Researching My Sexuality

Published on Feb 6, 2006


Provision: The story involves sexual interaction between consenting male adults, contains words that are not suitable for minors and is intended for mature reading only. If you are either offended or against by the contents of this story; or if you are a MINOR, please STOP reading now. This story is purely fictional and implies no specific knowledge of the celebrities who are described

I was finishing up my report about the last project that our team has just completed. I have to admit, I was glad and... relieved, to say the least... that it was finally done and yes, it was successful. Based on the reactions of my co-workers, our boss, and the big bosses after they'd seen our presentation, I am thinking that we might be getting a good bonus. I saved the report in my computer and in a disk, for back up. I was thinking of printing a copy but my co-worker who's also my friend interrupted me. "Hey Eric, there you are. I was using the spectrophotometer and not getting good results." I looked back to see Cyril wearing his lab coat and looked a little stressed. We've been friends since I started working in this company as a Sr. Research Coordinator. Cyril is also in the same department as I am, working as a Research Associate. He is 26 and I am just a year older than him. "Maybe, the problem is your sample and not the instrument." I replied with a smile. "Yeah, yeah, would you just take a look at it?" He groaned. I figured that he's in a hurry so I just said "Sure" and just laugh a little. We walked to the lab where he was working and found out that we just need to recalibrate the instrument. I left him there and said that I still have something important that I need to do. As I am walking back to my cubicle, I remember that I have to pick up some old lab books and folders from the stock room where we're keeping the old files. I opened the door and see that Lee, our Facilities Supervisor is on a ladder checking something inside the ceiling. His head and upper body was actually not visible to me. I observed him and noticed that he really has the cutest butt I've ever seen. He has a little beer belly, but, for a man of his age, I think late forties, he is still quite a hunk. He probably didn't hear me entering the room so I thought I would continue to check him out. The door automatically closes anyway. He has the perfect thigh, nice bulge in front, and again that rear that I always admire and check whenever I have the chance. After a short while, I noticed that he started moving his feet to get down the ladder. I pretended to look busy and start looking for something in the cabinet that was closest to me. I don't want him to see me observing him that way. I am not out yet; although I have a feeling that some of my co-workers, including Lee, know that I am gay. But, since I've always keep that to myself nobody dared to ask me. Cyril was the only one able to confirm the truth about me. I guess being gay himself gives him the vibes. He said, even with my good straight acting abilities he knows the truth. And unlike me, he is very open about who he really is. Lee continues to get down the ladder and when he saw me he greeted me right away with a smile. "Hi there, Eric. How are you doing?" His smile always reminds me of Bruce Boxleitner. He really looks like him. Those broad shoulders, nice hips, and did I mention that butt yet. He stands probably around 6'3". He's a tower compare to my height of 5'6". I blamed my Asian ancestors for that. "Good, thanks," I answered him back. "What are you looking for?" he asked. "Ahh, some old lab books." I replied. "Oh, we're keeping them in this other cabinet" he said and he walked to the cabinet that is close to the corner of the room. He opened the cabinet and sure enough they were all there. Of course I know that, I just pretended that I didn't. I walked towards him and started looking for the ones that I need. He stayed close to me and looking at the books I'm taking. I took the folders that I need first and put them on my left arm. I used my right hand to look for the books. I realized that they were all on the very top shelf. The problem is, there were also other books that were on top the ones that I need, not to mention the dust. I tried to pull it out without lifting the other books but it didn't work, the ones on top fell. Lee tried to catch all of them but there were just too many. He was able to catch 3 or 4 with his two hands and the others fell on the floor. "Oh man, these things are so dusty." Lee commented and then looked at his shirt and pants. He is wearing a blue printed polo shirt and fitted jeans. There were some dust on his shirt and pants. I felt so guilty that he gotten dirty because of me so I put the folders and book on the floor and started wiping the dust off his shirt and pants! I didn't even realize what I was doing at first until I got pretty close to his crotch area. I stopped and looked at him. He was still holding the books while looking at me with that teasing smile. My face must have turned so red. I looked away and tried to pick up the folders