Remember Me

By Justin Luong

Published on May 29, 2020


Chapter 8: Friday the Thirteenth

It's now the beginning of October. The leaves outside have all started to change from the vibrant green to various shades of red, yellow, and orange. The heat of summer has gone and all that's left is the gentle, cool breeze of fall. It's the time for sweaters, apple picking, and pumpkin-flavored everything.

October is also home to a special day and no I'm not talking about Halloween. My birthday is also in October, the thirteenth. This year it's Friday the thirteenth. I'm not trying to sound superstitious but I'm pretty sure that's not a good sign. With that in mind, I'm not planning to do anything special for my birthday. My aunt has other plans though. She said something about it being a year that should be celebrated cause it's my sweet sixteen. But I'm not risking it, not with my luck. Speaking of the devil...

"Hey Fang," My aunt said as she opened my bedroom door. "You sure you don't want to do anything for your birthday? We could make it spooky like a precursor to Halloween."

"I'm okay. I really don't want to make a big deal out of it. We could have marathon of Friday the 13th though. Maybe Carver and Lulu could come over and we can have a movie night?"

"Yeah sure that sounds great Fang, whatever you want to do," my aunt said. "Oh so I'm heading out to run some errands, do you want something while I'm out?"

"Mm I can't think of anything but if I do, I'll text you."

"Okay! I'll see you later tonight then."

I waited until I heard her footsteps head out. After a few moments, I pulled out my phone and started to text Carver.

"Hey, wanna come over?"

"Good morning to you too. Miss me already?"


"So what are you up to right now?"

"Nothing. My aunt just left to do errands."

"So you're home alone?"

"Don't get any ideas...but yeah I'm all alone."

"Don't go anywhere. I'll be over in ten."

To all of you wondering, Carver and I are still together. I still can't believe he liked me this whole time. Looking back on it now, I guess I should have been able to see all the signs. Especially since basically everyone in my life kept telling me the same thing. I was just so in my head that I couldn't see the signs. But maybe it's for the best. I mean the dance was the best night of my whole life. I wouldn't change it for anything.

Carver said he'd be over in ten minutes, knowing him he'd be here in a flash so I should probably clean up a bit. As always, my room is still a mess. As I start tidying up, tossing my dirty clothes in the hamper, I stop at my nightstand. Once empty, now filled with pictures of me and my friends. In each and every one, I'm so happy. And it all started with one, the selfie of me and Carver that night before the party. Here's to hoping that we can continue making memories like this.

It took me all the time to tidy up my room. Why you ask? I kept treating my wadded up clothes as basketballs and well I don't exactly have the best aim. So most of time it was me picking up everything all over again and placing them in the hamper like a normal person. And boy was I already tired from all of that "cleaning." I ended up throwing myself on my bed just to relax.

But of course right as I hit my bed, there were three knocks from the front door. Sighing loudly, I jumped back up tripping over my own feet. I really need to accept the fact that I'm the most uncoordinated person and I really shouldn't be trying to exert myself in any way possible. In a huff, I walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked annoyed.

"It's Carver."

Oh right I told him to come over. It completely slipped my mind through all that "cleaning." I swung the door open and there he was standing right outside in his classic plaid long sleeve, it was crimson red this time. The top two buttons were left undone and his sleeves were rolled up above his elbows showing off his slightly tanned skin. As for what he what he was wearing on the bottom, he had these comfy gray sweatpants that tapered off going down and he had these thick looking bright socks in generic black slides. My eyes immediately darted down to the prominent bulge in his sweats. Why do boys do this? They have to know that everyone can see that.

"Hey, my eyes are up here," Carver said chiming in.

"O-Oh y-yeah of course they are," I stammered as I looked up at him. Carver just smiled and shook his head. He was holding a plastic bag filled with something but whatever it was, it smelled divine. "What's in the bag?"

"Hm?" Carver down at the bag at his side almost as if he forgot he had it. "Oh this? Grams made these lemon scones today. She asked me to bring these over."

