Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 10, 2023


"I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING KNOWN YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THIS. BASTARD!" hank pushed at the wrist restraints, and squirmed as Cam stood over him, smiling "Oh, I'm just helping out someone who asked for help. He offered me a reward... and I'm here to claim it." Cam sat down at the base of the bed, and picked up hank's bare feet. "You know how EASY it would be to break you just by doing something like this" Cam tightened his grip on hank's ankles and ran his fingers over hank's soles faster and faster. "Hahahahahahahahahaahahaahaha. STOP. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa. He knows I'm ticklish. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" Cam smiled. "Yeah, I know. He told me he wasn't gonna tickle you into submission. He wants more of a challenge. "HE'S GOT ONE. I'M NOT SUBMITTING." "Oh yeah, you will. In fact... after tonight, I bet you'll submit faster than Ben thought you would." Cam ran a finger around one of the rungs of hank's cock cage. "If you were uncaged, I'd have you begging to do anything I wanted. ANYTHING In less than ten minutes. "YOU FUCK. YOU COCKSUCKER. YOU'RE GONNA TELL HIM...." "Ha ha ha. Well, I'm no cocksucker, that's for sure. But Ben tells me you were a good one when he was paying you. He anticipates that you'll be a good one when you're doing it for free.... AS HIS SUB." "NOT HAPPENING BASTARD." Cam smiled. "Are you gonna tell me you don't still have the edging weakness? I KNOW your nips are still the way to your... sphincter..." Cam reached up and began playing with them. hank's nips were sore from the torture he had gotten earlier that day and the night before, and he moaned, half in pleasure, half in pain. "God, I wish you were uncaged." "You wanna uncage him? Why?" Ben had stepped into the room. He had put a t shirt on over his chest, and he had the key in his hand. Cam looked up at him. "You wanna break him faster than you thought you could? Let me borrow the key. " Ben tossed it to him and then Cam unlocked the cage on hank's cock. It sprang to attention. "CAM DON'T DO IT. PLEASE. PLEASE. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. PLEASE..." hank writhed in the ropes, but it was doing him absolutely no good. "See, Ben, finding out about hank's nips, is easy. But the BIG secret, is...." He began slowly running a finger along the back of hank's cock. Ben watched, stroking his own cock through his jeans, as hank squirmed, and then got very still. His breathing got shallow, and he tried to buck his hips up toward Cam. There was a pleading sound coming out of his mouth as he bucked, faster and faster. Then, Cam took his finger away.

"Now, just let him get his strength back and then, we do it again... "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" "PLEASE CAM STOP. PLEASE."

"Why, stud? I thought you weren't worried about submitting, and you're not gonna submit to me. " "No, stud." Ben walked over and his zipper was down. "You're gonna be submitting to me. I just wonder... how many of those do you think it's gonna take Cam?" "Oh, I used to measure it in time. The trick, Ben? You have to move as sloooooooooooooooooooooowly as you can. Maybe tweak a nip while you do it , maybe gag him. I did it all." "NO SHIT. " Ben's cock was growing and he got closer, and closer to hank's face. "hank, you're in real deep shit. You may want to submit now. " "FUCK YOU" hank yelled and then closed his eyes, as the lashes of Ben's jizz started flowing across his face. "DAMN that felt good. I may not have the juice to fuck him tonight, but... tomorrow." He looked down at hank. "Oh, are we gonna have an interesting day. Look what I made for you." Ben brought in the chair where he had tied and tortured hank earlier, only now... it had a 7 inch dildo attached to the middle. "Guess who's sitting on that tomorrow? And that's just our first session. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. " He brushed hank's sweat soaked hair off of his face. "You can submit during dinner if you want. You'll have to think about it." He squeezed hank's cock until it died down, and then he locked him again. "OH CAM. I owe you BIG TIME for this. When he's broken, and we can trust his mouth..." Cam just smiled.

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hank couldn't figure out why Ben laced up his fiberglass lined sneakers after that. He gave him a blue and white striped shirt to wear too. When he was untied and on his feet to the dining room, the itching was nearly unbearable. hank learned almost immediately that when his foot was in the air as he walked, rather than on the ground, the aggravation was much reduced. He sat at the table during dinner, in between Ben and Cam, with his feet curled on the rungs of his chair.

