Researching My Sexuality

Published on Feb 26, 2006


Provision: The story involves sexual interaction between consenting male adults, contains words that are not suitable for minors and is intended for mature reading only. If you are either offended or against by the contents of this story; or if you are a MINOR, please STOP reading now. This story is purely fictional and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrities who are described.

Researching my sexuality - Part4

"So, how was it?" Cyril asked as soon as he saw me walking to my desk. I pretended I didn't hear him.

"Come on! Tell me, in details." He persists.

I know his not going to stop, so I told him what happened.

"What?" I can't help but asked him since he has this odd look on his face after he heard what happened.

He shook his head and asked, "Why didn't you invite him in?"

"I don't know...." I pause and looked at him. He's still waiting for me to continue. "I guess; I didn't have the courage. What if he says NO?"

"Are you blind, and deaf. Or maybe you're just clueless. He's practically just waiting for you to make the next move. He'd done his part already. And for a straight guy, I think he'd done it exceptionally well."

I laid my head forward and used my forehead to knocked my desk 3 times.

"Look, I remember what I said before, warning you to be careful and all that stuff. But, I didn't mean too careful that you would end up missing something wonderful." He held my shoulder and then walked back to his desk.

I was hoping that I would see Lee that day, to thank him again, but luck was not on my side.

The one that I saw was Steve. He asked me if I had lunch yet. "No, not yet." I answered.

"Let's grab something to eat then." He said happily.

We just walked to the food court nearby since it's walking distance. We ordered some burgers, fries, and something to drink. He told me that he went to see the ball game last night with his cousins and had a good time since it was a close game.

"I can't believe how long that game was, but it was worth it after catching this ball,"

he showed me the baseball that he caught after the team that he's rooting for won it with a clutched home run. We were so busy talking about baseball while we're eating that I didn't notice the pair of eyes watching us from a distance.

The next day, I was looking again for Lee but couldn't really find him anywhere. So, when I saw a co-worker who I know works in the same department as Lee, I ask for his whereabouts.

The guy told me that Lee called in sick that day.

"Was he here yesterday?" I asked

"Yes, but he left early, I think after lunch. He said that he wasn't feeling well." The guy answered I nodded my head, "Thank you."

"Is there anything I can help you with?" he asked

"Ah, no, not really. I just have some forms that I need him to sign. But, it can wait." I added right away. It was a good thing that I was carrying some paper works at that time.

Another 2 days had passed and still no Lee. I'm getting worried already. Cyril probably noticed it. He walked to my desk and put a piece of paper in front of me. I looked at it and saw an address written down. I looked at him with a question on my face.

"Lee invited me to his 45th birthday party that's why I know his address." He added, "It's the only way you'll have a piece of mind."

I stared at that piece of paper and contemplate if I should visit Lee.

"Go Eric, don't think." he said

I rang the doorbell hoping Lee would be the one to open it and not his wife. I thought of something to say in case she wonders why I'm visiting. I know it would probably sound lame, but I don't really care, I just wanted to see Lee.

The door opened and there's Lee looking a little haggard. He looks like he hasn't shaved in days but that just makes him look more ruggedly handsome.

"Would you like to come in?" he asked me with a faint smile.

"Yes, thank you. Oh, these are for you." I handed him the basket of fruits that I bought for him.

"Thanks. It's very thoughtful." He said after taking the basket "Please have a sit."

I did and looked around his place. He has a nice home, very neat and clean. "So, how are you feeling? I heard you are sick."

He forced a smile, "Yeah, still hurting here." He put his hand on his chest and then looks directly at me. We just look at each other until I give in and looked down on the floor.

"What are you doing here, Eric? How did you know where I live?" he asked

"Cyril gave me your address. I wanted to know how you're doing; I'm a little worried." I just gave him a glance and then looked down again. When I didn't hear him say anything after a while, I looked up and saw him still gazing at me.

"What would Steve say if he finds out?" he asked.

"Steve? W-w-what's Steve got to do with why I'm here?" I asked him back

"I saw you last Monday with him. Looked like you two were having a lot of fun while...he was holding your hand." He answered and then looked away

"He was showing me how to hold the ball when throwing a curve ball," I explained. Lee stood up and looked out the window. He just keeps on staring outside.

He looked like he's jealous of what he saw but maybe it was just my imagination. "I'm sorry, maybe this visit isn't such a good thing. I guess I better be leaving." I stood up and walked my way to the door. I turned the knob, started to open the door, but Lee closed it back again.

I didn't even noticed how fast he moved towards me. His left hand still on the door and now is blocking my way.

"I am not going to let you walk away." He said while looking at me, "even though...." He stopped, and put his other hand on the door. Now he has cornered me. He really has no intention to let me go. I could smell his cologne. His closeness sends some shockwave to my body.

"E-e-even though what?" I managed to ask. I wanted to hear what his going to say.

He looked at me again and asked, "Remember Friday night? You let me walked away from you.

I can't figure out why until Monday, when I saw you with Steve."

That thought put a glimpse of sadness on his face.

