Renes Dominant Daddy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 18, 2021


Monte and rene exchanged texts and calls over the next few days. The party, called "LOL" was at the private home of Clay and frank. Monte had known Clay for a while and met frank after he and Clay had become a number and eventually married. Clay and frank had started the party because there was so little close to hand for folks who were seriously into tickling or just curious. The house was big enough so that it could hold 100 people if it had to, and there was room for a little "demo" area, and a makeshift kind of bar. The parties were very popular. They were held once a month, 10.00 admission and a cash bar. Monte was a regular attendee. Monte and rene had decided that they would meet at the party. Monte had told rene to pack a bag for the weekend. "You can always just bring it back if you get cold feet, but you want to have enough stuff with you in case you don't. I was planning on you spending the weekend at my house. Let me give you the address, etc, so you can give your contact the information. "

"He knows what he's doing" rene thought. "And yeah, he's into this for the sex part, but he's taking care of me." He smiled and felt a little shiver of "something good" go through him. rene didn't have a LOT of experience, but the experience he DID have had taught him that he had to be very self reliant. Monte was making that unnecessary. It felt good.

The party began at 8. Monte had told rene "yeah, I know the whole thing about never being the first one there. rene, you gotta remember, this isn't college town. Most of these guys have things to do the next day so early is better." He paused, and he smiled as he said the next thing to rene "Besides, the earlier we leave, the more time we have.... to play." THAT sentence sent more than a little shiver of "something good" through rene.

So rene stood there in his bedroom, trying to decide what to wear to this thing. He really wasn't sure. Trying for "hot" wasn't going to work: he wasn't built that way. Someone had told him once, that the only reason rene was any good at hockey was because he loved it: he was too slight to be truly good at it: he was fast, but the defense on other teams would joke about how he could be taken down with a strong breath of air. "Or a finger to my ribs" was a thought rene never spoke. Anyhow, he finally decided to go with a "cute" look. He put on a short sleeve yellow button down shirt with a repeating pineapple pattern, and then some moderately tight, fawn colored jeans. He put his athletic jacket on over it, called a car, picked up the bag he had packed, and left his apartment building. "Ready or not, here I go."

Clay and frank's house was very easy to spot, especially that night. Lights were on all through it, you could hear a slight buzz of conversation, and while the rest of the neighborhood was quiet and dark, that house was lively. rene walked up to the front door. There was a young guy, maybe 5-6 years older than him, sitting at a table.

"Welcome to LOL. Are you an 'E' or an 'R"?" the guy asked him "Uh, excuse me?" The guy, who was wearing an 'E' on his dark red polo, smiled. "Must be your first time. If you're the one who gets tickled, you're the ticklee, so 'E'. The guy who does the tickling, the ticker, is an 'R'. So that we don't have boys kicking each other to death, or domination duels , we ask everyone to wear one of the stickers." Before he could answer, rene felt a strong hand clasp down on his shoulder .