The food smelled good, and hank hadn't realized how hungry he was. "Yeah, my boy hank was always an eater. Got him big and strong," Cam laughed. "Well, that's good. My sub to be has to keep up his strength. " hank felt Ben's hand on his shoulder, massaging it. After the last session, it felt remarkably good. After dinner, Cam stretched out and smiled. "Well, boys, I'm gonna have to get back to the old homestead. I'll check in on you tomorrow Ben, see if ya need anything." He looked at hank. "Seems tomorrow may be the day for you hunky hank. Back to your roots."

hank looked down. Now that Ben knew about edging him... he didn't know what he was gonna do. As Cam started getting out of his seat, hank felt his muscles contracting. He began thinking, immediately: Ben would have to disable the electric charge to let Cam out. If he moved... fast. He put his feet down off the chair. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" he thought, as the fiberglass rubbed against his soles. THAT'S WHY BEN PUT HIS SHOES ON! There was no way he could run to the door before Cam was gone, and the charge was back up. Ben grinned, as he came back from the door, massaging both of hank's shoulders. "You think I hadn't anticipated the electric charge, hank boy?" hank felt a kiss on the back of his right ear. "I think of EVERYTHING. You're not getting away." He leaned in and whispered. "And tomorrow you're gonna finally give it all up. "NO FUCKING WAY." hank tried to pull away from the kissing and licking he was getting. "We shall see, hank. We shall see. " Ben moved over to the table. "Now, eventually, kitchen detail will be your job, but for tonight... you should just get cleaned up. Gotta get you ready for bed. I KNOW you're tired: you didn't sleep well last night, and today was tough. You can unlace the sneakers, get out of them. Clean up. I'll be in there shortly." hank muttered "Yes sir. Thank you sir." As he got the sneakers off, he breathed a sigh of relief. THANK GOD that pain was gone. The hot water of the shower helped. As he stood under the water, hank tried to assess the situation. His mind WAS tired, and he wasn't sure he could think very well. Again, even if he took out Ben, and his chances were, at best 50/50, he'd have to disable the charge on the door. And now that Cam was in the picture: where could hank go? Cam had a key to his apartment, he wouldn't be safe there. "I'm fucked" he thought. He came out of the bathroom, washed, dried, and horny. That edging had left him very much in need of release. With the cage, he wasn't going to get it. "AH GOOD! An efficient showerer. Put out your hands please" "WHY?" Ben smiled. "Because I SAID so, hank. Or, you can sleep the way you did last night." hank sighed and put them out. Ben roped them tight. "You'll have more mobility in bed, hank. You'll even be able to get up and pee if you need to. hank began to weep a little again. "PLEASE BEN. PLEASE LET ME GO. I MEANT WHAT I SAID. I'LL BOTTOM FOR YOU WHENEVER YOU WANT. PLEASE JUST LET ME GO." Ben laughed. "Oh, you WILL bottom for me whenever I want. And I WON'T have to let you go. " His smile reflected a bit of light. "Not after tomorrow." He looked at the prepared seat. "I can't WAIT to get you on that. Now get into bed. " Wrapped up in Ben's arms, hank fell asleep. He knew the chair was waiting, he didn't know what else Ben had in mind.

The first thing he had in mind the next morning, was a fucking. "On your belly sub to be." When hank resisted, he found one of Ben's hands on a nipple the other on his balls. He twisted both. "OK. OK..." hank winced. "You win." He heard Ben chuckle as he rolled over. He felt Ben lifting his hips in the air. "Just something quick before we begin, muffin. You're gonna LOVE gettin fucked this way." He heard Ben spit, and then he felt his slick, wet cock entering his ass. Objectively, Ben knew what he was doing: he controlled the pace of the drilling hank was getting, so that it was never the same. If he heard a bit of a moan come out of hank, he went right back to what he had done. hank could feel his cage filling up. GOD could he use a masturbation session! Instead, he was feeling Ben's cockhead pushing up, slamming his prostate. Ben had pulled his head back, and he was whispering into his ear "You like that hank boy? You like cock in your ass" "OOOOOOOOOOOH. Yes sir. YES. YES. I love it. FUCK ME. PLEASE." hank had no idea who was speaking. Was that him?" "You're gonna be so glad you're fucking lubricated... even with... JIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!! " hank collapsed, with Ben on top of him. "This is gonna be so much fun stud. Let me go and make the coffee. Try out the chair if you like."

hank got up after Ben went off to the kitchen . He could hear the grinder, and smelled the beans, thinking about when was the last time he had had a coffee . The chair was there in front of him, looking ominous. He knew he should try it: Ben's cum was still in him, and the dildo itself wasn't lubricated: the jizz would make taking it easier, but...

