Rent Boys Revisited

By Sam Tudor

Published on Nov 20, 2022


First, ignore the last sentence of Jason's stories, Part 12, since Lex's stories begin in High School and end in College.

Second, think about sending the cost of a movie ticket, or a pizza, to Nifty, to keep it all coming, and to keep you cumming as well.

Lexington's Story -- Part 1

First things first. I am Black. I am hung. My name is Lexington, but everyone except my grandmother, and a few clients, over the years, called me Lex. I am "sexual" but probably, in my later years, primarily gay, but not entirely, and in my adolescence, mostly hetero, for fun, and gay for money. I grew up, and went to college, in a mid-sized New England city, which when I was a kid, was about 8% Black, 7% Hispanic, and almost no Asians except for those running the biggest laundry service and a few restaurants and a few Middle Easterners.

But it was very much ethnic, among the whites, a mixed marriage was an Italian and an Irish, or even an Irish whose ancestors came from County Kerry vs. County Cork, all of whom, along with the Poles, and the Lithuanians, and the French Canadians had their own Catholic churches. The Greeks had their church, the Middle Easterners, almost all Lebanese Christians, tended to be Congregationalists. Who knew? According to the 1970 Census there were exactly 17 Native Americans out of about 100,000 people.

Consequently, I was categorized as Black, but I was partly white, but less than half Black, according to my mother, so I was light skinned, and I was very accepted by my peers, my color was irrelevant for most purposes, except for dating girls, but, for sex with guys, sports, and academics it did not matter. So, it was probably easier than had I been raised in a big city with a big Black population which could be seen as threatening. I was treated well by teachers, and most of the community whether they knew me or not.

My mother, bless her soul, was a good person but not a good judge of men, but then again, in the Black community then, and even now, Black men were not as reliable providers as white men, on the average, nor as steady, on the average, again. When we were little we were on welfare, some of the time, but eventually our mother got some training from the community college and got a pretty good job in a nursing home. We had a car, old but good, an apartment, small but adequate, 3 bedrooms, one for her and her man of the time, one for us two boys, and one for the two girls. We were well fed, and clothed, and importantly loved, but there were very few extras.

Now, my observation, not scientific, but based on what I have experienced, and what I have read, is that Black males, on the average, are hung better than white males, and, that they hit puberty earlier. Again, this is MY observation and experience. And, whites are better hung than Asians, but Asians hit puberty about the same time as Blacks, and Middle Easterners, for that matter. I have no idea about Native Americans.

I began to hit puberty at 10. I was having hardons, and before I was 11 was able to jerk off and cum, dry at first, and then with ejaculation. Nobody told me anything about all this, other than my friends, who were mostly white, and further behind in the puberty stuff.

My Mom's boyfriend at the time, one of the short-term guys, caught me jerking off one day when I was 12, and basically told me that he would help me out, as long as I did not tell anyone. And he proceeded to suck my cock, which, at that point was pretty close to adult size. It felt incredibly good. He showed me his cock, but did not want me to do anything, since he was "saving it". And, he gave me five dollars, which was a lot back then, in about 1980, for a 12-year-old. He lasted a few months, he and my mother broke up, but until then he would suck me off, maybe once a week when it was safe to do so, or he would take me for an "errand" and park somewhere, and suck me off in the car, and, give me the five dollars every time. I jerked him off, a few times, and was amazed at how much cum he squirted, and how mine shot out, sometimes three feet, and his just dribbled out, but it was thicker than mine, and there was a lot more of it. I never sucked him, he never touched my asshole, let alone fucked me, I never fucked him. He had an alcohol problem, which I think led to my Mom kicking him out.

After that, I would see him occasionally, in town, and we would sometimes chat, he asking how we all were doing, but no sex, paid or unpaid.

