Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on Feb 8, 2006


**************************************************************************** Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, swearing, and graphic violence.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe, created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Conversations in the [ ] boxes are communicated through the headsets. ****************************************************************************


9:06 AM. A black Volkswagen polo had slowly driven into a small bumpy road, which seemed to lead to a farm. Within this vehicle, two figures eyed their surroundings as they got closer and closer to their destination.

Mark had been sitting on the couch and was listening to Angie talk about meteorology. He wasn't paying full attention, as he was slurping on his milkshake, but he pretended that he did, nodding his head every now and then. He looked at his nearly empty cup and frowned. Damn, that was quick.

"Do you think that snow would affect pollution Mark?"

"Huh?" Mark looked up at Angie, who was apparently waiting for an answer.

"Uh, yes, of course. I mean, like... Acid snow...?"

"I would have to agree with you there, blah blah blah clouds blah blah"

Mark didn't get the rest of her sentence as he was now paying attention to Jill. She had walked over to the front door and looked through the eyehole.

"They're here" She said, as she never took her eyes of the hole.

"What are you talking about Jill" Mark stood up and walked over to a window.

Outside, parked behind their van, was a small black car. Mark couldn't see who was within this car as the ivy that crawled up the outside wall was covering bits of the window. He frowned in a disappointed manner and went to stand behind Jill, hoping that he could snatch a peek.

"Mark, go tell Carlos and Alice that LJ is here"

"Uh, LJ...? Um ok"

Mark, being the good kid he was =), went up the stairs, and knocked on Alice's door.

"Come in"

Mark opened the door to find Carlos and Alice analyzing something on the computer screen. They both removed their faces from the screen and looked at Mark, waiting.

"Oh, uh, Jill told me to tell you that uh... LJ was here"

"Oh, I thought that he would be here tomorrow" Came Alice.

"Who is he"?

"He was with us when we fled the city, civilian. When a few Umbrella workers started following us during our escape, he volunteered to distract them by splitting up from the group and making them follow him."

"Oh, sounds like a brave guy"

"Well, actually we threatened him to do it"

"...Oh... kay"

This time, Carlos spoke. "Shall we go?"

Alice confirmed his answer by standing up. They followed Mark out of the room and went down to the living room. Now, Angie, CJ and Russel were on the couch. Alice and Carlos made their way to join Jill by the door. Mark stayed at the foot of the stairs, leaning on the wooden rails. The doorbell rang, and Jill opened.

Under the doorway stood a black male, probably 30, in a light brown leather jacket and dark blue jeans. By his belt, two golden pistols were hanging. He looked to be the comedian type. Behind him stood another figure, but Mark couldn't make out whom.

"Wassup my Jillie Jill Jill?" Jill rolled her eyes before giving him a little hug.

"Foolish guy" she joked. LJ saw Alice and Carlos behind Jill and they all exchanged nods. He looked over at the couch to find Angie, who happily waved over at him. LJ smiled and blew her a kiss in an immature manner.

"Uh, LJ, I think you still remember Russel and CJ"

"Yes I do, how ya doin' fellas"

The two boys paid their hellos before engaging in a one on one conversation.

"Oh that reminds me, I found a kid when I was keeping Umbrella busy. If it weren't for some of his help, I wouldn't be here. So, I guess we have another survivor to tell the tale! Guys, I want you to meet Giovanni, Giovanni, meet the guys."

Once the name of the new kid had made its way over to Mark, his eyes darted to the person behind LJ. His heart slowed down a little bit as he could hear it pounding in his head. Please don't tell me it is him >.<

LJ had stepped into the house and the person behind him had been revealed. Mark's eyes were about to explode as he fixed his eyes on the boy. There stood Giovanni, a 17-year-old kid with sandy colored hair and blue eyes. A blue eyed, sandy haired, 17 year old boy that Mark knew all too well. His Ex. Just about a day before Mark decided to come out of the closet, Giovanni had dumped him, and went for some dumb blonde cheerleading bimbo in his class. After that, he never heard of him again. And the sight of seeing him here made him sick.