"Say no more. Anything Aggie makes is to die for," I said snatching the bag out of his hands. I quickly plunged my hand into the bag and then stuffed a scone in my mouth. "Iff swill wahm."

"Okay, I'll be taking the bag back," Carver said taking the bag back. "You can't be trust with this."

I just stood there after inhaling the whole scone. Maybe i was a little too eager but I haven't had breakfast yet. Don't judge me.

"So...are you going to invite me in?"

"You don't need an invitation Carver, you've been here several times already. Unless you're a're not right?" I joked as he walked in.

"Of course not, dork," Carver said as he planted a kiss on my cheek. "Why are you so sweaty?"

"Oh, I cleaned my room today."

"You? You cleaned? I have to see it to believe it," Carver said walking past me and into my room. "I thought you said you cleaned?"

"I did. Well I put all the clothes in the hamper."

Carver stood in the doorway and laughed to himself again.

"Hey, it's progress!"

"Sure it is," Carver said shaking his head. "So do you want to have breakfast together? The way you ate that scone makes me believe you haven't eaten yet."

"Oh I definitely haven't. I usually skip breakfast."

"Well come join me on couch and we can eat together."

"Couch? Let's just eat on my bed. I'll clean it up later, I promise."

I took ahold of Carver's arm and pulled him to my bed. I plopped on top criss cross apple sauce while he sat with his right leg bent in and his left leg hanging off the side of the bed. Carver placed the scones between us and ripped the bag open revealing the avalanche of scones.

"Now remember, chew first. Don't just shove it all in your mouth in one go."

"Okay thanks Mom," I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious. I don't want you to choke and then I would have to give you mouth to mouth."

"Okay so what I'm hearing is that I should ignore everything you just said and choke so you can give me mouth to mouth. I mean if you want to kiss me so bad you can just say--"

Suddenly, Carver placed both hands on the sides of my face and pulled me into a kiss. All I could do in that moment was tremble and moan with eyes shut. This boy knows exactly what to do to shut me up. As he pulled away, my lips snapped back to me almost as if they were magnetized to his.

"Now are you going to listen or are you going to continue to be difficult?" Carver asked softly.

"W-Who me? O-Oh y-yeah, I-I-I'm gonna listen now," I said stumbling over my own words. "B-But how about j-just one more kiss to be sure."

"Just eat your scone," Carver said smiling. "So what's happening on the thirteenth?"


"You aunt called last night. She told me to make sure I was free that day. So what's so special about Friday the thirteenth?"

"She called you?"

"Well she called my Grams who then told me."

"'s my birthday," I said looking everywhere but at him. "My sixteenth to be exact. Sweet sixteen."

"Wait, your birthday is next Friday and you didn't tell me? Why?"

"I-I didn't want to make it a big deal. I wasn't planning on celebrating it anyway cause it's on Friday the thirteenth."

"But I'm your boyfriend. Don't you think I should know something like that?"

"I guess so. But I really don't want to do anything. The day is already bad luck."

"That's crazy talk, Fang. It's just a regular day like any other day except for the fact that it's your birthday. We're doing something and I don't want to hear anything come out of that cute little mouth of yours except for a yes."

"Will you settle for an okay?" I sighed.

"Now that's the spirit! So what would you like to do?"

"I-I don't know. I was thinking maybe a movie night. We could just have a marathon watching all the Jason movies."

"What? No, we can do better that. I'll think of something special for just the two of us."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know yet but whatever it is, I'm gonna make sure you remember it."


It is now the day of my birthday. I still haven't forgotten what Carver told me last week. However, the day is coming to a close as school ended about an hour ago and I haven't heard a peep from him. He won't answer my texts or my calls. My aunt is out on a date and now Lulu is stuck at work. I should have known no one would be available for my birthday, not like I really wanted one anyway. So why am I so disappointed?

"I guess I could start that stupid book for English," I said sulking. "Why oh why does it have to be Romeo and Juliet though? Worst love story ever."

