Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on Jan 29, 2006


Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, and swearing.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

_____________________________________________________________________ Resident Evil: Crimson Two _____________________________________________________________________

"Alright, gather round." Everyone gathered around Alice by the front door of the supermarket.

"Jill, what did you find?"

"Bucket load, 2 sub-machine guns with 4 clips, 2 flash grenades, 6 upgraded hand guns with 20 magazines, pack of acid grenades, an assault rifle with 3 magazines and a military combat shotgun with rounds."

"Good, that will do."

Alice stepped forward and picked up the two submachine guns, weighing them in her hands. She placed them down on the floor to get the 4 clips and slip 2 into the guns and the other 2 into her backpack. Jill was next. She took the MC shotgun and slung it on her back. Carlos followed, grabbing the assault rifle and magazines. When they were all done, they looked over at us. The room was silent. Me, Russel, CJ, and Angie just stood there waiting for something to happen. Alice was the first to speak.


She threw Mark a handgun, and then did the same for CJ and Russel. The other three handguns went to Carlos, Jill, and Alice. I didn't know how to respond. I've never held a gun before; it felt safe and powerful, yet also like as if it was gonna explode any second if handled wrong. Alice handed everyone 2 magazines and placed the remaining ones in her backpack. Seeing that Mark, CJ and Russel didn't know what to do, she held out her handgun and slowly inserted the magazine, instructing the boys.

"Its that easy" She said as she slapped in the magazine. "Do the same thing and then put your spare one in your pockets or bags"

The boys naturally followed and we all got it right.

"Okay, now load the gun." Alice pulled back the top of the gun, and a click could be heard, signaling that a bullet has entered the tube. Once again, the boys followed.

"Now, if you press the trigger, it will shoot, so put on the safety switch on the side."

We did as we were told and I let out a small sigh. CJ placed his gun in his pocket, while me and Russel grabbed the military belts we had found. While placing the gun in the belt, I took out the clip I had placed in my pocket and placed it on the belt. Muahahahah, I felt professional. I then remembered I had Jill's combat knife.

"Here, thanks"

"Keep it, I got a spare"

I gave her a small smile and nod and then placed the combat switchblade on my belt.

"Okay, food?" Came Carlos.

Mark and Russel stepped aside, revealing the four baskets of food. Apparently CJ and Angie had also gathered food, so there were tons.

"Great, we'll load them up soon. But first, grab one of these"

Carlos handed out what appeared to be Bluetooth headsets like you would use on a phone.

"I've wired them together, so if you turn them on, we can all talk to each other within a range of 250 meters."

I placed mine on my right ear, but didn't turn it on as no one else did. Duh.

"Oh, Mark has found recovery items" I snapped out of space as Russel gave me a smile along with his comment.

"Oh, y-yeah. I've got 7 small first aid sprays, so one each." Mark hands out sprays to everyone and places his on his belt. "A med kit and a pack of some healing herbs"

"Great, good work"

Angie had stepped forward to Alice and handed her something. A map.

Alice smiled and took the map. "Smart girl, have you taken your medication yet?"


I looked over at CJ. He was also the same age as me and Russel, 16. Black hair, brown eyes and a killer smile...... gosh, he seems so cute when he is smiling at me. Omg! He caught me staring at him. My eyes darted to the window, and my legs started shifting uncomfortably.

"Mark, I want you to go back to the frozen foods and grab a coupla packs of pizza and then warm it up in the microwave by the counter"

"Sure Jill" I heartily accepted this little job, anything to hide my blushing face.

I walked away from the crowd as I made my way all the way to the back of the store, where I found the packs lined up in the fridges.

"Hmmmm. Pepperoni, anchovies, cheese, mozzarella, tomato, Hawaiian...... pistachio... pistachio? Oh my god Yuk."

My eyes switched from one pack to the other as I slowly went down the aisle, before bumping into someone.


"Holy Shi- Oh my god Russel, its you" Mark let out a sigh of relief. He looked up at Russel, who was smiling pleasantly at him. Oh god, he's so fucking sexy! My eyes returned to the pizzas to avoid blushing.

"Need any help there?"

"Uhh, n-no, im good" Mark forced a smile and then randomly grabbed packs of pepperoni and cheese pizza's. But I guess I started blushing hard as one of the packs dropped on the floor. Clumsy twat.

"(chuckle) lemme help" Russel picked up the pack and followed me to the counter where I started heating up the pizzas. I looked over at Russel, who was grabbing a selection of candy. Lol, he looks so cute when he has a serious face. Back by the door, I could see the rest of the gang bringing the stuff to the van, while Angie was observing the map on the floor, clever girl.