Apparently, Giovanni had not seen Mark yet as Alice was kind of blocking the view. Thank God. He decided that he would reside in his room and think of something. And with that, he slowly turned around and made his first step on the stair. It creaked. Everybody's attention flew to the stairs. Giovanni looked at a person, which he recognized. Mark silently cursed at the god-forsaken house and his eyes floated to Giovanni's

"Oh, and this is Mark Smith, we picked him up on the way out of the forest. Survivor as well."

Mark's gaze never broke off as Giovanni and him silently communicated through the eyes. It was Giovanni who looked away. Good, just what he is meant to do. His hands started fidgeting with his jacket as he stared at the floor, unable to look at the person he had betrayed not long ago. Mark didn't feel a pinch of sympathy for him. Hell, if he knew that Giovanni would end up with him later on, then Mark would have rather stayed with the zombie he had encountered in the woods back then.

Everyone sensed the awkward silence and strange eye business between the two boys. Carlos spoke up.

"You two know each other?"

Another small moment of silence fell.

"No." Mark's voice came loud and clear as it echoed around the room. Giovanni's face quickly looked up at him. His expression seemed so guileless and innocent, it seemed like he was trying to find a small chance of hope between the two. Mark wanted to extinguish all of that with a passion.

"No, I don't know him at all." And with that, Mark removed his gaze from Giovanni and managed to walk up the stairs to his room, where he collapsed on the bed.

2 Hours later.

"Mark? Its lunch time" Angie's voice found its way to an aching Mark beneath the covers. He sighed and wanted to ask if he could eat up here, but failed as Angie had already left the room. He sat up straight, fixes his hair, cracked his knuckles, stretched his limbs, and left to the stairs.

Downstairs, a plastic table had been placed next to the table in the kitchen. It must have come with LJ as Mark had not seen the table stashed anywhere. Chairs and stools were placed all around the table, of which were all occupied except for one. And oh dear! What a coincidence! It was next to Giovanni... Mark silently rolled his eyes to himself. But then he reminded himself. He was not the one who was supposed to feel ashamed. Muahahaha. Still, it hurt to see Giovanni in front of him.

Mark walked over to the crowd who were now buzzing with food and talk. Mark sat down in between Russel and Giovanni. His ex had looked over at him the moment he sat down, but Mark paid no heed. He grabbed a couple of small sandwhiches from one of the plates and helped himself to a glass of water. He drank it down in 5 seconds, his hands shaking.

"Don't you think its kinda getting cold in here? Carlos can you get the fire ple-"

"I'll get it"

"Alright, thanks." Jill returned to her food.

Mark stood up, took his plate and walked over to the livingroom and to the fire. After starting a new flame, he resumed eating his food on the couch, his back was to the crowd. He was just about to take another bite when Giovanni popped out of nowhere and sat on the other side of the zone.

Mark looked at him for a moment, blank expression, before resuming his feeding.

"Mark..." His voice was soft and he seemed to be chocking on his words.

"I don't want to hear it" Mark whispered.


"I heard it all before, and don't think that talk will get you anywhere Giovanni."

"But no, you haven't heard it all" Hasn't he? Now what? Has he slept with his teacher? Mark couldn't take this any longer and his next comment was heard all across the room.

"What then Giovanni? Okay then, lets talk. What do you want to talk about?" Mark seemed hysterical as his words flashed out like lightning. The entire room, including the kitchen, went silent. Mark placed his plate next to him and stood up and walked over to Giovanni, standing infront of him, arms crossed.

"Okay then, talk. Tell me this thing that your dying to get to me Giovanni." Mark never blinked as he looked down in disgust.