As I rummaged through my bag, there a ring at the door. Loudly sighing, I got up, walked over to the front door, and swung the door open. It was Carver who looked like he just ran over from his place as he was drenched in sweat huffing and puffing. Of course, he was wearing plaid again, a smokey gray swatch. I'm starting to notice a trend. He also wore khaki cargo shorts but they ran a little small so they cut off a little above the knee with black high top sneakers. I never realized just how hairy his legs were. They weren't like a forest but there was way more hair than my bare legs. My legs oddly don't grow hair, sure I have a few hairs here and there but there's no uniformity to it.

"Hey, sorry I'm late! Let me catch my breath first though," he said, bent over, hands on his knees, panting heavily.

"Did you run here? What happened to the station wagon?"

"I thought...we could...walk for once," he said out of breath.

"Walk? Where are we going?"

"It's a...surprise."

"Should I get you a water or something?"

"Oh yeah that...that would be great."

"Okay, one sec," I said as I went over to the fridge to grab a bottled water. However when I got back to him, he was lying down like a starfish on the carpeted floor in the foyer. "Here's your water. You sure you still want to go out?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm totally fine. Why don't you lie with me for a bit though."

"Uh sure, one sec though. I want to show you something," I said as I ran to my room real quick. I grabbed a leather jacket off a hanger in my closet and threw it on. I walked back to him and just like he asked, I curled up next to him. It was reminiscent of that special night we had together.

"What did you want to show me?"

"The jacket. But I had Al sew something special into the lining," I said as I flashed him the lining of my new jacket.

"Is that my shirt?"

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind."

"It looks really nice, Fang."


"So this reminds me of something. Do you remember?" he asked.

"You mean that night when you faked being asleep under your stars?"

"You say faked, I say I rested my eyes," Carver said turning his head to me. "It was also the first time you told me that you loved me."

My eyes widened and I could feel the blood rushing to my face. "I-I said that?"

"You don't remember? So I guess you didn't mean it."

"What? N-No, I-I did mean it. I just thought you--that you uh wouldn't want me to mean it."

Carver then place his hand on the side of my cheek, caressing it. He started to lean in, I knew what was coming. I felt him inhale as our lips linked up. This time though I could feel his tongue inside mine. I've always seen people do this on TV and it always looked like one person was trying to inhale the other. But with Carver, it was different from what I've seen. He was gentle, tender. I timidly let my tongue explore his. Our tongues danced in each other's mouths like some ballroom dance with him taking the lead. As Carver pulled his face away from mine, he smiled that same smile that got me hooked the first time around.

"I brought it up because I--"

"Fang! Carver! What are you two still doing here?"

I sprung up to see Aunt Jackie at the doorway of the basement. She was carrying a bunch of overstuffed plastic bags.

"Oh uh we were about to leave," Carver said as he pushed himself up.

"Wait what do you mean by still?" I asked suspicious. "And what's in the bags?

"Oh did I say still? I meant what are you two doing here? I thought you said you two had plans today?"

"We do and we're gonna leave now. Let's go Fang," Carver said as he dragged me out the door. 
"W-Wait I still want to ask her something."

"There's no time, we have to go," Carver said still dragging me further away from my home.

"Wait!" I said snapping my arm out of his hand. "What's going on? Why did you drag me out of here?"

"Nothing. There's absolutely nothing going on. Come on let's go."

"Carver, I feel like you're lying to me."

"Fang, I promise you there's nothing going on," he said cupping my face. "I just want to take you where I planned on taking you today."

"You promise?"

"Yes. I promise."

"Okay. Sorry, you two were just acting really weird."

Carver and I continued to walk hand in hand. At one point, we reached the center of town. I thought he was talking me to Home Sweet Home but we continued to walk past that too. We were walking for a while until we reached the outskirts of town. Turns out the fair was back in town, but this is definitely the farthest it's been location wise or maybe I just never noticed since I usually come here by car.

