Respectful Domination

By Andrew Davidson

Published on Jan 27, 2014



Anthony was a truly caring individual, as if a part of Nightingale's spirit dwelled within his soul. He was freshly out of high school, working nights as a nurse's aide at a well-known hospital within the city while working on his pre-requisites for an RN program at the local community college. As it goes with most ancillary staff positions, his pay wasn't too great and he was at the lower end of the hierarchy on the unit where he worked.

Many of the nurses there knew what an asset the aides were, and gave them the respect that they put out. Anthony was always polite and respectful to any of the other hospital staff he came into contact with, so the nurses generally liked him. However, it was another story with a particular physician.

Dr. Webb was a hospitalist who was well-respected and rather feared amongst the nursing staff. Physicians often have attitudes with the nurses that aren't warranted. Maybe the nurse has called him at a later hour, or maybe the nurse doesn't know the lab results for a patient that the doctor needs to know. This being the case, one can probably guess how some physicians treat ancillary staff. A nurse's aide might be lucky if some physicians even acknowledge their existence. Dr. Webb, however, loved showing his snarky side towards the aides, because he didn't feel like there'd be any consequence.

One day, Anthony arrived on the unit to start his 12-hour shift, and the aide who had been caring for his the patients on his side of the hall gave him a quick report of his patients.

"I have to tell you, Dr. Webb has been through several times because of the declining condition of the patient in room 205. He's being a real jerk today and I guess I was taking too long to finish up taking my patient's vitals, because he literally shoved me aside in front of the patient." the wiry aide told Anthony.

Anthony put a heavy hand on the aide's shoulder and said, "It's alright, your shift is over now. I'll take it from here." The aide didn't need further telling. He clocked out and hightailed it out of there.

Anthony is not an easily intimidated man. Sure, he is only 19, but he can still be considered a man. He stands at a modest 5'10, but his frame is thick with muscle. He consumes over 5,000 calories a day, with a diet high in fat and protein. If he wants, he can flex his pectoral muscles to make his tight scrub top strain at the fabric. He's the kind of guy you see who isn't "shredded", but squat over twice his bodyweight without breaking a sweat. He's well-liked by the nursing staff not only because of his kind demeanor, but also because he can lift the heaviest of patients without needing any help. A physical therapist once jokingly commented to him, `You make us grown men feel inferior!'

Anthony met with the aide who would be his `partner' for the shift, then started doing his room checks. He got to the patient in room 205, and saw that Dr. Webb was in there, but charting on the bedside computer, not actually interacting with the patient. The patient was a sweet woman who had severe deep vein thrombosis which was not improving despite her therapeutic drug regimen. Anthony went up to her bedside and introduced himself, asking if she currently needed anything. She gave a weak smile but declined his offer, so he placed her call light button within easy reach and turned to leave the room. He had decided he would wait to do his vitals until Dr. Webb had left the room.

On his way to leave the room, Anthony was stopped by Dr. Webb, who stood over him at 6'3 but had a very thin frame, so that his white coat kind of loosely hung on his body, in stark contrast to Anthony whose scrubs tightly hugged his thick frame.

"Don't you have some bedpans you could be cleaning? When a doctor is in the room, he deserves an uninterrupted visit with the patient." Dr. Webb said snidely.

"Good evening, Dr. Webb. I think it's important for the patient to know who her aide is, since there was just a shift change. Did my short visit with her bother you?" Anthony said in his characteristically kind voice.

"I don't even know why hospitals hire unlicensed young people like you. It's not like the nurses can't do what you do themselves." he replied.

Anthony felt his coolness fading, but still he smiled. "As aides, we lighten the workload of the nurses and help make their job easier. The nurses can do what we do, but we act as an extra set of hands for them."

"Oh, nice to know the nurses can't handle their assignments. And that's what you aspire to be? Thank God getting into med school isn't as easy as getting into nursing school." he shrugged and turned back to his computer.

Anthony had learned through his short life experiences that bitter people are usually projecting their own insecurities when they're rude, so he simply shrugged off Dr. Webb's comments and told his patient that he'd be back soon to take her vitals. He walked past the nurse's station and saw one of the nurses sitting down with her face in her hands.

"Rachel, are you okay?" Anthony stopped to ask.

She let out a sigh and took a breath before answering. "You're caring for the patient in room 205, aren't you? She is one of my patients and Dr. Webb has apparently been in and out for the past few hours. He wouldn't even let me do my initial assessment because he said I was just in the way."

"I don't think he should be allowed to impede on your job duties as a nurse." Anthony said soothingly.

