Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on Jan 30, 2006


Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, swearing, and graphic violence.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

_________________________________________________________ Resident Evil: Crimson Three _________________________________________________________

3:15 AM. I woke up to find Russel leaning on my right shoulder. If it weren't for his seat belt, he would have fallen off the seat. I enjoyed my temporary bliss before I turned my head to analyze everyone else in the van. Jill was driving. Carlos must have switched with her while I was asleep. Alice, sitting by a window, was wide-awake and kept Angie's sleeping head on her lap. CJ was sitting next to Carlos, reading a magazine that they had taken from the super store a few hours ago. And Carlos was looking out of the window.

I noticed to find that the scenery had changed. Instead of the empty, brightly lit highway, we were traveling on a rural road. The leveling of the road was unbalanced, and every now and then a hole would appear. I couldn't see much, but we turned into a small driveway of a farm, in what seems to be, the middle of nowhere. The farm it self, was as stereotypical as it can get; the silent windmill next to the big red barn, with its huge sliding doors. Hay lay scattered all over the ground, mixing in with the muddy brown soil. And then there was the manor house. Its windows and architecture somewhat reminded me of the house in The Amityville Horror. Light shone down onto the front porch from the top left window, creating an eerie shade of light that you would expect to see in the twilight zone.

The van came to a halt, and Jill let out a big sigh, removing her hands from the wheel. She checked her watch before looking back at her passengers. She eyed all the sleeping passengers, and noticed that Russel was leaning up against me. She gave me a smile wink. What did that mean? I don't know, but I replied with a small smile. I decided to wake up Russel, so that he wouldn't miss out on anything important. I adjusted my loaded belt and took of my seat belt, trying to be careful not to drop the dude on the floor. Slowly bringing my face towards his, I whispered.

"Russel, Russel"

He slowly opened his lids, revealing his goddamn sexy green eyes.

"What time is-"

"Shhh. Don't worry, you'll see soon"

Mark returned to his original sitting position as Russel adjusted himself.

"Oh, sorry bout that, sleeping thing" he shot me a face of guilt before he gave me a little wink.

"No prob."

"Alright guys, everyone awake? This is Barry's place, one of my friends; he also used to work for S.T.A.R.S and came with me for the mansion mission. Unfortunately, he's off with Chris, another member, in Paris, trying to infiltrate Umbrella's main headquarters."

Jill had taken off her belt and moved out of the front seat to one of the passenger seats, so that she could face everyone.

CJ replied. "What are we doing here?"

"For now, this will be our 'temporary hideout'"

This reply baffled me, I mean, why are we hiding?

"What do you mean 'hideout' Jill?"

"Well you see, Umbrella are willing to do anything to get rid of all the evidence, and unfortunately, the S.T.A.R.S members that have gone along onto the Spencer estate, are on the list of things to destroy."

"Can I call my dad?" Came Angie's voice.

"Once we are inside yes"

"But... why is there a light on in the house?"

Jill opened her mouth to speak. But her sentence never came out. Her eyes darted from the crew to the top left window.

"I-I don't know" her reply wasn't reassuring, and Alice was the first to break the silence.

"Jill, stay here, Carlos come with me"

And with that, Alice and Carlos opened the van door as quietly as they could and pulled out their weapons as they tread like shadows across the empty space between the van and the manor. Once they reached the door, they found a note on the door. Alice read it and then returned to the van, leaving Carlos to enter the house.

"Barry left a note, he says that he left one light on to keep strangers from breaking in"

"Typical him" replied Jill, a small smile curling on the tips of her lips.

"Right, Angie, come with me, you three boys, load all the stuff into the house, Jill do what you please"

Angie hopped out of the van and nearly fell over but was caught by Alice. She mumbled a thanks and then left to the house with Alice.

"Alright fellas, you heard her"

Cj, Russel and Mark set to the boot and started grabbing as much as they could, while Jill took some of the stuff from inside the black van. Mark already had one of his hands full of shopping bags; he reached for another bag when his hands collided with Russel's. Their eyes met for a moment and Mark could feel sparks flying out of his ears.

"Sorry" was all Mark could say.

"No prob, I'll take it"

Russel took the bag and followed Cj to the house; Mark and Jill came shortly after them.

As they went through the dark brown oak doors, they came into what appeared to be a living room. What surprised Mark the most was that there wasn't any furniture except a couch that took up half of the room, structured in a U-shape around a fireplace. The lush blue carpet did not match with the brown oak wallboards, as did the brown leather couch.

"Drop of the stuff in the kitchen" Jill had walked past me and made her way to the left side of the room.

