Rendezvous With Dan

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jun 29, 2005



Rendezvous with Dan By

I'd first made contact with "Dan" on the Internet chat, our mutual attraction being that we were both uncut and greatly enjoyed the pleasures of foreskin action. We had many long chats describing how we caressed, pulled, stroked, and twisted our foreskins during masturbation. We knew the value of the nerve endings in our foreskins, and how pulling and stretching them enhanced our sexual pleasure. We'd also had some phone j/o sessions to orgasm, each leaving us drained and profoundly satisfied. During these experiences, we both craved actual physical contact because we knew it would be much more arousing than mere vicarious masturbation. The opportunity came last summer when Dan attended a class at our local community college. We met one Saturday afternoon in his dormitory room. Dan had on boxer shorts when he answered the door, and I saw that he was about 5'10", more muscular than I, and with plenty of body hair. Dan was 56, a few years younger than my 63, and sported a full beard, unlike my clean-shaven face. Dan was moon-faced, while I have a thinner face with a square jaw. I slipped quickly out of my clothes, watching avidly as he dropped his shorts. His cock swung from side to side as he moved, the foreskin bulging slightly over his glans and forming a thick and wrinkled nipple in front, while his balls dangled invitingly underneath. Our cocks were thicker than average, already partly swollen from the anticipation. I noticed that Dan's cock was thicker in the middle than at the end, yet the outline of his glans showed through the thick hood. Mine was heavy-ended, with a big bulge that showed the helmet just behind the long nipple. Dan pulled a couple of cans of Pepsi from an ice chest and handed one to me as we sat facing each other on chairs. He then handed me a blue diamond shaped pill. "Want this? It's Viagra. I often take one before sex, and maybe you'd like one too, as you're a few years older than I am." He popped one into his mouth and washed it down with a swig of soda. I swallowed mine and said: "I've used it before. I can get a hard-on, but sometimes it gets soft after a few minutes." "Sometimes I have trouble getting hard, with the blood pressure medicine I take. This helps me a lot." He spread his legs slightly, giving me a good view of his equipment. His eyes were locked on my crotch. I spread my legs as well, as I'm proud of my cock and enjoy having another guy admire it. As I stared at his thick wrinkled cock, I felt a stirring in mine, and realized that it was beginning to swell. "I think it's working already," Dan commented as he watched my prick expand. I saw that his prick had begun to thicken, and he reached down and tugged at his foreskin. The outline of his thick-rimmed glans showed more prominently through the flashy envelope. "You're getting hard too," I said. "Now I don't know if it's me, or the Viagra," I laughed. "Both," he replied with a grin. He reached over to grasp the end of my foreskin nipple between two fingers, rolling and squeezing it gently. My prick quickly stiffened, and within seconds was fully erect. As it was a hot and sweaty day, Dan suggested we take a shower first. Hot water gushed over us as we soaped each other's bodies. We slowly and lovingly ran our hands over each other, massaging the liquid soap into each other's skin. I felt his fingers clasp my cock, still half hard, and he lovingly peeled back the foreskin to rinse my big purple helmet. "Yours is a lot like mine," Dan commented, pushing my hood back to bare the head right down to the high flaring rim. "I figured that from our phone talks, but it's great to see it and feel it in my hand." His words made my cock swell fully, and now the engorged purple tip locked the foreskin back behind its ridge. I skinned his hood back to bare his glans, which was very much like mine. His long thick hood locked behind his thick rounded rim as I gently caressed the swollen head. His glans was more pointy than mine, tapering forward from a thick, fully rounded rim that contrasted with my high flare. Now we were both hard, eager for the long upward slope to orgasm. Dan turned the water off and we dried ourselves, using the same towel. During this, our cocks remained at above horizontal because we'd turned each other on so intensely. We trooped back into the bedroom and lay on the bed facing each other. Dan's fingers grasped my foreskin, which still covered the head with full erection, and pulled it forward. The hood thinned from the stretching, clearly showing the outline of my big helmet and its high flaring ridge. "Man, that corona looks very sexy," he said. "I think a high flare's very attractive, and I'm glad yours is that way." Dan's foreskin also covered his head completely in an attractive taper that followed the contours of his glans, and I rolled the pucker at the end of his foreskin between two fingers. With my other hand, I cupped his loose scrotum and the heavy orbs it contained. I heard him sigh in delight as I kneaded his balls gently. Then I squeezed his glans through the skin, and felt an answering throb at the base of his penis. "That's the