"Mark we can still be togeth-"

"Are you stupid or something!? Did you get some other form of the T-Virus that makes you as dumb as a squirrel?! Do you even realize that YOU were the one who broke up with me, and now your back thinking that you could put white out all over our history? Do you think its that simple?? Oh come on Giovanni"

Giovanni's voice was now in a pleading tone. "Please Mark, let me explain first"

"Oh alright Mr.Smartass, gimme your best shot huh? What happened to your little bitch"

"She died in the riot"

"Im disappointed you didn't as well" Mark enthused. "And I cant believe, after someones death, you would all of a sudden try to get back with someone? You're sick, do you know that!?"

"Please Mark, it wasn't my fault"

"not your fault!? Not your fault??? You were the one that was pushing me Giovanni. You ask me if I wanna have sex and I say no, im not ready, and then you decide to leave me??? That's 2 years down the drain Giovanni! 2 years!"

Giovanni didn't know what to say. The rest of the group watched. Mark was now reduced to tears.

"look! Look what you've wasted! You've wasted me, our friendship, our trust. Do you not know that it kills me to see you Giovanni? It kills me. I've held back a wealth of shit I think im gonna choke. And im sick and tired of standing in the shadows with a bomb stuck in my fucking throat! Look what you wasted... L-look w-w-what" mark was now pouring rain as he couldn't speak no more. He couldn't see as well. He turned around and walked over to the stairs, where he gave one final comment to Giovanni, who sat there, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Hear this right Giovanni. I spit on your grave." And with that, Mark disappeared upstairs.

The crowd sat still as everyone kept looking at the stairs and at Giovanni. The recent events that took place shook all of them. Carlos stood up and headed to the stairs, while Jill went over to Giovanni.

Upstairs, Carlos found Mark on the bed, crying his heart out. The sheets had been wrapped around him as he hugged himself to death and kept on lamenting. He didn't notice Carlos come in. Carlos moved over and sat next to Mark.

"Mark are-" Carlos stopped as Mark had turned around and was now hugging him, still crying.

"Th-that... a-asshole" he said, between his crying and heavy breathing. Carlos held him and rocked him back and forth a little.

"Shhh... stop crying"

Mark removed himself from the hug and looked up at the worried face of Carlos. "Im not a fucking baby Carlos... oh god it hurts when I c-cry..." He buried his head against Carlos's chest and kept on crying.

"I know, im sorry" he whispered back.

"oh g-god Carlos, why do you h-have to apologize, i-i-t only makes me feel worse!" Marks crying intensified as Carlos held him.

After 10 minutes, Mark had stopped crying, and both of them had fallen asleep, still locked in their hug. It was not until 3:23 Pm Mark woke up.

He opened his eyes to find Carlos looking at him with soft and hazy eyes. He was about to speak when Carlos placed a finger on his lips.

"Shhh... I think you've said enough" he whispered.

Mark held his breath for a second before letting it all go. They looked at each others eyes for another moment. Mark had lost himself within Carlos. He hasn't realized that Carlos was a real great guy. He was a good friend, someone he could trust. And before he think any further, Carlos had leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Mark didn't do anything but take it in. Carlos drew back a little, never taking his eyes off of Marks eyes.


This time, mark placed his index finger on his lips. "Shhh..." And, without thinking twice, Mark leaned in and kissed him. This time, having the opportunity to explore his mouth as their kiss intensified. Carlos's hands roamed Marks body as they frenched.

But then somebody opened the door and walked in.

**************************************************************************** So what ya think? Yes? No? Too little? Too much? Too fast? Too slow? Well, Drop me any comments at or feel free to visit/join my group:

In the group site, there are a couple polls that if you answer, your vote and results will affect upcoming chapters. Also, I have uploaded the first novel from the Resident Evil franchise, written by S.D Perry. It's all about the mansion incident, and features main characters such as Jill. The book is very good, so go and give it a try; it will hopefully give you a deeper understanding of things. Hopefully, I will post up the second all original novel. ****************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 7

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