"Is this the secret?" I asked turning to him.

"Do you like it? I was stuck on trying to figure out how I could make this day special and then the other day I stumbled on this place."

"I haven't been to the fair since I was a kid but from what I remember I liked it."

"Great, well let's head in and get some tickets then," Carver said pulling me towards the fair.

Once we got tickets from the booth, Carver and I started walking around to all the different carnival games. I don't know if Carver was set on winning me prizes or if he just wanted to show off how good he was at them, maybe it was both, but each game we went to he made sure that we didn't leave without a prize. At one point I had one of those oversized neon colored basketballs and a handful of stuffed animals. While the gesture was nice, I really only cared about spending time with him. The prizes were more of an afterthought. We ended up giving all of the prizes to a bunch of little kids.

By the time we had finished all the games the fair had to offer it was maybe around 7 p.m. The sun down by then so we sat down at one the benches and shared a plate of funnel cake dusted in a cloud of powdered sugar. I haven't had one of these since I was a kid. It tastes just as good as it did all those years ago. Although I could probably do without all the sugar. It was perfectly crisp and golden on the outside yet fluffy on the inside as it should be.

Half of the cake was devoured by the time I noticed Carver wasn't eating any of it. I looked up and Carver was just straight up staring at me, almost as if he were in a trance.

"Carver? Is everything okay? D-Do I have something on my face?" I asked concerned.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong. Your face is perfect. I-I just--I'm really happy to be spending the day with you, that's all."

"I'm happy too. Out of everyone, I'm glad it was you. This day has been nothing but perfect."

"Good. I just wanted everything to be perfect cause I've been trying to figure out a way to tell you that I--that I--"

"What are you two faggots doing?"

I know exactly who's piercing voice that is. I sighed and turned to see the same hulking man who just can't mind their own business.

"What do you want Brock?" Carver asked annoyed.

"What did I ruin a tender moment? Hm? You should know that no one wants you two here."

"Too bad. I only care about one person here," Carver said as he calmly held my hand across the table while also glaring at Brock. "Why don't you just leave us alone. We're not bothering anyone."

"You're bothering me."

"Then look the other way and leave."

"Or what? You gonna do something about it?"

Oh god, please tell me they're not gonna fight. Universe if you're listening, help! Carver stood up, letting go of my hand, and started cracking his fingers and neck. He then puffed out his chest with his head held high. God, why are boys like this? I slowly got up to try to defuse the situation.

"Hey, why don't we just calm down? No need for any trouble."

"Stay out of it!" Carver said with a pointed tone.

I stood there with my head down, hurt that Carver used that tone with me. I'm sure he didn't mean it the way it sounded, still hurt nonetheless. I then bit down hard on my bottom lip and grabbed with both hands the fist that had already formed at Carver's side.

"Let's go Carver," I pleaded pulling him away from Brock. Carver looked conflicted. I could see that he really wanted to hurt Brock but I think he could tell that I didn't want it. He scoffed and walked off ahead of me. I followed quickly behind him. I could hear Brock say, "Yeah you better run!" I tried to catch up to Carver, but he wouldn't stop.

"Carver! Stop, please!"

He whipped around to face me, seething in rage.

"Why? Why did you stop me? I could have taken him easily!"

"I-I just didn't want you to fight him. Do I think that you could have kicked his ass? Yes absolutely but I-I just didn't want you to get hurt or--or for there to be any needless bloodshed."

"Do you like him?"


"Do you like Brock? You told me he hit on you at homecoming. Is that why you didn't want me to--"

I walked up to him and held him tightly in my arms. I could feel his whole body shake in my arms.

"I don't like Brock. He could drop dead and I wouldn't care. Who I care about is you though. I don't want you to get hurt. I-I don't want you to succumb under the wrath of the Hamptons. They control almost everything in this town. You're better than him, better than all of them," I explained as I kept him in my arms, my head resting against his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you earlier. I-I just don't want you to get hurt and I ended up hurting you. I'm sorry, I ruined your birthday after all," Carver groaned. He pulled away from me sulking.