"He's with me, joe. " It was Monte. rene turned and smiled. "Oh, hey there. I hadn't had a chance to look for you yet." Monte smiled, and squeezed rene's shoulder. He was wearing a black version of the shirt he wore on their first date, and regular jeans, as tight as rene's. At the table, joe smiled. "Well then I know. " he handed rene an 'E' and Monte an 'R'. Monte threw 20 dollars into the entry fee jar, and then he handed joe another 20. "Toward the next one." joe smiled. He saw rene's bag. "Let me give you a ticket for the bag, and check it. Monte'll go off and get you a drink." Monte laughed. "Don't tell him too many mean things about me joe." As Monte walked off, joe took rene over to a small closet. There were coats there, and some other checked stuff. "You may wanna leave your jacket here too. The room can get warm." He sized up rene and smiled. "If you don't know it, you lucked out. Monte's a good guy and he's good at what he does. " He grinned a little. "Try to get him to do his tickle pinch in your pits. You may not stop laughing for three days." rene grinned. "You've been with him?" "Yeah, we had a short little fling while my partner was off on a long business trip." "Oh, you have a partner. Is he here tonight?" joe shook his head. "I love that man to death, but he just does NOT like tickling. Story of a lot of us. If you and Monte work, you've lucked out. He 'gets it.' rene wandered into the room where he saw Monte near the bar, chatting with some people. As soon as he saw rene, Monte smiled, and wrapped his arm around his middle. He put the bottle of beer in rene's hand. "Oh thank you Sir. I'll get the next round." Then he felt Monte's mouth on his ear, the bit of scruff and heard the words. "You're with ME tonight, cutie. You get no rounds. I'll take care of everything. And I'll take care of you." He licked the perimeter of rene's ear and rene moaned. "OOOOH. Yes sir. " "Nice shirt. You know, there's a species of mini pineapples. Not very tasty, but enough spikes to make a real good toy for feet tickling." rene laughed. "That sounds kind of 'wicked." Now it was Monte's turn to laugh. "I don't have a pineapple at home but I got other things. Trust me. You're gonna learn wicked in a big way. " His fingers found rene's side and rene yelped. Instinctively he pulled away, and Monte pulled him back. "DAMN do I wanna tie you up right now, you sexy little ginger." "Then let's leave Monte. " "Few minutes. I think we should greet our hosts first." He put his hand on rene's neck and led him over to where there was a tall, intense looking man with a moustache, standing next to a handsome brown haired guy in a tight dress shirt and a loosened tie. His hands were bound behind him, and he was wearing a collar. "CLAY! frank! So good to see you both. Meet rene." Clay smiled and offered his hand. "Nice to meet you rene. You gonna take care of our Monte?" rene giggled. "I hope so." "This is my husband frank. " He smiled and frank spoke. "Nice to meet you rene, and it's always good to see you Mr. Monte. I'd shake your hand but..." "frank is getting into character guys. The model didn't show up, so instead, frank 'volunteered ' for the demo on foot tickling. He's playing the hot executive captured and tortured. You gonna stay for that?" rene felt his arms slowly being pinned behind him and he didn't resist. "I love watching frank suffer guys but, you see...I got this cute little ginger jockboi who I'm gonna have to break tonight. " Clay smiled. "Pictures?" Monte replied. "Not tonight. First time. Maybe later." rene decided to try to 'flirt.' He pushed against Monte, just a little, and growled. "You'll get nothing out of me" Monte laughed. "Then I'll just have to put something in you." rene pushed his ass up against Monte's crotch. It felt hard. "Please Sir. Would it be alright to leave?" Monte smiled. "We'll catch up guys. Maybe brunch this weekend or something? "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It wasn't a long drive from the party to Monte's place. On the way, Monte complimented rene's look. "It's cute. Suits ya." "Thank you." Monte paused. "Ok, for the rest of the weekend, or until you decide you've had enough, you call me Sir, rene. It's part of the gig. " "I understand Sir." "GOOD. Now since we talked about them, the safe word is 'pineapple'. If I'm going too fast, or too far, you say it, and we'll stop. I'll stop." "yes sir. I understand that too." Monte smiled and shook his head. "You know, rene, there's something about you. I don't know what it is. Generally, I like older guys, darker guys. "Like joe, Sir? He told me." "Yeah, like joe. So far, though, I'm really enjoying having you around." "Thank you Sir. I hope that I keep pleasing you." "GRRRRRRRRR" Monte answered, and kept driving.

When they got to Monte's house, rene looked around. Monte offered him a drink, which he declined. "Ok, then why don't you go and empty your bladder before we start, cause I'm not letting you up for a pee break. You may as well take off your shoes when you come out." "Yes sir." rene could feel that quiver of excitement coming back. He had taken a quick look at Monte's bed but he hadn't seen too much. When he came out of the bathroom, he asked. "Should I strip, Sir?" Monte had taken off his shirt. He smiled and came up to rene. "Nope. I'm gonna take care of that. Right now... you're gonna get on that bed, and lay just the way you did in the hotel. First..." He kissed rene. rene kissed him back and didn't want to stop. Monte's lips were rich and full: he "gave good kiss" as his buddies would have said. "First, let me get these off..." Monte opened rene's jeans and slid them off. Rene saw how he folded them carefully, and put them on a small table at the side. "If we go any further, I suggest you get some cheap underwear, rene. Stuff you don't mind me cutting off of you, or ripping off of you. These... these are too nice for that." He smiled. But they're sure cute." He ran his thumb along the line where the waist band of rene's speedo's met his body. rene yelped. "ACCCK. Hahahahahaha." Monte grinned. "Good. Found a spot." He slipped the speedos off, and added them to the table. Then, rene saw that the bed restraints weren't cloth, or leather: they were metal. They were almost like handcuffs the way they operated, as Monte pulled one over each of rene's ankles, and fit it into a lock on the other side. "I use these because, if your feet can't move, less chance of injury. " He ran a finger down rene's left sole. "RIGHT?" It got another cackle from rene, who had a big smile on his face. "YES SIR! " "Now, let me just get these done..." He pulled each of rene's wrists into a similar restraint. rene had been tied down before, more than a few times. This was the most secure bondage he could remember. He truly WAS immobile. He was watching Monte, as a change came over Monte's face. He had begun opening rene's shirt, muttering "SUCH a pretty boy. SUCH a darling, darling treat..." He stopped for a minute, and came back with a ball gag, with a medium sized, blue ball in the center. "You're a loud one, rene, so let's keep it down. This'll let you breath, but it'll be fun too . You'll see." "mmmmmmmmmmph." rene muttered as Monte locked the gag. Then he felt the fingers in his pits. No slow introduction, no gradual build up. Monte was digging into his pits immediately Full strength, no quarter. rene began squirming, to the extent he could. He couldn't move his arms much, and they were totally vulnerable to Monte's expert fingers. The rough skin on his hands added to the torment. "ANNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, " and then a much restrained 'hahahahahahahahahahahaha," muffled by the ball gag, came out of rene.

