Resident Evil

By bob bob

Published on Jan 28, 2006


Disclaimer/Warning: This story is completely fictional. If you are under the age of 18, or if it is illegal to read such materials in your country, state, province or county, then please leave. If you are willing to take responsibility for your actions, then be my guest. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between males, and swearing.

The author retains all rights to this story. Please do not publish without authorization.

Note: The following story is set in the Resident Evil universe created by Capcom ( ( Therefore, all the characters and related titles in this story are property of Capcom. The author is only borrowing characters and elements (including world), and is not making any money in doing so. No Copyright infringement is intended.

_____________________________________________________________________ Resident Evil: Crimson One _____________________________________________________________________

Mark sat in the back of the van, next to a little girl he has never seen before. She looked to be at the age of 10, but he wasn't sure. In the seat in front of him sat a woman. She had blond hair, which stopped at her shoulders, blue eyes, and a serious face. Mark tried to remember her name when everyone introduced them selves. Alice. That was it. Sitting next to her was a man in uniform. He seemed to work for the Raccoon City Police Department (R.P.D), telling by his badge. Mark had only caught snippets of their small conversation as they rode to god knows where.

"What about Umbrella, where have they run to now?"

"I don't know Alice, but Jill said some stuff about contacts"

He ignored their conversation and looked back at the man sitting next to Alice. He looked to be in his twenties, like Alice, he supposed. His accent and tanned skin probably suggested him being Italian, but Mark didn't care. He liked his goatee though. Lol. In front of Alice and the guy (Carlos was his name I think) were two teenage boys, probably around my age. Mark didn't know their names as only Alice, Carlos, Angie (the little girl) and Jill had introduced themselves. He would see to them later. And lastly there was Jill, who was driving the van on the empty highway. She too was in her twenties. She said that she worked for the S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad). She too had the same length hair as Alice, except black. Mark sighed. He had asked himself countless times if he should have gone with these people, but it was the only choice.

How did he get here?

Two days after the outbreak of undead in Raccoon City, Mark had been kicked out of his own home. He couldn't believe it. He should have known that his father was a fucking homophobic. It was his 16th birthday. After three years of planning, it was to be that day in which he would come out of the closet. Obviously, things didn't go as well as he had expected it to be. And worst of all, mom just stood there crying while dad verbally assaulted him. He still couldn't believe it. And then when things couldn't get any worse, he kicked him out of the house. Physically (yea ouch, I got a cut on my face). He couldn't believe how stupid they have been. I mean, like, there were freakin' zombies and riots all over the city, and they kicked me out? Fuck them. Mark decided that he would never forgive them.

He had walked to his best friends house to find nobody there. Instead of going back, he packed some food in a backpack he found in the house and decided to leave the neighborhood. Luckily, the outbreak was still in the centre of town, so he was kind of safe. He took a bike he found on the streets and fled the city in tears. He stayed at a motel for a week not far from the city. That's when something happened. It seemed that someone had dropped a fucking bomb on the city, killing everything in sight, including his family. The news said that there was a `nuclear meltdown in one of the city's reactors'. He didn't cry that night. He didn't know what to feel. Regret? Joy? Anger? Resentment? Everything just stopped in his head that night. He had sat on the bed for 2 hours doing nothing but staring at the floor.

Mark decided that he would find a police station in a nearby town. He grabbed his bike and rode in the dark. He remembered the eerie woods that surrounded the little road he was on. The distant cries of some unknown animal haunted the forests as he rode on. It was cold and wet, and Mark didn't have a jacket. It was then when something popped out of the darkness in front of him and made him loose his balance. He fell and scraped his knee. Looking back, he saw the person to blame. But as the person, around 12 meters back, turned around, Mark knew what he was into. Undead. The thing swayed as it slowly made its way for Mark, its low groans piercing the night air. As the thing got closer, the stench of death and decay washed over Mark. He was paralyzed; he didn't know what to do. He remembered a week ago on the news about these things; `decapitate their heads, and they will go down.' But Mark didn't have anything with him; he just sat there as the grotesque figure made its way over to him. It was then when he heard a car coming up the road. It was a van. From then on, things went too fast. A lady stepped out of the car and shot the zombie in the head, while a guy dragged my backpack and me into the van.

That was exactly 56 minutes ago. Mark drifted out of his thoughts as the van slowed down. He looked out the window to see a closed supermarket and gas station. Jill was the first to speak.

"Come on, we gotta get some stuff if we wanna go on"

"I guess, I bet some of you kids are starving eh?" came Carlos with a cheeky smile. No one replied. Alice eyed the supermarket carefully before giving out orders.

"Angie, you come with me. Carlos take the two front guys, Jill take the new one."

"Gotcha" said Jill as she opened her door and stepped out of the van.