"Hey, you didn't do anything Carver. He did, he's the asshole. You're just doing what knights do. You're still my knight right?"

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Yes, I'm still your knight. Let's end tonight on a good note." He pointed in the direction of the ferris wheel.

"No way, I'm not going on that. If it were any other day but today, sure, but not on this day."

"Oh come on, nothing bad has happened since you've been with me. What makes you think I'd let anything bad happen to you?" Carver rested against my chest, looking up at me, eyes widened sporting an exaggerated frown. Oh god not the puppy dog face, anything but that.

"Okay, okay, I'll go on the ride with you. Just stop with the face, please!" I scoffed as I walked in the direction of the wheel. Carver immediately caught up to me and held my hand. "Get ready cause I'm gonna complain the whole time."

"With what I have in store, I don't think you'll be doing much complaining," he winked.

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I'm not gonna ruin the surprise."

"Carver, you can't just drop a bomb on me like that and expect me to accept it. My mind's gonna wander off."

"Well we're almost there, you can wander off for a little bit."

Carver let go of my hand and ran up to the ferris wheel operator. I don't know what they were talking about but I think I saw Carver slip the guy money. Carver then motioned to me and we sat in this rundown, unsound carriage. The operator brought the bar down to our laps and winked at me. He walked back to the control panel, turned his key, and the carriage moved up, gently swaying back and forth.

"Did you see that?" I asked concerned.

"See what?"

"The guy winked at me."

"Did he? I didn't notice."

"How could you not? He did it right in front of you. And what was with the money?"


"I saw you give that guy money."

"Well if you must know, I slipped him a few so we could have the ride all to ourselves. I didn't think you'd see that honestly."

"Wait you paid that guy? Where are you getting all this money? I thought you said you weren't rich."

"I'm not. I just get an allowance. I've been saving up ever since I moved here and I figured that tonight was the best night to use my life's savings. I just--I just wanted to impress you."

"Carver, you don't need to impress me. You already have me."

"I know. I-I just like you so much. I've never liked anyone as much as I like you. A-And I wanted you to know just how much you mean to me," Carver confessed as he took my hand in his. "After everything I've been through in the past, you're the light at the end of the tunnel."

"C-Carver, I--"

"Here, this is for you," Carver said as he put a small box with a bright red ribbon tied around it in my hand. "I hope you like it."

"What's this?"

"Just open it."

I tugged on one end of the ribbon and it slowly unraveled releasing its grasp on the box. I then lifted the top half of the box open revealing a silver star pendant in the center of a cluster of smaller star embellishments.

"I know you have a thing for stars so I had Al help me make this for you. Here, let me put it on for you." Carver leaned forward so he could latch the clasp behind my neck. Once it latched, he sat back with his hand on the pendant. "There's a switch on the back," he said as he switch it on. The edges of the pendant gave off a warm glow that sparkled against the smaller stars. It wasn't too bright but bright enough to illuminate both of our faces in a soft warm glow. "I know it's not much but--"

"Carver, this is--it's beautiful, no it's perfect. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it. I've been trying to tell you how I feel about you all day but I keep getting interrupted. Fang, I--I love you. And if I'm moving too fast, i-it's only because I--"

"Carver, I know. You wear your heart on your sleeve."

"Is that bad?"

"Not to me, it just means that you don't keep your feelings hidden like me. I'm happy that you told me. This has been the best birthday ever," I said resting my head on his shoulder. I looked up and noticed the stars shining bright. "The stars look great tonight."

"They do, don't they?" Carver said wrapping his arm around me and planting a kiss on my hair then rest his head on mine. "Is this our thing now? The stars?"

"If you want, I don't mind. It seems like we both like gazing at the stars before we even met."

"So do you still want the stars to take you away from here?"

