Repairman Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 20, 2023


Hank stood there in the bar he had visited so many times, cruising for someone to give up his ass. That wasn't going to happen tonight. Instead Ben was introducing hank as his new sub and sex slave. hank's hands were tied behind his back, and there was a tight gag over his mouth. The shirt Ben had made him wear was so tight that he was bursting out of it, and the jeans so faded, anyone could see that there was a cage on his cock. Ben was talking to one of his friends,

"Yeah, the moustache is gonna go. It's sort of a symbol: he had the moustache as a top but now, as my sub, not having the moustache will always be a reminder. " Ben tightened the grip he had on hank's bicep. "Ain't that right fuckboi?" hank knew better than to hesitate. Ben remembered every violation of his ever changing "rules," and punished accordingly. He squeezed out a very weak "mmmmph" and shook his head yes slowly. Ben's friend was smiling. "You know, he had such a reputation: hank was the Top man's Top. How'd you get him to surrender to you?" "Well," Ben answered. "That's a long story, and I'll tell it to you sometime, Alan, but I'll just say it has a lot to do with who you know, and how to exploit weak spots. " He squeezed hank's arm again. "Isn't that right, bottom?" again, hank squeeked out a sound, and nodded yes. His nipples were still sore from the clamp work he had suffered from Ben that afternoon and the rough fabric of the shirt made them hurt even more. He hadn't been permitted to shoot a load for two weeks, and the dildo up his ass, holding Ben's cum , was beginning to hurt. He tried to adjust his wrists so that the ropes didn't cut into him so much. Ben noticed. "OH, trying to escape huh?" hank shook his head no, and the fear in his eyes was evident. "Ha ha. I'll let ya slide this time. Don't count on it a second time." "mmmph mmmph." hank tried to say 'yes sir' as he had been instructed, but the gag blurred everything. "Hey, you think you'd ever be interested in sharing him?" Alan asked. hank's neck stiffened, as he was about to shake his head NO and thought better of it. "Well, it all depends on the offer. He can't say no , can ya hankstud?" Meekly, hank shook his head no and bowed it. The humiliation , on top of everything else, was more than he could handle. He felt his hair pulled hard. "LOOK A REAL TOP IN THE EYE WHEN YOU ANSWER HIM BOY." This time , hank couldn't figure out what he had done that had violated the rules, but he also knew, Ben just liked punishing him. It had been that way since, well...

