Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 5, 2023


hank had to get back to work after his first complete weekend as Ben's sub. His mind was exploding from everything he had been through, so soon. Up there was his flipping from Top, to bottom and then being broken the way he had been: in the past, he had wondered: was there ever going to be anyone like Cam, and if there were, would he like it? The jury was out on whether he liked it or not, but there WAS someone who did to him what Cam had done to him, only he did it better: did Ben have an operator's manual on hank? He seemed to know exactly what to do to hank, and when. Now, he had surrendered to Ben, twice. And Cam was in on it! That was the part that made him the most nervous. Was Cam going to want him back? How much were Cam and Ben talking, because if Cam knew how Ben controlled hank, hank had no chance of living life as anything BUT a sub. Was that necessarily bad? hank thought. Ben fucked like a dream: hank wished he didn't have the cage on, because he was hard: constantly. It didn't take Ben doing anything to him, all it took was doing something like walking into the house and seeing Ben there, in a tight t shirt and his jeans, a pair of handcuffs on the table in front of him and saying "Well, well. Are you hot, or what?"

That Monday morning, Ben had started him off by whispering into his ear "Oh, if you had any idea what I plan to do to you tonight, you might not come home, bitch boy. But you will, won't you?" "yes sir. " hank croaked out. It had been a few days since Ben had let him shoot, and that need, plus Ben's wet tongue on the nerve endings of his ear... He had no idea what Ben DID have planned. He got dressed in the jeans, and the heavy weight white oxford shirt Ben had picked for him, after Ben had applied his newest "toy" to hank: two very small strips of velcro, one over each nipple. Ben told him he had learned about that from an old friend named Peter, whom he hoped to "introduce" hank to some day. The shirt was too snug to tuck in, which was fine. That's how Ben liked it. "And the rest of your clothes will get here today, sexy. GOD. I can't wait to show you off again." Ben was smiling. "I wonder... should you wear the lock collar today? Hmmmmm." hank began to redden. His clients hadn't seen him in a week, and if he had to explain the lock collar..." "Nah. Not yet. You're not completely broken. I can see there's still this strip in you that refuses to accept that you're a sub, and a slave. Once that's gone, you'll wear it proudly. "yes sir," hank could only whisper, as he left for his office. Would Cam be there?

Cam WAS there, sitting at the desk, with a coffee besides him, answering calls and recording appointments. "WELL GOOD MORNING HANK. You could at least PRETEND to be glad to see me." "It was a rough weekend Cam. I'm still trying to deal with it. "Oh, I'm sure you are, heh heh heh. Finding your true self is always hard." hank turned away. He was not ready to have this discussion. He didn't hear Cam come up behind him, and then he heard him whispering. "Listen, you studly bitch. You had your time as a Top. Know what? You folded to Ben so easily, it was clear: you were ready to go back to a sub. Not with me, but someone who would push your limits much more than I did." hank's voice was shaking. "He FUCKED me in front of people." Cam was almost gleeful. "And you loved it , didn't you?" hank didn't answer. He asked. "Where's my first appointment, and how do I call for the next one." Cam tossed him a cell phone. "This is what you use at work, stud. You hand it in to me at the end of the day. I'll report to Ben if you try any tricks. He'd LOVE to hear you tried to contact someone - OH, something you better know about Ben. He's very jealous. VERY jealous. You might try not to find out HOW jealous he is.

hank's clients were glad to see him back. Some did ask about what he had been doing during the week that he wasn't available, and hank made up a story about his good friends Ben and Cam being in town, and how he needed to spend time with them. It was a plausible story and the clients accepted it. One of the items that Ben and Cam had worked out was a new system for hank getting paid for his work. Rather than accepting cash, or even running the credit card of a customer through his portable machine (which Cam had confiscated), he billed them. They would send their payments to the shop now, and Cam would handle it. The only money hank would be carrying would be the 30 dollars Ben had put in his wallet that morning. During the day , one of hank's former "after hours" clients came up to him and squeezed the back of his neck. "I think I missed a part of you I'm not seeing hank, more than anything else." hank felt his cock stir. Now he knew what Ben was talking about this morning, and that streak. "Glen, I'm sorry, but.. I'm seeing someone now and, I pledged that I'd give that part of my business up. Sorry. "Don't wanna lose him huh?" "You could say that" hank answered. He left that client hornier and more confused than he had been when he walked in.

