Rent Boys Revisited

By Sam Tudor

Published on Nov 3, 2022


Jason's story -- Part 2

The night after my father died, I was alone in the house (except for the cat). I had explored his room previously and had found a drawer of sex toys, but I had not invaded it. With no more Xavier to help me relieve my horniness, I took the drawer to my room, got naked, and went through the toys, most of which I could figure out, but some of which were a mystery. Just handling them, and imagining how to use them, got me hard, and I got his lube, from the drawer, and slowly jerked off while trying some of them, putting the dildoes in my mouth, the cock rings around my cock or cock and balls depending on the size, the leather harness on, which was much too big at that point in my life, and managed to hold off for at least a half hour before a magnificent cum load, which, I scooped up off my chest and belly, and tasted, Xavier had told me, time and again, how good my cum tasted.

Living alone was lonely, a cat is only so much company, and I think I was depressed at my father's death, and really needed human company. I had had some friends at school, but with the almost full-time care of my father, for five months, I had to drop out of sports after school, drop out of my part time job bagging groceries, and had not dated at all, no time, no license yet, so no car. The car, a 7 year old Camry sat in the garage, I had been starting it once a week and backing it out of the garage to keep it alive, as my father died, and then, until I could get my license.

I was aware that, downtown in this small New England city, there was a park, a "common" or "green" depending on where in New England you are, right in the middle of the city, with paths, statues, Revolutionary War cannons, and trees, and benches, and, a rail fence around it all. One side was devoted to a bus stop where all the busses from all directions stopped, so waiting there was part of what people did. The other use was guys who wanted to be picked up by guys, for free, or for pay, and in copycat of Provincetown MA, and many other cities, it was known by the gays, the bi's, and those in the know, as "The Meat Rack".

I knew about it, but, had never hung out there, I had waited for my bus there, we lived two miles from the center of town, and being alone in the house that April Friday evening, I took the bus (a two mile walk, so if the last bus had run I could always walk home) and with my tight Levi 401's, a light jacket open and showing a tight T shirt which showed my pretty good chest for a 16 year old. The Levi's, a year old, and pretty tight, gave me a pronounced basket, and cupped my ass cheeks, and separated them. I thought I was sexy, and, in retrospect, I was. I propped my ass on the fence. I knew one of the guys there, Ian, who had dropped out of school, and we talked.

"You know what this place is about?" Ian asked. Now Ian was a gay guy's wet dream, at least he had been. About 5' 10", blonde, dark blue eyes, well muscled, or had been, he was a good athlete, but no scholar, and a big cock, uncut, but unlike mine, the foreskin was pretty well retracted when he was hard. His balls and pubes were shaved.

"Well, I know what happens, but I am not clear on the details, like, who says what to whom (I got A's in English), and how do you know if a guy is interested, for free, or for pay, or whatever? And what about cops?"

"What are you interested in?"

"I need to get off, a blow job would be nice."

"You interested in being fucked?"

"Not yet, if ever."

"Don't knock it until you've tried it. It can be very, very good."

"You get fucked often?"


"For free, or for pay?"

"Both, you, I would bend over for, for free. That fat guy over there in the red Camaro, for pay."

Just then the fat guy got out of his car, and came over to us.

"Hi boys," he said, in a stereotyped gay old guy's fashion. He was 6', maybe 250 lbs., flabby, round face, enough fat on his cheeks that his ears were kind of sunken into his head. Compared to him, Xavier was hot.

"You look like you have a big cock, boy," he said to me, "I haven't seen you here before. Want to go for a ride?"

"He's new to this," Ian said, "leave him alone for a few days until he gets into this."

The fat man went down the sidewalk to where a few other guys were sitting, and Ian and I talked, I told him what I had done, JO, blow jobs as top, fucked one guy, and he told me about his dozens of encounters, who to watch out for, which cops were cool with us, which ones were looking for any excuse to arrest for soliciting prostitution, which lawyer to call if we got pulled in, where to buy condoms and to insist on using them for fucking and sucking, AIDS was new, and not well understood. All we knew was it led to a slow death.

We hung out for a couple of hours. He turned away a few "regulars", introduced me to the "good" ones, the ones he did for free, and the ones for pay. And he gave the going pay scale. "He blows me in his van, parked right there, $10. He takes me home for a few hours, we 69, fuck each other, do a lot of things, $150". And as for another young, well, probably 21 guy, "We do it for free, for fun, sometimes spend the whole night, split the motel bill and the beer and the pot, or he pays for the motel and the beer and the pot, but I am free."

A guy in a suit and tie, maybe 40 or so, came along. Ian said goodbye and good luck to me, and walked over to the guy, and they took off.

I rested my ass on the rail fence again, opened my legs so my basket would show, rearranged my junk so it looked full, and I was half hard anyway, so my package was nice. I nodded to the guys who were of interest, shook my head no at those I clearly was not, and watched the scene.

It was not hard to figure out who was there for sex and who was there to buy or sell drugs, and who was just waiting for a bus. The dealers had no problem approaching me and chatting, and when it was clear I was neither a cop nor interested in buying, left me alone.

Initially, the older men were wary of me, I might have been a decoy for the cops, but after a few short weeks the word spread that I was 16 (the age of consent at that time) and not a cop.

The cop whose shift it was most often, Officer Jenkins, who was in his late 20's, and a good guy, came over to talk to me.