"Where are we gonnna go?"

Russel looked away from the lollipops and at me, and then answered my question.

"Well, Jill says she has some contacts somewhere who could help bring Umbrella down"

"Woah woah, Umbrella?" Apparently, I had not been told about the whole scandal.

"Umm. Well you see, Umbrella are a pharmaceutical company developing worldwide health products, duh, you should know that (chuckle). 9 out of 10 homes contain at least one product of theirs. And well, while they were making these health products, they have also secretly been creating the T-Virus within the Spencer Mansion in the Arklay woods that surround Raccoon City."

"You mean that abandoned estate?"

"Yeah. They have been using it as a lab for the past twenty years. That's where the T-Virus was established. A virus that can travel through air and contact any living thing. In doing so, when a living thing has had contact with the virus, the virus restructures the DNA of the host, creating them into horrible things."

"Like the undead?"

"Yes. Apparently, if a dead organism were exposed to the virus, the virus would reanimate the dead. And, if you had any contact whatsoever with these things, any single scratch, bite, or splatter of blood on a cut, you will be infected. And you will turn into one of those mindless things within an hour."

"I don't understand why they wou-"

"B.O.W, Bio Organic Weapons, living creatures who act as conscious weapons. The T-virus, a weapon of mass destruction."

"How do we know all this stuff"

"Jill, was part of the Alpha team for the S.T.A.R.S, sent in to investigate the murders that have plagues the city over the past month within the woods. They were chased by Cerberus, zombie dogs, and took refuge within the mansion estate, where they find the Bravo team, dead. And it is there where they find out everything."

"But, I thought the S.T.A.R.S blew up the estate because they were drunk"

"They blew it up to destroy all the creatures they found within the mansion, and to destroy the labs and experiments within. And, that was just a cover up the government used (the drunk thing), obviously, Umbrella had got to them. And then there was the outbreak and the nuclear bomb to destroy the evidence."

Mark just stood there. It was all a conspiracy. A lie. A scandal.

"And it seems that Umbrella have continued their illegal experiments on perfecting the T-Virus in their headquarters somewhere in Europe."

"How did the outbreak happen"

"The Hive. The Umbrella offices beneath Raccoon City. There was an accident; and the virus got through the air ventilation, killing everyone. A rescue squad was sent in, they found Alice there. And only Alice escaped the facility. Umbrella wanted to retrieve a sample of the T-Virus they left there, so they re-opened the hive, and then, it all happened too fast."

"Who is Alice"

"Apparently, she worked for Umbrella, and they changed her, made her stronger. She doesn't know much as well"

"Well, cant get any worse can it? Lol"

"Well there's the G-virus, when someone is infected by it, they undergo intense mutation to the point of where they die."


Russel shot me a reassuring smile. "But don't worry, you're with us now." I started blushing, but recovered with a question to keep him off my case.

"How did you get here? And CJ, Angie, Carlos?"

"Me and CJ ended up just like you did, pure luck. And Angie? She's the daughter of Dr. Ashford, one of the founders of Umbrella, but he's a good guy, he asked Alice and Jill to retrieve her within the Raccoon City School. And Carlos, well, he's a survivor of the U.B.C.S (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service); he made it out of the city with Jill and Alice. Apparently, the U.B.C.S were used to see how strong they were against the undead."

The microwave rang a bell, and Mark pulled out the pizzas onto their cardboard boxes.

"I'll take it" Came Russel.

"Okay" He left to the van where everyone was hanging out. Carlos was still grabbing some stuff from the store.

I looked over to the counter and saw the cash machine. There was a key next to it. And being the curious and silly little boy that I was, I opened the cash register and grabbed all the money with passion. Muahahahaha. I would have to give it all to one of the adults :(

I returned with the money, and received thanks from Jill. We ate and talked more about the whole scandal. Apparently, Angie knew more then I did. Lol. Later on, it was decided that Carlos would drive. We hopped into the van. And I was the last to get in. There was only one seat left, all the way at the back, next to...... Russel (7^o^)7 He smiled over at me as I sat down next to him. I adjusted my filled up belt and the car engine purred into life as we started driving on an empty highway in the middle of the night.

20 minutes had passed and I looked over at Russel. He seemed to have been looking at me because he spun his face towards the window, a slight shade of pink rising to his cheeks. I silently smiled to myself and answered my question that I had been asking my self a while ago. I guess I did make the right choice to join these people.

_________________________________________________________________________ So what ya think? Drop me any comments at or visit/join my group:

I tried blending the original resident evil storyline with the plot of the movies, didn't work out well, but im trying :)

Next: Chapter 3

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