"I figured you might need some coffee before you 'mounted the rod' Ben laughed. He sat down next to hank with his coffee, and put his arm around a reluctant hank. "You know, you have to look at this like you'd look at one of your jobs, hank. You can't escape. MAYBE if you were at 100%, you could take me, but you're not and you can't. And really...." He paused to let his words sink in. "Cam is right. You ARE a natural sub. You let people talk you into this topping nonsense. " hank didn't answer. He didn't know if Ben was right, but he knew that his cock was getting fuller again. He sipped at his coffee. "Bottoming isn't enough for you, Sir?" Ben shook his head. "Nope. I have waited for someone like you for a long, LONG time. The minute you started working in this building I thought: there's my sub. When I started hearing the stories, I thought they were jokes. And then after you took the money to bottom for me, I knew. I just knew.." He took hank's coffee cup and put it at the side. "Ok, stud, let's get started. The dildo is the beginning of today's day. I'll give ya lube if you want, but take a look at it: it's no bigger than I am, and you just took me. Easy does it. hank gulped. He HAD just taken Ben, but that was... different. Ben had controlled entry, and he had pulled back and forth. This was gonna be constant. "HANK! GET YOUR ASS ON THAT ROD." hank gulped, and got up. He spread his cheeks and slowly began easing himself onto it. The first couple of inches were easy but then... "oooooooooooh shit. oooooooooooooooooooh. This hurts." "Easy does it handsome. You can handle it. You're gonna have to... It's in your future..." Ben was grinning as he reached over for rope, tape, and a pair of clamps. hank heard his ass hit the seat of the chair. It was all in. "GOOD BOY. " Ben saw hank's slightly nauseated face and laughed. "It'll be fine, hank. You'll only need to wear it today for, oh, maybe two hours. Now get your hands behind you." Impaled as he was, hank didn't really have the fight left in him. He let hank tie his wrists to the chair tightly. Then Ben pulled out the clamps and ran them over hank's nipples. "Yesterday you did 15 minutes a time. What did we say for today? 25?" "TWENTY SIR" hank realized his mistake right away. "You know, you're right. Twenty is a good number. " Just then, the doorbell rang. hank saw a chance and tried to scream. It didn't get out. Ben had his hand over his mouth right away. "NAH. Can't let anyone interrupt our morning fun hank." Ben had torn a big piece from a roll of black duct tape and slapped it over hank's mouth. "Not my prettiest work, but it does the job, huh? "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." hank was frustrated, and angry. He thought this was his chance, and he had been thwarted. The door rang again. "Just a second..." Ben looked at hank and smiled. "I'm gonna shut the door just to make sure. I'll be back." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" hank tried to scream all the while Ben was gone. He tried to push the tape with his tongue. Nothing. He squirmed in the ropes and every time he squirmed, the dildo seemed to move to a different place in his ass. His cock was raging in the cage. He could hear muffled sounds of Ben talking to a neighbor. Then he heard the door close. He wondered if Ben had remembered to put the electric back on. He laughed to himself: wishful thinking.

Ben came back and looked at his captive. "Damn, you look just like a scene from an X rated version of Wild Wild West. You ever wanna be Jim West hank?" hank was just young enough to not know who Ben was talking about. He just shook his head no. He had stopped struggling. It would do no good. "So, here's what I got to decide, big guy. Since the neighbor heard you.... I have to change my plans a little. I was gonna listen to you moan today, nice and loud, but now.... gonna have to leave the tape on. " He took out the clamps, ran them over hank's nips and attached them. He set the timer. "I changed my mind. We're gonna step it up. 15, then 20, then 25. Then.... OH, I have something new. Gonna be hot."

