Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 28, 2023


Hank's life began to change somewhat dramatically after his one night stand with Ben. First, the more he thought about the night, he realized that if Ben hadn't accidentally found out about his nipples, Hank would never have enjoyed the night at all. Except for the ropes. It was the first time he had been tied up, and being forced to give up his power was somewhat intoxicating to him. It wasn't enough to turn Hank into a bottom, however. As far as he was concerned, those days were gone. His time with Cam had been great, and the evening with Ben had been lucrative, but he went back to being the total top he was reputed to be at the bars. One of his tricks had told him that if he had some facial hair, he'd look more like the stereotype of the "take control" top man. Hank considered it, and he grew a moustache, and a short beard. He absolutely HATED the beard. It was too much work, and he really didn't like the way it looked. Also, Hank would almost always lose control when he was topping a one nighter, and that included scruff work. His beard could turn into a "weapon" when he used it on a bottom, and more than one scene ended, or slowed down, because the bottom was hurting too much. He got rid of the beard. His moustache, together with his full head of hair, his smile, and his somewhat imposing body, which he accented with very masculine attire, made him a popular attendee at Cuffs and Collars, or any other bar he visited.

His work life changed too. The number of clients who had asked for HIM, rather than his company, made him begin to think about starting his own company. He had capital, from his "extracurricular activities" with his clients, and he began to think about going into business on his own. He was thinking about that very seriously when one day, he got a call from Cam. Hank remembered the time that Cam had just dropped him, and he knew that, sexually, they were no longer a match for each other. Still, hearing that voice struck something visceral in Hank, and he immediately became somewhat passive.

"Sir Cam, it's been a long time. How are you doing?" "Ha ha. You remembered hank. You flatter me." "You never forget your roots Sir. What's going on with your life?" "Well, I wanted to catch up. My other half is going to some meeting tonight, and I have a free evening. Maybe grab a drink, catch up a little?" hank couldn't deny that there WAS some stirring in his groin as he heard Cam's voice. It would be good to see him and, probably, have a guilty little fantasy about their time together. "That sounds good. One thing: DRINKS Sir Cam, nothing more." "Ha ha. Nothing more. I promise. "

They met after work at "Cuffs." Cam strutted in wearing his leather jacket and black jeans, and a black t shirt underneath. He wasn't classically handsome, the way hank was, but he had an air that said "DOM", and he got a few WOOFs as he met hank. For his part, hank couldn't help himself: faded jeans that showed off his ass, and a shirt in Cam's favorite color: midnight blue, close fitting, nipples pointing. As Cam walked over he thought "DAMN. And what might have been...." hank was thinking along the same lines, as they sat down with their beers. During the conversation, hank told Cam about what he was thinking of doing: leaving his job and starting out on his own. He told Cam he had the capital, but he'd need ALL of it, and that was scaring him. Cam smiled.

"Well, you know hank, think about this. I've put away some cash, and we HAVE known each other for a while. It's been some time since we saw each other, I know. But if you feel that confident about being able to do it, can I go in with you 50/50?" The offer stunned hank. He did NOT expect this. "You'd be a silent partner? I mean, you'd fund the business, but you'd keep out of it?" Cam laughed. "Of course I would . What do I know about electronics except for vibrators?" hank felt his groin jump a little bit more: there had been a few nights when Cam had used a vibrating dildo on him and it nearly drove him crazy. If he shot before Cam did, Cam would just use the dildo for another half hour. hank forced himself to pull back from that revelry "70/30. You can't be my Topman anymore." Cam began to laugh harder than hank had ever seen him laugh. "hank, you may be the stud of the bar. You may be screwing a twink every night of the week, maybe two. But let's be honest." He paused and stared at hank. "If I told you to get on your knees, and suck me. You'd do it. I'll ALWAYS be your Topman, won't I?" It didn't take hank long to answer, in a very low voice. "yes sir." "Ha ha. Always remember that stud. " He reached out and messed with hank's hair. "70/30 it is. And I like the moustache. You know, don't be surprised if someone takes it as a challenge: topping a top is a REAL THING."

And so, there was a round of meeting with attorneys, signing papers, and soon, "Hank's Hardwire shop" (Cam picked the name), opened. It was a success from the first day. Hank began letting clients know that the next time someone needed electrical work , there would be someone else taking care of them. Word got around, and soon, many of those clients were coming to Hank directly. They were willing to pay the rates that Hank charged because he didn't tell clients things like "I'll be there from 8-12"; rather, he'd say "I plan to be there at 9:30, but if I run late, I'll let you know by 9". And he did. The president of the co-op building really wanted Hank to continue to service the building, but that was not to happen: the co-op had signed a long term contract with Hank's former employer, and there was no getting out of it.

