The Maritime Academy

By Adam Starchild

Published on Jan 1, 1997





Adam Starchild

Sven had grown up in a seafaring family, and upon graduation from high school had received a scholarship to the prestigious, private Scandinavian Maritime Academy. The school trained young men from all the Scandinavian countries for careers in merchant ships, cruise ships, and commercial fishing boats. Unlike the government operated naval academies and merchant marine schools, discipline was not strict, which combined with liberal Scandinavian attitudes towards nudity and homosexuality, led to almost continuous sex play.

After all, these youths were planning careers in an all-male environment. Even on a cruise ship, they would be in the technical departments, not in passenger service where they might be in contact with female passengers.

Like any exclusive fraternity, there were various initiation rituals for new cadets, but the sexual climate of the school made these rituals more erotic than would be the case elsewhere. The initiations were all in good fun, and were a way of getting to know the new cadets, as well as to quickly work them into the sex play that was a tradition of the academy. As a very small school -- only 250 students -- it was a time of year to encourage the intimacy that made the school unique.

One of Sven's first experiences in his initiation period was a game played with the new cadets in the lounge of each dorm. Each dorm had a lounge with comfortable seating, tables, and a fireplace. The initiates had to wait in their rooms until called. The initiate was then invited to sit on a sofa next to the dorm leader, facing the rest of the residents from his dorm. The leader put his arm casually across the initiate's shoulders, introduced him to the group, and explained the game. It was a strip tease game in which the name of something on the cadet was written on a piece of paper, and the cadet would guess that object. He had to remove each item he guessed incorrectly. Most would timidly with a shoe or a sweater, and gradually strip down. Some very modest ones would start with a wristwatch; others would forget they had a watch until they were naked. A fair number would name undershorts as the first object, jumping to the conclusion that that was the real intention of the game. They were wrong, and in that case were offered the option of stepping out of sight to remove their shorts and bring them back in the room, although a fair number would simply strip off the shorts in front of the group and then pull their pants back on.

Only when they were completely naked would most learn that the something "on" them was the leader's arm. A few would guess earlier; a few more would guess once they were naked and trying to figure out what was left.

Sven had guessed underwear first and named the arm second because he felt it come back on his shoulders when he sat down from returning to the room after taking his shorts off. Sven was well into the spirit of the thing, so just as everyone had been disappointed at his prompt guessing he surprised the room just as he was getting up by suddenly dropping his jeans, spinning around a couple of times, and saying, "I guess this is what you guys were trying to see." His action got a big round of applause.

As each cadet finished he joined the group to watch the remaining cadets come in. The game had gone on for many years without anyone tipping off the new cadets. It was a good icebreaker, an opportunity to drool over the new cadets' bodies, and a way of seeing how well the new cadet would fit in with the constant erotic play of the school. It also helped get the new cadet more comfortable with the casual nudity of the dorm hallways and showers. Once he had been a sex object with his body stared at by all, he could hardly feel embarrassed by a nude walk down the hall to the shower, which was a lot more casual and natural than wrapping a towel around oneself as would be done at most schools.

A few cadets would get an erection while sitting there naked being stared at by the group. Whenever this happened, some volunteer would silently kneel and start sucking them off.

There were never any objections, because each cadet knew exactly what he was getting into before he was accepted by the school. Apart from the general stories that got around, and the type of person signing up for an all-male career, there was a subtle screening process that tested each applicant before acceptance. The system was carefully designed to keep the administration from having to officially know anything about sexual activity, while still keeping up the compatibility that was one of the school's strengths.

Each applicant who was on the "likely to be accepted" list was required to spend a weekend on campus during the semester before he would enroll. This weekend included tours, orientation lectures, and the usual things that might go on at any school. Each new prospect was placed in a cot in a regular dormitory room with two students who were selected to be his "hosts." Part of the unofficial routine was that these hosts would try to play around with him to see how he reacted. Some of these weekends could turn into very pleasant sexual encounters -- but if there was strong resistance the hosts might report that the prospect probably wouldn't be compatible. The prospect would also be asked to join the students for an evening at the school swimming pool, where all swimming was nude, to test their ability to cope with such a setting. Usually incompatible applicants would withdraw their applications if they realized the atmosphere wasn't for them.

