Remember Me

By Justin Luong

Published on Feb 1, 2021


Chapter 20: Teaser

It's the start of a new year. What is it that people say all the time now? New year, new me? Yeah that. I guess I could say that for myself. Last year had a lot of ups and downs and even twists and turns. It's like that one dance song that's overplayed at all those weddings. Reverse! Reverse! Yeah I had a lot of those too. Here's to the new year though. Speaking of New Year's, I had the time of my life...quite literally. I'll explain that later, if it ever comes up in passing.

School is back in session and some of my classes are new. Somehow I was able to switch out of art history and find myself in Home Ec. Thank god, if there's anything in the world that I'm worse at than...well life, it's art and history. Put those two together and we have a recipe for disaster. And before you ask, yes Carver switched out of Shop and got into that class with me too. Trust me, I tried to talk him out of it. I know he has literally zero interest in cooking and probably would do really well in Shop class but he said he likes it when we're together and well how could I say no? Some would say that's a little overboard, maybe even psychotic? I don't know, but I don't mind really. Thankfully out of the four lunch periods, the three of us still happen to be grouped together. It's like the universe never wants us to be separated or something. Not like I'm complaining or anything. It's just a little weird for me cause I'm not the luckiest person around.

Speaking of lunch, I've been cooking so much that I've had to start bringing the stuff I cook at home for lunch. I guess you could say I've gotten into meal prepping. Not on purpose or anything, it just sorta happened I guess. Mom says I should start a business out of it but I think she's getting a little ahead of herself. Plus I don't really want all of that on my plate. Between school, work, and learning how to drive, there's not really that much time left in the day to myself...well if we're getting technical, me and Carver.

Even with my super busy schedule, Carver and I have somehow managed to block off time for the two of us. I mean sure, he's teaching me how to drive and everything but it's not the same as just being together, you know like alone time. Well I guess that's a lie since our alone time has merged with driving time. It's only about thirty minutes or so but it's more than enough for what we do in that spare time. Like last night, it was amazing but I'm paying for it today. My whole body is sore and I had to bring a pillow to school today cause it hurts to sit. You have no idea how embarrassing it is to carry around a pillow to school just to sit on it. The amount of awkward and judgmental looks I got today was enough for me to try to find an excuse to not come to school for the whole week or however long it's going to take to get over this pain. I even walk weird, well walk is pushing it...I'm pretty sure waddling is a better description of how I'm moving. I'm the literal embodiment of walking like I have a stick up my ass. And the walk to the cafeteria isn't all that great either since Home Ec. is literally on the opposite end of it. The longest, awkward walk ever.

"Guys, wait up!" Lulu yelled on the other end of the hallway. All it took was for Carver and I to stop for a brief moment for her to catch up to us, even with the group of other kids huddled around us. "May I remind you two that I have shorter legs. Even with this guy's sudden onset waddle, it's still going to take me a minute to catch up to you guys from the AP hall. Wait why are you walking like that?"

"It's a long story," I groaned.

"A personal and private story. So sorry Lu, but this is the one story I'm going to use my boyfriend veto," Carver said.

"Boyfriend veto? What the hell does that mean?" Lulu snapped.

"It means he's not allowed to tell you why. Right babe?"

"You don't have to tell me, I don't wanna talk about it. Trust me, me walking like this is embarrassing enough. I'm not exactly inclined to further my embarrassment."

"Oh come on guys! I feel so out of the loop. The least you guys can tell me is why. I'm the best friend, we keep no secrets from each other," Lulu whined.

"And I'm the boyfriend, so I trump you."

"Since when?!"

"Since...this happened," Carver said pointing at me. "Anyway, I'm gonna head in, you guys coming?"

"I still have leftovers from a few nights ago so I'll pass. Plus I just really want to sit right now," I complained.


"You know I'm just going to mooch off of your boyfriend. You know he always brings more than enough for the both of us," Lulu replied.

"Oh I know. Babe, I can carry you and then come back, if you want. I really feel bad that I'm the reason you're like this," he frowned.

"It's fine. You go on ahead and chat up the lunch ladies. Maybe you can finally find out what the mystery meat actually is."

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure. Go on, I know you're just itching to talk to them about it again. I saw the list of questions you were writing in class."

Carver gave me a once over, then a goodbye kiss on the forehead, and then walked into the cafeteria. Lulu and I, on the other hand, walked to our usual spot which was between the end of the cafeteria line and the doors leading to the school parking lot. Before I sat down, I folded my pillow in half, I brought one of my bedroom pillows as we didn't have any seat cushions at home, and situated it onto the hard, sky blue plastic chair. We sat at these circular tables that folded in half. It looked like some blast from the past nineties wallpaper that reeked of vinegar.

"So what's on the menu today?" Lulu asked as she waited patiently next to me.

"Tonkatsu curry over white rice with three pieces of vegetable lumpia," I said as I took out my new bento style lunchbox.

I bought it over the break at Yukiko's store. It was a two compartment style box with a black shell casing that was made to resemble wood. It came with this one inch elastic band that kept both boxes together. In the bottom box was the white rice and on the top, I had the fried pork cutlet fried to the perfect golden brown, cut into bite sized strips. In the top box was the three pieces of lumpia cut in half and the curry packed into two individual sized sauce cups. The utensils were kept hidden under the lid of the top box. I must say, it's pretty snazzy. I literally went to sleep watching videos online how to make bento style lunches. The contents aren't styled as cute as what I watched but at least I got it to work for what I need.