Hank had been a repairman who did a number of jobs in the building where Ben lived. The residents liked him: competent, cheery, punctual, and then there was what he did on the side: it didn't really matter who you were: male, female, couple: if you wanted cock, Hank could oblige it. His dick was more than adequate at 9 inches cut, a little on the thick side, and he was experienced enough to "read" what a customer wanted. His experience had come from working for a few years as an escort. "Rough trade" was how the agencies advertised him. "Big solid, dark haired hunk 10/10" were what most of his reviews said. He didn't really enjoy the escort work, but he did it to build up some cash reserves so he could finish school. He did. He went to a trade school, and learned electronics. His thinking, which turned out to be correct, was that there would be a shortage of people who could handle cable networks, computer problems, anything with electronic wiring. When he graduated, he was in high demand. Not just for his skills at electronics. Dark hair, blue eyes, hairy, fair skin, and a solid body that tended to fat but which he kept in good shape with a good diet and a little exercise made him the object of the attention of more than one admirer. His first romantic relationship was with a guy who had picked him up at a book discussion group one night. Hank liked to read, and he liked to discuss books. The LGBT (QIA wasn't added yet) book club was huge, so they would divide members based on geography, interest, etc. You never knew who was going to be in your discussion group . Hank had gone on several dates after these meetings, and then one night, after a discussion group, he was approached by a guy named Cam. "Hey. I'm gonna cut to the chase. I like you. Not gonna invite you for coffee or a drink or anything. How about coming back to my place and rolling around in the hay for a little while?" It was high summer, Hank was horny, and Cam wasn't bad looking. He smiled his big smile at Cam and said "Sure. Why not? What'd you have in mind?" Cam whispered "I wanna fuck you so hard you'd scream if I didn't have you gagged." Well, THAT got Hank's attention. "Just tell me when you want to leave, Cam." "Right now." They left. Cam called a cab, and they got to Cam's place in about 15 minutes. "Do you want me to.." was all Hank got out before Cam covered his mouth with his hand. He leaned into Hank's ear, and whispered "I want you to keep quiet. ok?" Hank shook his head yes. He could feel his cock getting harder, as Cam moved him to the sofa. They began to neck, and Cam made it clear right off the bat: he was in charge. If Hank tried to get HIS tongue into Cam's mouth, he was rebuffed. On the other hand, when Cam did the kissing, he took control. Hank tried to pull away once and Cam just pulled him right back in. "I thought I was clear that I'm in charge," he said to Hank. Hank was big enough that he could've just pushed Cam away and left, but he was excited about being controlled. "Ok. Whatever you want." "I want you on your back with your shirt off Hank. I wanna see what's under that tank top." Once Hank's shirt was off, Cam got to work. He attacked Hank's ears, scruffed his neck, and licked him everywhere. When he chewed Hank's nipple though, Hank nearly jumped through the ceiling. No one had ever done that before. Cam, of course, picked up on the reaction and laughed. "Oh, Hank. You're gonna be sorry I know about that. " He pinned Hank's wrists down and, when he had the nipple in his mouth, there was no strength left in Hank. He couldn't have escaped Cam if he wanted to. And he didn't. Cam worked his nipples for about thirty minutes, before , sweating all over he whispered. "Let's get buck naked." Once they were, Cam gave another order. "Roll over." Now Hank was nervous. He was still new at "this sex stuff" as he called it, and he had never been fucked before. Cam must have sensed that, because instead of fucking him, he just positioned his cock head at the entrance of Hank's ass, and he whispered "I'm gonna cum all over your back and the next time... I'm taking that ass." Without knowing it, Hank came onto Cam's bed. Cam laughed. "You're too easy. " He had already shot all over Hank and was mopping up the cum. He pushed strong fingers into Hank's shoulders (Hank found out a few dates later that Cam was a professional masseur). "Bed," he whispered to Hank. "We'll continue this in the morning." They did. And then they continued it at Hank's place, or Cam's place, for a year. After about three weeks, Cam said "I think you're ready." It was during a session in which Cam had chewed Hank's nipples, squeezed them, made him beg Cam to fuck him, and dominated Hank the way he had for every date. After about a year, Cam stopped calling Hank, and he didn't return Hank's calls either. Hank didn't understand: did he do something wrong? In fact, he hadn't. He found out , when he went to a bar and saw Cam with a young blond man, that relationships could be fickle. Hank left the bar that night a little wiser. He finished his apprenticeship at about the same time, and his employer began to send him out on jobs: first with a more senior technician, and then on his own. He couldn't help noticing when he was working that his clients sometimes, well, "stared" at him. It would have been rude to ask what it was about, but one day, a client made it clear. As he was paying him, the client added an extra 20.00 "Oh. Thank you Sir. That's very kind of you." The client, an older man, too skinny, but pleasant, smiled and said "there's another 100 if you let me suck your cock." Hank blushed that first time and told the man that he was flattered, but no, he wouldn't mix business with pleasure. The second time a client offered him that kind of money if he could suck Hank's dick, he didn't say no. And he left with the 100.00 . The third time was with a woman, and it was 250.00 - her figure, because she wanted him to play with her breasts while she blew him. Since he remembered the days of Cam working his tits, he could understand a person having sensitive pecs. He remembered how Cam used to do his, and he had the woman moaning through the whole session. After he had cum, and she was getting the money, he said "Excuse me ma'am, but I don't think we're done. I came, but you didn't. That's not right." The woman, who routinely hired escorts, was stunned. They always left her to take care of herself. "Well, what did you have in mind, Hank?" "I don't know ma'am. What would do it for you?" She smiled. "That big stud tongue in my pussy." And Hank added eating pussy to his list of skills that day. Most of the clients who asked for "extra services" were men, but when he serviced a woman, he always offered after that. He kept all of this side money in a separate account, and it was accumulating, slowly but steadily.