Another traditional hazing activity for new cadets was the annual Halloween egg race. The announcement was posted that anyone interested in entering the egg pushing race could sign up at the gym. Sven signed up with no suspicion of the prank he was getting into. No details of the rules were given, but nobody signed up except new cadets. Usually about 20 or 30 of the new cadets would become victims of the plot, and there would always be a large audience of those who knew what it was about. The racers would each have a lane, and would line up along one side of the gym. They would then be told to get naked and once they did the rules would be explained. Each racer was given a raw egg, and told that the object of the race was to get an erection and then push the egg across the finish line while touching it only with the erection. Naked, crawling cadets and rolling eggs were soon all over the gym, and there were a few accidents when a cadet landed on top of his egg. By Halloween the new cadets had been in school long enough that they weren't embarrassed by the exhibition, and a good time was had by all. It was very much of an icebreaker, if anybody still needed one that far into the school year.

Sven felt very comfortable at the school. He had known exactly what he was getting into when he signed up although he didn't know all the details. He had enjoyed the nude swimming and learned that all sports activities at the school were done nude in the ancient Greek tradition -- gymnastics, track and field, volleyball, etc. The philosophy of the school -- unofficial and unwritten of course -- is that sex is a social force, a sport, a game, a kind of magnetism, body-to-body. They were trying to modernize and use the ancient Greek tradition in a way that provided learning motivation, comradeship, and leadership. Alcohol, drugs, and smoking were out. The system worked.

New erotic games were always being invented since there were no inhibitions. One evening Sven got into a lounge contest that somebody had started with ping pong balls. The idea was to test the spring in one's erection by pulling the stiff cock down, holding the ping pong ball loosely above it, and seeing how high it could be bounced. The game didn't spread very far, but half a dozen guys played around with it for an hour, including the obvious variation of having someone else pull down and "fire" the erection.

There were no rapes or forced sex around the school. Not only would such an act have made one a social outcast and led to expulsion, but the whole climate of open sex made sexual outlets available to all. Of course, fantasies of forced sex can be erotic in themselves, and several forms of "consensual rape" developed.

One of the first of these to develop was wrestling matches and championships in which the winner at each level would get to fuck the loser. These were fun for both participants and audience. Sven both gave and got in these matches, which occurred both on campus and on board ship during training cruises.

Another form of "consensual rape" was the slave auction sometimes held as a fund-raiser for a special party or activity. The volunteer slave was available to the buyer for a fixed period of time -- either 12 or 24 hours. A 12-hour slave was expected to do something like clean the buyer's room or do some typing for the buyer. He could be made to work naked and be fondled on the ass or genitals, but passive sex was not part of the deal. The 12-hour slave would be available for an active sex role, such as letting the buyer suck his cock, only if this availability was signalled at the auction. But a 24-hour slave was offering himself for an overnight stay and passive sex in whatever form the buyer wanted -- oral or anal.

During his first winter Sven volunteered for a slave auction. He wanted to help the project it was for, and he thought it would be an erotic experience he hadn't tried yet. The auction was patterned on a Greek slave auction, and costumes were kept from auction to auction. Each slave was dressed only in an ancient Greek-style short robe which hung only to the upper-thigh and a pair of open sandals. Their hands were tied and they were led out on the stage in a line. Then they left the stage, and were brought back onstage one at a time to be auctioned.

The auctioneer was proficient and his build-up kept the bidding up. He started with 12-hour slaves; Sven watched from the side of the stage as he had volunteered for 24 hours.

Since the 12-hour slaves weren't primarily for sexual purposes, the auctioneer's spiel was more about their strength or about some special skill. He might have the slave flex a muscle and comment on his strength for a heavy job, or say, "just look at those fingers; he's the fastest typist in his dorm." The auctioneer would lift the front of the robe for a quick look at the genitals, only if the slave had indicated he was available for active sex roles -- this was the silent signal of availability. This would usually bring the price up a bit, especially if the slave was an unusual beauty that somebody was just dying to have.

The slaves came from all class years, but by chance Sven was the first of the 24-hour slaves on stage. Now that sex was part of the deal, the audience really perked up. The auctioneer still talked about work abilities. After all, the slave was expected to put in a 12-hour workday before spending the night with the buyer.