"If I didn't meet you, then yeah I would still want the stars to take me away. But my life's been a lot better once you came around. So no, I don't want to leave anymore. I'm happy right here with you."

"Well I'm not going anywhere."

"You better not."

"Hey do you happen to know what time it is?" Carver asked out of nowhere.

"Can't you just check your phone? I'm too comfy right now."

"It's dead. It died like an hour ago."

"Oh, okay," I pulled out my phone to check the time. "It's 8:30."

"Oh fuck me. Hey operator dude, can you take us down now?" Carver yelled down.

"What's wrong? Need to be somewhere?"

"Uh you could say that. We're actually late."

"We? Late for what?"

"You'll see."

We eventually got down and once the guy lifted up the bar, Carver grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the fair. He wouldn't stop running and quite frankly, I was finding it hard to keep up with him.

"Carver, stop! I am running in skinny jeans and boots. Let me tell you that is not comfortable at all," I said pulling my arm away from him.

"Well we're late, so we need to go now. I know you can keep up with me."

"Yeah in gym class but not in skinny jeans and boots. Can't we just walk?"

"Hop on," Carver said squatting down in front of me.

"You're gonna run with me on your back?"

"I'm gonna try. Now hurry up and hop on."

"Okay okay, you don't need to ask me twice," I said as I straddled in his back and wrapped my arms around him. "Giddy up!"

Carver stood back up and bolted down the street. I wasn't expecting him to do that. I could have sworn there was a plume of dust collecting behind us like one of those old school cartoons. I was clutching on for dear life at this point. It was a very bumpy ride. I think the combination of my body weight and the fact that I was basically choking him with my arms winded him. He slowed down as we reached my neighborhood. He continued to walk through my neighborhood and stopped at my house.

"I thought you said we were late? Why are we at my house?" I asked hopping off of him.

"I need...a break," he said exhausted. "I was thinking of grabbing a bottle of water first. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course. Let me help you up the stairs," I said as I placed his right arm over my shoulder. "Hey at least you got a workout out of it."

As I helped Carver up the stairs, I could hear his phone vibrate in his pants.

"Hey I thought you said your phone was dead."

"It is," he said as we reached the top of the stairs.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I heard your phone vibrate."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Can you get the door?" he panted.

"Oh yeah sure," I reached for the door but noticed that it was slightly ajar. Odd, all the lights in the house were off too. Aunt Jackie always leaves the hallway lights on. I turn back and pull Carver by his shirt close to me. "Something's wrong. The door's open."

"You sure? Your aunt probably just forgot to shut the door."

"She always leaves a light on though, even when she's not home."

"I think you're getting in your head again. I'm sure everything's fine. Plus I'm here, I won't let anything happen to you," Carver said as he pushed the door open. "Come on, let's go."

I gulped and reluctantly pressed on. As we stepped into the pitch black void, I could hear noises coming from within the darkness. I stepped back into Carver and held onto him tight, shaken from the noise. Suddenly the lights flickered on and all the noises soon revealed themselves.


My aunt, Al, Lulu and her family, and Grandma Aggie and Grandpa George were standing with in the dining room with confetti party poppers and those paper noise makers.

"God Carver what took you so long?" Lulu asked walking up to us.

"Sorry, I kinda got caught in the moment. I couldn't really check my phone. Fang would have caught on."

"Wait, you guys planned a surprise party? Lulu I thought you had to work?"

"I lied obviously. You really think I'm gonna let my best friend not celebrate his birthday?" Lulu said as she reached out to grab my necklace. "Cool necklace, where'd you get it?"

"Thanks, C-Carver got it for my birthday."

"Oh I see you," she said playfully jabbing Carver in the arm.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks," Carver said walking to the rest of the party.

"So, how'd your date go? Spill it."

"It was great. He uh told me that he loves me," said rubbing my star pendant.

"What?" Lulu said ecstatic. "Wait did you say it back?"

"Yeah I did. I'm really happy Lulu."

"I'm happy for you two."

Next: Chapter 9

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