Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 16, 2023


When hank came out of the bathroom, washed and wrapped in a towel, Ben thought he looked like a Greek god - a SHAVED Greek god, but a Greek god nonetheless. And he was HIS. How much of this to show off tonight? He was thinking. hank was toweling off his hair, before he rubbed his torso dry. He had a look about him: he reminded Ben of a balloon that had lost some of its air - yes, he looked... defeated.

"Let's get you dressed stud. We're going out tonight." He walked over to where Cam had dropped the clothes he had taken from hank's apartment.

"Is this your whole wardrobe? "No Sir. I think Cam just took what he liked best, and what he thought you'd like best." "Hmmmm. Which of the shirts is the tightest? And which of the jeans?" He saw hank go red. Would he lie? Would he fight it? "This light blue corduroy shirt Sir... I don't even wear it anymore unless it's an overshirt. And these jeans. The ones fraying behind." Ben smiled. "That's what you're wearing tonight. Get them on." "Yes sir." hank pulled out the shirt. Ben saw how hank had to suck in his muscular stomach to get the buttons closed, and how the result was his chest getting pushed out invitingly. "Two buttons opened Sir?" "For now. Get into the jeans." "yes sir." Again, Ben saw hank squeeze himself into the clothes. He was pleased, but also somewhat perplexed, that hank wasn't putting up any fight or giving him any argument. "Socks Sir?" "White ones. Heavyweight." "The shoes with the fiberglass Sir?" Ben folded his arms. "Good question. Let me think.... Do I have to worry about you trying to escape me tonight?" hank's head was bowed. "No Sir, you don't. You defeated me. I surrendered. That's the end of it. I do what you say now." "I do what you say now," resonated in Ben's mind. And in his crotch. "I really like what I'm seeing hank bitch. Let's look at you in the mirror." He walked with hank back to the bathroom window. He saw hank's face. "What do you think, stud?" hank's voice was very low. "I think that I look like a sub slave Sir." Ben put his hand on hank's ass. "That's good. Because that's what you are. And tonight, the bar is gonna know it. " He grinned as he slid his hand inside hank's shirt and worked the already sensitive nipples. "I'm not gonna tie you up yet. We'll do that at the bar. So for now, when you walk with your Dom, you keep your hands behind you, AS IF you were tied." "Yes sir." hank put his hands behind him. His chest pointed forward even more. "OH DAMN. This is gonna be SO FUCKING HOT." Ben got closer, and ran his fingers over hank's shirt, right around the pecs. The corduroy fabric worked on that sensitve skin, and hank couldn't help it. He moaned. "YEAH. I like that stud. You know that I know just how to handle you. Ha ha ha. " When they got to the street, Ben hailed a cab, and pushed hank in before he got in. His hand landed on hank's crotch. "How long do you think it appropriate for a sub to be locked up before he's allowed to cum, hank?" "I don't know Sir. I've never had a sub." "You've been one though." hank looked away. "Yes sir." "I'll ask Cam later tonight. However long he locked you, I'm gonna add a day. hank remembered back to times when he was locked up tight for two weeks.

The street around the bar was crowded. Ben paid the driver, and when they were outside he ordered hank. "HANDS. You know where they go." "Yes sir." hank winced as he felt the restraints going on his wrist. Ben tied tight, strong knots. "One more thing, since I fear you may not be trained in the art of 'subs are seen not heard. Open your mouth." "Yes sir mmmmmmmmmmmph." Ben had taken two bandanas, tied them together, and he shoved the ball they formed into hank's mouth. Then he tied that behind the back of hank's head. "Let's go. BOY, is my stock going to go up tonight."

It had been a long time since Ben had been out to a bar, so not many people recognized him. Some did though, and nearly everyone recognized hank. "HOLY SHIT BEN" one of his old friends said. "Is this a joke? Hank, are you two spoofing us?" hank lowered his head again. Ben squeezed his bicep. "No spoofing Kevin. hank's my bitch now. Been after him for a long time. Today, he submitted. He squeezed hank's arm tighter. "DIDN'T YOU BITCH BOY?" hank hesitated for a minute, then shook his head yes. "WOW. You know, I've seen hank the topman tied up in my dreams but I never thought I'd see it for real," someone came over, who didn't know Ben. "Hey, I'm Alex. One of the regulars here. I don't recall seeing you." "Yeah, that would make sense. I'm Ben. I used to come here a lot, but I've been under the radar for a while. When you break a stud like this though." He moved his hand to the back of hank's neck. "You need to let people know. First, that he's off the market. Second, why he's off the market, and third, who took him off the market. " "You're FUCKING him?" Ben smile. "hank, answer the man's question. Am I fucking you? " A hestiancy and then a quick shake of hank's head, up and down. "OH MY GOD. One of the biggest 'don't look at my ass' tops in history, is getting FUCKED. " Alex was loud, and more people came over. "How'd you do it?" One guy wanted to know. "Ha ha. Now THAT my friend is a secret. Wanna see something else?