bulbo-cavernal reflex," I said. "Your cock root contracts every time I squeeze the head." I felt Dan's strong fingers squeeze my cock-head, and my cock-root responded with a spasm that forced a drop of lubricant from my prostate. I felt the drop begin to crawl up my tube. "I want to taste yours," he said as he shifted his position, his lips pinching the end of my foreskin pucker. I felt his tongue snake inside my hood, tickling my slit. Now his hard prick was right in front of my face, and I stabilized it with two fingers as I slipped my tongue inside his hood. I ran my tongue across his slit from side to side, hearing him moan at the acute sensations, then I changed to an up and down motion, tasting his lube as the heavy masculine aroma of his foreskin filled the air. I felt his tongue reach farther into my hood, and the tip caressed my flange, also stretching my foreskin. I probed farther into his foreskin to reach the heavy rounded rim, and knew that my thick tongue was not only caressing the glans and the inner lining of his foreskin, but stretching the many nerve endings contained in the foreskin. Then I ran my tongue tip around it until I reach his frenulum under the head. I strummed it sharply from side to side with my tongue tip, feeling his cock pulse between my fingers in response. "Yours has a nice taste, and I love the smell," he said as he removed his mouth from my cock. Holding my foreskin forward with two fingers, he slipped his index finger into the tight orifice, tickling my slit, running his fingertip in small circles around it. The sudden sharp sensations made my cock root throb, and I felt an increase in blood pressure inside the head. "Man, you're good," I stated in delight. "You'd better go easy or you'll make me pop right now." "I know what you mean," Dan replied. "Us uncut guys have sensitive cocks, and need gentle treatment. We uncut guys don't like our hoods stripped back roughly." I knew from experience that a gentle sliding action feels best because the nerve endings in the glans and foreskin are very sensitive. Also, a tight foreskin such as mine feels best when it's eased back slowly, to ride over the contours of the bulging glans, applying a delicate friction all the way. "Don't make me blow too soon," I continued to caution. "I wouldn't want to do that," he said. "I want to make it last so you can enjoy a long build-up." His finger motion stopped. "I want to worship your hard cock as long as possible. It's such a turn-on for me." "I love your cock too," I replied. I want to feel it get harder as you get more excited, and then I'll really enjoy feeling it shoot." I pushed my fingertip into the orifice of his foreskin, probing for his slit. As my finger touched this sensitive area, I felt his glans pulse in response. "Retract me," he ordered. I began slipping his foreskin back slowly, uncovering his long slit, filled with clear drops of natural lubricant. Then I pulled his hood forward, covering the glans and holding it in a thick pucker beyond the head. Then I pushed his wrinkled hood back with two fingers until the orifice was dime-sized, exposing the slit and the end of the head. Pulling his foreskin forward again, I held it by its thick pucker. "I'm going to retract you in stages, so that you can feel the foreskin's nerve endings stretch over the big head," I said. I pushed it back once more, stretching the opening to the size of a quarter, teasing the nerve endings in his hood and exposing the shiny end of the big purple head. Pulling his hood towards me, I stretched it out to thin it, and saw the gorgeous outline of the glans showing through the skin. Now I pushed it back harder, until the edge of his foreskin was just ahead of his rim. The aroma of his wet glossy glans filled my nostrils, making me quiver. I pulled the thick hood forward to engulf the swollen glans once more, holding it there for several seconds while I studied the outline of his hidden head. I felt Dan's firm but gentle fingers jiggling my foreskin over my rock-hard head, stimulating me and making my cock throb. His delicate touch moved my foreskin without uncovering the head at all, and it still lay hidden inside the hood. Now it was time to enjoy the sight of his glans, exposed in its naked glory, and I firmly pushed back his hood, slowly to let him enjoy every nuance of sensation, until it was poised right on his thick rim. I gave the thick fleshy foreskin a final push, and it snapped down into the groove behind the head, leaving the big shapely glans exposed to my gaze and touch. The retracted foreskin formed a sexy looking collar behind the swollen rim. Holding his foreskin back in case it tended to slip forward, I ran a fingertip around the sensitive rim, hearing Dan groan at the sharp sensations. "Man, that's hot," he said with fervor, as my finger stroked the sensitive spiculae of sensation in his swollen corona. His cock throbbed hard in my hand. "I love doing this," I said as I continued to caress his rim." I love feeling your prick throb, and love hearing you moan." Pulling back harder on his skin, I exposed the groove behind the rim and began exploring it with my fingertip, feeling his body shudder against mine as the intense sensations hit him.