He wondered if Monte were going to use the technique joe had mentioned. Then he felt it. Monte had taken a bit of skin under each of rene's pits, and held it between his thumb and forefinger. He said nothing and did nothing for about five seconds. Then he slowly began massaging that sking, as if each bit were a nipple. Again, the rough texture of Monte's hands, was like getting scruffed but... with fingers. "hhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha." joe hadn't done it justice. It was torture, and it was bliss. rene could see what he called 'his little soldier" standing up at attention. His cock was long, and very skinny, and he didn't think much of it because, well, he didn't use it a lot. Monte moved his hands down to rene's torso. He curled his fingers as if he were about to play a piano . rene's eyes were big, and he was whimpering, wondering what was happening next. "Look at this pretty belly. It even has three or four hairs on it. "MMMMMMMMMMPH." rene was indignant at what he thought was an insult. "OH? You don't like that.? TOO BAD." Monte began running his fingers in the curled position, up and down rene's torso. Now, with the exception of his belly button, rene's torso was the least ticklish part of his body. You'd not know that from the way he reacted to Monte's touch. "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahaha." The laughing just didn't stop. Monte saw rene's eyes crinkle and begin to tear up. He saw his head roll back and forth, and rene was breathing faster and harder. His cock was bobbing in the middle of his body. "How are these balls, by the way?" Monte switched from a full , all "hands on deck" approach to rene's belly, and just lightly scratched rene's balls with one finger. It was enough. rene tried to arch his hips, but the restraints were too strong. He could only move a little and Monte laughed. "Now you SEE what happens in the hands of a pro? " Then he stopped. He lay down next to rene so close, rene could feel the warmth of his breath. "I'm not ungagging you, so shake your head. You having a good time?" rene looked at him and nodded in the affirmative. "You want some more?" rene paused and shook his head no. "TOO BAD. " Monte slid down and now, those rough fingers were up and down on rene's ribs, going back up as high as his armpits. "hahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhaha. STPPPPPPPPPP" "Oh, did you just ask for more? I could do that." Monte moved back to rene's torso, and smiled. "I bet you even have a ticklish neck. rene shook his head vigorously "NO." His neck was one of his most ticklish spots. Monte learned that in the next few seconds. He took a more gentle approach as he worked both sides of rene's neck at the same time. When rene tried to deny him access by scrunching up his neck, Monte sighed. "That's ok. There's this spot I haven't gotten to yet, and I REALLY want to try it. Know what it is? " rene thought it was a trick. If he shook his head no, Monte could get in, so he just moaned "uh uh." "EEEEEET EEEES RIGHT HERE.. SAID THE VAMPIRE." Monte moved his head down, his scruff tickling rene's torso, until his mouth was over rene's navel. It was muffled, but you could hear rene moan 'oh FUCK" as Monte "farted" into it, licked it and then, ran his finger in and around it. "hahahahahhahahahhahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha ha" "Oh, wait until we get my TOYS. I was gonna save them for tomorrow, but I'm having such a good time." Monte looked at him. "you still having a good time rene?" He got a big nod yes from the young man." "GOOD. Because now, I'm gonna ask you to do something for me. I'm gonna take out the gag, but I want you to try not to be too loud, ok? ' "MMMHMMMM" was Rene's answer, with a head shake. The ball gag came out, and rene took a big, deep breath. "I've never worn one of those Sir. It's HOT" "Yeah, it is. Sorta like tickling your navel. Wanna see what that did to me?" Monte had not taken his jeans off, and he lowered them now. His thick cock popped out, like it was ready to burst. "DAMN. Now I'm gonna have to take them off. Never get them closed again tonight." I'll be back sweetcakes. Don't go away. " Monte was gone for no more than 30 seconds. When he came back, he had two long white objects in his hands. They sort of looked like cat brushes, except they had projections extending from them. "Ever seen these?" "No Sir..." "They're actually used in professional bakeries. They're dough dockers, to make holes in pastry, but..." He smiled as he rolled one over rene's navel. "They're a great little tickling accessory.... " "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP PLEASE. " Monte kept rolling the docker. "MMMM. Someone forgot the magic word." "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. PLEASE STAAAAAAAAAAAP SIR." Monte smiled. "NO." Then he moved the dockers to rene's ribs. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAH." "Can't keep quiet, huh boy? " "No Sir. Sorry . So sorry. " "Well, you were so noisy that, I'm afraid there's gonna have to be a punishment. See, I was gonna stop and give you this.." He held out his cock, and rene threw a longing look at it. "But now.... I think we gotta let you learn why those ankle restraints are so strong. "OH SHIT. OH NO OH NO. YOU'RE NOT.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Monte had moved the dockers down to rene's feet. He was alternating using the docker and his fingers, through rene's stockinged feet. rene wondered what it would be like to get that on naked feet (he'd find out on Saturday). "SIR PLEASE. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I THINK I'M GONNA SHOOT. " Monte looked at rene's cock and yeah, he was dripping. "Ok, we're gonna take a tickle break for the night. You good with that?" "Yes sir. " Monte got back on the bed next to rene. "MMMMMM. You're a good kisser little fucker." His fingers went down to rene's sensitized nipples, and rene began to moan into Monte's mouth. He paused and looked at rene. "You sure you want this old guy to fuck you?" rene licked his lips. "Sir, I've wanted this old guy to fuck me since we met. Please Sir. I want you in me." Monte had to turn away. That got to him just a bit. He knew he was good at topping, there was always that sense that, well, they were hoping for someone better. He opened the ankle restraints to he could hold rene's legs up in the air. "For someone with no chest hair, you have really hairy legs rene." "Please Sir. One request. Don't remind me about my chest hair. I wish I had more. Just won't happen." "Point taken. " Monte smiled. "When was the last time you had a tongue in your hole?" "OH GEEZ. OH GEEZ. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE . PLEASE EAT MY MAN PUSSY." "Yeah, I will. I wanna taste that ginger beer." Monte started with slow, broad strokes and rene started moaning almost immediately. DAMN did it feel good. Then the strokes became more pointed and sharper, as he slowly opened rene with the little flicks of the tip of his tongue. If he had been able to reach for his cock, rene would have been jerking furiously. Instead, all he could do was whimper because, if this was foreplay...." Then it stopped. He heard Monte rip a condom wrapper, and then he felt the cockhead sliding in. Monte's tongue had prepped him , and rene took Monte's cock like a pro. It had been a while since he had gotten fucked, but he hadn't forgotten. From hockey, rene had very well developed glute muscles, and he used them. When he tightened the muscles, Monte smiled. "Nice work ginger bread," he smiled, and pushed past the restriction. There is no other way to describe it: he began "banging" rene. The bed creaked, rene, shook, and Monte began to sweat. He hadn't enjoyed screwing someone as much as this in a long, long time. It wasn't just the adorable face and body under him, but the personality: the way rene responded to a thrust, and how each moan seemed different from the one before and the one after. "OH GOD SIR. IT'S BEEN SO LONG. IT'S RUDE BUT... I'M GONNA CUM. I'M GONNA CUM. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" rene began to shoot wildly, the jizz falling all over him. Monte smiled and kept banging. He got faster and faster, and the bed got noisier and noiser and then... rene could feel the gush into the condom as Monte climaxed. He fell on top of rene. "Young man, you almost killed this old guy tonight. GEEZ. rene smiled. "Would it have been a good way to go Sir?" "FUCK YEAH. And it's gonna be better tomorrow. If you'll stay." "If I told you that you had to tie me down to keep me to stay, would ya Sir?" "No. No forcing. But if you stay, I WILL tie you up." Monte grinned. "I didn't even go NEAR your knees, and I let you keep your socks on. Saving something good for tomorrow." rene teased him. "You know, a young guy like me? He could probably cum a second time from that kinda talk. I can understand how an old guy like you... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " He didn't get any further. Monte used the pinch technique under his arms again. "Yeah, you're gonna find out just how virile we old guys can be." He stopped. "Seriously munchkin, you want a shower? You want dinner? There's an all night place not far from here, we could grab something." rene looked at him. "You REALLY DO want me to stay Sir?" "OH YEAH. DAMN RIGHT I DO." rene ran his hand over Monte's head. "Let me get cleaned up, because I sweated so much I stink like a caribou Sir. Monte laughed. "A caribou. You sure ARE a Canuck" rene smiled. "And you are ONE HOT DADDY." Washed , fed, and happy, rene cuddled into Monte's arms as they fell asleep. Oh, and you should know: Monte lied. No one else was home that weekend. No worries about anyone being disturbed by laughter. He had a BIG gag collection though, and rene had such a pretty mouth.... He dreamed of that as he fell asleep with his arms around his "gingerbread boy" as he had started calling rene.

Next: Chapter 3

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