"I see two pieces of lumpia calling my name," Lulu said as she plopped two cut pieces of the egg rolls into her mouth. "I can't believe you were able to replicate your other mother's recipe so easy. Although it doesn't one hundred percent taste the same as I remember, I'll take yours any day. I guess Grams is really teaching you well."

"I literally just googled it. I'm starting to think my other mother didn't know how to cook. Maybe she catered, although I don't know of any Filipino places here in town. Probably more realistic to think that she paid someone off, probably one of her fake friends. I never really did see her cook. They always just appeared and I never questioned it."

"Well yours are better, so congrats," she said as she continued to chew with her right hand covering her mouth. As I started to pour the curry over the pork cutlet, I happened to see her swallow and then turn her attention back to me. "So are you going to tell me what's up with you today or am I going to have to pull it out of you?"

"Come on Lulu, Carver said no," I whined. "Just forget it. It's really not that big of a deal anyway. It'd bored you."

"If it's not a big deal then you'll have no problem telling me. Come on Fang, we don't keep secrets. And if he's hurting you, you have to tell me."

"He's not hurting me. You know he'd never."

"He literally admitted not too long ago that he's the reason why you're walking like that. Come on Fang, I'm just worried about you."

"It's really nothing, just drop it, please."

"Okay, well you asked for it," Lulu said as she rolled up her left sleeve to reveal a tacky rainbow beaded bracelet. She slipped it off and waved it in my face. "You remember this?"

"Oh god, Lulu. You actually kept that old thing?"

It was an old friendship bracelet that I made for her when we were in the second grade. I have one too but it's in my room in a shoe box in the back of my closet. There's two separate bracelets, one from Lulu and another from Chloe, from when all three of us were the best of friends. The word "Forever" was in the center of the cluster of beads. I guess forever isn't forever for one of us. I can't believe she still wears that thing. It's hideous.

"Of course I kept it! It's a symbol of our friendship, but I guess I can just throw it in the trash since someone here doesn't honor our friendship," Lulu said as she got up and walked to the nearest trashcan. It was literally a table over. "Here it goes, straight into the trash!"

"Okay, okay! God, you're so dramatic. Come back here and I'll tell you but you have to swear you won't tell Carver that I told you."

"My lips are sealed," Lulu said as she sat back at her seat while zipped her mouth shut and twisted it shut with her thumb and pointer finger together.

"Okay, well I guess I can say that it all started on New Year's Eve..."

Today's New Year's Eve and well I'm still exhausted as ever. I can't really remember when's the last time I wasn't physically and mentally exhausted. I wonder if there's anyone I can talk to get my responsibilities revoked? I'm kidding though. Within the past week, I've learned so much about cooking after everyone started taking me under their wing. Who knew my brain is like a literal sponge? Mama Rose says that only happens when you know you really like something. I'm not saying that I have zero interest in anything. I mean I like emo music and video games but I guess if we're talking about something substantial like something I could make a career out of then I guess I've never really gravitated towards anything like this quite before.

Crap does that mean Lulu's been right all these years and that I really am an unmotivated piece of crap? Now before you guys blow a fuse, I added the "piece of crap" part. I thought it'd add a little pizzazz. Ugh, I hate when she's right. She gets so snooty, it's really annoying honestly. I'm just not gonna tell her that little bit of information.

The clock just struck noon and all the kids are stuck here at the restaurant until Mama Rose sends the signal that it's good to head over. She closed early so she could get ready for the little party she's hosting. I remember as a kid that she wasn't the type to host parties. I think Lulu mentioned once before that she just doesn't like cleaning up afterwards. I guess Dante and Lulu promised her that she wouldn't have to lift a finger, well except for having to cook, but they'd handle everything else and that meant also cleaning and locking up Home Sweet Home for the night too. That meant that I was also looped into cleaning up. Have you ever seen a handful of teens cleaning ever? Let's just say that it took way longer than needed because we all at one point got distracted by our phones. I blame Dante though, he got all of us to do those damn TikTok trends and I am the most uncoordinated person on the planet.

Not too mention that things are still a little awkward with between other members of the group. I mean we still know barely nothing at all about Henry except for the fact that Dante is head over heels for him. Well I did chat with him for a split second so I do know one interesting thing about him. He makes dolls or was it stuffed animals? I have to be honest, I wasn't really paying too close attention to his words. If I'm being perfectly honest, he doesn't seem like the type who would make toys. I don't know, I imagine some eccentric, mad scientist is behind all the toys in the world. Does that make sense?

And then as for Lulu and's weird. I'm not sure if they're together or if Lulu is still testing the waters. Like they're close but at the same time it feels like Kiko is more into the idea of being a couple than Lulu. I don't know, it's just weird, I don't know how else to explain it. The closest I could describe her behavior is that she's like that Katy Perry song, she's hot and then she's cold. I've tried bringing it up but she always just changes the subject almost immediately or comes up with some excuse. Carver told me that this is something she'll have to figure out on her own terms. I guess I do understand what he meant by that. It's just—I don't know, I guess I just want to help her like she has all these years for me. I hope she knows I'm here for her if she ever needs someone to talk to about this. I may not be the best person to offer advice but I'll offer it.