The person most disappointed in this, was of course Ben. While Hank had stopped visiting his apartment, and in fact had insisted that his employer send someone else when Ben tried to get Hank back to his place, now he couldn't even see him around the building. That only drove his obsession. He began looking for Hank. It didn't take much effort to find the shop. Hank had a stellar reputation. He was also ridiculously busy, and was almost never in the shop. Cam would come by to help by answering phones and keeping the appointment book clean. He was there the afternoon Ben's call came in. "Thank you for calling Hank's Hardwire, this is Cam." "Oh, hi. My name is Ben Hasselwood. Hank used to take care of the wiring in my apartment." "Yes Mr. Hasselwood, how can I help you?" "Well... I'm not sure. I mean... Hank used to take care of our building but..." "I'm not following Sir. I'm sorry. Maybe I didn't drink enough coffee today." Ben sighed. "Fact is, I miss Hank." Cam smiled. Hank had told him about some of his extracurriculars, and he imagined that Ben was probably one of them. "Yes, a LOT of people from your building have called. They've asked about having Hank back. Unfortunately... our attorneys looked and it's really airtight. Can't do anything. Sorry." There was a pause on Ben's end of the line. "Well... I wasn't really looking for wiring." Cam grinned. "Oh, I see. Hank's private services. Yeah, he really did well letting people service him." Ben sighed. "That's not how it happened with us Cam. Do you mind if I call you Cam?" "Not at all. Can I call you Ben?" "Absolutely." "See, I paid Hank a lot of money for a night where... there's no way to put this... I was in charge. It was great. And I'm afraid, I'm kind of desperate. I shouldn't be telling any of this to you at all, but.... DAMN the thought of him makes me hard." Cam began to think. Hmmm. There was no way he was going to be back together with Hank, but the thought of that stud being brought back to his PROPER position as a sub.... This was interesting. "I'll tell you what, Ben. I don't think Hank would do this WILLINGLY, but.... let me get contact information for you. Together, we might be able to work things out where , well, at least you and I get some satisfaction." Ben went on. "I'm afraid I'm confused, Cam. Are you suggesting a three way?" "HA HA HA HA HA. No offense to you Sir, but no. No one ever wants to share Hank with anyone else." "Then you've....?" "I was his first. He subbed for me for two years." "OH! " Ben was truly surprised. He thought he had been the first man to top Hank. "Then you may have some tips for, shall we say, putting him back where he belongs?" The door to the shop was opening. Hank was back . "We'll talk Ben." Then he switched to something more formal. "I'm afraid as long as the contract is in place, we can't do anything. Thank you for calling." Cam looked up and smiled. "Someone from your old co-op dealings. A guy named Ben." Hank rolled his eyes. "Good old Mr. Hasselwood. GOD he had a thing for me. Wonder how he's doing."

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For a couple of months, Ben and Cam kept up a dialogue. While this was happening, Hank kept working and remained a fixture at "C and C" as he now called it. He had begun thinking about taking a gym membership because he noticed a little flabbiness, a little extra tightness in his shirts that he didn't appreciate , and he didn't settle down. Ben began stocking various sex toys: electronic vibrators, various strengths of nipple clamps, hand cuffs, different styles of gags, etc. And then, there was his final touch, which he thought was brilliant. He had asked the contractor where Hank used to work to send someone over to do some wiring. When he was there, Ben slipped him an extra 100 to wire the doorknob to the front door. If the switch were activated, and someone touched the doorknob, it would send a strong, but not fatal, shock through his or her body. Ben was thinking of Hank when he had it put in. Then it was time to carry out his plan. Ben didn't spend too much time in bars, so he had to ask about the address to Cuffs and Collars. He figured that Hank would probably be there on at least one weekend night, and he decided Saturday was the best choice. When Hank walked in that Saturday night, Ben was in the back of the bar, out of sight. He was more than a little excited about what he was about to do. He felt like a big game hunter: if he could've used a tranquilizer dart, he would have, but he wouldn't need to: Cam confirmed: Hank had "glass nipples:" anytime Cam had wanted something from him, he'd wait until he could get his fingers on Hank's tits, and he'd be essentially helpless. A nibble to the neck would finish him off. Ben was also thinking (correctly as it turned out), that Hank still had a submissive streak: it just took someone to push him to activate it.

It was hard for Ben to be patient : Hank looked particularly luscious to him that night. He was wearing a safari shirt in a khaki color, and very tight jeans. The shirt was opened just enough for his hair tufts to stick out. When Hank had turned at one point, Ben saw the new moustache, but he thought Hank was looking his way, so he ducked into the shadows. But now... now was the time. Hank had his back to him, and the guy he had been talking to had gone off to the bathroom. It was noisy enough and enough people were milling about that he didn't have to look suspicious, as he came up behind Hank, and slipped his arm around him, closing fingers on his left nipple.

