Remmi and Me

By Jon Shelton

Published on Oct 31, 2014



About a week after my cousin and his family left I received a big brown envelope from him. Since I got home before anyone else, I took it in my room without having to answer questions.

Inside were different things he had modeled for. There was a magazine ad, a newspaper ad, a big post card a store must have mailed, and the underwear package he had modeled for with him in the briefs printed in front. There was the bulge. I knew what was in there.

Underwear package but no underwear. He looked hot in all of them. But the last picture was the best. It was my cousin, standing there, looking cool, and naked. I hid that one. Then went and pulled it out again and looked some more. I couldn't wait to show Remmi.

At dinner I showed my family everything he had sent. Except that last picture, of course. He asked for one "just like it" of me, so I sent him the picture Riley had taken of me and then had made the rounds at school. My famous naked Jon Eric picture. I figured if everyone else had seen it, I might as well send it to him.


As far as I could tell, that picture of me going around school turned out to be a good thing (except with the administration). People started paying attention me, people who had ignored me. And then the ones who knew me or knew about me because of my music became like screaming fans, without the screaming. More about the band in a minute.

Oh, and somebody told me a girl got busted when a teacher saw it hanging in her locker. She didn't get in big trouble but they called her parents. The administration at my school is pretty understanding, but still doesn't let crap go on.

The same guy told me that he heard two other guys had that picture handing in their lockers, too. Two other guys? Hmm.


As I thought back to our little "naked" hike up the sand dune and our skinny dipping in the ocean, I really wanted to do stuff like that again. But it was no longer warm enough to do stuff outside. I told Remmi how I was feeling and he said he'd think of something. He just needed time.

It started one day we were at a movie and both had to go to the men's room to pee at the same time. Nobody was in there but us and as we peed he reached over and took my dick out of my hand into his hand, all while a yellow stream was coming out. We made a mess. Then I reached over and took his and the mess got worse. We started jerking each other off, but when we heard the door we stopped. After the movie we went back and tried it again (just standing at the urinal but not peeing). We looked at the wall like we were peeing and started giving each other a hand job. We heard the door and dropped each other's dicks. Remmi looked back (he told me later) and saw that the guy who came in looked totally gay, so he grabbed mine and went back to work. So I did his. The guy left and never noticed. I don't think.

Another time my mom and dad were going an hour away to the next state to have dinner and Remmi's parents told me to stay with them. They ended up going out for dinner so all of us piled in the van and off we went.

Our booth at the restaurant was against a wall, and there was another shorter wall on the other side, sort of dividing this section of the restaurant from the other part. We were sitting down looking at the menu when I put my hand under the table to scratch my balls. Remmi took my hand and I thought, "He wants to hold my hand. Cool." But he wanted me to hold something else.

He placed my hand on his crotch and I realized his dick was sticking out of his pants standing straight up. He wanted me to rub it. I had to do it so his parents wouldn't notice. That took some work. Stealth hand job.

Then with his other hand he grabbed at my zipper and I got what he meant and unzipped and pulled out mine. It was half soft, so he went to work.

When dinner came we were still sticking out there under the table. I was putting ketchup on my fries and got some on my right hand. I had an idea.

I put that hand under the table and leaned toward Remmi and you know what he was thinking. He hit my dick with his knuckle. I yelped. His parents seemed to ignore us and I put my hand up to wipe off the ketchup. We were both big time horny by now. We had to take care of it when we got to his house and disappeared into his room.


About the band. Having entered the ninth grade this year we attended the high school for the first time. That was cool, because I could ride my bike there.

Not long after starting school I got to take my keyboard to a pep rally plug it into somebody's guitar amp and play. I did some cool stuff. Another time Remmi took his guitar and played with some other guys who got permission to play some soft stuff as parents were coming in for the first parent night.

The band teacher had heard about us,and then actually heard us. One day he came to me and told me how great I was and asked me if I would consider joining the band. I told him my best friend and I did everything together, but he played the guitar. So if he could use Remmi in band we would talk about joining. I needed to talk to Remmi and he needed to hear him.

So Remmi bought into the idea (as long as we could do it together) so he went in for his audition. By now he had advanced more than you could expect in so little time. The director said he's like both of us. So fifth period became band. We lost our study hall, but oh, well. And because there was only one guitar and one keyboard, he put us beside each other. Nice.

We were used to sitting around (usually in my room) naked while playing our instruments, so we switched to the band music from school.

The director had told me I would play the parts that were for piano. Plus, because my keyboard had almost every instrument on it, I would play parts for any instrument the band didn't have. He showed me how to set the presets so I could go from say piano to trumpet to obey. Or whatever. For example, I played an oboe duet with the real oboe.

The band had one tenor sax player and a song we were doing for our first concert had a really cool tenor sax solo, but the guy couldn't play it. He practiced and practiced and wasn't getting anywhere. So the teacher had me play it on my keyboard and I knocked it out of the park. So the teacher told the sax player I would have to play that solo on my keyboard.