After a while, we all actually got our acts together and helped clean and close up. It actually doesn't take all that long when there's multiple people tasked to do the same thing. Don't get me wrong it still took longer than it needed to be but at least we got it done. Just as we finished, we got a text from Mama Rose so all six of us headed back to her house. Oh did I forget to mention that Dante and Lulu live with their grandmother?

Dante's mom brought him over to her when he was around three to babysit but she never came back. We don't really know what happened to her and it's not exactly something we talk about. But Lulu found out recently that Mama Rose sends check to some mysterious woman named Miss C monthly. She thinks it's code for Dante's mom because her name was Cierra. Lulu told me not to tell Dante, something about letting him live in blissful ignorance. As for his dad? No one really knows who the father is, not even Mama Rose. I heard he was never in the picture to begin with.

Lulu's parental history isn't much better to be honest. It's rather unfortunate and rather depressing. Her mom died shortly after giving birth. She experienced complications during labor and even though the doctors did their best to save her, it was for naught. Her father tried his best to care for Lulu but even with the help of Mama Rose, he succumbed to this deep seeded depression after the loss of his wife. He was the head pharmacist of the town and he managed to smuggle out several different drugs without anyone taking notice. He OD'd on his own cocktail of drugs. Maybe that's why Mama Rose is so hard on both her grandchildren. It's not like either of them can't handle her tough love though; they're both strong-willed and don't take shit from anyone.

When we finally made it back, I still reeked of cooking grease. I didn't have time to go home to shower or change or anything really. As soon as we got inside, I crashed face first on their denim blue love seat. That wasn't even the first time I crashed either. Carver wanted me to drive back but I ran into the passenger seat and instantly crashed. I got a whole five minutes of shut eye. At least I was awoken by the angelic face who is my boyfriend. He even carried me back inside only for me to wiggle out to crash into the very same couch I just mentioned. I always seem to ruin good things for me. Carver and I were on the couch for maybe ten seconds before Lulu disturbed my slumber.

"Sooooo Grams is asking for you in the kitchen," Lulu said as she sat next to Yukiko on the sofa on the opposite end of the love seat leaving Dante and Henry lounging next to each other on the golden beige shag carpet.

"What? But we just got here. I thought I didn't have to cook anymore today," I whined. "Can one of you take my place? I'm all cooked out."

She laughed and then responded with, "You know if you don't go now, she'll just yell out for you. There's no escaping her."

"She's right, you know. Better to take care of it now. Don't worry we'll hold your spot," Dante added as he shared a look with Henry. I suspect they were plotting to take my spot.

"Ugh, fine!" I whined again. I was so tired that even the thought of pushing myself up felt like such a struggle. "Never mind, I can't. I'm too tired."

"So dramatic!" Henry chimed in. I was too tired to even come up with some witty comeback. I just need sleep. Is that too much to ask?

"Leave him alone. Talk to him like that again and I'll break you, are we clear?" Carver barked.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try," Henry goaded him. "Guess your boy can't fight his own battles. What a wimp."

"Whoa, guys settle down. As much as I would love to see this pissing contest, we don't need this kind of energy right now," Dante said trying to keep the two boys in line.

"I know you didn't just come for my best friend!" Lulu barked siding with Carver. "I don't know who you think you are but I will kick your ass and then I'll have the big guy here do his thing."

"Hmph, whatever. I was kidding anyways. You guys are so easy to mess with," Henry scoffed.

Carver growled in response. Oh boy. I'm glad shit didn't hit the fan. I'm not too sure about Henry, but I'm pretty sure Carver would have ripped him to shreds and Lulu for that matter. I could feel Carver's strong hands wrap around my arms as he helped pull me up against him. It took every fiber in my being to not snuggle up to him. I tiredly glanced at him and I noticed his nostrils were flared and he had this fiery glare directed at Henry. When I looked over at Henry, he just rolled his eyes at us, leaned back against Dante, and laughed. Just what we need, the battle of the boyfriends. Henry's new, he shouldn't have been a dick to begin with even if he was kidding. He better watch his back though, I do have a history of getting revenge.

"Need any help getting up?" Carver asked concerned.

"N-No I'm okay. Thank you though," I yawned as I stood up and began to crack my neck, back, knuckles.

"Want me to go with you?" he asked.

"No, you know how she is. She'll probably want me to watch her do something or cut something. I just hope it's not onions. I literally spent Sunday night chopping up all the onions. I was a crying mess. But I'll be back as soon as I can. Then we can snuggle so I can catch some zzz's."

He nodded and blew a kiss my way. I grabbed it, pressed it against my face, smiled. This is what we do now. Lulu has already made it clear that we keep amplifying the gross couple meter. What can I say? I'm gross. I turned towards the kitchen where Mama Rose was waiting for me. Their kitchen was a little different compared to mine and Aggie's. What I mean is that it's not open. In the door frame were these dark walnut stained barnyard style doors that didn't fill the top or bottom. You could still see the base white layer under the unevenly stained door. There was maybe a four inch gap on the bottom and maybe about a foot of head space. So all I can I see is Mama Rose's head, her feet, and part of her leg. It made for quite an image. Long gone were her dreads and instead was a freshly shaved, shiny cue ball. She said she had gotten tired of the weight of it all and in the end she feels like a brand new woman or whatever that means.