"I don't either. You know Anthony, I've been a nurse for a while and I have worked with some nasty physicians, but Dr. Webb is something else. He is the personification of a God complex." she said.

"I think he just needs someone to bring him back to reality." Anthony said before leaving the nurse's station and finishing his room checks. He helped one patient eat their dinner, and changed a few beds before realizing he had forgotten to do the vitals on the patient in room 205.

He returned to the room just as Dr. Webb was entering it. The patient was asleep, and Anthony saw in the flow sheet that the nurse had already gotten the patient's vitals while he was doing his other rounds, so he turned to leave the room. Dr. Webb stood in the doorway, standing tall over Anthony with his skinny arm crossed.

"Why don't you do what you came to do?" Dr. Webb said.

"The patient is asleep, and immediate vitals aren't necessary enough to wake her." Anthony said, quickly losing his patience.

"I don't think they taught you that kind of critical thinking in the 2-week long course you took to get your certification. Sure that's not outside your scope of practice?" Dr. Webb retorted.

"I want you to know something, Dr. Webb," Anthony started, his voice dropping to a deep whisper as he clenched a fist. "You made the nurse cry earlier with your rude remarks, and I heard from the previous aide that you actually shoved him from the bedside. That kind of behavior isn't okay, even coming from a physician." Anthony struggled to remain professional, but he somehow managed.

"Listen, ass-wiper," Dr. Webb started in a mockingly quiet whisper. "I don't care if that nurse cried, and that aide shouldn't have been in my way. If you didn't notice, your badge says aide', not Chief of Medicine'. Get out of my way, I'm gonna take those vitals that you apparently couldn't."

Dr. Webb started his way towards the patient's bed, but Anthony flared his lats out by putting his hands on his hips, and blocked the narrow path from the door to the patient's bed. Anthony dropped his professional front, and smirked up at Dr. Webb who looked astonished that an aide would dare do such a thing.

"Are you gonna shove me like you did that other aide? Try it." Anthony said.

Dr. Webb, in a complete lack of respect, gave Anthony a forceful shove, but Anthony went nowhere. He had flexed his legs and bore down his stance as he had coaxed the doctor, and the pitiful amount of force Dr. Webb exerted couldn't have hoped to budge the strong teenager.

"I hate to tell you this, doctor, but you're incredibly weak for a 30-year old man. Or maybe I'm just incredibly strong." Anthony said cockily.

"I'm a grown man. You're barely out of high school. Give me a break." Dr. Webb snickered.

"What do I need to do to show you that I'm serious?" Anthony started. "Oh, I have an idea." Anthony lifted up his right bicep and flexed as hard as he could. His muscular peak instantly ripped his scrub top's sleeve, and he didn't break eye contact with Dr. Webb, whose expression was that of pure shock.

"This is strength." Anthony said affirmatively, as if there was any doubt.

"" the physician was at a loss for words. He probably wasn't used to being stood up to, let alone a young aide. Meeting someone who didn't worship the ground he walked on was almost earth-shattering for him.

"Now, come into room 225 with me. It's empty, and there are several things I would like your opinion on." Anthony instructed. This seemed to snap Dr. Webb out of his stupor, probably because he thought his expertise was being recognized once more. He blindly followed Anthony into the empty room, and didn't even comment as Anthony closed the door behind him.

"Doctor, how long have you worked at this hospital?" Anthony asked him.

"I did my residency here, so more than a few years, I'd say." he laughed.

"Would you say that entitles you to more respect than say, someone who has worked here for only a year?" Anthony asked.

"Of course. Actually, I'd say my knowledge puts me past many of the people who have worked here for ten or twenty years." he shrugged, as if that were a commonly held opinion.

"See, this is what I have a problem with," Anthony started. "Respect is something that is earned, and I find it strange that you're the only person in this hospital I've encountered who has a problem showing me respect." That wiped the smirk clean off of Dr. Webb's face, but Anthony went on. "In fact, it's almost as if you're living in some fantasy world in your head where you are God and we are just your servants."

"I don't know what the hell-," the doctor started but was interrupted by Anthony's deeper and louder voice.

"Well, tonight doctor, you're in for a rude wake up call. In fact, tonight, you will be the servant and I will be the god." Anthony cleanly removed his scrub top to expose a smooth, thick torso with almost offensively protruding pecs and a thick abdominal wall that jutted out with his pecs. The doctor looked taken aback, his face white with uncertainty. "You know, I've been a nurse's aide here for over a year, and I have heard nothing but bad things about you, doctor. It's almost as if you're compensating for something. Could it be that scrawny body?" Anthony said as he ignored any personal boundaries and painfully squeezed Dr. Webb's twiggish biceps.