hank knew what was coming. He shook his head no. He tried to get out a 'please SIR please NO," as Ben opened his shirt. "YOU FUCKING SHAVED HIM. " "Heh heh. Not dropping his pants, but the pubes too." "HOLY FUCK. Your pubes are shaved hank?" The humiliation was mounting for the former top man, and he didn't want to answer. He felt Ben tighten the grip on his arm. "ANSWER HIM STUDBOTTOM OR THE CAGE STAYS ON AN EXTRA WEEK." Near tears, hank shook his head yes." "WAIT. Did you say cage. You caged him too? "' "Cop a feel. Actually, anyone who wants a feel, come on up. Ass, crotch, belly. Be my guest." hank began to squirm, and he got a SMACK to his ass cheeks. "YOU BETTER NOT ACT UP BITCH." The manhandling actually felt good. It was more gentle than the way Ben had treated him that day. And some of the guys had good touch. hank began to moan. Ben was laughing. "He's a horny bitch too. You can tell that. I may have to fuck him three times or more." That's when one guy asked. "Hey Ben, if you shaved him all the way, you gonna do the moustache too?" Ben rubbed his chin. "You know, I didn't think about THAT one . But you make a good point. A total sub should be totally smooth. " He smiled. "You want your moustache taken, hank?" hank shook his head no, and then a few guys laughed. "Well, I guess we know what THAT means. NO sub gets what he wants. hank felt Ben rubbing his ear. "Tomorrow studmuffin. Another big day tomorrow, and maybe we'll start with a little caterpillar removal. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" came out of hanks' mouth. The moustache made him sexy. He didn't want to lose it. But what could he do? He had surrendered. Ben basked in the glory of having this big, hunky guy tied up and gagged and under his control, for about three hours. Occasionally he would whisper something into hank's ear like "How about I show them what happens when I play with your tits? which made hand moan, and shake his head violently. Or he'd say "I think you're probably hotter with the moutstache than without it, but I just wanna see you broken even further, BITCH" "Why did I surrender?" hank thought. "Was there a way out? Probably not. As Ben escorted hank back out of the bar, he didn't untie him or take out the gag. Apparently, the drivers who came to that neighborhood were used to things like this. In the cab, he called Cam on the cell phone. "Hey. Guess who made his debut tonight. Yeah. It was HOT. Nah, didn't tell anyone about his tits... yet. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I wish you could've heard him moan when I said that." hank could hear some noise from the other end of the phone, and then Ben looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, if you wanna check on his oral technique, come on over. I'll see you there. " More noise, and then crazy laughter from Ben. "He's in the lobby. He's waiting for us. He wasn't gonna give up the change to fuck your mouth, stud." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph," a plaintive cry came out of hank. The ropes weren't moving, the gag was tight, and Cam was going to fuck his face. At the building, Ben took the gag off, but kept hank's hands bound behind him. "No one's gonna question that. A gag, maybe. There was Cam, sitting in the lobby. "GOD does he look fucking HOT" he whispered to Ben. "I know. I'm getting harder and harder thinking about him. "You ready to suck me dry, studmuffin?" Cam asked hank. Again , his head was bowed. "If Master Ben tells me to, yes sir." "I tell you to . Once we get in the apartment, you're gonna suck him, and you're gonna suck him good. Then... I'm gonna FUCK your man pussy."

When they were in the elevator, Ben turned to hank. "Point out your tits. NOW. As far as you can." Once hank followed the instructions, Ben began molesting them. He unbuttoned shirt buttons and got his fingers on hank's nipples and squeezed . Hard. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." "I shoulda brought clamps. I could drag him in that way. Cam smiled and reached into his pocket. "Catch." He had a pair. "NICE. You can use them during the blow job. Hey, lemme ask you. What's the longest time you ever had him caged?" "Hmmmm. I think it was 2 weeks. On the average, though, it was 5-6 days. Ben pulled hank's head back. "Then a week should be nothing for you, stud, huh? "no sir."