"Heeeeeeeey, so Lulu said that you wanted to see me?" I asked trying not to show how drowsy I was by stifling any yawn that tried to escape me.

"There you are Sweetie. Can you watch the pot while I go and get changed?" she asked without taking her eyes off of the pot.

"Y-You want me to watch it? That's it?"

"Well not just watch, I need you to guard it with your life," she said as she pulled out a weathered wooden spoon. It was stained a reddish orange and had splintered in different sections of the handle. She then handed it to me as she walked right up to the barnyard doors. "What? Do you expect me to ask my grandkids? They'd probably add stuff to it and screw everything up. No, I need you or that boy you're sweet with. What's his name again? The one with the weird name? I always want to call him Carter but I know that's not his name. Anyway, I trust you won't mess anything up."

Oh god, why did she have to go and say that? This must be what Dante goes through all time. Great, why am I turning into him? Of all people, ugh. I don't think I can say no to her. Besides she's the type who won't take no for an answer. She's definitely related to Lulu.

"Uh sure, I guess I could do that. Sounds easy enough. And his name is Carver."

"Oh that's right, Carver. I'll make sure to remember that next time. Anyway, I knew I could count on you," she said as she enthusiastically pinched at my cheeks. "I'll just be a moment. Make sure my grandkids and their special friends don't come in here. I don't need them taking any free samples while my backs turned, alright?"

Special friends? Is she talking about Henry and Yukiko? Does she not know about them being more than friends? Maybe this is her way of saying that without having to commit to the actual word.

"Free samples? Of this?" I asked as I stirred the pot. "What is this?"

"That right there is chili."

"Chili? I don't remember you making chili at the restaurant."

"You're right, I don't. But new year, new me right?"

It's not the new year yet but I get where she's coming from. And besides who am I to tell her what she can and can't cook? It's her kitchen and I am but a student to her mastery.

"Is this all there is? I don't think this is gonna feed everyone."

"Oh bless your heart, of course not! There's more food in the oven like my famous triple cheese mac and cheese. Made with real cheese. Sorry about that."

"It's okay, really. I'm not really a big fan of mac and cheese when I had it when I was younger anyway."

"Oh you would love mine. Say if I were to give you some what would happen? I'm curious."

"It's been a while since I've had dairy but I get stomach problems and um—"

"You get the squirts?"

"Yeah, I get um those," I said laughing to myself.

"Well it's a damn shame then," she said as she pushed one hand out the door. "Remember, don't let any of those fools in here, and guard this with your life."

And with that, it was just me alone in the kitchen. Well I guess I could have Carver in here, she did imply that it would be okay for him to be in here with him. Without moving away from my spot, I hollered, "Hey Carv—"

Before I could even finish my question, I could hear thunderous pitter patter heading my way.

"What do you need?" He asked busting through the barnyard doors.

"That Were you waiting on standby or something?"

"I just had a feeling you were going to call for me. You could say I'm psychic even," he joked.

"Uh huh, is that so?" I chuckled to myself as I stirred the pot.

"Actually, you always say you don't need my help and then later realize that you do. It's sort of a running trend with you. I'm not complaining though. I'm always happy to help."

"Am I really that predictable?"

"Mm just a little predictable but like I said I don't mind. So, what do you need? What's she got you doing now?"

"Nothing really, she just wants me to stand guard in the kitchen. I figure, you're better at warding off other people than I am so that's why I asked for you."

"So you're using me?"

"When you say it like that, it makes me sound like a terrible person. But yes, I'm using you. Hope you don't mind."

"Of course I don't. Use me however you like," he whispered into my ear as he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Is that...all you want from me though?"

"C-Carver, there are people here," I said as I felt a tingle shoot up my spine.

"How would they know? They can't see anything when there's a door right there," he whispered again as he started kissing my ear. His hands began to wander underneath my clothes. "I'll be quick, I promise."

"Mm C-Carver, b-but what if we get c-c-caught?" I gulped as I felt his hand grab at my stiffening dick. "I-I don't know if I can deal with the blowback."

"But you're hard and," he paused as he ran his pointer finger along the piss slit. "You're leaking."

"What do you expect when you're touching me like this?" I whispered back.

"All you have to say is no and I'll stop," he said as he stroked my member.

"F-F-Fuck Carver," I said under my breath. "Okay fine, but you're gonna need to be quick and quiet. I don't want anyone walking in on us."

"No problem, you should probably watch yourself though. I know how loud you can get," he winked as he unbuttoned my jeans.

I gulped again trying to play it cool. As he gently dropped to his knees, he brought my black briefs down with him. I started to tremble as my bare ass was out in the open, but that all stopped as I could feel his warm, wet tongue lick me from the base to the tip. His hot breath was driving me crazy and I couldn't do a thing about it. All I could do was try and focus on the bubbling pot in front of me. If I didn't I'm sure I'd completely lose it. I could feel him slowly bobbing up and down on the shaft as I pulled out the stained wooden spoon out of the pot. In a haze, I quickly took a sip from the spoon and squealed like a little kid. I could hear an audible pop coming as his lips slipped off of me.