Alice opened the side door and everyone go out. I was the last to get out. I looked at the group we were in and noticed that the two boys and I were standing side by side. Carlos was tying his shoelaces. But my thoughts were interrupted as I felt something grab my hand from nowhere.

"Come on, lets go fella. And don't try anything stupid, your better of with us then with no one, got that?" Jill's tone was serious

"Um, yeah" I didn't know what else to say.

She dragged me to the door and let go of my hand. Mark looked back to see the others grabbing stuff from the van. I looked back to see Jill fumbling with the lock. Apparently, she was lock picking. It didn't take long as I expected it to be. In fact, it only took two seconds. My eyebrows arched as the lock fell to the floor and Jill opened the double doors.

"Amazing huh? (chuckle) maybe I'll teach you one day kiddo"

She smiled at me stepped into the building. One thing Mark didn't notice before was that she had a gun on her, but that would make sense as she worked for the S.T.A.R.S. It was all pitch black, and suddenly my stomach looped into a knot at the thought of zombies lurking around.

"Help me find the lights kiddo"

I looked back to the door and found the switches next to them. The lights flickered on as I pulled the switches, revealing the store. It was bigger then what Mark thought. The aisles stretched for about 20 meters each.

"Good work"


"Okay's. Hmmm. Grab one of those baskets and get as much food as possible, grab two baskets if you have to. I'll be by the ammunition counter on the far right side. The others will be in shortly, got that?"

"Yeah, but, do you think^Å there are^Å any.. like you know.. around here?"

Jill knew what I was talking about. She looked at me before grabbing a switchblade out of her belt.

"It's not much, but then again, it's not nothing. If you find something like a bat or whatever, use that, but until then, here"

She handed me over the blade and got lost within the aisles to find the ammunition counter. Mark sighed and placed the blade in his pockets. He grabbed two orange baskets and made his way to the left, to the very last aisle. He decided that he would work from left to right. His shoes clanked on the tile floors as he arrived at the last aisle. It turned out to be the drinks. Thinking wisely, he went past the soft drinks and found bottles of water. The lights were flickering above him, and Mark had a sense of foreboding. He filled up one basket full of water bottles, and decided to use the other basket for food. I heaved the basket up and went over to the next aisle, Medicines. He found a huge med kit on the shelve and took it.

Mark went silent as he heard something back in the drinks aisle. The lights above him started to flicker, and the sense of dread returned within him. He didn't know for how long he had held his breath. With the suspense killing him, he placed the med kit on the floor and grabbed out the switch blade. He left the shopping as he slowly made his way to the drinks aisle, blade in air. He reached the end of the Medicine aisle. Mark swallowed and took in a deep breath before turning the corner. No one was there. Feeling a huge sense of relief, Mark turned around. But his eyes opened in horror as he bumped into a figure. The lights went out, and everything was pitch black. Mark could hear Jill telling someone that they used the wrong switch. But his thoughts were all frozen as he backed away from whatever he bumped into. His mouth remained hanging in shock as he bumped into a fridge. That's when he heard the thing come his way.


He slammed his hands onto his mouth in disbelief, as he knew that he gave a dead give away of where he was. But before anything happened, the lights flickered back on, revealing the thing. One of the boys.

"It was you!"

Mark still didn't reply, his heart was a thumping train without emergency brakes. He removed his hands from his mouth and forced a reply.


"(chuckle) Thank god, I thought I bumped into a zombie. Oh im sorry, I hope I didn't scare you"

"Uhh, nah, I-it-its fine" I forced a weak smile. He seemed to know that I was growing uncomfortable, so he shot back a comment.

"Oh right, im Russel" he said as he extended his right arm. I moved forward and took it.


"Nice to meet you. And yeah, the other dude is CJ." Again, I forced a weak smile. Russel was an attractive fellow, probably the hottest person I've ever seen!!!!! (Now don't get too carried away there Mark =) He had wonderful green eyes, short sandy hair, and a small goatee beneath his lower lip. He must have noticed me staring as he started shifting. I snapped out of my trance and looked at his face. He was smiling at me. Oh god I swear I was about to melt.

"Something wrong Mark?"

Again, I snapped out of it. "Oh no, nothing, everything's good"

"Super, so what is your task?"

"Oh I have to gather food and stuff (Oh god he's cute!)"

"Yeah me too, where's your stuff?"

"Next aisle"

"Well, would you mind if I joined you?"

"Oh, erm, not at all, uh yeah, feel free" God, I was about to faint of embarrassment.

"Okies, I'll grab a basket and I'll meet you in your aisle"


He gave me one last smile and left to the front door to grab a basket. _____________________________________________________________________

So what ya think? Drop me any comments at or visit/join my group:

I'll try to get chapter two out soon ;-)

Next: Chapter 2

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