"HEY. WHAT THE FUCK!" Hank tried to push the fingers away, but it was too late. Ben had closed them on his nip and the squeezing worked, almost instantaneously. "Nice to see you again Hank." "HASSELWOOD. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING. LET GO.." Ben only tightened his grip, and then he ran his teeth along Hank's earlobe. "You're coming home with me hank. You understand that?" "NO. I'm not doing anything. Now LET GO." Hank struggled, but now, Ben had both hands on nipples, and the double squeezing was getting to Hank. Then, Ben whispered "Remember how hard I made you? How DESPERATE you were to cum?" Breathing hard, Hank answered, meekly "yes sir." "Well, I'm gonna do that again. Now we can walk out of here without me tying your wrists, or I can tie them. Whichever you prefer." He squeezed tighter. "You know what I'd prefer." "Yes sir. I do. No ropes. Please. I'll come quietly. " At this point, Hank thought it was just going to be another one night stand. His cock was telling him he was into that. Hank felt Ben's hand on the back of his neck, leading him out of the bar. "Been a long time Hank. I've missed you." "Yes sir. It has been." As they walked out, Hank could see the look of surprise on people's faces. Ben certainly had the look of a Topman, and the way he was handling Hank might have damaged Hank's reputation there irreperably. Ben smiled at a few people and only said one word: "mine." Hank's second shock of the night came when a car pulled up outside of the bar, with Cam driving. "HOLY. WHAT THE..." Ben's grip was tight, and he didn't let go . "Don't make me tie you up... yet, Hank. GET IN." Saying nothing, Hank got in the back seat, and Ben followed. "Looks like it was a success Ben" Cam laughed, as Ben was draping his arm back over Hank, and opening his shirt so he could get skin on skin. As soon as he did, Hank began to moan. "Save some of that stud. I want you to be moaning all fucking night." "NNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG" was all Hank could manage, and Cam laughed. "Yup. Still his weakspot. You'll find others. I'll help ya too." When he heard that, Hank's blood ran a little cold. What was going on?" "Are the two of you gonna fuck me?" He managed to get out, before Cam moved his hand from Hank's nip to his mouth, gagging him. "No need for you to talk Hank. And no, we're not. I'm the only one who's gonna do that. " Then he laughed. "From now on." "MMMMMMMMMPH." Ben's grip was tight. "Cute moustache. Good for a top. Not so good for a sub bottom." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" Hank struggled, but the hand on his mouth was there tightly, and the truth was, he was getting so excited, there was a spot at his crotch, that Ben noticed. "Looks like I'm not the only one who's into this." Cam laughed. "Is he dripping? "