"W-What's wrong? Did I accidentally use teeth again?" he asked worried.

"N-No, you're good. I forgot to blow the spoon. You're good, I swear."

"If that's the case, look down."

Reluctantly I looked down and saw him looking straight into my eyes with his stupid puppy dog eyes. With his right hand firmly gripping at the base, he began smacking my meat against his cheek and then eventually swiping it across his soft, pink lips.

"This is so hot. I can't believe we're doing this," he said as pushed a ton of spit from his lips and onto the shaft. That's when he began to jerk me off again.

"Sp-Speak f-f-for yourself," I stuttered.

Just as my knees were starting to buckle and my eyes were rolling back, I could faintly hear what sounded like footsteps coming our way. Crap. As I stood there completely frazzled as Carver was bobbing and slurping, I forcibly pushed him all the way down and readjusted dragging him along with me. His back was now against the warm oven as I kept one hand grasping the back of his head and my eyes forward as I tried to look as normal as I could. Just as the figure was coming closer to the door, I could see clearly who it was, Lulu.

Before she could get closer to the door I stopped her by saying, "H-Hey Lulu, what's up?"

"Oh nothing, I thought I heard you cry out in pain so I wanted to check up on you. You okay?"

"Wh-What?" I asked as my legs were furiously shaking as I could feel Carver cup my balls as his tongue licked at it aimlessly. I can't believe he's still going at it while I'm over here trying not to blow our cover.

"Are you...okay?" she asked again. "Is everything okay? Your face is all red."

"O-Oh, I-I'm fine. Um i-it's just really hot in here with everything r-r-running."

"Let me open a window then," she said as inched closer.

"No! I-I mean I'll take care of it or C-C-Carver will do it."

" need to yell, I'm right here. Speaking of, where is Carver? Didn't he come in here?"

"H-He did. H-He's right here. Right Carver?" I asked as I pulled him off of me.

"Yeah, I'm here," he said as he took a deep breath.

"Where? I don't see you."

"I'm just watching...the oven. No biggie," he said as flicked his tongue at the slit causing me to jerk forward. Fucking ass, I swear I'm going to kill him later.

"Watching the oven? Okay you guys are acting weird. I'm coming in," she said as she placed her hand at the top of the door. Just as she pushed forward, her head jerked to her left.

"Louise Landon, you better not be going in there!" I heard Mama Rose yell from the other side of the house.

"Crap, Grams is coming! I swear she has hidden cameras everywhere," she said as she ran back to the group.

Oh crap, we gotta stop now!

"C-Carver...c-c-coming," I whimpered.

"Mm cum for me babe," Carver whispered as he began to stroke my dick with gusto. "Shoot your hot load all over me!"

"N-N-No, I-I-I m-mean she's coming! Get up!" I cried.

"But I'm not finished yet! You didn't cum yet!" he quietly protested.

"I don't care! Please just get up!" I snapped at him. Hurriedly, I pulled my briefs and my pants up. I kept fumbling with the top button as I could hear more footsteps coming our way. Just as I saw Mama Rose's head at the door, I was able to get it buttoned. Meanwhile, Carver was still on the floor but he spun around to actually stare through the oven door.

When Mama Rose walked through the door, she looked at us with her brows furrowed and weirdly staring at me and then at Carver.

"Carver, what are you doing on the floor?" she asked suspiciously.

"I-I was just uh watching the food so you know no one can," he said unconvincingly.

"Uh huh, sure. Fang, is that true?"

"Hm?" I said as my ears perked up.

"Why do I have a feeling that you two were doing something you weren't supposed to?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I squirmed obviously trying to hide the obvious outline of my dick through my tight, skinny jeans.

"Right, well I'll take it from here. You two can go," she said as she shooed us away.

Carver and I awkwardly walked out of the kitchen only to find our spot had been taken by Dante and Henry. Go figure. When Carver pointed over to a spot on the floor, I shook my head and instead took two steps to the left and pressed myself against him so he knew exactly why I couldn't. He laughed to himself. Without looking, he took my hands and wrapped them around his waist. There I was standing behind him with my boner against his clothed ass. We stood there until I eventually went soft. We then sat on the floor with his legs splayed out with me leaning up against him. Crisis averted, but I wish I could have came. I think I'm finally experiencing the dreaded blue balls. God it hurt like a bitch. I think Carver could see my discomfort as I kept wiggling around.

As he wrapped his arms around me, he whispered, "We're not done yet. I'll finish you off later. I love hearing you scream my name."

My eyes widened and I could feel my cheeks turn red. Even though he whispered dirty talk to me, I'm sure the group is getting an idea as to what's going on as I can't hide anything as my face always gives me away. Why am I cursed with such an expressive face?

Anyway the group and I started chatting and somehow we were able to talk about anything and everything for what seems like forever. Henry's sudden attitude earlier seems to have disappeared completely and has gone back to the seemingly nice person we met back around Christmas. I'm not really sure when the sudden change in attitude happened but boy am I glad that he's not coming for me anymore. I'd prefer it if Carver didn't bring out the big guns, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure a fight is something anyone wants to deal with right now. We continued to chat until my mom and Paul arrived and the mood shifted. Not into anything bad but my mom brought up an interesting idea.