"Haven't seen you here before, you local?"

"Yes, lived here all my life."'

"You know what goes on here? I saw you talking to Ian."

"I think so, this place has a reputation, and Ian filled me in on the details."'

"How do you know Ian?"

"He was two years ahead of me in school and we played on the same sports teams when we were younger."

"You still in school?"

"Yes, finishing my sophomore year."

"How old are you?"


"Your parents know you are out here?"

"No, mother is in Vietnam, father is dead. I have a guardian though, but he is out West."

"You know solicitation is against the law?"


"Be careful out here, and if Officer Blake is on duty, be extra careful, he hates gays, and hates male prostitutes even more. And watch out for that guy over there, in the blue puffy jacket, he can be mean, and hurt you."

"Ok, Officer, thanks, Ian warned me about him, and some other guys."

And, as Ian had predicted, just about everyone was wary of me, especially after having been seen talking to Officer Jenkins.

A Black guy, who I recognized from school, a senior, football player, came over, his name was Lexington, but everyone called him Lex. "Jason, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you here before."

"Maybe the same as you," I replied. "Just waiting for a bus."

He laughed. "I hear your father died. You up against it for money?"

"Sort of, long story but I have enough to just get by, nothing extra. I have a part time job all day Saturdays, bagging groceries, pulling the carts in, and sometimes, the late shift, restocking shelves, it helps pay the bills for the "optional items" my guardian says. Like clothing and pizza and movies, and once I get my license, gas."

"You gay?"

"Well, I am not sure, but I have nothing against having sex with another guy. You?"

"Same, same. I really need the money, and hustling is easy money. And between sports and school I don't have much time for a part time job.

Once in a while I get picked up by a guy who wants me to do his wife or his girlfriend. You able to perform with a woman?"

"No problem for me."

"You Ok with a 3 way or a 4 way?"

"Never done it, other than a circle jerk with just guys, but sure would like to."

"Ok, the fact that you were hanging out here can't be a secret, word will get around the school before you know it, so be prepared. Most guys will not fuck with me, since I could beat the shit out of them, so can you hold your own? You look like you have a decent body."

"I hope so, I have a red belt in Tai Kwon Do, my father made me take lessons since he was afraid I would get shit because I am half Vietnamese. He was in Vietnam and was trained to kill with his hands and he taught me those moves as well, not that I would kill anyone unless it was me or him -- or her I suppose. But, more practically, I can immobilize a guy, make him drop a knife, or a gun."

"Can you teach me that shit?" he asked.

"Sure, it is not done in five minutes, though. And it helps to have mats on the floor, two or three piled up is best."

"It is getting late," he said, "and I am fucking horny, how about you?"


"Want to play, as friends, not as customers?"


"Follow me, we can go over to the alley behind the museum."

We did. Behind the museum, which was across the street from the Meat Rack (or the bus stops depending on how delicate you were about such thing) was a little park, with a few sculptures, many bushes, and some benches. We vaulted a low wrought iron fence and Lex grabbed my crotch, and I grabbed his. We were both hard in a second.

He unbuttoned my Levi's and I just pulled down his sweats. He was commando, I had a jock on to pull my package up and out. He pulled down my Levi's and my jock.

His cock was about 25% longer than mine, and mine is no slouch for a mixed Asian/White guy. But they were the same thickness. He was cut, the head and the skin just behind the head to the scar was pink, he was a nice medium brown, some white ancestors, but his cock was very black. My balls were bigger than his. He was a little wet and we had just gotten started. We explored each other. Chest, abs, ass, back, balls, cocks.

"Fuck," I said, "you have a great body, cock, balls, and all the rest.

"You are not bad yourself," he replied. "Big cock for an Asian guy. Big balls for any kind of guy. I thought Asian guys had little dicks."

"Only half Asian, inherited my dick from my father's side, he was white."

"What are you into?"

"I don't really know, done jerk offs, and blow jobs, and I fucked one guy once, never fucked a girl yet."

He dropped down on his knees and took my dick in his mouth, way in, all the way in, nobody, not even Xavier had ever done that before: he was much better than Xavier. He ran his tongue on the underside of my dick, and somehow worked the head with his throat. He pulled off, and took a deep breath. "Nice," he said, "Big."

"Wow," I said, "I have never felt that sort of thing before, the other guys just sort of licked the head. My turn." He stood, I went down on my knees, and took his big cock in my mouth. About half of it in, it was bumping the back of my mouth, I did what I could, but nothing like he had done for me.

"Not bad, not great," Lex said, "you need training. How about you train me in fighting, and I will train you in sex. Let's get each other off, and quit for the night, but if you can meet on Monday in the wrestling room after school? We can get started on the fighting part, and figure out the sex part."

"You can come to my house after that, to work on the sex part."

"Will it be private enough?"

"Yes, just me and the cat.

"You live alone?"

"Yes, my mother is in Vietnam, my father just died, as you know, and I inherited the house, and provided I don't get in trouble, and do OK in school, I have been allowed to live there until the end of high school."

"So a virgin ass on the Meat Rack, that is worth big bucks to the right guy. Maybe I can help set it up, if I were into being a pimp, for a cut of the fee, but, I think I like you and, I am not into pimping -- and besides even Officer Jenkins might haul me in for that."

"See you at school, if not before."

Next: Chapter 3

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