The auctioneer untied Sven's sash to let the robe fall open in front -- now that sex was on sale it wasn't just a quick peek under the flap. He weighed Sven's balls in his hand and said, "Look at the size of these."

As the bidding warmed up the auctioneer turned Sven around and had him bend over a bit as he lifted the short robe to show Sven's ass. "See how beautiful and smooth it is," he said as he rubbed a hand over the globes. The bidding continued upwards, and just when it looked like it had reached the peak, the auctioneer began running a finger up and down the crack of Sven's ass and down the ridge to Sven's testicles. Accompanied by some comments about, "I'll bet you wish this was your cock getting ready to enter here right now," the bidding took a sharp and unexpected jump. Sven was thrilled at the idea of turning his body over to the highest bidder for a night of whatever was commanded.

The auctioneer could feel Sven's muscle tighten as the finger, and the whole erotic setting, drove Sven to an unplanned erection. Sven was embarrassed, and blushing deeply, but determined to make the best of it, as the auctioneer, realizing what was happening, turned Sven around to face the audience again. He squeezed Sven's erection a couple of times, and said, "You can see he really wants it." The bidding went wild, and Sven drew what turned out to be the highest price of the night.

Sven watched as the other 24-hour slaves were exhibited and sold in the same way. There were a couple of partial erections, but no other show as splendid as Sven's.

The services of the slaves could be claimed at any mutually agreed time during the next two weeks, but Sven's buyer was so turned on that he asked Sven if he'd come to his room with him right from the auction, and stay all the next day, which was Saturday.

To cheers and applause, he led Sven, hands still tied and still in the Greek robe, down the aisle and out of the auditorium -- and the anticipation brought Sven back to full erection as he walked down the center aisle of the audience. It was winter, but Sven was too hot and too hard to really notice the temperature on the short dash back to the dormitory, although the cold air did shrink his erection back to normal.

Lars, who had bought Sven, didn't untie him, even back in the room. He wanted to play the slave scene all the way while they were both turned on by the fantasy. He had Sven kneel and bend across the end of the bed, and immediately began lubricating Sven's ass.

Sven was hard again in seconds. He had never done anything like this and was really turned on.

Despite Sven's openness and participation in the sex games around school, he was still an anal virgin, although neither Lars nor anyone else at the auction knew it. If they had, the price might have gone even higher. Sven badly wanted to get fucked, but was a little bit scared of his first time, and had volunteered for the auction as a way of forcing himself to do it. He wanted to put himself in a position where he would be too embarrassed to chicken out. Lars' request to proceed immediately was perfect for Sven because he had no time for second thoughts and was still hot and hard from the fantasies that had been going through his mind while he was being fingered and fondled in front of the audience.

He told Lars none of this, as he was actually a bit embarrassed at still being a virgin. Lars soon had him greased and started drilling him. Only after a very thorough fucking did Lars untie Sven's hands, and then they climbed into bed for the rest of the night and all day Saturday.

The first training cruise in the Spring brought more initiation rites for the first year cadets. One well kept secret was the fake repair job. The trick had to be played on the initiates one at a time, but none told because they didn't want to be the only victim and were quite willing for their classmates to be fooled by the same trick.

The play was that a part suddenly had to be replaced in an obscure part of the ship; such as in the anchor cable compartment or a far corner of the engine room. The location could only be reached through a small tunnel only large enough for one person at a time to crawl through. The set-up began when a foreman came up to Sven and an accomplice in the plot, and told the two of them to make the repair immediately.

Sven crawled down the tunnel first with the accomplice following. The tunnel would always be hot so that the two would be told to enter in T-shirt and gym shorts to work better in the heat. When Sven reached the end of what turned out to be a dead- end tunnel, with no place to turn around, the person behind him took a grease gun out of the toolbox, pulled down Sven's shorts, stuck the nozzle of the gun up Sven's ass and emptied the tube of grease into him. When they backed out of the tunnel there was a crowd waiting, but they always made sure that no uncaught initiates were around to see what had happened.

Many of the friendships made at the academy lasted through a lifetime of seafaring, and provided a strong network of intimate friends in a profession in which personal contacts were limited by long voyages.

Copyright 1995 by Adam Starchild

Samples of the author's non-fiction can be found at The Offshore Entrepreneur at

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