Ben saw Hank in the elevator the first time Hank was sent to Ben's building to take care of a job. Ben had smiled and started a chat. "Well, hello. I don't think I've seen you here before." Hank was wearing a light blue polo shirt with his work pants, and the light color made his blush show more. "Oh, I don't live here." He laughed. "I could never afford this place." He pointed to his tool bag. "I'm just here to take care of a computer problem on the 14th floor. " Ben, who was not shy , answered. "Too bad. I was looking forward to getting to know my new neighbor." The owner of the apartment on the 14th floor happened to be the President of the co-op board for the building. He was used to repairmen and technicians arriving late, looking like slobs, and generally doing a bad job. That wasn't Hank's way. He was on time, courteous to the President, even asking if he was pronouncing his surname correctly, and when he was finished, asked if the guy had a small vacuum cleaner so he could clean up the mess. (There wasn't one, but Hank had a motto: leave the place cleaner than how you found it.). There was no sex that day, but Hank's employer got a call: hereafter, if they didn't send Hank to the building, they'd take their business elsewhere. So, Hank made more than one appearance, and Ben saw him, more than once. The repeated appearances of this very hunky technician were spoken of in the building and soon, in addition to regular working doing repairs, Hank was making money on the side, again, mostly from having men service him, but occasionally a woman, and one time, a "side job" where the husband took his cock while the wife ate Hank's ass. THAT was the first time for him, and he was so excited that he came too fast. He apologized to the couple, and promised to come back the next time he was in the building, free of charge. He did, and the husband was home alone. Hank was getting so much action from his job, that he almost never took time to go to the bars: he didn't need to. When he DID go, he almost always went to a place called "Cuffs and Collars." You can guess what kind of bar it was. By this time, Hank had pretty much settled into being serviced: he hadn't done any bottoming since Cam, and he never had the "ammunition" as he called it, to top. From hanging out at the bar, he began to develop a taste for a specific kind of man: big, but not bigger than him, and hairy: VERY hairy. The control that he had experienced from Cam stuck with him, but he wanted to try it out as the one doing the controlling. One night, he met Nick. Dark, quiet, and shy. It had taken just about all of his wherewithall to say "hi" to Hank, and Hank had responded with a smile. They began talking - Hank doing most of it - and one thing led to another, with Nick driving them back to Hank's apartment. Hank remembered how Cam had played with him to find out his hot spots, and he did the same thing to Nick. Nick responded. At some point, Hank didn't say anything, but Nick threw his legs over Hank's shoulders. "OH GOD. Help me do this," Hank muttered to himself, and slowly, and clumsily, got inside Nick. "You're pretty new to this , aren't you?" Nick asked. "I am. " "Let me help you then," and Nick coached Hank through his first topping. At the end, Nick smiled. "Not bad. You may be a natural."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hank and Nick began a relationship that lasted for 3 months. However good Nick was in bed, and however attractive Hank found him, the man was filled with idiosyncracies that drove Hank crazy. Nick never came to bed without saying evening prayers. When they went out to eat, Nick wouldn't eat something if it had touched something else on his plate. And unlike Hank, Nick was NEVER on time. This time it was Hank who stopped returning Nick's calls. During the three months, Hank had saved his "juice" as he called it, for Nick, so he turned down any requests. Now that the relationship was over, he would ask at the end of a job, with a big smile "Anything else I can provide for you Sir/ Ma'am." The tip jar started filling again. One day, he got sent to Ben's for a job. The cable television wasn't working. Hank only had the apartment number and last name. So when Ben opened the door, Hank smiled and just said "Good afternoon Mr. Hasselwood. I'm here to look at the wiring on your cable." Ben smiled. "I remember you. I thought you had moved into the building the first time you were here." Hank thought about it for a minute and then he remembered. "Oh yes, of course. Nice to see you again. Can you show me to the television set?" Hank had a feeling he was being watched as he worked, and he was. At one point, he turned around, and he thought he saw Mr. Hasselwood groping himself. The hand disappeared right away though. He went back to the job and when he was finished, he turned around. "I apologize for taking so long Mr. Hasselwood. The problem was more convoluted than I thought it would be. " "Oh, it's no problem Hank." Hasselwood moved his eyes toward a pile of 5 hundred dollar bills on the table. "Is there something else I can provide to you Sir?" Hasselwood smiled. "Maybe. I know from other residents about your additional services. I wonder if you'd be interested in adding one to your repertoire." "What would that be, Mr. Hasselwood." Hasselwood gave an evil leer, and opened his zipper. "If you're not interested, no problem, but that 500.00 is yours if you'd consider servicing instead of being serviced." Hank smiled. He used to blow Cam, and he remembered how to do it. And 500 was 500. His jaw hurt afterward. Hasselwood was "gifted" one would say, and he was rough. It was still a LOT more than he had gotten for other services. Then Hasselwood seemed to have a lot of electronic problems, perhaps one every two weeks. Hank took care of every one of them, and there was always "something else" he could provide to Mr. Hasselwood. One time, when Hank was finished, smiled and outright asked him if he would be willing to do this on a regular basis, outside of work hours. Hank laughed. "That makes it sound a little like prostitution, but hey, money's money. I guess I could do it. Let me give you a private number where you can reach me." Mistake. Hasselwood, it seemed, was somewhat obsessed with Hank. He'd call him for no reason, just to tell him what he wanted to do to him. Eventually, Hank had to put his foot down. "Mr. Hasselwood, please don't take this the wrong way. I'm FLATTERED that you're interested in me, but ... you make it sound like we're boyfriends, and, well, we're not even close. " "I understand Hank. Hey, I want to ask you: how much would you charge to spend the night with me? I'll even buy dinner." No one had ever asked Hank that question. "Well, I don't know, Mr. Hasselwood. Let me think on it and I'll call you back." Now, it happened that Hank wasn't the only technician "working on the side," as they called it, and so he had places to ask. One guy told him "oh, about 2500, " and another said "Oh, 3500-4000, especially if you put out." Hank called Ben back. "Mr. Hasselwood ? Hank here. I gave it some thought, and I think it's two numbers. If it's without sex 2750. If with sex, 3500." Hasselwood paused for a minute. "then you know I'm thinking about more than a blow job?" "Yes Mr. Hasselwood I do. I'm no virgin, or I'd be asking for more.

