Remember Me

By Justin Luong

Published on May 16, 2020


Chapter 4: I Feel Pretty

"So we're really doing this?" I asked sitting at the edge of the porcelain bathroom counter. "I'm going to my first official party. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Don't be like that. It'll be really fun." Carver was making some finishing touches on his hair. God what I wouldn't do to be his hands right now. "Do you want some?" Carver asked handing me the opened tub of pomade.

"Does it look like I know what to do with that? I'd probably make myself look worse than I already do."

"Suit yourself. I think you'd look good with a little product. I'm not gonna force you though." Twisting the tub closed, he took one last look and I swear to god he took one quick look at me and just smiled from ear to ear.

We walked out together and were stopped by Aunt Jackie and Grandma Aggie.

"You two look cute. Where are you two off to?" Grandma Aggie asked, her arms cross against her chest.

Aunt Jackie stepped in with her right hand in front of her. "Hi I'm Jackie, Fang's aunt. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Fang can't stop talking about you." She quickly winked at me and mouthed the phrase "oh my god."

"Oh you've been talking about me?" Carver turned to me. I was flushed, internally screaming while glaring at my aunt. "And what has he been saying about me?"

"Oh that's for another day. Just know that he's really happy that you're in--"

"Okay, well we're gonna go now. I'll text you when we get there!" I pulled on Carver's sleeve trying to drag him out. "Let's go."

"Wait, wait I want to hear this."

"But we'll be late to the party."

"Party? What party?" Aunt Jackie probed.

"It's just down the road. Chloe Fox invited us." Carver replied.

"Chloe? Chloe Fox?" Aunt Jackie and Grandma Aggie said in unison.

"She invited Carver and he's dragging me with him."

"Come on, it'll be fun! Why is everyone making a big deal out of it?"

"Did you tell him who she is?" Aunt Jackie asked.

"Oh yeah, I did. He didn't want to listen so now I'm going because I'm the mean one."

"I didn't say that you're mean. You just sounded bitter when I told you who's hosting the party. Grandma, you agree with them?"

"Chloe is a very special young lady, just like her father. She's well--she's a lot to handle in one sitting."

"Well I think she's nice."

"And you're entitled to your opinion. Maybe she's different now. It wouldn't be the first time she changed overnight."

"Can we go now?" Carver asked annoyed.

"Uh yeah, let's go."

Before we left, I turn to both Aunt Jackie and Grandma Aggie and mouthed the words "help me." Aunt Jackie mouthed the word "sorry" as her bottom lip pulled back taut, teeth clenched clearing cringing.

"You two have fun now. Be safe!" Grandma Aggie's voice echoed as once we stepped off the property.

I walked next to Carver in silence except for the sound of crickets chirping in the shadows. As we inched closer to the party, I could faint whispers of top 40. Suddenly Carver stopped and turned to me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"If it'll get you to talk to me again, yeah. Shoot."

"What is it between you and Chloe? Do you have some history with her? Because to me, she's an angel but to you, your aunt, and my grandma she's the devil."

"Here's the thing. Chloe, Lulu, and I used to be the best of friends growing up. We were friends even before kindergarten because our moms were all really close. It was always the three of us. Then Chloe moved away the start of fifth grade and when she came back a year later, she was this completely different person. She stopped talking to us, and even worse she acted like we were never friends. Apparently Mayor Fox struck gold at some casino in Vegas so now she's too good for us. Money corrupts even the best of us."

"That's--I'm sorry Fang. I-I know I keep saying this, but she really is nice. So maybe she has changed." Carver assured.

"Carver, she's only nice to people who have money or people who are pretty. And judging based on who you're related to, you're both."

"I'm not rich, my grandparents are. Also you think I'm pretty?"

"Are you telling me you don't know that you are? Carver, you were practically checking yourself out in the mirror just a second ago."

"Everyone does that though."

"Okay whatever let's just go in and get this over with." I said walking towards Chloe's loud ass house party. But before I could even set foot on her property Carver grabbed my hand.

"Just answer one last question for me and then we can go in. Deal?"

"Fine, fine, what do you want to know?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

"This again Carver? Really?"

"Yes or no, Fang. That's all I want to know."

"Yes, I think you're pretty. Satisfied?"

"Yeah, that's all I wanted to know. Now let's go have some fun!"

Carver wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked towards the party. What a surprise there's a guard. This guy was huge, he even towered over Carver. I can see why Chloe has this guy as the guard.

"Name?" he asked blanking staring at us both.

"Black, Carver Black," Carver replied in what was probably the worst James Bond impersonation ever.

"Right...well I see you on the list Mr. Black. Go on in."

Carver signaled me by jerking his head back to follow. Just when I stepped forward the guard stopped me.

"Hold it, who are you?"

"I'm with him." I said pointing at Carver.


"I don't think I'll be on the list. I wasn't exactly invited."

"Is there a problem?" Carver asked. "He's with me."

"No name, no in. Sorry kid."

"Is that really necessary? It's just a party."

"Look I'm just trying to do my job. If someone's not on the list, then you can't go in. Those are the rules. Trust me I don't like it either, but what Chloe says goes."

"Well if he can't go in, then neither will I. Tell Chloe I'm sorry." Carver walked back out and I could hear quick clicks behind him like someone with a peg leg was running our way.

"Carver! Oh my god, you made it!" Chloe yelled as she gave him a hug from behind. "Where do you think you're going? The party just started."

Ladies and gentleman, introducing Chloe Fox. The girl I once considered my sister. We were about the same height, five feet and ten inches tall but with the heels she had on she could have easily been six feet tall. She had these super short booty shorts on with the pockets sticking out the bottom. She was really pretty, everyone always said she was our town's Karlie Kloss. Too bad she masked her beauty with too much self tanner and tossed any ounce of personality she had out the window and replaced the original with a vapid, narcissistic version.