"Hey kids, what's happening? Don't you kids have homework? I'm just kidding," Paul joked as he tried to strike a cord with the group. Is this what old people do when they try to talk to younger people? He's cool and all but this is a little cringe. It didn't help that we all, in unison, let out an awkward laugh. I think we got the point across because he stood there with a flat grin and wide eyes. "So I'm just going to shut up now."

My mom laughed to herself and tried to change things up by asking one interesting question, "So what do you guys have planned? I'm hoping it's something a little more interesting than just board games. How about we light some fireworks? And not talking about the weak ones that you light on the ground but the kind we'd see on TV like in New York or Vegas. Something way more extravagant."

When I tell you that the whole group's eyes lit, I mean it. All of us were so excited about the idea of lighting up actual fireworks we all forgot what in the world we were talking about in the first place. I, however, was a little cautious about the whole ordeal.

"Aren't those illegal?" I asked.

"Oh don't be party pooper Fang. Come on! We're celebrating the new year. We have to end it with a bang!"

"Well where are we supposed to get something like that? It's not like they sell that kind of thing on the streets."

"Really? None of you have connections? How about you Yukiko? I'm sure your parents would have connections to something like that. Weren't there fireworks at last year's Lunar New Year celebration?"

"There was, but they'd never tell me where they got them or where they stash stuff like that," Yukiko answered.

"Ugh! What kind of teens are you? When I was your age, I knew a person for everything that my parents didn't allow."

"Excuse me?" Paul asked slightly concerned.

"What? I was rebel. You had to be growing up in a place like this. Are you sure you guys don't know anybody?"

"We all know that the only person who has connections in this town is Chloe and I doubt she'll help us," Lulu said. "We're not exactly the top people in her life anymore."

"I might know a guy," Henry added.

The whole group had their eyes on him as he scratched his head avoiding direct eye contact from any of us.

"That's what I like to hear!" my mom said a little too enthusiastically and then she paused. She stared at him for a second and then asked, "I'm sorry but who are you? I don't recognize you."

"I'm Henry," he said with his hand outreached. "I'm Dante's—"

"He's my friend. He's from out of town," Dante chimed in.

Henry immediately frowned and bit his inner lip. I don't know if anyone else noticed but he looked so disappointed from that specific interaction. I kinda feel bad for the guy even though he was an ass to me earlier today so I guess this is karma?

"Uh yeah, I'm his friend. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, Henry," my mom answered as she shook his hand. "Who knew Dante could have a friend as cute as you that he's not romantically involved with. I'm actually quite surprised. You must be too much for him to handle if he hasn't already called you his own."

Those kind words from my mom brought his smile back. Dante on the other hand just rolled his eyes at my mom. I'm not sure why Dante called Henry just a friend. I thought they were together. I think we all thought Henry was Dante's boyfriend. I doubt Dante would be the guy to not stake his relationship if someone were to ask. It's a little suspicious if you ask me.

"So who's this guy?" she asked him.

"Uh it's my best friend. He's been stocking up on fireworks since we were kids. He's a bit of a hoarder. I'm sure if I ask him about it, he wouldn't mind loaning me some."

"You...want to help us? Hmph, you've gotta be kidding me," Carver grunted. "I find that pretty hard to believe after what you said earlier. What's with the sudden change of heart?"

"Why not? I've got nothing better to do," he said. "Also think of this as my way of apologizing for being a jerk earlier."

"Hmph. That's a poor excuse for an apology if I ever heard one," Carver grunted as he stood up. "I'm getting a water. Want me to grab you one too babe?"

"I'm okay," I answered.

My mom stood there making a face at me and I did all I could think of which was to shrug. I'm terrible under pressure. I looked over at Lulu and Yukiko, Lulu sighed and rolled her eyes while Yukiko giggled to herself. Then Henry tapped me on the shoulder and motioned me over to the other side of the room opposite of the kitchen. From the angle we were standing at, I could see Carver's feet over by the fridge. Just as Henry was about to say something, Carver walked out of the kitchen and glared at him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Carver barked pushing him farther away from me. "What? You thought you could mess with him once I was out of the room?"

"What? No, trust me I don't want your boyfriend. He's not my type," Henry replied.

"Then what the hell do you want with him?" Carver asked. I could see that he was getting angrier by the second as he was crushing the bottles of water in his grip.

"I'm just gonna take these, okay?" I said as I gingerly took the bottles of water out of his hands and placed them on the floor by our feet. I guess that caught him off guard as he watched with squinted eyes with confusion written all over his face. "Wh-What? D-Did I do something? Is there something on my face?"

Carver took me by the arm and moved us to the corner of the room.

"Babe, you stole my thunder!" he whispered. "I'm trying to defend you and then you do that! Now I look like some weak, little prick."

"Yeah, sorry. I was just trying to deescalate the situation. Did I not do it right?" I said awkwardly. "And your prick isn't tiny, I've seen it. It's huge, dare I say massive even?"

"Ugh babe!"

"A-Are you mad at me?"

"No," he said sighing. "You know I could never be mad at you. But warn me or something before you do that okay?"

"Um okay, I will definitely try to do...that," I said as I wagged my finger at him.

"Yeah so, I'm still here," Henry said bursting our bubble.

"Ugh, what do you want?" Carver asked annoyed.