But those are my numbers. " "It's fair. 3500 it is." A week later, Hank showed up at Hasselwood's place, in clean jeans, a pressed white shirt, and with combed, washed hair. "You look absolutely delicious Hank." "Thank you Sir. " "Shall we go out to eat first?" "You're the boss tonight Sir. I'm all yours until 8 tomorrow morning." Later, Hank would regret having been so open about being "all yours" to Hasselwood, because that was the first time in his life that he had actually been tied up. (Cam had wanted to tie him up, but Hank never let him). He spent most of the night with his wrists tied to the bed, with Hasselwood probing his body before he put that cock he had sucked so many times up his ass. Along the way, Ben became only the second person to know about Hank's "glass nipples" as he called them. He also saw that when he tied Hank down, Han's erection popped. Normally, Hank didn't climax during sex with Hasselwood. He did that night. In the morning, as he began to get dressed, Hank thanked Hasselwood for the evening and hoped he hadn't disappointed. "You're leaving?" "Well, I'm afraid so, Mr. Hasselwood." He looked at the money in his hand. "This is nice, and I appreciate it, but I have a job and I need it." "If I took care of you, would you give up your job to do what you did last night, every night?" Hank laughed. "Well, Sir, I don't think I could handle someone as big as you every night. And honestly, Sir, I'm not sure I'm ready to settle down anyway. But I appreciate the offer. " Ben knew he didn't have a chance in hell of keeping Hank there against his will, so he smiled. "I understand, Hank. Thank you for being so... receptive. I won't soon forget this night." "Me either Mr. Hasselwood. Now, I really gotta get going." And he was gone. Leaving Ben to think: " what do I have to do to get this man?" He began to formulate his plan.

Next: Chapter 2

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