When they were in the apartment, Ben activated the electric lock again, and then he turned to hank. "If I were you, I'd get on my knees before we try for three. " The clamps were locked on hank's nipples already, and Ben handed them over to Cam. "This is gonna be worth it. OPEN UP BOY" "yes sir," the hunky sub answered, and moaned as Cam pulled the clamps taut. Cam then let his zipper down, and his cock popped out. "Been thinking about this all day. Come get it slave boi." hank went to put his mouth around Cam's cock, and Cam smiled, laughed, and stepped back. "HUH? I thought you wanted it? He pulled "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Please Sir. Please give me your cock." hank stuck out his big tongue. "I want it. I want it. " He got it. Cam shoved his whole tool in, nearly gagging hank. Ben was standing there, his own pants opened, playing with himself. "Hell, you know how to keep this bitch in line." "I do. And it's worth it cause GOD. That mouth knows what it's doing." hank was not a quiet cocksucker and they could hear the noise, the slurping. Ben closed his eyes and realized that, if he weren't careful, he'd shoot before he got at hank's ass. Cam was a skillful face fucker. He moved slowly, pulled his cock out, twisted the clamps and shoved back in. "TAKE IT ALL FUCKTOOL." He ordered, and hank tried to lean forward to get the pressure off his nipples. When he got some relief, Cam shoved his cock down deeper. hank began to gag. "May have to give him some extra lessons, Ben." "I can hear that. Lemme help." Ben came over and took the clamp chain from Cam. He dropped it and reached in, twisting the actual noses of the chain. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH.. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG... .hank was in agony, not just from the sensation in his nipples. His cock was growing more and more, and the cage was not giving one bit. Neither was Cam, as he pounded, faster and faster. He stopped for a minute and smiled. "Swallow it all, bottom." He pushed forward, and hank felt the jizz going down his throat. He remembered that Cam had big orgasms. This one was exceptional. It was filling his mouth faster than he could swallow, and it was dripping down his chin and shirt. When Cam finally finished, Ben asked him.

"So what do you think? Shave the moustache, keep it?" Cam pondered the question. "Know what? I can see why you would, but I'd leave it on. Without the moustache, he's just a hot guy. WITH the moustache, he's a hot former top you conquered. " He grinned. "Now a collar would be a good addition. Great idea. " He looked at hank. "I hope you're ready to get FUCKED bitch boy." "I'm ready for what you wish, Sir," was hank's answer. Cam laughed. "Geez, you've REALLY got him whipped." Ben smiled. "I had good coaching. I hope you'll stay to film it. "Damn right." The clamps were still on hank's nipples as Ben pulled him up to the bedroom. They stayed on while he restrained him to the bed. Then, and only then, did he release them. "OH, I wanted to just put you over the pool table and fuck you at the bar, you fucking hot bitch." "Do it next time Ben. They'll love it. " Ben turned and smiled. So will I." He pulled off hank's shoes, and then got his pants down. "No fiberglass?" "Didn't need it. He promised me: he understood he was beaten, and he'd accept it." Cam shook his head. "Yup. Whatever else you can say about hank, you can't say he doesn't respect strength. " Right now, hank was respecting the man who had given him such a HUGE hard on, even if he couldn't do anything with it. Ben pushed his legs in the air. "I'm doing what EVERY guy in that bar wanted to do. His own cock was livid red, stiff, and dripping. He began slowly almost corkscrewing it into hank's ass. He seemed to want to inflict as much pain as he could. Cam had the phone out, and he was filming each bit of it. "I bet he's gonna be glad he has the weekend to recover," he laughed. Ben turned to him "What makes you think he's gonna get to recover? " He pushed in further, and hank purred. "Yeah, he likes a nice slow fuck. Just like you're doing." "Really? Is that right slave boi?" "OH GOD, YES SIR. I like FEEEEEEEEEEEEELING it." Ben slowed down. He wanted to fuck hank really fast, because he was getting tired, but now, he slowed down. He would pause, shift his body to move his cock around, and then push in some more. "Who submitted, bitch?" "I did, Sir." Ben shoved in another inch. "You regret it slave boy?" hank hesitated for a second and then answered. "No Sir. It showed me what I am." "And what are you boy?" "I'm a sub cunt. A fucking sub mancunt Sir. YOUR mancunt." Ben slid in two inches. He was nearly all the way in. "DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE. A FUCKING STUDLY MANCUNT." He began to push, and slide, and his cock came all the way out and went all the way back in. " "OH YES SIR. YES. It feels so good. YES YES..... " Ben saw the precum gathering on hank's cock. "He's a leaker." "Yup. Always was." "Wonder if there's a way to stop that?" "Why would you want to stop it? Just frustrates him more." "Well, you know who's not gonna be frustrated anymore? ME." Ben pushed once and his cock exploded in hank. If Cam's orgasm was bit, Ben's was bigger. hank had no idea how much jizz had entered his body that night, but it was a lot. As Ben pulled out, hank was moaning from the feelings of Ben's cock, and his own frustrated tool." Cam smiled. "I'll send you the video. Use it as you see fit." He went over to hank's head, and mussed his hair. "You have a good weekend studmuffin. I'll see you on Monday." He tossed Ben keys. "Those are the keys to his apartment. You'll wanna clean it out I think. Lots more hot clothes in there. " "Hee hee. You are gonna be one super fine sub bitch, hank. One super fine bitch." He began to get completely undressed. "Good thing it's Saturday tomorrow. Some recovery time for you bitch boi.

Next: Chapter 6

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