Ben left the bedroom door opened as he went back to the kitchen to finish up cleaning the dinner and breakfast items. The alarm went off just as he finished. He went back, saw hank slumped in the chair, and smacked him gently. "Look lively stud. Big day ahead of you." "MMMMMMMMMMMPH." "How's the dildo feel? You know, once everything is set up, you're gonna be wearing one for at least a few hours most days. Better get used to it." hank vigorously shook his head no. He saw that, coming out of the cage, were a couple of drops of pre-cum. "MMMMMMMMMM. TASTY." Ben lifted them to his lips as he pulled off the clamps. He began squeezing them, and hank moaned even louder. "I just LOVE your nipples hank. I could play with them all day. " He paused. "I'm gonna pull off the tape. We'll chat while we wait for round 2." When the tape was off, hank pleaded with him "PLEASE SIR. My nipples can't take much more." "OH, POOR BABY. They're gonna have to I'm afraid.. Unless... I hear those two words. I submit." hank said nothing. He felt Ben's hand stroking the inside of his thigh. "You know, you have a really good cock. I can see why people wanted to suck it, to have it in them. " "THEN WHY DON'T YOU LET ME DO THAT?" "Because I want you another way, big man, and I captured you." "YOU JUMPED ME." "Jump, capture, kidnap, what does it matter, we're all in the same place." Ben looked at the timer. "Ok, I think we start again. " He pulled off more tape and sealed hank's mouth. "OH, yeah. I forgot. Clamps get tighter too." When he attached them this time, hank almost yanked the dildo out of the chair, and Ben howled. "PRICELESS. Damn, I wish Cam had been here to see that." He set the timer. "Got to go answer emails. See ya later." hank seemed to get his second wind and he fought those clamps. He thought that if he shook and twisted hard enough, they'd fall off. No luck. He had gotten used to the dildo and had actually learned how to shift so that it felt pleasurable rather than painful. He closed his eyes. What would submission to Ben be like? He was pretty similar to Cam, but rougher. As he thought about it, he could feel more pre-cum dripping. DAMN. What were they doing to him? He went into a dream like state that he came out of when Ben came back. "So.. how's my tough old sub?" He smiled as he twisted each clamp about 90 degrees, setting off MORE screaming from hank. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHJBSTRDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "Get it all out pretty boy" Ben pulled off the tape. "You're a fucking bastard, Ben. JUST A FUCKING MEAN SON OF A BITCH." Ben smiled. "Flattery will get you nowhere. And after I had decided to eliminate the third clamp session." hank breathed a sigh of relief. He muttered. "thank you Sir." "OH, but you're not done . I think someone's gonna do a workout for me." He stepped behind hank and untied his wrists. "Now, let's get you off that dildo. UPSY DAISY." When it popped out of hank's ass, Ben smiled. "Cleaning that is gonna be one of your jobs, but for now... you're job is hitting the floor and giving me 50 perfect push ups. And I'm adding 3 for every one that is NOT perfect." hank was in very good shape, but the last couple days had drained him. Could he? He wasn't gonna show any weakness and he hit the floor. The first 30 were fast and easy. Then he began to slow down. "C'MON HANK BOY. YOU CAN DO IT. THINK OF A FITNESS TOURNAMENT FOR SUBS. WINNER GETS BLOWN BY THE LOSERS." Ben really enjoyed that joke and laughed, as hank struggled through. Near the end, he broke and there were three bad ones. "Good enough sub boi, cause now, we're going to sit ups. Lemme see 50 of those." After the sit ups, Ben made him do squats. He humiliated hank by moving behind him so he could see his opened ass every time he completed one.