Dr. Webb opened his mouth as if to protest, but Anthony shot him an intimidating look and said, "I would be careful about the words you choose to say. They could make or break you right now."

Dr. Webb closed his mouth without saying anything and Anthony went on. "Take off your clothes. All of them." Dr. Webb felt intimidated, and followed Anthony's command without protest. His pitifully muscleless frame paled in comparison to Anthony's rugby-like build.

"This is funny, see, `cause you're standing side-by-side with a nursing student.. but just hours ago, you were so sure that the nursing staff is inferior to you. But we take off your white coat and suit, and you're just an inferior wimp." Anthony said condescendingly.

"I still know more than you will ever dream to know." The doctor said haughtily, gaining back some of his scorn.

"Really, doctor? Tell me," Anthony started as he approached the physician closer. "how does that matter when you're at the mercy of a bigger and stronger man?" He clutched Dr. Webb's thin fingers in his own meaty hands and began to squeeze. It was not long before the doctor cried out in pain and dropped to his knees.

"You see, today you will learn something which you clearly know little about. The thing about being a man is, respect is everything. You may not like me, or even care about who I am, but whether you walk or crawl out of this room, untouched or bruised, you will respect me." Anthony continued as he increased the strength of his grip on Dr. Webb's fingers, who began to tear up and actually began to beg.

"Please let me go. You're hurting me." he begged.

"You see, Dr. Webb, you made Rachel cry earlier, but you didn't care then. I could make you cry now, why should I care?" Anthony said with a cruel sense of justice.

Dr. Webb, for once, had nothing to say. He simply teared up some more and actually began to sniffle some at the pain. "Dr. Webb, I can assure you that I have not yet given you a reason to cry." Anthony said with venom.

"Please, what are you going to do to me?" Dr. Webb asked fearfully.

"I will do whatever it takes to make a man out of you." Anthony said cryptically, as he let go of Dr. Webb's hands and undid the drawstrings of his scrub pants. He dropped his pants to the floor to reveal a pair of thicky muscled and veiny thighs. He flexed his meaty quads and punched them with his fist a few times to dramatically show how hard they were.

"Let's see yours." Anthony said as he stood next to Dr. Webb, whose hairless chicken legs didn't even look like they could be flexed.

"Please let me put my clothes back on. This is humiliating." Dr. Webb pleaded.

"Doctor, this isn't humiliation," Anthony smirked. "THIS is humiliation." he said as he shoved the doctor to the ground. He slipped off his shoes and socks and shoved his bare foot into the doctor's face.

"Doctor, on a scale of 0 to 10, how incredibly awful do my feet smell?" Anthony asked mockingly. Dr. Webb probably would have answered, but his mouth was stuffed full of the teen's meaty toes. After Anthony thought he had tortured the doctor enough with his stinky feet, he pulled them out of the doctor's mouth and sat himself down the empty patient bed while the doctor scrambled at his feet.

The doctor looked up at Anthony in shock and said, "God, please let that be the worst of it."

"Doc, why do you have to do that to yourself? Now I gotta outdo myself." Anthony said as he quickly ensnared Dr. Webb's head between his thick thighs and locked his heels together. He squeezed the doctor's head between his quadricep muscles and watched as the doctor's eyes nearly popped out of his head. It sounded like he was screaming, but his sound was lost to the loss of oxygen that he was getting.

"Doc, this isn't even half of my strength. If you saw how much I could squat, you would pass out. I think what you should take away from this is, if you continue to doubt how far I will go to prove a point, I will fuck up nerves that even you didn't know existed." Anthony said before suddenly releasing the doctor, who collapsed back to the floor gasping for air.

"Now, the moment I know we've both been waiting for.." Anthony said slowly as he began grossly massaging the bulge in his briefs while Dr. Webb came out of his daze. Dr Webb's eyes grew wide as Anthony's bulge turned into an easily identifiable erection, the head of which poked out of his tight briefs

"I-uh, what-uh.." the doctor tried to formulate a question but such utterances were all he could spit out.

"I think I told you earlier, Dr. Webb. Tonight, you are the servant, and I am the god." Anthony explained as he tenderly slid down his briefs to his ankles to expose his thick, heavily veined cock. "Now, I need you to get on your stomach. One could say we're about to do a rectal exam."