and book. I noticed that my hands are shaking a little. "You missed a spot." I heard him say. I looked at him and saw him looking at his pant's crotch area. There is a big mark of dust on it. I looked at the ground again and can't help but smile at the situation I'm into. "Don't tempt me." I was thinking and telling myself. I stood up with a shy smile and apologize for what happened. "No need to, it was an accident and you were just trying to take the dust off of me." His smile becomes wider. I shake my head a little and smile too. "Here let me put those back on the shelf." I put the folders and book I am carrying on the table, and took the ones he has and put them back on the shelf. He started wiping the dust off of him. "Thanks for helping me, Lee." I said after closing the cabinet. I looked at him. He's done cleaning himself and still has that smile. "Just thanks, no free lunch?" he asked smiling I was checking him if he was serious. I'm not sure if he is, so I answered "Well, a little too late for that, it's almost 3PM. How about dinner?" I joked back "That's even better. But let's have it on Friday night, I have some errands that I need to do tonight and tomorrow after work." he said. I'm smiling but also looked puzzled at the same time. "OK, dinner on Friday, it is." I waved goodbye. He waved back and said, "See you, Eric." I walked back to my cubicle thinking of everything that had happened in the stock room. "Do I really have a dinner date on Friday?" I asked myself. And then I remember something, he asked me to have lunch with him before. But I thought he was just teasing so I dismissed it and never really give him any answer. I think it was his way of saying thanks, after I took care of the building equipments deliveries. He was supposed to be there to handle it, but had to left work in a hurry that day because of a family emergency. Not that I'm the alternate person, I just happened to be in the delivery area looking for the materials that I expect to be delivered that morning. I called the receiving department before but was informed that they were short handed so they won't be able to deliver until in the afternoon. I decided to just go there and pick it up myself. Sure enough nobody was around when I got there, so I searched in the pile of boxes that were still in the "to be processed" area. And that's when the deliveries of equipment arrived. Since I was the only person there I have no choice but to talk to the driver. I don't want to leave the equipments outside so I asked the driver if he could set them up in the new lab. Drivers wouldn't usually do it but I was able to convince him after I casually handed him a fifty-dollar bill and said, "For lunch, I know that you and your friend could use a break." He smiled and said thank you. He added that that it was a good thing that he's training his friend so someone could help him. I know what he meant; with my size it would be impossible for just him and me to move the three equipments. I am not always that generous in giving tips, only when really needed. I saw Cyril on his desk looking at probably the results of his tests. His cubicle is just right next to mine. I stopped by and said "Guess what, I have a dinner date on Friday." "Really, with who?" he asked with curiosity. He knows that I don't go out that much, OK at all since I have never been in a relationship. I didn't answer but just continue walking to my desk and start working on my computer. I saw him stand up and walk toward where my desk is. "Who is it?" he persistently asked again. "Who, who, who!" I looked at him and smiled. "It's Lee." "What! Are you crazy? He's straight, not to mention the age difference and the fact that he's MARRIED." He said it in a whisper like but put more stress on the word married. "Look, I know you have a big crush on him but you have to choose a man who doesn't have someone who might hunt you afterwards." He shook his head; "I don't know what you see in him he's much older for you." I smiled at him. Cyril really knows me. I know him too; I know that he likes someone his age maybe a year or two younger. He said that he wanted to grow old with his special someone at the same time. Me, I prefer someone who is older than me; 5 years, 10 years would be better. I'm not really sure why, maybe subconsciously, I was thinking that I want someone who would really take care of me, someone who will watch over me. I noticed that Cyril is waiting for my response, so I said, "It is just a friendly date. Don't put any malice into it. It's like when two guys go to a sports bar to have a drink while watching baseball." That comment made him smile. "How the heck did you know that guys do that?" "Go back to work." I answered He still wants an answer so I just waved my hand without looking at him. When he realized that he's not going to get an answer he walks back to his desk but not after saying "Just give me the details, on Monday." After hearing that, I felt some anticipation inside.

to be continued...

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Next: Chapter 2

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