Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 2, 2023


hank slept fitfully. He was used to sleeping on his side, but the restraints on his wrists and ankles kept him face up. He couldn't turn, or move much. Add to that, he was horny! The fuck Ben had thrown into him had left him more than a little aroused, and more than a little unsatisfied when Ben cuddled up on his chest and went to sleep. Ben didn't seem to be having any trouble sleeping. His soft breathing was something hank heard all night. With Ben on top of him like that, he felt like he couldn't do much to try to get free. If he did, Ben would waken, and he had no idea what else this guy had in store for him. Ben had taken the gag out before he went to sleep, so at least theoretically, hank could scream. Again, would that do any good? Ben lived on a high floor, and he didn't know how far his scream would carry, or how long it would be before Ben shut him up again.

From the corner of his eye, hank could see that it was just about 7 when Ben began to stir and waken. The first thing he did when he woke up, was trace a figure 8 around hank's nipples, as if to tell hank "These are mine." Ben was smiling.

"Well, good morning sexy. It looks like you didn't sleep too well." "No Sir, I didn't. I'm used to sleeping on my side and... this is really uncomfortable for sleeping." "Well, a little discomfort might be good. It lets you know what your position is. Speaking of position, hmmm. Seeing you laying there like that. I know ny jizz is still inside of you but...." Ben got up and began undoing the ankle restraints.

"NO SIR. PLEASE. YOU FUCKED ME HARD LAST NIGHT. " Ben just smiled. "And I'm gonna fuck you hard this morning. " He touched the tip of hank's cock, which jumped. "It looks like YOU could use some release too. Let's see about that after.... hee hee." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" hank yelled , but he couldn't yell much before Ben had his hand over his mouth, and was reaching into a side table. He pulled out a ball gag with a medium sized blue ball in the center. "Not my favorite, but it'll do." He wrapped it around hank's head and buckled it, as hank whimpered. "Now, just so you know, if that happens again, I'm just gonna let a problem like this..." He ran his finger around hank's cockhead. "get worse. We understand each other?" "MMPHSIR" hank shook his head "Good. Now... you're gonna be nice and juicy for this. " Ben hoisted hank's legs over his shoulders and slipped his cock into hank's ass.' "MMmMMMMMGNGNGNGNGGNGG" hank hadn't been fucked much since Cam, and twice in less than 8 hours, was a real test. Ben's endowment was generous, and he was feeling the pounding, even as he heard the "squish" of the semen Ben had deposited in him the night before.

"I LOVE morning sex. You like morning sex, hank?" Ben smiled. hank stared at him helplessly, and shook his head yes. "Ha ha. I bet you never had it like this, stud. But it'll be a regular part of your future." Ben began to pump harder and faster. The pressure on hank's prostate was making him harder too, and he was moaning, both from his own hard on, and the fucking he was getting. Ben's orgasm in the morning was much smaller than the one he had had before they went to bed, but he smiled anyway, looking at hank's face, drool coming out of one corner of the gag.

