Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on Feb 2, 2006


**************************************************************************** Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, swearing, and graphic violence.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Conversations in the [ ] boxes are communicated through the head sets. ****************************************************************************


I thought I had cracked my spine as I lunged out of the bed at the sudden bang. I prayed to god that whatever was standing under the door wasn't some grotesque demon or ghost spawned from the depths of below to take me down. To my surprise, it was Alice.

"Dinner is ready" her calm face showed no expression.

I took in the words slowly as I still was recovering from the burst of adrenaline. Alice was about to turn away before facing Mark again.

"Sorry, the door was jammed"

I didn't know what else to do except nod my head. She observed the door hinges for a little before disappearing downstairs. As for myself, I got off the bed and made my way to the stairs, carefully avoiding the bag I had tripped on earlier. As I reached the door of my room, I couldn't help but smell a disgusting aroma that seemed to come from a particular zone of the room. I looked over my shoulder. The closet. Whatever, or whoever was in there, the doors were locked for a reason. Mark decided to bring up the haunting thing later on during conversation.

Mark walked down the stairs to find Jill and Angie eating on the couch by the fireplace, while the rest were hanging around the kitchen.

"Mark! You've finally agreed to join us" Russel's voice flowed in a sarcastic manner. Mark spotted the smile he shot him as he said it.

"Yeah, thanks Alice"

Alice turned away from the coffee machine to exchange a grin. Mark walked over to the counter, dodging Carlos, who nearly tripped over with his plate as he took the cup Alice was offering him. Jill's pasta stood in a giant pot, next to a set of plates and forks/knives/spoons. Its look and smell suggested a satisfying result as Mark helped himself to a plate.

"There's a bowl of salad in the fridge as well." Came Russel's voice. If Mark had been correct, Russel had been watching his every movements.

"Oh, right, thanks"

After applying some salad to his dish, Mark swayed over to the living room, to be heartily greeted by Angie & Jill. Apparently, they were talking about their favorite holiday destinations.

"yeah, but I don't think I'll be sun tanning for quite a while."

"why not?"

"Well Angie, remember, I'm here to bring a corporation down."

I ignored their convo for a bit as I devoured the food, I guess I was hungry :). Their convo fell silent and I could feel their eyes scorching my skin.

"Jeez Mark, you sound like a turkey when you gobble it all up" Jill's comment sent Angie on a giggling fit, only to be increased as I started imitating a turkey.

"M-Mark! Ss-s-stop! Your gonna make me c-cry!" I ignored Angie's plead as I placed my plate on the floor and jumped onto the opposite site and assaulted Angie by tickling her. Her face flushed a deep shade of red as she tried defending herself from her worst weakness it seemed.

I was interrupted during my attack as Carlos had started tickling me to grab my attention.

"Oh my god! S-stop! (Laughing hysterically) W-what do you want!?"

"I hate to interrupt but, you're coming with me for grave yard duty"

Marks laughing came to a halt as the words rolled out of Carlos's mouth.

"What? you mean like in (chuckles) Buffy? Whoa, there's a grave yard here!?"

"Yeah, don't worry, just grab the cup of coffee over there and I'll wait by the front door"

"Uhhhh, okay...?"

I got off the couch and took the cup he had directed me too.

"you got all your gear kiddo?"

"Umm, yes I do"

He threw me someone's jacket and took me outside of the house. I still was a little confused, I must have missed out on a meeting before or whatever.

The air temperature was frickin'freezing! I mean, my teeth started clattering the moment I stepped out of our little sanctuary. Carlos had noticed this and gave me a warm smile. I followed him to the back of the house and saw the graveyard. It was huge. It probably covered an entire field.

"holy shit, why are we doing this, are there undead around?!"

"(chuckle) nah, we just have to keep guard against any Umbrella workers kiddo (gosh I love it when he calls me that :D)


"Here's what we'll do, put on your head set, turn it on, and then you take one of the aisles on the right side, while I take the left. We both make our way down to the other side, we meet each other, and then split up again, taking different aisles."

"Umm, okay..."

"Don't worry kiddo, I got your back"

He winked and shot me a smile that just made my knees want to collapse. We parted our ways after I placed my head set on.

[Can you hear me?]

[Umm, loud and clear]

[okay, ya see? You still got me around]

I returned his comment with an unconvincing laugh. I was scared shitless. There were several chambers/tombs scattered around, other than that, only head stones of various shapes and sizes littered the landscape.

I thanked the gods for the full moon as it illuminated somewhat the area. I didn't want to resort to my torch, as I'd figure it would attract attention. Ever since Mark had seen 'The Village', he's been like: "Turn the light down, it attracts them..."

Silly guy.

It had been an hour of slow walking in what seemed to be the North Pole. No conversation had been sparked ever since the testing thing. Mark had not dared to say something. He had arrived to what seemed to be the end of the graveyard, telling by the low hedge he had bumped into. He looked around, but saw no one there. Maybe Carlos was still walking. Or, he already went back. Or, he was eaten by a zombie. Or, he fell into a pit. Or, this was all some cruel joke and he's secretly filming from behind a tombstone. Or, maybe he was possessed and is currently busy with a massacre at the house. Jeez Mark. Stop scaring yourself to death.

Before he was going to speak into the headset, he felt something pressure on his shoulder. He turned around as he spoke

"Carlos, if your trying to scar-" no one was there.

Mark fell silent and concluded that it was just his muscles aching or something. He turned around to get into his original positio- BANG he had slammed into someone's chest. Mark just froze in place and looked up to Carlos, head spinning.

"Crap! You scared the hell out of me! Uhh, Sorry bout that" I tried my best to remain cool. He chuckled.

It felt like a minute or so before I realized that I was still attached to him. I immediately removed myself in embarrassment and sat down and rested my head and back onto the hedge; Carlos sat next to me. I felt somewhat uncomfortable as he was so close to me. He must have seen my teeth clattering since he removed his jacket and put it around me.

"Oh no, im f-f-f-f-ine, really" I forced a smile and removed his jacket and gave it back to him.

"Yeah yea, that's what they all say, your turning blue Mark"

He replaced the jacket onto me as he spoke.

"What about you?!"

"Im warm"

I stared at him for a moment in disbelief. Such a hero! (7^*^)7 He adjusted both jackets so that they would cover both of us up.

"Is that fair?" He raised his eyebrows and shot me a cocky smile.

"I guess."

5 minutes later.


He nodded to me before moving a little closer; my body went a little stiff. Yet this resulted in me heating up, and I felt so comfortable. It had not been a few minutes later of silence before I slowly fell asleep and my head rested onto a wonderful Carlos.

Next: Chapter 5

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