While hank was busily taking care of his appointments, Hal the clothing salesman was beginning to put together his plan: something about that hank: he usually preferred guys who were "straight," and who looked like they could have been swimmers, or tennis jocks, or runners. He liked his men smooth, very clean cut, almost preppy. hank was none of these: he was like a big wrestler or weight lifter, hairy (except where it was clear Ben had shaved him), and while Ben had chosen to make him dress preppy, it wasn't going to come across the same way. Hal was more than enchanted. He was driven. The dungeon he had constructed in his basement for brad hadn't been used in ages. The thought of using it on hank had brought him to climax more than once since Ben had taken him clothes shopping. He had researched them both: Ben's credit card opened up a world of tons of information for a sophisticated searcher like Hal. Apart from easily accessible information like Ben's address, his work history, his police history (clean), he was able to get information from old dating sites, and to find Ben's history of internet use. He smiled when he found that: Ben was clearly a Top, and into Domination. hank didn't seem like the easiest person to break, but either he was broken, or he was close to it. His checking of hank had produced less information, but he found some. That information suggested that this role as a sub to a man who was smaller, and clearly not as strong, was a new one for hank. "Hmmm," he thought. "A sub in training. I could handle that."

"Mr. Hank, there's someone here for you," the doorman called out to hank as he came home that night. Cam had texted Ben when hank had finished his last job for the day, and hank had an allotted amount of time to get home. He looked at his watch and then the man who was sitting on the chair in the lobby. He looked vaguely familiar. He had four very large bags. "hank? " he smiled. "You may not remember me. I'm Hal, your salesman from yesterday?" hank's face was puzzled. "Yes. I remember you." He looked around. "Did they not let you up? Is Ben not home yet?" Hal smiled, and revealed that he understood the relationship. "I didn't call Sir Ben, because after all, these are your clothes. I wanted to make sure that you got them directly. And also..." He pulled out a business card. "You can contact me if you need anything. " He smiled one more time. "I figured that you could probably heft the bags more easily than Sir Ben could, so I waited."

hank picked up what Hal had just said. "Well, thank you... Sir?" "Yes, that would be correct sub boy" Hal smiled. "Make sure you tell Ben he's a lucky man. Stud subs are hard to find. Hope to see you again." Then he was gone. hank didn't know there was a note to Ben in the bags: he thought it was the invoice.