"Oh, that was fun. I can't remember a double fuck in my life for the longest time. It'll be good to have them again." He looked down at hank's cock. "SO... What should we do about this? Hmmmm? Oh, let me be clearer. I KNOW what I'm gonna do about it, but... should I leave you gagged, or not? See, if I gag you, I can't expect you to thank me, or hear the wonderful sounds of a hank orgasm, but on the other hand..." He wrapped his hand around hank's cock. "You promise not to scream?" hank looked at him and shook his head yes. "I believe you too hankster. Cause you know, I think you're a man of your word. So when I get you to submit, I can count on you to behave as a proper sub, can't I?" "MMMMMMMMPH." hank didn't shake his head, and when Ben tightened his grip on hank's cock, he howled into the gag. "MMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHHSIR!!!!!" He shook his head yes, in vigorous motions. "GOOD. So, then I think I can take this gag out." When he did, hank took a big breath. "Thank you Sir. Thank you." "Oh, that's quite alright big hank. Now, let's see how we're gonna do this. " Ben began sliding his finger back and forth over the back of hank's cock, provoking loud moans. "See, studmuffin, Doms have different ideas about how often their subs should get to cum. I'm not sure what I've decided for you ..." He ran his finger around hank's cock head, driving hank wild. "OH GOD SIR. THAT FEELS SO GOOD." "I'm glad muffin. You look good too. Watching your face contort...." Now Ben formed a round cylinder with his hand over hank's cock, and he began to jerk him. "It may be a while before I let you cum again, hankster, so try to remember this one. And enjoy it." As he jerked him faster and faster, Ben slipped a finger into hank's well fucked ass, "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!" hank exploded all over himself. As he gasped for breath, he heaved out. "Thank you Sir. Thank you thank you." "AWWW. You're such a polite boy aren't you hank? Operative word there: boy. I'm looking at you and I'm thinking.... too much body hair. "NO SIR PLEASE PLEASE DON'T." "Just a little this morning before you shower big stud. Then we'll go over the day's plan for you. " Ben reached back into the table and pulled out a straight edge, and some cream. "Just your pits today, hank. A little reminder of what's happening." "Like I could forget," hank thought as the strokes went up and down one pit, and then the other. "This is really fun. Maybe I shoulda been a barber instead of a day trader?" Ben shrugged his shoulders. "Shoulda coulda woulda. If I had done that, I wouldn't have had the money for this apartment and then... " He smiled and kissed the tip of hank's nose. "I never would've met YOU. So I guess everything happens for a reason." hank couldn't believe he had just had his pits shaven. Just like a ... whore. "So, big guy, I hope you realize that you can't get out of here without my help, yes?" "I do know that...... Sir." "GOOD. So, when I untie you, you're gonna go into the shower and clean up. There's a small 'doucher' in there. You should use it to clean me out of your ass, because... " he grinned. "Way more stuff is gonna go up there. Even today. So, hank, get yourself cleaned and then, when you're done, we'll get started for today." Meekly, hank made his way to the shower. He knew, in every part of him, he was gonna lose. Ben had clearly planned this, well in advance, and if he had Cam's help, well.. what chance did he have? When he came out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, he saw that Ben had his shoes in his hands. Ben looked up. "OH YES. Like a Greek god coming out of the water. Look at that tousled hair. God, you're a natural hank." He saw hank looking at his hands. "What am I doing? I'm fitting your shoes with a fibreglass insole. That way, just in case you take it upon yourself to try to run away, you'll find that the more pressure you put on your feet, the more they'll hurt. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?" hank cried out "Because I can, stud. Because I want to. And because you told me no. Now, you'll pay the price. Anyway..." he pointed to the living room. "Breakfast is on the table. I'm not much of a cook, and I figured a big guy like you could use some serious fortification." hank WAS hungry, and the smell of the eggs, the sausage, the toast, got to him. He sat down and ate ravenously as Ben sat at the table, looking at a notepad.

"So this is what's on the agenda today young man. Bondage and nipple torture. With clamps. That's gonna take us most of the morning cause I have to work too. Then, we'll probably explore your ticklish spots, maybe try some spanking and ..." Ben stopped, and hank saw the look in his eye. "I can't wait to get my mouth around those incredibly sexy looking ears of yours."

hank pushed his plate away.

"OH, and of course, how could I forget this. Before we go any further, let's go into the bedroom." Reluctantly, hank got up and walked into his torture chamber, followed by Ben. "Remember how I talked about orgasm control?" "Yes sir. I do." "Well, here's what we're gonna do." hank saw Ben pick up a chastity cage. "WHAT THE FUCK? I'M NOT WEARING THAT." "Oh yeah, hank, you are. Now stop giving me shit. Stand, put your hands behind your back, and behave." hank gulped, sighed, and said 'yes sir," as Ben locked the cage on him. "It's got two keys too. I'll be honest. Cam asked for one. I don't know if he's getting it. But now that that's done, time for you to get dressed sexy. In as little as possible." Ben threw him a pair of black speedos. "That's all you're gonna need today." hank frowned, but he put them on. "Now, over to our play chair. OH, this one is gonna be fun." hank sat down in the chair. Ben pulled his wrists behind him, and secured them. Then he pulled each ankle back to a back rung of the chair and secured those too. He followed this with a tight rope around hank's chest right above his nipples, and then another one right below. The combination made hank's nipples project out just a bit .