"That feels so nice,' he whispered. "You're really turning me on. Now I'm going to do the same for you." His muscular fist clamped around the base of my shaft. "This is going to constrict your veins and make your prick harder," he said as he continued the pressure and I felt my glans swelling even more. "Now I'm going to retract you." Still clamping the base of my shaft, he began pushing back my foreskin with two fingers. I felt the tender tissues sliding back over my glans as the nerve endings in my foreskin sang out with sensation. "I like the shape of your meatus," he said. I knew that my slit's lips pouted with erection, forming a teardrop shaped orifice. "It looks really sexy." Then I felt him pull my hood forward again, covering the head. Dan paused, then pushed my hood back, going a little farther, until half my glans was in the open. "I love the beautiful purple color of your helmet," he said, then he pulled my hood forward to hide it. His fingers now exerted pressure to ease my hood back farther over the head, the delicious friction on my glans complementing the stretching of the nerve endings in the foreskin. "Your long foreskin's so stretchy," he said as he pulled it forward again. He twisted the end between two fingers, then pushed it back over my engorged glans. My foreskin stretched as it rode over the glans, and now it just covered the flaring ridge. Dan eased it forward and gave the end a couple of slow, sensual twists, the slowly pushed it back until it snapped down into the deep groove behind the flaring corona, forming a thick fleshy collar behind the sexy curve of the rim. "You've got a really beautiful head," he said. "It's better in real life than in the pictures you sent me." He ran a fingertip delicately over my rim, sending hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my glans. "I like the way your foreskin forms a collar behind your corona," he said. "It makes your prick thicker behind the head, and it looks so sexy." His fingertip continued to trace my corona, down one side to the hot spot under the head, then up the other side to the top. "Yours has a nice collar too," I replied. It's loose enough to skin completely back to expose the groove, and I can bump it against your rim too." My fingers moved his foreskin in the way I'd just described to him, and I watched as his engorged glans became a darker shade of purple. My fingertip, caressing his glans, felt it lose its formerly spongy feel and become harder as I stroked it. I knew this was the final stage because with his glans fully engorged, he was ready to go over the edge into the free-fall of orgasm. "I love the color change," I said. That shows you're ready to come." "I am! Do me! Do me NOW!" he cried out in joyful anguish. "Not yet," I said. "I'm going to keep you at the edge for awhile." My fingertip continued its travels around his engorged rounded corona, caressing the nerve endings contained within, sending delightfully insufficient messages of joy to his cock. He was hot, hard, and ready, yet I didn't give him enough to push him over the edge, wanting him to enjoy the prolonged anticipation of what was to come. I noted the steady ooze of lubricant from his tip, and I dipped my fingertip into the lube because I knew that keeping my fingertip well lubricated would mask the sensations, reducing the danger of making him come too soon. His glans throbbed as I resumed my caresses, tracing his corona, then riding over the broad upper surface down to the front, then moving underneath where I lightly touched his hot spot between the twin lobes of his glans where they met. Now Dan was moaning uncontrollably, his hips bucking, as I tantalized him with my light touches. Hid fist still clamped the base of my cock, and I knew I had to hold back so that I wouldn't be distracted by my own orgasm as I built him up to the peak. "Go easy on me," I urged. "I want to be fully conscious when I make you blast off, and if you make me come now, I'll be out of it." I felt his grip slacken, but he still kept his fingertip moving over my glans, hitting the hot spots. Now I pumped his foreskin, gently bumping the big rounded corona, as my fingertip massaged his rim. I stretched the skin all the way back to bare the ridge, and encircled it with my fingertips, thumb on top and my index finger