Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on Feb 6, 2006


**************************************************************************** Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, swearing, and graphic violence.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Conversations in the [ ] boxes are communicated through the head sets. ****************************************************************************


The chilling wind that swept through the graveyard made no whisper as it passed through the aisles of tombstones; the rustling leaves from far away trees falling on the way. The pale moonlight that seemed to expose all evil disappeared behind a group of black clouds, as it made its last attempt to show all enemies that might have stalked throughout the fields. A black crow sat silently on a tombstone shaped into a cross, eyeing anything suspiciously. After a little while, its black eyes lied upon on two shadowy figures that sat by the hedge that surrounded the fields. They seemed to be deep asleep. Before the crow could observe any further, it was scared away by a distant noise that swept through the air. The crow now knew that there were more things in the graveyard.

Mark's head slowly fell into Carlos's lap, unaware of his little action. His slow breathing could not be heard as the wind covered his voice with a chilling and haunting ambience. Carlos, who had also fallen asleep, hugged himself every now and then as the cold air bit through their jackets. Mark, who now was lying on his back, head on Carlos's lap, stirred from a distant noise that was carried with the wind.

Mark's eyes slowly opened to find Carlos looking down at him, a small smile on his lips.

"Hey" Carlos whispered. Mark blinked a few times in confusion, before realizing that he was lying on his lap. He quickly adjusted himself and stood up, embarrassed.


"(small chuckle) no biggie kiddo" And with that, Carlos also stood up and stretched his limbs, checking his watch as he did so.

"We've only been sleeping for 15 minutes"

Mark wondered. "Really? I feel like I've gotten a good nights sleep"

"Well maybe that's because you have been using me as a mattress kiddo" Mark rolled his eyes at his comment. Carlos winked at him in a cocky manner.

"Jeez, I already said I'm sorry, what else do you want?" He accepted the jacket Carlos was handing over to him as he spoke.

"A blowjob"

Mark froze. His eyebrows arched in shock as he slowly looked away from his belt and made eye contact with Carlos. Silence. Carlos grabbed his crotch and squeezed it. Mark still hasn't recovered from his request. Silence. It was after Carlos started cracking up that he knew that he was playing around

"(Laughter) I got you there didn't I kiddo?" Mark rolled his eyes in complete disbelief, and punched Carlos playfully in the shoulder.

"You asshole! That wasn't very nice you know" Mark couldn't help but join in the laughter.

"Well, it was worth your expression kiddo" Carlos smiled.

The laughter had ceased and an awkward silence floated in the air. Mark couldn't help but look away as he was bright red in the face.

"(chuckle) you look cute when you blush, ya know that kiddo? Well, we better head back now, Alice's shift is up next."

Mark silently nodded, still avoiding Carlos's smiling face as they walked through the eerie mist towards the house.

They had arrived at the door. Carlos opened it and bowed like Mark was some king while signaling for him to get in. They both quietly laughed as they got in, being welcomed by the warm air that filled the house. The fire was reduced to a small flame that danced in its place. Mark looked around the room to find no one except Alice analyzing some of her weapons in the kitchen. She looked up and smiled over at the boys before starting to replace her weapons upon her. Mark turned around when he felt Carlos tap on his shoulder.

"Can I have your jacket?"

"Oh, sure, uh thanks" Carlos took his jacket and hung it on the coat rack.

Mark thanked him again, receiving a cute smile in return, before moving towards the kitchen. He found an open packet of Oreo's lying on the kitchen counter and took 2 pieces, silently gobbling them up. Alice had now finished; she looked up at Carlos.

"There's some coffee in the machine over there, still warm if you want. So how was it?" Before Carlos could reply, Mark spoke up as he moved out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.

"Your gonna need a jacket, or two"

"Oh hey Mark, you forget your head set on the counter" Mark turned around on the stairs to find Carlos walking up to him, head set in his hands. He opened his palm and Mark took the object from him.