"So, here's what's gonna happen hankster. I need to work for about four hours, and what we're gonna do is this. You're gonna sit there in the chair and I'm gonna clamp your nipples. Fifteen minutes an hour. And each time I reclamp them, I'm gonna add weights. " "You're a sick bastard" hank spat out. "Maybe. But I'm the sick bastard that has YOU. And.... lest I forget, clamps can make a grown man scream, so...." He picked up the roll of silver duct tape, and slapped two strips across hank's lips. "Now, you're gonna wish you shaved this morning, stud, cause when they come off.... hee hee. So, okay, let's set the timer. He picked up a small oven timer, set it for fifteen minutes and then picked up the nipple clamps. "One..." "NNGGGGGGNNGNGNGNGNGNGGNGGNGNG" came out of hank "And now, two "NNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGNNNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGGNGNGNG" "It 's only fifteen minutes hank. You're big and strong. You can handle it." Ben gave hank a kiss to the forehead, and left the room. He could hear hank's moans in his home office. He smiled as he heard them. They started out high pitched: almost like a dolphin or a screaming child, and then faded to an almost plaintive, deep sad tone. He had gotten a bit of trading done when the alarm went off. "So, hank. Want me to take these off?" hank shook his head yes. "You sure? Because when the blood comes back, well... " "MMMMMMMMMPLSSSSSSSSSSIR" "Ok............." Ben took off the clamps and hank knew right away that he wasn't kidding. The rush of blood coming back, was almost as bad as the clamps themselves. Then, Ben pinched both nips "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBSTRDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" "ha ha . I think you just called me bastard again, hank didn't you? " hank shook his head yes. "I could make you call me a lot worse. I'll just call you: MANCUNT" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Ben put his hand under hank's chin and looked him right in the eye. "It would be the easiest thing in the world you know, to just put on the clamps, and tighten them, loosen them, twist them, yadda yadda, and you'd submit in a day." hank shook his head no "Well, maybe I'll test that out some day. I'm having too much fun doing it my way. OH. Another thing I forgot: while you're not in the clamps, we're gonna use this." Ben brought over a hitachi rod. It had velcro strips on it, and he attached it to hank's thigh, so that the head was right at his crotch. "You've got the cage on, so I'll set it to low... trust me big boy, you're gonna wish you still had the clamps on." He gave hank another kiss on the forehead. "Lemme go make some money. See ya later." Now, the buzz of the hitachi and hank's moans came to Ben's office. "Music to my ears," he smiled. He thought that this would take a week. Now, it was looking like it wouldn't take that long at all. When the alarm went off again, he went back. hank was slumped in the chair, seemingly exhausted. Ben tapped his cheeks lightly. "Hey sweetcakes. Rather get fucked again?" hank turned his head to say 'no' slowly. He looked ready to cry. "Well, THIS time... we're gonna use the clamps with a small weight on the chain. Right at each clamp. Fifteen minutes. Remember, stud... tomorrow, we go to 20." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" The clamps certainly seemed to wake hank up. The sounds that came out of the room now, were desperate, absolutely desperate. Ben wondered if he was moving too fast. He decided he was, but he'd keep up the pace. He wanted to break this man. And he would. "My, fifteen minutes goes by so fast. How're we doing, big stud." hank looked at Ben with a mix of hate, and fear. "You know, the hitachi didn't charge up fast enough, so... we have to go to plan B. " Ben had two smaller vibrators, also with velcro. "One for each nip.. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Back in his office, Ben was thinking, "you know, I really ought to take off the tape. Give him a chance to regroup. At the end of the hours. When the alarm went off again, Ben went back, and took off the smaller vibrators. "HMMMM. The big one is fully charged now, so we can use it again." He looked at hank. "You think you could keep from screaming if I take off the gag." hank looked at him and slowly shook his head yes. "It's gonna hurt. Shoulda shaved. " Ben smiled as he pulled the tape away slowly as he could. hank winced, but he simply answered "Thank you Sir. " He struggled to get his breath. "How's it going for you stud?" hank nearly cried "How do you THINK it's going Mother fucker? My tits feel like they're on fire, I'm hard as a rock in this fucking cage, my arms hurt, and I wanna kill you" "Well, I'm glad everything is going according to plan. Now, you see, this is just our first day, so you should know: tomorrow the clamping goes up to 20 minutes and...." Ben turned around and picked up a plastic dildo "I'm gonna superglue this to the chair. You'll be sitting on it tomorrow. "NO NO. PLEASE. NO." hank started to cry. "Sweet baby, are you breaking already. Are you submitting?" hank looked away "NO!" "Well good. Then we get to put some more weight on the clamps. And know what ? How about we combine them WITH the hitachi rod this time. "OH FUCK" snuck out of hank's mouth. "I