"Sorry, I didn't know there was going to be list and I brought a friend with me."

"Well any friend of yours is always welcome here. Who'd you bring?"

"Hey Chloe," I said dryly.

"'s you."

"So it's not a problem right?"

Chloe bit her bottom lip and glared at me. I'm sure she was trying to see if she could kill me just by looking at me. She could take lessons from Silent Sue. In a huff, she threw her hands up. "Yeah of course, he can come in." Chloe rolled her eyes and guided Carver in while I reluctantly followed.

Inside was just like every party I would see in the movies. Dim lighting, music blasting from the dance floor, and with several clusters of people scattered all around. Definitely not my scene. Without missing a beat, Chloe turned her head in my direction.

"Don't even think of touching anything. In fact, don't talk to anyone. I don't need you to fuck everything up for me. Why don't you make yourself useful and help the help in the kitchen?" Chloe turned back around and I swear to god her head did a full turn like in the Exorcist. "Carver, dance with me!"

Chloe practically threw herself at him. If there's one person who could make Carver undesirable, it's her. Unfortunately, Carver looked like he was enjoying himself. His hands were all over her. God, I could barf just looking at them. Actually no, I think I will barf. I could feel myself just gagging at the site of them rub their bodies together. I had to get out of there.

"Hi, excuse me. Please move!" I said pushing people out of the way as I made my way to the kitchen. "God, what the hell did I get myself into?"


I turn around and I see Lulu with a red solo cup in hand. "Lulu? What are you doing here?"

"We catered." She said dryly. "But since no one's eating, Dante and I decided to stay to have some fun. What are you doing here?"

"Long story short, Carver dragged me here," I forcefully sighed. "Where is Dante?"

"I don't know. Last time I saw, he was keg standing out back."

Dante was Lulu's cousin. He was two grades above us and while not the smartest person in town, was definitely easy on the eyes which worked in his favor as he had a line of girls lusting over him. Dante was your typical jock but he was nice to me at least. There was a rumor going around that Dante was bi but that was around the same time he dumped Chloe for someone else.

"So you came here with Carver? Well where is he?"

"Probably still grinding on Chloe out there," I said pointing to the dance floor.

"Oh god! I think I just threw up on my mouth a little bit," Lulu chugged whatever was in her cup and slammed it on kitchen island.

"Well I guess we can rule out Carver liking me."

"What? No, that boy likes you. He's just under the Devil's spell right now." she sighed as she rummaged through the cooler. "Want anything to drink?"


"What? No, you're at a party. You're drinking."

"What? No, I can't. What if we get caught?"

"What are you? A narc? Fang, everyone's drinking. No one cares. This is Chloe's party. Regular rules don't apply."

"Um well here's the thing...I'm a virgin drinker."

"I figured. Try this," Lulu said as she chucked an emerald green glass bottle at me. I just watched it as it shattered on the floor. "Fang, you were supposed to catch that! Now I have to clean it."

"Have we met? I don't catch, I watch."

"Can't handle your liquor Lulu?" Dante joked as he walked into the kitchen. "Hey Fang! Never thought I'd see you here. I thought this wasn't your scene?"

"Oh you're right. I wouldn't be here by choice. My friend actually dragged me here."

"Oh is she cute?" Dante asked leaning on my shoulder with a beer in hand.

"It's a guy, Dante." Lulu said tossing her cleaning rag in the bin. "Also he's spoken for, so don't get any ideas."

"Wait, are you really bi?" I asked confused.

"Gay, straight, bi, I don't do labels. I like the person not the label. Love is love."

"Oh so you've dated guys before?"

"Not here. But I've talked to a few guys online. The guys here just don't do it for me. I bet you feel the same, right Fang?" Dante winked at me as he took a swig of his beer.

"I mean I like my friend but I don't think he likes me back. Lulu here thinks he likes me but he's over there dancing with Chloe."

"I wouldn't be too worried about her. She's a very fickle girl. And the way I see it, you're a way better catch then she is and I've dated her."

"Oh god, don't remind me," Lulu said as she took another beer out of the fridge. "Also don't flirt with my best friend, Fang's already oblivious about men."

"Excuse me? I'm standing right here," I snapped at Lulu.

"Well if you don't make a move, you're an idiot. I know deep down in my soul that Carver likes you."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't know maybe it's because I've caught him looking at you even though he's dancing with Chloe right now. If he really liked her, he would only be looking at her. Why would he be sneaking looks at you if he didn't like you?"

"Is it impossible to believe that he just looked up real quick?"

"Ever hear the phrase `once is a chance, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern?'"

"No, what does that mean?"

"It means, I've caught Carver staring at you from across the room more times than I have fingers on my hands." Lulu forcibly turned my body around facing the dance floor. "Look, he's looking at you again."

She was right. Carver was looking straight at me. Once he saw that I had caught him, he smiled at me and waved. God that smile, even in this dim lighting his smile just draws me in like a moth to a flame.

"Shit he is cute. If you're not gonna make a move, fuck I will," Dante said eyeing Carver.

"You will not do a damn thing," Lulu demanded pulling Dante aside by his ear. "Don't fuck this up Fang."

I could hear Dante protesting with Lulu to let go of his ear when I Carver stopped dancing with Chloe and walked towards me. Turning around I found myself staring at what I believed to be a bowl of spiked punch on the kitchen island. I could practically smell the booze wafting through the air.

"Want me to get you a drink?"

I turn and Carver's there dangling a red solo cup.

Next: Chapter 5

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