Remembering Petticoat Lane

By moc.loa@ssenippaHfohsiF

Published on Jun 19, 2000


Hey, everyone! Sorry that this chapter is a little later. When it Rains, it -pours- around here. Lots of Lightening and all, too. I almost lost a good part of this chapter, but fortune shined, and here it is. Once Again, I know nothing of the sexual orientation, personalities, driving or decorating habits of -anyone- this story mentions. Don't read if you're too young, and don't read if you don't like the idea of two boyband members getting it on. The title is from Filter's "The Best Things" and I don't own it, either. Special Thank yous to Kb and Cele for helping me with the title this time. I was indecisive. :o)

Remembering Petticoat Lane Part 6: "Gotta green light, Gotta red light, yeah, no cop, no stop

I don't care."

The trip to Orlando was uneventful at best. There was nothing of

note about the rest of the packing, the trip to the airport, even the plane ride was anti-climactic. Lance felt as if his mind and his emotions

were wrapped in cotton. He had lived all last night and this morning like

a zombie, and automaton, just going through the motions of life and hoping

that he didn't break down. Again.

A limo picked them up at the gate, and a million questions started

flying at them. Management evidently wasn't as cool with the therapy idea

as Joey had made them out to be. After awhile, the questions all started to blend together into a melancholy tapestry of sound. Why did they need therapy? Didn't they want to tell them which one was having 'issues'? What

happened to Lance's hand? Were they fighting?

Eventually, the questions stopped, and the limo became sickeningly

quiet, the tension thick enough to cut. Lance was relieved when the limo

pulled up to Jive headquarters, and they were able to file out. Johnny only had one last thing to say to them.

"Alright, now, you got your way with the secrecy and all, but don't

think you're getting off easy. Tomorrow, you -all- report to Doctor Johnson.

The address is on Lance and Joey's answering machines... Justin, your mom has it, too. Be there at 9:30 sharp. The doctor wants to see whichever one

of you is having problems first, and then she wants to deal with the rest of you? Got it? Fine. Go home."

Without even -waiting- for another word, Lance turned and headed for

his car, luggage in hand. He stopped short when a familliar, and well-loved

voice called his name, though.

"Lance!" JC was huffing when he caught up with Lance, his suitcases also in his hands. "Can I come home with you?"

The question, so hopeful and innocent, surprised Lance. He though JC would probably want a break from him, what with all the drama of the last

few days. "Umm.. Sure, of course you can." Lance just nodded, unaware of the slightly deer-in-headlights look that he had adopted, and kept on his way to his red Toyota 4 Runner.

JC followed, having to walk quickly to keep up with Lance. "You know, I don't have to come over if you don't want me to.."

"No, No. I want you to."

"Lance, you're making Bambi look like a Marvel Superhero right now. I'll just go chill with Justin, It'll be fine."

"JC, No. I'm just.. surprised, I thought you would need a break from me for awhile. I don't want to be alone."

"I don't need a break from you, Lance. I'd be happy to come home with you."

Lance didn't reply to that, he just unlocked and opened the back of the 4 Runner, and motioned for JC to go ahead and put his luggage in. After all the luggage had been put up Lance gave JC a small smile, and walked around to the driver's side. After he and JC were seated and buckled in, Lance started the car, and drove off.

Lance had always been a fast driver, that was something that all the guys knew and teased him about. They hadn't recognized the almost self-destructive drive that that was an indicant of, though. Lance drove fast, even faster now, because there were times when he didn't actually -care- whether or not he made it to his destination. This realization came very suddenly to JC, and it made him very softly ask Lance to slow down. Lance obliged him, but didn't acknowlegde the question. Lance's gaze was still haunted, moreso here then it had been in Los Angeles. Even with the slightly more careful driving, the ride was short, and the guys were soon inside Lance's house. As they walked across the lawn, it struck them just how much could change in a few moinths. The grass was brown, and made a sick crunching noise as they walked across it. Florida was in the midst of one of the worst drought they had ever had. The normal 'shower in the afternoon' summer rain pattern had yet to set in, and everything looked burned and dead. It was a strinking and saddening symbol for what was going on in their own lives. Everything was burnt out, and dying from the inside out. Maybe, just maybe this trip would be the thing to save them.

Lance scrambled to grab JC's luggage, and went off to put it all in the master bedroom, almost as if he was afraid of what would develop with the two of them in the room together. That was alright, though. It gave JC a chance to stop and look around Lance's house. He had never come over here that much, something about the house had always struck him as intrinsically -wrong-. It wasn't until now that JC realized what it was. Despite the fact that the house was very carefully and nicely decorated, it was very cold. There was nothing of its owner present anywhere. No pictures of friends or family adorned the shelves, what artwork there was had a modern, shapeless feel to it. All in all, the house blended into the millions of hotels that the guys had graced over the years, there was no feeling to it. How on earth could Lance -live- like this?

After a few more minutes, JC started to wonder what exactly had -happened- to Lance upstairs, and decided to go investigate. He found Lance almost frozen upstairs, just sort of staring at the room, and at the luggage on the bed.


"I.. I didn't know where to put it."


"Your luggage. In here, or in the guest bedroom. I.. I didn't want to come down and ask."

There was a childlike indecision in Lance's voice. It still amazed JC that the beautiful man he knew as a planner, and a logical mind could seem so very, very young at times. He supposed it was almost a form of regression. Lance became submissive and quiet when he got confused, it was something JC had seen many times, but it had never angered him as much as it did now. This was just another scar that Lou had left on Lance. On -his- Lansten.

"It's fine in here, Lance. I'll probably be sharing a bed with you anyway, provided that's what you want." There was no answer at first, Lance was still non-committal and passive. "Is that what you want, baby?"

"I'd like that."

"Okay, then, Lance. I'll sleep in here, with you." JC looked away for a second, then turned back to Lance. "Lance, why don't you keep pictures of us around?"

Lance blinked, as if he didn't quite understand the question. "Us?"

"You know, me, you, the guys. Hell. Why aren't there any pictures of your family around, either?"

"I have plenty of pictures of the guys and my family in Mississippi."

"But none here. Why?"

Lance paused for a minute, looking down. He sat down on the bed heavily, and motioned for JC to join him. After he had, Lance looked up at him, straight into his eyes, and started speaking again. "You know how in TV shows, or cartoons, people sometimes have to lead a double life? Like.. Superman, or that character Maxwell Smart from Get Smart?" He waited for JC's nod before he continued. "Well, ever since I've joined this group I've had a double life, JC. There's the life here, in Orlando, where Lou Perlman practically -owned- me and my body, and there the life in Mississippi. Even though I spend a whole lot of my time here, I left everything I loved in Mississippi to keep it safe from him."

JC was stunned, speechless in fact. He pulled Lance into a tight hug, and was actually relieved when Lance relaxed into it rather than pull back. When he finally found his voice again, his words were soft, and spoken while he looked directly into Lance's eyes. "You're safe from him now, Lance. We're all safe from him."

Lance didn't point out that that wasn't true, that Lou's influence still was poisoning them, ripping them apart from the roots up. But he didn't, he just relaxed into JC's arms, and let himself become carefully oblivious to the dark that loomed around them.

Next: Chapter 7

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