think... yeah, let's get some more tape." hank's mouth was sealed, and then Ben went back to his office. "He may break too soon if I do this for four hours," he thought, so at the end of the third hour, he went back and took off the clamps , disengaged the vibrator, and took off the tape. "Some good news for you hank. I think we're gonna end this part of today's adventure early. " "Thank you Sir." "I'm gonna let you get up, maybe do some stretching, whatever you need to do, because you're going back on the bed real soon. Got to investigate some other parts of hank. hank wanted to punch Ben. He wanted to hit him bad. When he balled up his fist, he realized that the bondage, and the clamps, had sapped most of his strength. He'd never get a good punch in. "I could use some stretching Sir. Maybe 15 minutes? "Fifteen minutes it is. I'll get our next adventure ready." As Ben walked out, hank tried to stretch out his legs, but mostly his arms. Was this his future? Tied up all the time, tortured like this? Couldn't be. He leaned up against the wall and backed up to do the stretches he had learned when he was younger. They felt good. He closed his eyes. All he could think about were the two fuckings he had gotten, and as he thought about them... he felt his cock rising in the cage. What was going on? What had this man awoken in him?" "Ok hanky panky, time for some new fun. Ever been hogtied?" "No Sir. I'm not going to be either." "Yeah you are. Get on the bed. On your belly." "FUCK YOU." hank tried to run past Ben, but he must have telegraphed, because Ben clotheslined him across the throat. "GAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" hank collapsed, wondering if something had broken in his neck. "Relax stud. That was barely anything. But you're on your knees. That's a pretty sight. Got to get you there more. All in good time. Now, you gonna do what I asked?" hank sighed. "yes sir." Once he was on his belly, he felt stretchy rope going around his wrists, and then his ankles. He felt them being roped together as his body was drawn up into a tight hogtie. "I use this when I want to do some... exploring, hanky. It'll make things much easier if you answer my questions.. You ticklish, handsome?" "I don't know. No one's ever tickled me." "Well, that's about to change big guy." Ben's fingers started tracing lines across hank's soles. hank realized: 'yeah, I'm ticklish' as he squirmed under Ben's touch. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA. OK OK I'M TICKLISH. STOP." "Well, now we know your feet are ticklish, but how about the rest of you?" Ben began exploring hank's ribs, his armpits, and the back of his knees. hank was ticklish in ALL of them. "PLEASE . PLEASE STOP SIR. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE. I CAN'T I CAN'T." Well, ok, I'll stop. Breaking a man using tickling only is really unfair. So many other ways to do it. But you know what looks so damn tempting I can't help myself, stud? Your tits. Sticking out like that. I know, I know you've had them worked really hard today, but..." Ben began running his tongue over hank's nipples. The touch was actually quite comforting to hank. It felt good, and he began to moan with pleasure, rather than pain. He was thrusting his hips forward, and his cock ran up on the cage again. "Kind of rough when you can't do what you want, huh babe?" hank sighed. "Please let me go Sir. I promise. I'll come back, I'll do everything you say. I'll service you, I'll split my cheeks for you, please. " "Will you say 'i submit?" Silence. "Well, that's ok. I think we can have more fun this way..." Ben undid the hogtie and yanked hank's wrists to the bed posts. Then he slipped out of his own shirt. He was wearing only jeans, and hank looked at his body and licked his lips. "OH SHIT. I HOPE HE DIDN'T NOTICE," hank thought. Ben did, but said nothing. Instead, he climbed up on hank and began blowing into his left ear before he nibbled all around it. "You're such a sweet stud. " Ben whispered. "You're gonna make such a perfect sub." hank began to whine. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME." Ben whispered "Don't do what hank? You were hard when I fucked you. You're getting hard now. What do you not want me to do?" "Turn me into a sub Sir. Please. I'll be a bottom, not a sub." hank heard ben chuckle. "I got a feeling, hank, you've always been a sub. I'm just letting that beast out. Whether you like it or not." He began to rub his own beard on hank's neck, and hank began to thrash about. Ben knew that hank's neck was sensitive from their one nighter. "I'm not ready to fuck you again yet, hank, but it's close. GOD you're a turn on." He kissed hank on the lips, and he ran his hand over hank's torso. hank just moaned. They heard the doorbell ring. Ben covered hank's mouth and just laughed. "I'd relax if it were you hank. It's Cam. I asked him to bring over some of your clothes and to join us for dinner. Ben left the room, and hank heard some talking Then, Cam was at the door of the bedroom. "Hey sweetheart. How's training." "YOU FUCK!" Cam laughed. "OH you say the nicest things." Ben came to the door. "I'm gonna go and get dinner delivered. You can have a half hour with him. Anything you want. Just not his ass." Cam smiled. Then he closed the door.

Next: Chapter 4

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