me, getting me ready for my shift.

"First group coming in." Frank yelled from the bathroom entrance.

I heard some laughing among the men at the door, then foot steps towards the stall next to mine. The door opened, and I could see two men enter, both were basically already sucking each other's faces. They were ripping their clothes from each other and then I saw both men embracing, completely naked. The first man was of average build with jet black hair, and the other man was almost two inches taller than the other, but had a nice gut in the front. They were reaching down and stroking each other's cocks, furiously pumping them between each other. The shorter man with black hair turned the other man around, and without warning, shoved his cock right into the other man's ass. He moaned while the other yelped. He was now kissing the mans neck as he kept his cock buried. He then started to forcefully take the other man from behind, slamming his cock into him with a `slap slap slap'. My cock was already completely hard and I was stroking it as I watched the two men fuck only inches away from me. Before long though, the man started to slow and I saw his cheeks begin to flex as he pumped shot after shot of cum into the other man's ass. He pivoted his hips away from the other man, and I saw his cock flop from the other's ass.

"You're up wall slut." the man said, spinning towards me, and flopping his wet cock through the hole. He broke me from my daze and I knew I had a job to do. I grabbed the cock with my right hand, feeling the wet sliminess of the cum and ass juice covered cock, then jammed it into my mouth. I cleaned it thoroughly as I stroked my cock furiously, tasting the man's cum. Once I felt that it was clean, I let it fall from my mouth as I licked the remaining cum from my lips.

"Thanks wall slut. See you next week." the man said, before zipping up his pants, and exiting the stall.

"Good job in there." Frank said.

"Thanks." I said, still wiping cum from my lips and into my mouth.

"You got another one coming up now. Looks like a solo though."

"I'm ready when they are."

The foot steps came towards the stall and it opened. I could not get a good look of the man before he spoke.

"Put your ass to the window." he said, I could hear him pulling down his pants.

"Yes sir." I said, back my ass towards the opening. I'm glad that I had already applied some lube because this man wasted no time before he was already knocking at my rear door. I could feel the head of his cock pressing at my ring, and I started to take deep breaths because I had no idea how large this cock would be. I was now pressing hard and suddenly I felt a shock of pain rip through my body as his cock head entered me. The pain was immense. My knees began to shake to almost buckling, and he gave me no time to adjust before he started his assault on my ass. His cock felt like it could be the size of a coke can. It stretched me and the pain was now causing my fingers to curls as I desperately tried to get comfortable with the size, but not long after he began to pound my ass, I had finally started to loosen, accepting his massive horse cock with ease. My head flung back and I braced myself against the wall across from me, and let this stranger have his way with me. I was loving every moment as he pummeled me.

"Ugh ugh fuck." the man said, I could feel his cock begin to swell inside me, then I was filled with an overwhelming warmth around my insides. I knew then that he was cumming in my ass. He was filling me to the brim with his hot cum. When I felt his cock stop pulsing, he pulled it from my over stretched ass. I turned around to see him flop it through the hole for me to clean, which I did, tasting my own ass now. Afterwards, he pulled his pants back up, and walked out without saying a word. I stood there, panting from the fucking I had just taken.

"Now how was that?" Frank said from the other side of the wall.

"A bit intense, but wonderful." I said, still trying to catch my breath.

"Yeah, Dale is about the biggest we have. When I was a wall slut like you, Dale used to rip me apart."

"Well if he was the biggest, I'm sure the rest will be no problem." I said, licking the precum that was now accumulating on the tip of my cock.

The next few hours went by in a blur. I had my ass fucked nearly five times, and cleaned off nearly twice that. I was hornier than I have ever been, my cock never once becoming soft, and the amount of cum that was now in my ass was beginning to become overwhelming.

"Alright wall slut there are the last ones." Frank said, warning me.

The familiar foot steps were coming towards the stall, then the door closed behind them. Both men were already nude from what I could tell but this time, one of the men were facing me so I couldn't get a good look at either of them except for the one man's cock with was not fat, but super long. They did not waste time either because they were already fucking in front of me. The cock that was dangling was swing to and away from me as he got his ass pounded from behind. I reached out and grabbed the cock and pumped it as he continued to get penetrated from behind. The heft of this man's long cock was intoxicating, I furiously pumped it until he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. The pounding started to slow and I heard the man whisper "Fuck me".

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming." the other man said, then slammed into the other man on more time.

"Wall slut, why don't you turn around and let my buddy here fuck you." the man that just finished cumming said.

I did as I was told, and spun my ass around so that my entrance was presented to the man in the window. He started to push his cock to my hole, which let him in with ease now. The length of this man's cock felt like it was going to poke through my belly button when he finally made it completely inside me.

"I tell you what Bill, this new wall slut has the best pussy I have felt in years." the man fucking me said.

I knew that voice, and that voice was with Bill.

"Hey Sam, you think I can eat my cum from your ass while you fuck that wall slut?" Bill said.

Oh fuck! Sam was my dad's name, and he was supposed to be with Bill tonight!

"Go right ahead Bill. God damn this pussy feels good, so fucking warm." my dad said.

What was I doing!?! Was my dad really fucking me right now? Should I stop? Frank had said that it was my duty to do whatever was asked of me. I should stop this though, this can't go on. But, his cock just feels so damn good. I need to stop him, but I can't, I need his cock now. He was pumping my ass now, not hard, but softly, like he knew he was not just fucking his son, but actually making love to him.

"Fuck Bill, I think I might cum already." dad said.

"Damn he must be good. You never cum like that for me." Bill said.

"Well your pretty little tongue is sure doing a lot of work back there Bill. Oh shit, yup, I'm cumming." Dad said. He thrust inside of me one last time, then began to erupt with cum, filling me even more with cum but before he could finish, I pulled away from him, letting his cock pull from my ass, then turned around and slurped it into my mouth to finish milking every last drop from his dick. The taste was intoxicating. I wasn't sure if it actually tasted better or it was because it was my dad's cum.

"This wall slut is a dirty little one." Dad said "He's eating my cum and his ass right from my cock."

"Might have to stop by again next week. I want to give him a try." Bill said.

Dad stepped away from my window once he felt that he was clean enough. Him and Bill pulled up there clothes, gave each other one last kiss, then made their way from the stall.

"Nice work in there Pete. That's all of em." Frank said. "You have some fun tonight?"

"More fun than I could have ever imagined" I said, dressing myself in front of him.

"You planning on coming back next week?

"I will come back for as long as you will have me." I replied.

"Good." he then grabbed me by the neck again, and gave me one last kiss before leaving for the night.

I walked out from the building to see my father's truck sitting right out front. Bill was sitting in the passenger seat when the both almost instinctively looked in my direction. Dad made eye contact with me and I could tell that he was doing the math in his head. He then raised his eyebrows and let his mouth fall open, he just figured out who had just taken his long dick in the adjacent stall.

I think this may be my new favorite story! If you liked it and want me to continue, please email me and let me know!

Thank you for reading! If you liked this story, please check out my Patreon at and also don't forget to check out my book on Amazon Kindle call "Snowed In With My Best Friend" by Ted Davidson!

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