pressing into his hot button underneath. Then I pulled back harder to stretch the nerve endings in his foreskin collar, watching the skin stretch out to lie flat along the shaft. Dan moaned more loudly, and his breathing became ragged. I bumped his thick sensitive corona again, knowing that as it always lay protected by the thick foreskin, the tissues remained moist to retain the sensitivity of its nerve endings, and that a light bump would create intensely pleasurable sensations. I again pulled his skin back hard to stretch the nerve endings, and twisted my fingertips around his glans. The flow of lube became heavier, and it poured from his distended slit, lubricating my fingertips. His groans became louder, and his "HAH-HAH-HAHs" filled the room. I paused to let him cool down a bit. Dan's body relaxed. I kept his foreskin stretched back tightly, enjoying the sight of his naked, throbbing glans, now deep purple with arousal. I touched it lightly, and felt the answering throb in my fingertips. Now I resumed in earnest, intending to bring him to a hot, blasting, shuddering climax. I wrapped my fingers around his glans, beginning the compelling, twisting stroking that would make his cock throb uncontrollably as the white gushes poured from his slit. Stretching his skin back tightly, I massaged his glans with a twisting motion, hearing his vocalizations rise in pitch. His hips bucked sharply, and I felt his cock throb in my hands as he began coming. Dan cried out helplessly as the sensations overwhelmed him, and I saw a thick white gush stream from his distended slit as his groans filled the room. His cock throbbed repeatedly as more eruptions gushed from his tortured glans. Now I stroked his foreskin fully forward, then snapped it back to bare the slit for another eruption. His body strained against mine, his cock throbbed in joyful agony, and his hot hard purple glans gushed more cream, filling the air with the odor of chlorine. His eyes were closed because he was totally withdrawn inside himself, captivated by the intense, joyful sensations. Now the force of his jets diminished, but the lips of his slit were still distended as he dribbled his life juice onto my encircling fingers. I massaged the cream into his hot glans and foreskin, twisting my fist until he cried out in agony because his tip was becoming too sensitive. I now just stroked his foreskin over the still throbbing head, watching him seep the last drops of orgasm. It was over for him, and I felt and watched his body relax. His eyes were closed, and his face took on a blissful expression. After a minute, his eyes opened. "Time to take care of you, good buddy," he said. He clamped his fist hard around the base of my shaft, and his fingertips began a maddening course around my glans. I was primed for orgasm, and could not hold back. My ho hard glans ached for release. Dan massaged my delicate nerve endings with his fingertips, holding my foreskin tightly back to stretch its nerve endings, and I felt myself slipping into orgasm. My eyes closed, and I heard myself moaning in the distance as the heavy pounding began in my cock-root. I was helpless in his hands, and the world shrank around me as all my attention became focused in my cock. I was lost in the free-fall of orgasm, and I felt the hot jets burning their way up my urethra, searing the tender flesh. My body strained and shuddered, as gush after gush distended the lips of my teardrop shaped orifice. I don't know how long it lasted, because of my altered state of consciousness, but suddenly my tip felt super-sensitive, and I pushed his hands away from my throbbing cock. I felt the last hot drops oozing up my urethra, and ooze from my still hard glans. I began to relax as I came down off my high, and when I opened my eyes I saw Dan's round face smiling down at me. "Man, you really pumped a lot of cream," he said. "You were moaning, crying out, and really into it." "Thanks," I whispered weakly. "No, thank you," he replied. "You gave me a really hot orgasm, better than I've had in years, and I enjoyed watching you come too. If I hadn't just drained myself, I would have creamed all over myself just watching you." We were energized by our performance, and after a quick shower, did it again.

The end.

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