The kitchen wasn't that big. It was directly connected to the living room, so the two rooms were connected into one room. In the middle of the kitchen stood a large brown table, where Jill, Cj, and Russel were placing their stuff. I walked over and did the same. I saw Angie jump onto the couch as Carlos began working on the fire. She analyzed Carlos's actions before turning around to face the direction of the kitchen.

"I'm hungry, can I have something to eat?"

Jill replied as she was placing stuff into the refrigerator. "Don't worry, I'll fix something up for everyone later. Alice, there's a computer upstairs if you want to check if Barry left anything for us. And you boys, bring all the backpacks upstairs and find a room for everyone."

Alice was the first to go up the stairs that were in the living room. Apparently, the second floor seemed larger, but that was what Mark thought, as there were 4 doors. The first one opened up to a room with nothing but a closet, desk, computer, and a king size bed.

"Okay, I'll sleep here with Angie and Jill, the rest of you take the other two or three."

Alice took the backpacks that belonged to Jill, Angie and herself and went into her room. The rest of us turned to the next room. It was similar to the other room, except that it had a double bed. CJ decided that he and Carlos could stay here.

I was left alone in the hallway with Russel as Cj entered his room and started arranging his stuff. We left him to it and went to the third door. We opened it and found that it was identical to the room CJ had. While Russel was examining the room, Mark opened the last door, a bathroom. Russel had popped his head out of the room and looked at the bathroom. He looked at the room he was in before looking back at all the other doors then back at Mark.

He gave a small smile. "I guess we are sharing this one"


Mark entered the room and set his bag on the floor. He soon discovered that this was the room where the light was on. What he didn't notice until later was that there was a closet built into the wall on the far right side of the small room. He had tried to open it and found to his disappointment that it was locked. He gave up and walked over to the window to look outside. Nothing. Pitch Black. Mark let out a big breath before turning around to find Russel sitting on the edge of the bed, doing nothing.

Nothing happened as the awkward silence took over the room. Not knowing what else to say, Mark told Russel that he was going to go back down. And as Mark reached the doorway, Russel spoke.

"Mark, wait"

I slowed down and looked over my shoulder to see Russel looking at the floor, and then up at me. I waited a little longer and noticed the hesitation on his face.

"uhh N-nothing"

"Umm okay... well I'll see you then.."

I left the room, and halted at the top of the staircase, wandering what Russel wanted to tell me. I decided that I would talk to him later. I ignored my thoughts and looked over at Alice's shut door, and could hear the faint typing on the computer. And at Carlos's door, he could hear music. Music... Oh Yeah! Mark didn't realize that he had his ipod in his pocket for the past week. Silly Rabbit. He happily pulled it out as he descended the stairs.

"Oh! Can I listen to that, please?"

Since Mark knew he was a nice guy, he handed over the ipod to Angie, who eagerly took the ipod off of him.

"Thanks, I'll return it shortly"


I turned away from Angie and looked at the kitchen to find Jill cooking something.

"So, you cook well?"

"Me? (chuckle) nah, im terrible, never found the time to cook ya know, always doing work and stuff for S.T.A.R.S"

"Well the pasta looks fine to me"

"Yeah well that aint so hard to do, oh, can you get me the salt from the top left cupboard please?"

mark walked over to the cupboard and opened it, searching for the salt.

"it should be some small white bottle or somethi-"

"Got it"


I watched her as she poured salt into the pot.

"I think you put a little too much Jill" I gave her a look of disappointment, and in return, received a punch on the shoulder.

"Well, whatcha gonna do bout it?" she said playfully.

I rolled my eyes and smiled as I walked away and sat next to Angie on the couch. She offered me an earpiece, and we both listened to whatever she was listening to.

"Angie, where's Carlos?"

"Upstairs with Alice"

"You know what, im gonna take a little nap"

"Does that mean that I get to use your music for a little longer?"


"Yippee, thanks a lot Mark"

I smiled at her and left to the stairs. Upstairs, I found that Carlos was still in his room and that Russel was in the bathroom. I walked over to my room and closed the door. Turning off the lights, I tried finding my way to the bed in the dark, tripping over a bag and landing face forwards on the floor. I cursed to myself and found the bed, dropping onto the soft mattress. I drifted asleep without ease. It was not until later that I was woken up by something other then the people in the house.

Marks eyes slowly opened as the noise came again. It sounded like something scratching on something, like wood. He raised his head a little, trying to make where the sound was coming from. The cupboard. Marks heart thumped a little faster at the knowledge of this. He lowered his head back onto his pillow and pulled the cover over his face. Whatever it was that was awakening him up, he knew that it was gonna be something weird. Again the creepy noise came. But it was not until a few moments later, when Mark jolted upwards as the door slammed open.

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Next: Chapter 4

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