"Hey Ben. You brought Hank back. So good to see you man!" The doorman smiled as the two of them came in, and Cam drove off. "Nice to see you too Jaime. I hope the kids are still good." "You guys'll have time to talk soon. Let's go stud." Ben hustled Hank to the elevator. As it went up to ben's apartment, Hank asked "What's going on, Sir? What is this?" "You'll find out in a minute Hank. Just be patient. Isn't that what you always told me about working on my cable?" Ben's hand returned to the back of Hank's neck as he pushed him into the apartment. "Now, you have two choices Hank. You can sit down in the chair, and I'll play with you for a little while, or you can go into the bedroom, get undressed and get on the bed. Face up. "BULL SHIT!" Hank pushed past Ben, and grabbed the doorknob. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. YOU FUCKING BASTARD." Ben began to laugh. "You taught your colleagues well. It only cost me 200 bucks... to get the STUD I wanted." He went over to where Hank was on his knees. "This is your home now, hank. As of now, you belong to me. I'm gonna train you, and you're gonna accept me as your Dom and your Master." Groggy from the shock, hank shook his head. "Not happening." "HA HA . It already has. Now get in the bedroom. Get undressed. Like I said." Hank felt a violet want pressed to the back of his neck. "NOW." "yes sir," Hank leaned on the sofa near the door, and got to his feet. He got into the bedroom, and undressed as Ben watched. Hank saw that the restraints that HAD been on Ben's bed, had been replaced with newer, sturdier ones. There was also a restraint on the wall over the headboard. As he lay on the bed, Hank's cock was rigid and in the air. He didn't quite understand it. It quivered as Ben secured restraints at Hank's wrists, and ankles. "Captured. Restrained. Just like Tarzan." Ben smiled as he ran his hand over Hank's torso, circling his nipples. "Please. Don't do this to me. I'll make a horrible sub." Ben smiled. "That's not what Cam told me Hank. He told me you have a sub streak a mile wide." "THAT BASTARD." He tried to pull himself up off the bed, and the restraints didn't move. "I WAS A YOUNG KID. HE TOOK ADVANTAGE. OH SHIT......" Ben had begun squeezing one nipple, and chewing the other. When hank was moaning quite loudly, he stopped chewing for a minute. "He took advantage. The way I'M taking advantage.." He moved his second hand down to hank's cock. "Looks like you don't mind too much." "IT HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN. " "Like these?" Ben began squeezing hank's nipples some more. He grinned. "You know, seeing your face as I work these is priceless. But we got more things to do, sub in training. " "NNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG" hank responded. "You're not ready to submit yet, that I know. But you will be.... you will be." Ben had stripped before he began working on hank, and now, he lay all across his body. "Your neck please." When hank didn't move his head to give Ben access, Ben shoved his knee into Hank's crotch. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. OH FUCK. OK OK.. " Ben always had the look of someone who needed to shave, and that hair began to work over hank's neck. He licked hank's neck and ear in big, broad strokes, whispering "bottom" into hank's ear. Everytime he called hank a bottom, hank's cock twitched a little more. "Know what I think I wanna do, studmuffin? I wanna reintroduce you to tit clamps." "NO! PLEASE NOT THAT SIR. YOU KNOW... YOU KNOW HOW I GET." "Yeah, I do... Your hole opens up, and you get hornier, and hornier. Why wouldn't I use them?" "Please Sir, don't . Just fuck me. That's what you want." "That's what I want right now. I'm gonna want a whole lot more hank stud." Ben grabbed a set of clamps from the side table, and he ran them over hank's nipples. "You want them?" hank whimpered "no sir." "Well, who gets what he wants...." hank had used that line on too many bottoms not to know the answer "You do Sir. " "That's right... And I'm gonna keep them on, until I fill you with my cream like a fucking donut. OH, one thing. I know how you yell." He reached over and grabbed a bandana and bound it around hank's mouth. "DAMN you look FUCKING HOT GAGGED. I hope Cam used to gag you." hank only whimpered, and then tried to scream as the clamps went on his nipples and Ben pulled. "If I didn't have you gagged, this chain would be in your mouth right now, and I'd be pulling your balls until I saw you yank the chain high enough. " He grinned. "Coming attractions hank. For now... " He looked down at his cock. Ben undid the ankle restraints and hank immediately pulled his legs closed. "You're gonna welcome him back." He began spreading hank's legs. When hank resisted, he pulled the chain on the clamps. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!" "I'll just keep this up until the citadel opens..." Ben laughed as hank reluctantly spread his legs. "GOD did I miss your pussy hank. Soon, it's gonna be all mine, all the time." Hank shook his head no, but he didn't know what he was going to do. How the hell could he get out of this crazy's apartment? He could probably disable the charge on the doorknob, but if he knew Ben, he'd be around most of the time, and he'd leave hank tied up the rest. For now though, his thoughts were all centered on that thick rod that began to penetrate him. He hadn't been fucked since that first time with Ben, and he was tight. And nervous. And Ben didn't seem to care. "This is MINE now, hank. You better get used to it. As the TV show said 'resistance is futile.' It was. Ben was relentless as he power fucked hank. He's push in deep, stop and smile and look at hank and say something like "you're gonna make SUCH a good bitch," before he pulled the chain. All hank could do was whine. Ben slid back and forth, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Sometimes he'd just stop and do something like run a hand over hank's chest and grin. "So fucking hot. So... fucking hot.... And you're MINE.." Ben began to pump faster and as he did, he grabbed the clamp chain and pulled harder. hank began to spurt. He couldn't help it. The stimulus on his nipples, inside him, and the thought that... he was gonna be a sub again, were all colliding in his head - no, in BOTH of his heads. Ben shot deep into hank just a few minutes before hank shot. When he did, Ben wrapped the clamp chain around his hand, pulling tight, and hank SCREAMED into the gag. "We're gonna have to train you about that, stud. Subs don't cum unless they have permission." hank remembered that was one of Cam's big things. Did Ben have a... Yeah, he did. He showed hank the chastity cage. "I don't wanna use this TOO much, but I will. Not tonight though. " He smiled. "You're about to hate me. I'm taking the clamps off." When he did, and the blood ran back to hank's nipples, he nearly fainted. "Now, let's get the gag out. Cause you're gonna thank me or.... we'll think of something else to do." hank took a deep breath when the gag was off. "Thank you Sir. Thank you for that fuck. It was great." "why did I say that? " hank thought. I could've stopped with Sir." Ben ran his finger around hank's lips. "These are so soft. I can't wait until you're broken and I'm comfortable getting my cock in there. For now though, let's decide about sleeping. Actually, no, we don't have to. I'm gonna keep you just like this, and sleep on your big chest. You may not get much sleep, and you'll be sore in the morning, but you'll learn about obedience faster this way." Ben pulled up the quilt over them. hank saw him smile as he cuddled on hank's chest. "This is gonna be so great hank. You're gonna realize that being a big man doesn't make you a top. " He kissed hank's lips. "Nighty night, bottom."

Next: Chapter 3

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