"Let me just say my peace, alright? I just want to apologize to your boyfriend about earlier but maybe I should apologize to you both instead. I'm really sorry about what I said earlier."

"And why should we believe you?" Carver snarled as he stood in front of me with his left hand placed over my non-existent abs.

"Trust me, if I were lying I wouldn't be trying this hard. But really, I am sorry. The only way I could explain my behavior earlier is because...," he paused and bit his lower lip. "I guess you could say that I'm jealous of your guy's relationship. I'm sure you guys heard what Dante said about me? How he doesn't consider us a couple. I thought with him coming back into my life that he would instantly want to be my boyfriend but I was stupid to think that. And then I see you two flaunting your relationship in my face and I—it's no excuse for how I acted and I'm sorry."

Carver scoffed but then turned back to me as if he was waiting for me to say something.

"So...what do you think?" he asked.


"Yeah, you. I'm not going to accept it unless you do. I think he's full of shit but what do you think?"

"Um well...I say we believe him. What's the worst that could happen?"

"As long as you're sure," he said then turned back to Henry. "Apology accepted, but if you mess with him again I will break every bone in your body."

"Great, well that's one problem solved. I'm going to go call my friend now," he said. He then chuckled to himself and before he left to make his call he said, "I'd like to see you try. I've dealt with a lot tougher. Ones who aren't all bark and no bite."

"What an asshole. See this is what happens when you take pity on someone," Carver said turning back to me.

"Babe it's fine. He probably won't be around much longer if Dante doesn't claim him soon anyway. Remember? They're having relationship problems. I figured we accept his apology and never have to see him again. It's a win win."

"I hope you're right. He's a fucking asshole. I could totally take him you know."

"Oh I know. You're not all bark and no bite. I've seen you bite before, in and out of the bedroom," I said winking at him.

"H-Hey that was one time! I said I was sorry!" Carver said to me as we went back to the group.

As soon as Carver and I got back to the group, we saw Henry walk out the front. My mom and Paul walked into the kitchen to mingle with Mama Rose and to put themselves to work. I don't know why they would willingly want to put themselves to work when I try to avoid those situations as much as possible. The rest of us went back to our conversation before the talks of fireworks, just random crap really. There wasn't really a true focal point but none of that mattered. It was nice just to talk. I don't think I can think of a time recently where we could all just talk like this. Our conversation lasted about ten minutes and that's when Henry walked back in.

"So? What's the verdict?" Lulu asked.

"He agreed but on one condition."

"Oh great, why is it that whenever there's a problem people always say that?" Lulu whined. "Well might as well tell us what it is."

"Nothing big, I swear. He just wants to be the first one to light them. So...would it be okay if he tags along?" he asked.

"What? You came in here to ask that? Of course he's invited! We don't bite," Dante joked.

Henry placed his phone back to his right ear and said, "You heard that right?" And just as I thought that that was the end of the conversation, he started to get into an argument with his friend. "Uh huh. Yeah I got that. Wait what do you mean you don't have a ride? Man I'm already here. Do you know how long—Cody, are you kidding me? What do you mean? Him? You know I'm not allowed—okay fine, fine. I'll figure something out alright? I said I'll figure it out. Okay bye!" Henry heavily sighed and massaged his temples.

"What's up? Why do you look so stressed out now?" Dante asked.

"I really hate to ask but I need someone here to make a pickup. Cody doesn't have a ride and I took the train."

"You know I can drive, I'll take us there," Dante offered.

"I-I can't go."

"What do you mean you can't go?"

"It's a long story. A long, stupid story. Just know I'm not allowed to step foot on the premises of wherever my friend's at right now. It's a long story."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Didn't you hear him? He said it's a long story. Is now really a good time to share stories?" Lulu asked.

"I can't really explain it in a short span of time. Just know it involves family drama. Cody and I aren't related but his dad works with someone in my extended family and that person doesn't get along with my dad and vice versa. So as a result I'm not allowed on any of his property. Like I said, it's really stupid. I know I'm asking you guys a lot especially since you guys don't know me but that's the only way you're getting those fireworks."

"I guess I could take the trip solo," Dante said.

"You better think again," Mama Rose said as she walked in on us. "Don't forget, you're still grounded for taking my car longer than we agreed that day. That goes for you too, Louise. You're both still under house arrest."

"But Grams!" she said frustrated.

"No buts! You're lucky I'm letting you two even have this party here. You know the rules, you're only allowed to go home, to school, and to work. Nowhere else."

And with that Mama Rose walked back into the kitchen to continue cooking.

"Well there goes that plan," Yukiko said. "Guess it's up to you two."

Suddenly all eyes were on me and Carver. Speaking of Carver, he wasn't exactly in the best terms with Henry. When I looked at him he just grunted and huffed.

"What do you think Carver? You up for a trip?" I asked.

"I don't know guys. I've never taken the car out for a long drive like that. I don't know if the car can handle a trip like that," he said apprehensively.

"Please!" Lulu whined. "Just take one for the team, Carver. What's the worst that could happen?"

"How about getting stranded in the middle of nowhere? I really don't think my car can make a trip like that."

"Okay, how much is it going to take?" Lulu asked as she pulled out a wad of unusually colorful cash out of nowhere. No really, where the hell did she pull that out of?