"What? Steve is just a friend," I pause for a while and then continue saying, "YOU are the one that I love." there I said it, and then I looked down. Be true to yourself, that's what I kept telling myself on my way here.

He lifted my chin. I looked at him and saw a glow in his eyes. And then he smiled, that smile that I always love. "Say it again?" he asked I don't know if I can. But, I took a deep breath, look directly into his eyes and said, "I love you. I always have. You're my first and my last."

And after hearing that he kissed me passionately. My first kiss, it was full of love and passion. And it was long too. I have to catch my breath afterwards.

I smiled at him afterwards, he smiled too, "Wow, I didn't know it felt that good." I said

That made him laugh a little, "Your first?" he asked

"Yes, and you made it so wonderful and memorable."

He kissed me on my forehead. "Let's make it even more memorable." he said and took me to the bedroom.

I sat on the side of the bed and he started taking his clothes off. I stopped him and asked him if he'd give me the honor. He smiles and then touches my face.

I took his shirt off and then started unzipping his pants. My hands were shaking a little but manage to take it off him. He was wearing a white brief, which could barely contain his package. I caress it and he moan a little. He said, "It's all yours sweetheart."

After hearing that, I pull down his last piece of clothing and there before my very eyes is his manhood with all its glory. It looks everything I imagine it would be. 7" long, thick, with almost hairless balls. I hold it in my hand and feel it. Lee guided me, so I kissed it and then opened my mouth and started sucking. I caress his balls with my other hand, which made him moan even more. Since he knows it was my first time, he gave me some instructions on how to do it.

"Ahhhhh, you're a natural sweetheart. Keep it going and you'll be rewarded." He moaned.

I tried to swallow the whole thing to give him more pleasure but also kept a steady phase so I wouldn't gag.

"I'm cumming sweetheart. Ohhh, I can't hold it any longer. Here it comes sweetie, just for you, ahhh!"

After hearing that, I decided to drink it all up. I imagine before what his manjuice would taste like and now I want it even more. I tried not to spill anything; it was a lot, enough to quench the thirst of someone after running 3 miles.

"That was awesome!" I told him He smiled and said, "I'll say, that was the best."

I smiled at him and we started kissing again. And then he whispered something into my ears, "I want to be inside you."

He probably saw the fear in my face so he said, "I'll be very gentle."

I was undressed in no time with his help. I saw him rub some lotion on his manhood and then some on my ass. We're laying on our side, my back on him. He started to put one finger inside me while kissing me on the neck.

"Oooh," I moaned

He continued kissing me on the lips with his tongue probing my mouth. I felt he put another finger inside and then another, which made me moan again.

"I think you're ready, sweetie," he said. He positioned himself and lifted my right leg. I felt that he started pushing his cock slowly inside me. He's very big for me so he took his time and push very slowly. He was very gentle and tried to comfort me with his words. "I love you, sweetie,"

"Ohhhh, I love you too, Lee."

When I felt the entirety of his cock inside me, I let out a sigh and moan. He stopped moving for a while allowing me to recover from the pain. He just kept on kissing me on the neck.

When he started moving again gently, the pain has subsided. "Oh sweetheart, your tightness drives me crazy."

He kept moving his hips gently back and forth. I remember those times I was admiring those hips and butt from a distance, and now he's making love to me with them. I reached back and squeezed his ass cheek.

"Ahhhh, I'm cumming again sweetie, ahhh." He moaned and then rubbed my cock. "ahhhhh....."

I felt the flow of his manjuice rushing inside me while I release mine.

We just lay there for a long while, maybe 20 minutes or so. I have my head on his chest.

I could hear his heart beat. Lee kissed me on the head and said, "I will always be here for you... to watch you... to care for you, remember that."

I look at him and said, "I love you. Ever since the first time I saw you." I smiled and added, "Actually, I can't take my eyes off you."

"I know, you always check me out when you think I wasn't looking." He teased me

"That's not true." I was a little embarrassed

"Sure it is, and I know which part of me you can't get enough of."

"Oh really, is it this?" I reached over and gave his cock a little squeeze.

He moaned a little, "Well, now that's your favorite, but before it was my ass. You think that I have the sexiest one."

"Who told you that?" I asked. "Don't tell me I know. I would kick Cyril for being such a blabber mouth."

"Promise me that you would ask me and not anybody else especially Steve anything you want to know about baseball." he asked "I probably know more about pitching balls than him."

"Oh, I believe you, you taught me how to carress it and love it." I teased him and then hold his balls. "I promise there'll be no one else but you."

He smiled and said, "You really love that, huh?"

"I love you and everything about you," I paused for a while and then remember something, "Oh my gosh, your wife. Is she coming back soon?" I panic and was about to get up but Lee stopped me.

"Don't worry she left me a long time ago. Our divorce just got finalized a few weeks back." He looked up the ceiling.

"Are you alright?" I asked him

"Yes, you're here that's all that matters." He answered and kissed me again. "Don't walk away from me again."

I look at his eyes and repeat what he said earlier to me, "I will always be here for you, Lee. I love you, with all my heart."

He smiled and hugged me closer to him. I close my eyes and rest in his warm embrace.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 5

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