"Thank you"

Carlos smiled, but this time it was different. It was a mix of warmth, trust and something else Mark couldn't make out. He snapped out of it as Carlos spoke.

"Sleep well"

Mark nodded, and then slowly turned away and continued his journey up the stairs, thinking about the smile. He had reached his room and opened the door. The lights were on, no one was in the room. Mark assumed that Russel was in the bathroom. He entered the room and grabbed some PJ's from his backpack. 5 minutes later, Mark had put his military balt away and was dressed to sleep. He decided that he would take a shower in the morning as he was too exhausted for some weird reason. He quickly analyzed the room, making sure that when he would turn out the lights, he would know where to step and what not to hit. As he reached the double bed, he congratulated himself for his successful little journey across the pitch-black room. It was a little later when he heard the door open and felt Russel climb into the bed as he slowly drifted off into Neverland.

************* The Next Day.

Mark, who was lying on his stomach, and at the edge of the bed, opened his eyes. He saw the floor, and then moved his eyeballs towards the window, noting that it was morning due to the light that crept up the horizon. Not wanting to get up, he turned around and closed his eyes, wrapping himself up in the fluffy blanket. He was momentarily disturbed by Russel; who had adjusted the blanket a bit. But Mark didn't open his eyes. It was a little later, when he decided to open his eyes, and look at Russe-

"Carlos!" Mark, in shock, since Carlos's face was right in front off him, had fallen off the bed, dragging the blanket down with him. The blanket had not saved him as a large thud could be heard as he hit the ground. Apparantly he had hit his head, and then his elbow.

"Ow!" Mark tried getting the blanket off of him since it was wrapped around him in a riddle. Once he did so, he stood up and looked to the bed. Carlos lied there, eyeing him. Mark didn't notice at first, but Carlos was wearing nothing but his boxers. And damn! Was he hot (7O!)7 His chiseled chest and six pack clearly showed, Mark tried hard not to drool. A faint treasure trail could be seen as it lead down to the ultimate prize, which unfortunately, was covered in boxers. Mark blinked a few times and noticed that Carlos had been patiently watching.

"Heya kiddo, I didn't mean to scare you."

"What the hell are you doing" Mark whispered.

"Well, when I went up last night to my room, I found CJ and Russel sleeping on the bed (Omg! Russel & CJ???) so I decided to take Russel's place. I'm sorry Mark, I should have slept on the couch."

"Oh, uh, nah, it's fine" Mark forced a smile.

"Are you okay? I mean, are you angry or anything, do you want me to leave?"

"Nah, do whatever you want, err, I just would have preferred if you had woken me up and told me that you were sleeping here"

"Yeah, I wanted to do so, but you looked so used up. Look, I'm sorry"

"Oh come on Carlos, stop apologizing"

He shot Mark a sexy smile.

"I u-uh I'm gonna go take a shower" Mark said as he made his way to the bathroom, never taking his eyes off of Carlos. Unfortunately, he tripped over his bag and landed on his side. He heard Carlos chuckle as he stood back up, cheeks blushing, and made his way out of the room.

After a while in the shower, Mark made his way down, finding everyone eating all over the room. When he laid his eyes on Russel, Russel smiled at him. Bastard. Mark mentally hit himself, why is he mad? Russel and himself aren't an item, so there's no need to be pissed at him. But then again, if Russel would hit on him, then he would get pissed off. Mark forced a smile. He walked over to the kitchen and found Jill and Angie eating pancakes. Before he could grab some of his own, someone tapped on his shoulders. He turned around to find an innocent looking Carlos.

"I made you a Milkshake, hope it will make up for our little incident" mark accepted it. Gosh, what a nice guy. He decided to tease him a little bit.

"Well, its gonna take more than a milkshake kiddo" Mark enthused. Carlos just smiled and nodded his head, it was his special smile.

**************************************************************************** So what ya think? Drop me any comments at or visit/join my group: ****************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 6

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