"You're gonna repeat the sequence. Drop to 35. And then 20. Breathing hard, hank just gasped "yes sir," and got back to work. When he was done, he was completely, and totally spent, and covered with sweat. He smelled musky. He saw that Ben had dropped his pants, and was hard. "FUCK. Did that mean he was gonna get dick again?" "Ok, my man. It's time. Get on the bed." hank looked nervous, and reluctant, but he knew better, and positioned himself so that Ben could spread eagle him. There was a big smile on ben's face as he pulled out the cage key. "Here we go. Think you can handle 6 rounds of five minutes of edging, stud?" "BRING IT ON" hank gave an arrogant answer. He heard the key turn in the lock and the cage came off. His dripping cock was pointing straight up in the air. Then he felt Ben's finger running along the back of it. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. You're gonna make me shoot Sir." "No I'm not stud. I'm just gonna make you DESPERATE to cum." It was true. Ben's touch was very light, and kept hank poised right on the edge. Every time hank's body language gave a sign that he was close, Ben stopped. After five minutes, Ben kissed hank's lips. "You wanna cum?" hank begged in a high, whining voice: "YES SIR" "Two words." "FUCK YOU." "Wrong ones. Let's work the head this time." Ben began to run very gentle, almost ticklish circles around hank's cock head. Again, when hank's body language indicated he was close, Ben stopped. "Someone needs to cum, doesn't he?" If it were possible, hank's voice was higher and whinier "YES SIR" "Two words." This time, hank didn't answer. "Now what did Cam tell me? OH YEAH. One hand here..." Ben put a finger behind hank's cock. "And one hand here." He began gently toying with a nipple. "And let me add something." He moved his mouth to hank's ear. Everything started moving at the same time. hank was overloaded. He twisted, and he moaned. He couldn't make up his mind to try to get away from Ben's tongue and his tit torture, or to get more of it. And his cock was bouncing, dripping. He heard the five minute alarm go off, and Ben just kept on going. Gently, Ben rubbed beard over hank's ear and whispered "You know what you need to do..." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. " Ben said nothing. He knew what was coming. "I submit." It came out of hank's mouth in a very soft, low voice. Ben teased. "I didn't hear you. What did you say? "I SAID I SUBMIT. I FUCKING SUBMIT SIR. I FUCKING SUBMIT TO YOU. " hank heaved for breath and began to gently sob. "Now, THERE we go. It's all over hank, isn't it?" He moved his hand from hank's cock. "All over. No sense in fighting anymore." "No Sir. You win. I submit." hank had his eyes closed when he said that. He couldn't believe it had happened. He felt Ben kiss him on the chin. Then his nose. Then his two closed eyes. "No more hassles hank. No more problems. Got you right where I want you." "Yes sir," hank sighed, reluctantly. Ben ran his hand over hank's heaving torso. "Know what I wanna see, hank? I wanna see you cum. You wanna shoot for me?" hank felt the kiss at his ear and whispered. "yes sir." "Which hand? Left or right?" "Left hand sir." Ben untied hank's left hand. "I'll give ya lube if you want, but just get some out of your ass first. Let's see you get to work." "Yes sir...." hank slid his hand down and began playing with his own balls. Then he took hold of his cock tightly. He slide it back and forth slowly. "What're you thinking of, hank?" Ben whispered. hank kept playing with his cock as he answered "I'm thinking of you tying me up. Of you getting me to beg to get fucked. I'm thinking of what your cock's gonna taste like Sir. I'm thinking... I'm thinking...'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Normally, hank shot at least twice a day. He hadn't shot the day Ben grabbed him and had been caged since then, so this one was a lollapalooza. "My my. Might be a gallon there." Ben took hank's hand and put it back in the restraint. "Time for something that needs to be done, stud. You're a sub now. Ever see a sub with body hair?" hank gulped. He hadn't thought about this. "No sir." "And you're a pretty hairy guy. Gonna have to get serious shears for this." hank was about to beg for mercy and stopped. He had surrendered. Ben was the winner. He was the boss. He heard the clipper get turned on, and again, he closed his eyes. He felt a SMACK on his balls. "No, no, hankstud. You gotta watch. Part of sub training." Ben worked carefully: clearly he had done this before. He had shaved hank's pits the first night, and now, he got everything else. He circled hank's nipples, and brought the electric shears down, taking the hair from one area before he moved to the next. "GOD, there's a lot...." Ben smiled when he had finished hank's torso. "More to do , sub bitch." He took hank's cock in his hand. "Gotta get your pubes clean. " hank swallowed hard. He knew this would happen, but.... "Stand still. Don't wanna harm the jewels big boy." It was quick. Now, the only body hair hank had - for now - was facial hair. "GOD, you're gonna be pretty, stud." Ben started untying the restraints. "You go get cleaned up, big guy. Then I'm gonna dress you. It's time to show off my new sub." While hank was washing up, Ben called Cam. "Mission accomplished. Gonna take him to the bar tonight and show him off. Maybe you can come back with us, get that blow job."

Next: Chapter 5

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