Meanwhile, I was horny, and hung, and knew the score, or at least the score in the second inning of sexual awareness, and found guys, of all races, to jerk off with after school, and on weekends. There was a wooded area behind our apartment building, we played there, cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, Army -- Commie Vietnamese versus the USA, all of which were played basically the same way. In good weather we played strip poker in the woods, in bad, in an old garage, owned, but rarely used by LeRoy's parents, with a Dodge under a canvas cover, it had belonged to his brother who had been killed in Vietnam, and he would inherit it when he was 16. Sometimes LeRoy and I would sit in it and pretend to drive, the battery was out of it, so no chance we could start it, but we could practice shifting with the clutch. It had a "Things to do Today" notepad on the sun visor with a cartoon of a guy fucking a woman missionary. Early sex-ed for us.

Once naked, we usually had a circle jerk, to see who had the biggest cock, who could cum first, who could squirt the furthest, who could cum and then, stay hard, or get hard again, and cum again. But it was all solo, nobody ever touched another guy, at least in that context. An example of the American fetish with competition. I had the biggest cock, being one of the two Black guys, most of the time, I never came first, I could get hard again, but took forever to cum the second time, by which time, most of the guys were ready to pack it in and do something else.

My best friend, Leroy, who was Black, was also an early bloomer, likewise had no father in his life, did have an "uncle" who had taught him some things I did not know, like, you could fuck a guy in the ass, and, that felt good, and that being fucked, also, could hurt, but if done right, could feel really good.

It was just the two of us one summer afternoon, we were deep in the woods, not many bugs, and he said, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

I pulled down my shorts and BVD's, I got hard in 30 seconds, as did he. He was uncut, he was blacker than me, his cock head was black, where mine was pink, me being part white, he was not as long as me, but thicker. He was dripping something, now I know it was precum, but at that point I did not have any.

He grabbed my cock, I returned the favor, we played a little, and he said, "You want to fuck me?"

"I don't know, I never fucked a guy."

"Nothing to it, I have some Vaseline in the garage, let's go there and see if we can do it."

So, we went to his parents' garage, he got the Vaseline and a clean rag, pulled his pants back down and bent over the fender of the old Dodge. He spread his cheeks, and put some Vaseline on his hole, and on my very hard cock. I put it up against what I thought was his hole, he reached around and guided it to the right place, I pushed some more, and I came, with just the head in, and just a little way.

"Fuck," I said, "it was so hot I already came."

"You can get it up again, I know, I've seen you do it."

I jerked my cock, it stayed hard, and in less than 90 seconds I was ready to try again. I pushed, he moaned, it slipped in, the whole head was in, and, the head of my cock is bigger around that the shaft, so once the head was in, the rest followed.

"Hold it right there, until I get used to it." I did, motionless for at least a minute, while I felt his ass muscles moving in there.

"O.K., fuck me, slowly," so I did.

"Do a reach around", I had never heard the term, but it was obvious what it meant, and I grabbed his cock and stroked it, he made appreciative moans and groans, and eventually said, "Just like that, whatever you are doing, keep at it, don't stop, fuck me, fuck me, jerk my cock faster," and he came in my hand, his ass tightened on my cock, and I came in his ass.

"Fuck," I said, "that was incredible." My cock slipped out, partially deflated, covered with Vaseline, cum, and some shit.

"Here, take the rag and wipe up." I did, but it did not do a thorough job. He stuck the rag between his legs, wiped up the cum, shit, and Vaseline that was dripping out of his hole, pulling his pants up with the rag in his crotch, went outside, into the bushes behind the garage, squatted down, pulled he rag out, and shat out my cum, Vaseline and some shit. He then wiped his ass, and we called it a day. I took a shower as soon as I got home, not a typical time, my Mom asked how come, my answer was that we had been running in the woods and I was really stinky. There were some pecker tracks on my BVD's, and some shit marks as well, but I did my own laundry, so that was not an issue, I buried them in the bottom of my clothes basket, and jerked off in the shower.

LeRoy and I were best pals through 7th and 8th grades, but went to different high schools, there were three, college prep, general, and trade. I went to college prep, he went to trade, and new friends took the place of old ones, although we had some sex, once in a while, all through high school. He got fat, not an athlete, was in the cooking (culinary arts) program, and turned out to be the poster boy for being a gay bottom boy.

Next: Chapter 12

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