The boy was devastated . I thought he was going to cry. A big tenth grader fighting tears. And after that I could tell he hated my guts. It wasn't my fault, but he still treated me like dirt. Then I had an idea.

I went to the director and told him the guy was really hurt that he had lost the solo. I asked him if he worked harder and was able to play it, if he would let him get his solo back. The band director told me he didn't see any chance of that happening, but sure, if he was finally able to play it and I was okay with it, I could give him the solo back. So I went to work.

I asked that sax player to meet me for lunch. He let me know he didn't eat with "fucking creeps" (his words) like me. But I begged him. I had an idea. I told him to bring that piece of music with him.

Even though he called me that, I knew he was just hurting inside and that was his defense. Not a good thing for him to do, but I needed to help him.

I told him I thought I could show him how to play it. He asked me if I knew how to play a sax, and I told him no. But, I do know how to learn hard music. It works for me, and I'm sure it will work for him. So I asked him to bring his sax and meet me in the band room after school. He didn't believe me, but he said okay.

I asked him to try the solo. It was a mess. Then I asked him just to play the first two notes in the right rhythm and tempo. He could do that. Then I told him to play the second and third notes in tempo, and that was easy. Then I asked if he could play the first three notes and stop. At first he muffed it (I think he was nervous) but then he did it.

Then I told him, "You've learned the secret. Just learn the solo a little at a time. Break it into phrases and learn to play the phrases by going from note 1 to note 2 (check) then from note 2 to note 3 (got it) then from note three to note four (no problem). Then I told him to keep it up until he could play the first phrase right. He seemed to think this could really work. So he sat there and kept working on it. By the time I had to leave he was playing the first phrase and was starting on the second. I told him to work on the last note of the first phrase and the first note of the second phrase. And on and on.

He actually did it! By the next Monday he could play the entire solo for me. It wasn't tight, but the notes were there in rhythm, even if he had to slow down at one really hard part. I told him to keep doing it over and over until he could do it perfectly.

I would guess that when he got home all he did was work on that solo. Then on Friday he told me he was ready. So I asked the band teacher if he could meet with him and me after class. I told him it would just take a minute. He didn't look interested but said he would.

So when most everyone had packed up their instruments and left, he came over to us. I told him, "Your sax player wants to show you something."

The kid started and it was amazing. Every note. Phrases broken up at the right place, breathing in the right places. It sounded beautiful.

The teacher almost froze in place. He said, "(Kids's Name), how did you do that? That was amazing."

Then he asked him, "Who taught you how?" He pointed to me and said, "Jon Eric worked with me." The teacher looked bug-eyed at me and said, "You play the sax?" I told him, "No, but I know how to learn hard music." The teacher looked like he had seen a Martian walk in. He had him do it again. Perfect again.

Then he looked at me and said, "Can you help some other kids?" I could tell where this was going and I didn't want to spend too much time tutoring kids.

So I said, "I don't think they can afford me." And left.


Our band was pretty good and so we were invited to play a couple or Christmas concerts in different areas. The parent support group had recently gotten us new concert band uniforms (different from our marching band uniforms) and the band director told us that where we were going we could use their locker rooms to change into our uniforms there so they wouldn't get messed up on the way. Remmi had an idea. He told me to wear sweats, but no underwear. Commando Jon Eric.

I didn't know what he was going to do but I liked where this was going. Because we both took our own instruments (plus Remmi used and electric guitar that belonged to the school) we wanted to keep them on the bus with us. So the director told us to put our instruments in the very back seat and sit across the aisle on the other side. That was just what Remmi wanted.

So that Saturday we got to school way too early and got on the bus. Ours was all boys and the other one was all girls. To the back we went. One of the parents was the chaperone, I guess, and sat up front. And everyone seemed to go back to sleep.

Except Remmi. Before I knew it his hand was down my pants and this was getting sweet. I looked around. Nobody looking. So I put my hand down his pants and went to work.

After about five minutes of this he pulled down his sweats so his dick and balls were showing. He motioned for me to do the same. I checked the bus. Nobody paying attention.

So now we have two partially naked musicians on the back row, left seat, giving hand jobs. Until?

Remmi leaned over and put mine in his mouth and started licking and sucking. I sort of froze. But nobody was paying any attention. Nobody.

I couldn't help wanting to make noise and tried not to breathe too hard, but you know how this is when you're about to shoot. I was so scared somebody would hear us and catch us. Anybody anywhere near us has heard that same sound coming from their own lungs. They would know. But nobody knew.

Before I knew it I shot all over the metal on the back of the sheet. Except a little drop went on the hair of the sleeping kid in front of me. We had to squash laughs. Remmi was a bit neater and caught his in a rag that was a washcloth, I think. He came prepared.

I used it to wipe down the back of the seat. He pointed to the kid's hair like I was supposed to wipe it off.

Yeah. Right.

Next: Chapter 7

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