When he got into the apartment, Ben was sitting there, smiling, pulling a ball gag back and forth in his hands. "Just in time. Such a shame. I won't have an excuse to use this." He saw hank with the bags. "How the hell did you go shopping? "No Sir. That salesman from the clothing store was in the lobby. He brought the stuff himself." Ben gave hank a look. "Did he proposition you?' "He let me know he was a Dom, and that he knew I was a sub, but... no sir. He didn't proposition me." "Hmmmmm. Odd. But let's put these aside. I have a nice plan for tonight. There's a dark blue thong on the bed. Strip. I want you in nothing but the thong. Then lay face down on the bed." "yes sir" hank muttered. A thong? They were uncomfortable, couldn't he just be, well, naked? He dressed as ordered, and lay face down on the bed. Ben came in and began stroking hank's back, working from the small up. When he got to hank's neck, he squeezed it. "I don't know what part of you I like better, bitch boy: your backside or your front. You have a hot ass, and a hot mouth. Glad I don't have to choose." He pulled restraints up from the top of the bed and laced them around hank's wrists. Then he did the same with his ankles. hank's head was turned, and Ben stripped in front of him. "It's looking to me like that fuzz is coming back. We may need a shaving soon. " There was a glint in his eye. "I'm gonna make you shave your own pubes while I watch." hank gulped. He didn't know if he could control his hard on if he had to shave it himself. Would he shake too much? He was thinking that as he felt Ben's finger begin to work between his ass cheeks. A wimper came out of him. "AH. My bitch boy has been waiting for this, hasn't he?" He pushed his finger in further. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. Yes sir. Yes sir." hank felt a second finger enter him. Ben called the next movement a "butterfly fuck," as he moved them, back and forth, like a butterfly. As hank moaned, Ben whispered "Who's my BITCH? Who's my MAN BITCH?" "That's me Sir. I am. I'm your bitch." "Know what Doms do to their bitches, sub?" "Anything they want Sir?" "EXACTLY. Know what I wanna do to you right now?" "Fuck me Sir?" "DAMN RIGHT. That ass looks like a ripe fruit that needs slicing." hank felt Ben slide the thong and position his cock head on his ass crack, and then slowly begin pushing it in. "Like pushing in a screw, huh sub boi?" "No Sir. Better. " Ben must have liked that answer, because he pushed in harder. "OOOOOOOH." It shocked hank, who reacted with a mild scream, which only encouraged Ben to push harder. "Your ass is getting SO MUCH BETTER at taking cock. Practice makes perfect boy." "yes sir. Yes. OH. OH GOD.... " Ben reached underneath and pushed his fingers onto the velcro strips. He had left them there, and hank moaned louder. "I bet you're hard as a rock inside that cage, ain't you bitch?" He shoved in harder. "YES SIR. GOD. I'm rigid. FUCKING RIGID" "And you're gonna stay that way..." Ben lowered his mouth and covered hank's ear as he whispered "mancunt" Ben wasn't pumping the way he usually did. hank didn't know what that meant, until ben gloated. "Part I done. Now, we move to Part 2." He untied hank and pointed to the play chair. He had equipped it with the dildo. "I think you're loose enough now. SIT ." hank winced: he HATED the dildo, but he slowly lowered himself onto it. Again, the thong pushed aside to let the monster cock in. hank didn't understand why Ben was making him wear the thong, until... "Nice and secure boy?" "Yes sir. " "GOOD. Hands behind your back." hank felt the now familiar restraints wrap around his wrists, and get pulled tight. Then he heard duct tape being ripped from the huge roll Ben had, and felt three strips get put on his mouth, nice and tight . He saw the box of toys Ben had: two electric toothbrushes, more velcro, and nipple clamps... with weights. "One for each of your testicles, sweet stuff. OH, are you gonna be miserable. Hahahahahahahaha". The thong, plus more velcro on the base of each brush, held them on hank's thighs. "These have multiple speeds, so we'll get to those... After...." He rubbed the clamps over hank's nipples. "You think you're ready for a shave, bottom?" "mmmmmmmmmmmph." hank nodded yes. "This time.... we're gonna do your ass too. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." that streak of stubborn top man was coming out. It went and hid when Ben attached the clamps. "Now, there are so many things in these bags... I think that, every time I open something, I should add one of these to each nipple." hank saw these little tiny weights: they looked like charms for a bracelet. "Let's start with two. Right at the center." The "charms" were heavy. Ben followed with turning the toothbrushes to low. The bristles were directly on hank's balls, and he moaned, loud. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "AH. I love that sound. SO glad I waited to shoot. Gonna get to fuck ya TWICE tonight boy." Ben began opening up the items ."It's fun buying clothes for you, studmuffin." He held out a pink shirt, then a yellow one, then a light blue one. "Let me go and hang these. And speaking of hanging things..." He added two more weights to the clamp. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" was hank's response. "I call this my clamp charm bracelet stud. Eventually it'll be covered with charms." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." hank dropped his head. The bristles were driving him crazy. He struggled, trying to shake them off, but got nowhere. Ben came back, smiling. hank gave him a dirty look and Ben just pulled down his zipper, and his cock popped out. "See what's waiting for you? Ha ha. I'm gonna turn these off for a bit, and add..." hank sighed as the brushes went to off, but moaned as another pair of weights went on his clamps. It looked like Ben planned to add one to each link of the chain. He pulled out more items, smiled, and got them put into the closet. When he came back, he waved his cock in hank's face. "Ok, break time over." He turned the brushes back on and added another pair of "charms." "OWMEDPDMDPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHH" the new set seemed especially painful. Maybe he's pushing my limits? hank thought, as Ben found the envelope in the second bag. "Well, well, what do we have here? You know anything about this bitch?" hank shook his head no. "You sure?" Ben's voice went up an octave, and the brushes went up one level. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPGPGOGOMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNSR" hank was shaking his head NO as hard as he could, as Ben opened the envelope. He didn't change the intensity. He smiled as he read. "Well, whaddya know? Seems Hal at the store picked us out. Let me read you a line from his letter: "I have a fully equipped dungeon that hasn't been used in a while. If you'd like to put your sub through it sometime, let me know. Call me and I'll text you a photo." Ben ran his finger along the weights. "Well isn't that nice, stud? Someone offered us use of a dungeon. Might be fun, don't ya think?" Ben added another pair of charms. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "PLSSSSMPMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Ben pulled out his cell and called the number Hal had given him. "Hey, it's Ben. Thanks for your note." As he talked, he tweaked the clamps on hank's nipples. "WOW. That IS a well equipped dungeon, isn't it? " He showed the set up to hank. "Yeah I could see us using that. What would you want in return?" Ben laughed. "Ah, no. That's a deal breaker. I let guys use his mouth, but not his ass." "MMMMMMMMMMMPH" anger flashed from hank's eyes. He dealt with sucking Cam, but he had sucked him before. Someone else? "Ok, let me think about it. His ass is off limits. That's mine. But maybe we can arrange something else. Maybe a blow job and some torture. Oh, by the way." He took a picture of hank in his current situation and sent it to Hal. "Thanks again. I gotta finish up here, but we'll talk." When Ben got off the phone, he turned the brushes to their highest level, and now, instead of adding the weights slowly. He added them all at once, until the clamps DID look like a full charm bracelet. "If you weren't gagged, I'd put this in your mouth and make you pull. Now THAT would rip those tits, wouldn't it?" "nnnnnnnnnnngmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" hank had gone beyond the pain threshold. His head slumped, and he realized: if Ben had done this to him the first time, he would've surrendered right away. Now, he felt the brushes being pulled from his balls, and then the charms removed, one by one, before Ben took off the clamps. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ben laughed wildly. "I guess getting fucked is not something you'd mind now, boy, is it?" hank looked at him and shook his head no. "And I think you're pretty beaten. No need to tie you. Besides... I want you to grab your ankles and hold them. And this time, let's get rid of the thong." hank was pretty weak. They hadn't eaten yet, and the torture had drained him. Ben eased him off the dildo, and then, on the bed, he cut the wrist restraints. "You look so fucking hot tied up. I don't know why I don't just keep you here like this all the time. Grab them." hank took his ankles and held them up, exposing his abused hole. "There's good and bad about this. Too wide for a really tight fuck, but a fuck is a fuck is a fuck." Ben slid his pants down and that long, hard, now very red cock went back into hank. After the dildo, it was almost a relief. Ben took over the job of holding his ankles, as he began sliding back and forth. "GOD I can't wait to see you dressed like a prince: a CAPTIVE SLAVE PRINCE." He slide faster. Ben closed his eyes. "There was some equipment in that dungeon I've fantasized about using on you. I'll see what we can work out with Master Hal. He's gonna send me some photos of him using his old sub brad." He began to pump. "You know what'd be HOT hankster? Fucking you in a room where other guys are getting fucked. I wonder if my bud Justin is doing anyone. " He shoved his cock in, and hank saw the sweat on his forehead. He knew Ben was close. "Please God, make him close. I can't take much more," went through hank's mind before Ben screamed and began shooting a HUGE load into him. He smiled when he was done. "Ah. So many possibilities. So many things to do stud bitch" He played with hank's thick hair. "I'm gonna give Justin a call tomorrow. Maybe we'll see what we can do." As Ben was talking to hank, Hal was jerking off to the picture of hank Ben had sent him. "Oh yes. You'd make SUCH a good slave, boy. MY slave. Not Ben.. " He licked his lips. "And fucking Ben might be fun too. GOD... OH SHIT..." He shot across the floor of the dungeon. He saw where it landed. His jizz had never gone that far before.

Next: Chapter 9

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