It was such a grimly victorious sight: The callous doctor who though he ruled the roost was forced into submission by an ordinarily sweet and gentle aide, whose true dominant colors had to be shown to bring this doctor back to earth. However, on his way back to earth, this doctor found himself in a completely vulnerable situation without an obvious escape.

Anthony anticipated the doctor's resistance, so he made a very blunt and effective threat. "If you don't cooperate, doctor, I will force you to wear your underwear on your head around the hospital for the rest of this shift, and all the nurses can laugh at your pathetic endowment." He warned as he gave the doctor's tiny penis a painful flick.

The doctor got on his stomach as he was told to and didn't even try to make a run for it.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't have any lube for your cute little butt. Fortunately for me, I always jack off dry so this is just gonna be intensely pleasurable for me. I might have to work my way in though." Anthony laughed nonchalantly. The doctor tensed up at the thought, and Anthony just laughed harder. "Poor guy, even if a trained medical professional can't stop his body's nervous reactions despite knowing better. The tenser you make that ass, the harder it's gonna be on you."

The doctor tried relaxing his body but when Anthony started thumping the doctor's small ass with his thick and heavy cock, the doctor just tensed up again. Anthony teased the doctor's hole with his penis's big and wide head, but gave no warning as to when he was going to stick it in.

When Anthony suddenly thrust his thick cock inside just a quarter of the way, the doctor bit his own arm to muffle his bloodcurdling scream. Anthony simply smiled and flexed his cock playfully, eliciting an even louder yet muffled scream from the doctor.

"While you're feeling your anal cavity get pounded to pieces, doctor, I want you to think about something. Think about all the feelings you've crushed, confidences you've shattered, and spirits you've weakened with your piss poor attitude over the years." Anthony said, as he advanced his thick manhood so it was halfway inside the quivering doctor who continued to cry.

"I just want you to know, that when you crawl out of this room today, you will know what respect means." Anthony said as he flexed his cock again and made the doctor squirm.

"Doesn't feel that great, little man? I dunno if guys like you get laid, but the next time you're inside a woman, try this little trick. Oh wait, your dick probably has to be bigger than two inches for this to work." he laughed as he flexed his dick again and made the doctor spasm in a painful sense of pleasure.

"Ready, doc? One, two, three!" Anthony said cheerfully as he shoved his cock in another quarter of the way. The doctor reached backwards towards his ass to try to pull the cock out of his asshole, but his hole was too tight around the thick cock. There was no way it was coming out unless Anthony pulled it out.

"Aww, does that hurt?" Anthony asked sadistically. He shoved the remainder of his cock inside the scrawny man who was writhing in pain before him. "Aw man, that feels good." Anthony said in blind sexual ecstasy. He lifted the doctor up off the floor, his cock still inside of him, and began rapidly flexing his monster cock.. up, down, up, down.The feeling of his cockhead rapidly moving up and down against the doctor's prostate was almost too much to bear.

Within minutes, he was groaning loudly as hot explosions of cum erupted one after another. The doctor felt ten ropes of cum cover his prostate before he stopped counting. The hypermasculine teen left his hard cock inside the grown man and whispered softly into his ear. "Isnt it a terrifying thought that I could fuck you all over again, lasting twice as long now that I've cummed once?"

The doctor let out a weak gasp, and said, "Please don't.."

Anthony gave the doctor's rectum one last cock flex before roughly pulling out his cum-covered cock and dropping him to the floor. "Take one final, good look at my godlike body, doctor. If there's one thing you should take away from this meeting, it's that there is always someone out there who can totally own you." Anthony put his uniform back on and attached his badge to his scrub top as he handed the doctor his clothes.

"Now look here, doctor. This CNA badge, that physician's coat.. these things don't define our places in society. As I just established, I could make you my little bitch boy, my pet, my trophy husband, whatever I wanted. I could force you to support me financially. I could force you to clean my dirty socks. Hell, I could go around this hospital forcing you to wipe my patients for me after they get done taking a shit." Anthony laughed as he briefly shoved a dirty socked foot in the doctor's face.

"But you know, I'll do my job, you do yours. Just remember this: I'm a sincere and nice guy, but if you ever disrespect me or the nursing staff again? These biceps can bend steel, these thighs could squat your car, and this cock is just dying for a reason to wreck you again. I look forward to the rest of our shift together." Anthony gave the defeated doctor a courteous smile as he put on his shoes and exited the room, leaving the doctor in a pool of his own sweat and cum that had leaked out of his pulverized hole. The doctor lay there in shock, trying to come grips with the new working relationship he would have to foster with Anthony and his coworkers. If the doctor could say one thing about Anthony, it was that he knew how to get a man's respect.

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