Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on May 28, 2006


**************************************************************************** Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, swearing, and graphic violence.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe, created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

Conversations in the [ ] boxes are communicated through the headsets.

Conversations in the ( ) boxes are communicated in the character's mind/head/thoughts.


Mark silently walked through the eerie hallway; no noises littering the air, except for his pounding heart, and the echoing steps of his feet. It had been 5 minutes ago when Mark left Russel, and so far, there were no doors whatsoever.

For this, he thanked god.

But the bright lights that hung over the long hallway began to fade as Mark got closer and closer to whatever lay ahead. He blinked a couple of times, as the flickering lights created distorted flashes, and only contributed to the idea of 'this was a bad choice Mark'.

He adjusted his sweaty grip on both of his Glock's, and stood still for a moment, turning on his LED light that was attached to the front of his military vest. And when it went on, Mark felt better. He just prayed to god that the light didn't have the same effect like in the game Mark played last year: Silent Hill; the monsters would be attracted to the lights. The very thought of it gave him the creeps.

Sighing, he continued his journey down the hallway to a point where there were no more overhead lights, except for his little torch. And there, infront of him, was a door.

(Shall we see what's behind door #1...?)

Without having the time to hesitate, Mark opened the door with a kick and aimed his guns at -

Mark: "-outside??"

A warm breeze lazily swept past Mark's face, and the L.A night sky could be seen twinkling above. He stepped out of the door frame and out of the warehouse.

His surroundings looked somewhat familiar to those of when his team were waiting outside their designated door.

(This must be the other side of the warehouse...)

Sighing, Mark decided to head back into the warehouse and either wait, or take another route. Yet his thinking was brutally interrupted when he felt someone, or something, cover his mouth and yank him off of the small steps that led to the door.

Mark struggled as the wind was nearly knocked out of him.


Unknown: "You are intruding on forbidden ground kid." came a harsh whisper into Mark's ears.

Unknown: "Your coming with me"

And before Mark could do anything to stop this person, a cloth was brutally placed infront of his mouth and nose, and Mark inhaled a strange, and intoxicating fume, that seemed to make him extremely dizzy. 5 seconds later, the world seemed to slip off, and Mark saw black. **************************************************************************** Splash!!

Mark's eyes flew open in shock as the cold water wet his face, accidentally breathing some of it through his nose. He choked for a moment before he finally calmed down.

Unknown: "Welcome."

The kid recognized the voice of his attacker and found him sitting in a corner opposite him.

Mark: "Where the fuck am I"

Unknown: "The warehouse's security center"

Mark blinked a couple of times and realized that his hands were tied to the wooden chair he was sitting on. The tight know was hard as rock and seemed to cut into his flesh.

Mark: "Let me go..."

It was a simple plea.

Unknown: "You have trespassed kid, and for that, you must... pay"

Mark: "I don't have any money on me"

Unknown: "Oh, really?... well I'm sure I can think of something else..."

An awkward silence lingered in the air, and Mark took this opportunity to analyze the room he was in.

He was sitting in the middle of the room, and on either sides of the place were computer screens flashing different locations within the warehouse. The room didn't contain much.


Marks eyes moved from the computers and focused on the shadow that was about expose itself.

And as Mark had expected, a soldier stepped out of the black shadows of the room. He looked to be around 30 or so, well built, and a nice height.

He slowly moved towards Mark, his combat boots thumping on the floor. And when he got within 40 centimeters of Mark, he stopped, and looked down at him.

Soldier: "Ready to pay?"

Mark: "Hold on a moment, let me just call my bank for you..."

Luckily, Mark's enthusiastic comment didn't get him any slaps or whatever. Instead, the guy's face produced a wide grin.

Mark didn't know why he was smiling, but what happened next shocked him on a high level.

The soldier removed his hands from his hips and found the metallic zipper on his pants.

(Oh fuck!?)

Mark: "You're sick! When your boss hears about this, your gonna get it..."

Soldier: "(Chuckles) Oh I don't think so. Once I'm done with you my little girl, you're body is going to end up in the sewers tonight..."

Mark's expression dropped even more.

Mark: "You fucktard! Let me go!!"

(Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!!)

The soldier's grin widened in excitement, and he continued his previous errand. Mark tried to struggle free, but the knot wouldn't even budge at all. Instead, it cut deeper into his skin.

His movements suddenly stopped when he heard the zipper slowly go down.

Looking back in front of him, He saw the guy reach into his hole and grab the throbbing drill underneath. When he made contact with his little junior (little? Nuh-uh), a slow moan escaped from his mouth, and he closed his eyes in response.

He played with it a little more, and Mark could see the thing straining against the front of his pants, desperately trying to break free. The outline of his thick rod was huge, and a wet spot showed up at the tip of his dick.

Soldier: "You hungry?... ever tried Texan cock?"

Mark's face twisted in disgust, but in his thoughts, he blushed.

(Well, there was this one time in High School...... Oh for god's sake, Mark!)

Soldier: "Well then, I guess the Bank has just opened, ready to pay-up?"

And with that last comment, the soldier began to slowly take out the python from under his pants.

Mark's heart pumped vigorously. He began to sweat. His mouth was dry. His wrists were bleeding. His thoughts were just one giant traffic jam. He was going to be raped.

But then- **************************************************************************** 5 minutes later, the soldier lay dead on the floor; a bullet resting in his head.

Mark looked up at his saviour, and he remembered her face from before.

Mark: "Ada Wong...?"

Ada: "That's my name, honey"

So what ya think? Drop me any comments or criticism at or visit/join my group:


And yes, it is quite a short chapter, but it's either a short chapter over a short amount of time, or a long chapter over a huge amount of time. Sorry to those that have been waiting.

Next: Chapter 14

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