"Lu, I don't want your money."

"Good cause this is Monopoly money. But in all seriousness, what's it going to take for you to go? Because I will do it or find someone to do it," she said as she eyed me. "I have just the person for that kind of stuff. Fang, convince your man."

I turn to Carver and give him the same puppy dog eyes that he gave me earlier but I added a sad, little pout to go with it.

"Fine! I'll do it, but I'm going to complain the whole time," Carver said with his arms crossed. "I can't believe you turned on me."

"I wouldn't say I turned on you. Maybe I just helped you get to the destination just slightly quicker than you initially thought it would take. Don't act like you had a choice in the matter."

"Hmph," he scoffed still with his arms crossed. "Well if the car breaks down, don't come crying to me."

"Why would I be crying?"

"You're coming with me. I'm not going all by myself."

"I-I don't know if my mom would allow that. Like she's cool and everything but I don't think she's that cool."

"Well if you don't go with me, I won't go."

"Fang! Go ask your mom and beg for your life if you have to!" Lulu said.

"Ugh, you guys are the worst," I said dragging my feet towards the kitchen.

As I walked back into the kitchen and found my mom and Paul peeling and chopping a variety of different root vegetables.

"Hi Honey, what's up? Did you guys figure out what we're doing about those fireworks?" she asked as she looked up at me.

"Um yeah, Carver and I are going to drive up to Azure to meet up with one of Henry's friends. Is it okay for me to go?"

"Who's going? Just you two?"

"Yeah, just us. I'd take Lulu if I could but she's grounded, right?" I asked turning to Mama Rose who was still slaving over the pot.

"You got it," she said without taking her eyes off the pot.

"Well I guess that's fine. I trust him."

"R-Really? I-I can go?" I asked surprised.

"Why are you acting so surprised? I already trust him enough to teach you how to drive without my supervision. I think you two will be fine. It's just straight drive up I-70. Who's driving?"

"Um I don't think I'm ready to drive for a long period of time so I think I'm going to have Carver drive if he's not already planning on it."

"Are you sure? You could use the hours for your license."

"Don't remind me," I groaned.

"Well you two be careful okay? Tell Carver to drive safe alright?" she said as she stood up and kissed me on my forehead. "When I say be careful I mean it. Don't try to do anything too risque, okay? Keep your hands to yourself and both of you keep your eyes on the road."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't be coy with me. I was your age once."

"Mom I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Well forget I said anything then. I don't want you to hurt yourself thinking too hard about it," she said patting my head. "You two just stay safe okay Honey?"

At first I thought it was weird when my mom said that but I thought it was even weirder once I saw Paul snickering to himself in a corner.

"We will Mom, I promise," I said still eyeing Paul. "You two be careful peeling and chopping too okay?"

"Oh hush! You can go now!" My mom said as she shooed me away. "Oh before you go, make sure you stop by to get snacks. It's a long drive."

"Okay Mom," I said waving goodbye to her on my way out of the kitchen.

Right as I stepped out of the kitchen the whole group stood there whistling, definitely not normal behavior.

"Let me guess, you guys were eavesdropping on my whole conversation?" I asked the group.

"W-What are you talking about?" Lulu asked.

"This is the one thing people do when they're told to act normal all of sudden. Last I checked, none of us whistle on a normal basis. You guys are the worst at acting normal."

"Okay fine, you caught us," Lulu said throwing her hands up in the air. "Looks like you'll be making the trip though so vamoose moose."


"It sounded a lot cooler in my head," she said cringing. "Well you should go."

"Okay fine, I know when I'm not wanted," I said then stopped to realize that Carver was missing. "Hey where's Carver?"

"He went outside already," Yukiko said. "He said he was just going to wait outside for you. I think he already knew what your mom was going to say."

I took that as my cue so I headed out and found him standing by the open passenger side door.

"Your chariot awaits, my prince," he said in his terrible British accent.

"Great, there you go again with that accent," I groaned as I slipped into the car. He gently closed the door, walked all the way around to his side, opened the door, and sat behind the wheel. "How'd you know she'd say yes?"

"I have a fifth sense. It's like I have ESPN or something," he laughed as he turned the key into the ignition and started driving out of the neighborhood.

"Ugh! Remind me to never show you Mean Girls ever again."

"Don't be so dramatic. You love it when I recite iconic quotes from your favorite movies. Like this next one, I'm in lesbians with you," he winked.

"Oh god. Fine, you're off the hook," I said dryly. "Can we stop by the house before we go?"

"Wait why do you—oh you want to finish what we started earlier. I like the way you think," he said as he took a sharp right turn towards my house. He even placed his right hand on my left thigh although it was awfully close to my you know what.

"What? No! Carver focus for a second. I'm going to get some snacks for the trip."

"Why? When you're already a whole ass meal."


"Okay fine, you're no fun. Why don't I just stop by a gas station on the way? I have to fill up anyway."

"But I want free snacks though."

"Okay, you've got a point there," he said just as he pulled up to my house. "You sure you're not fucking with me? You sure you don't want me to finish you off?"

"I'm sure. Besides we're in a rush. The sooner we get on the road, the sooner we can have time to ourselves."

"You think I can't make you cum quickly? Have we met?"


"Fine, holler if you change your mind," he whined with his arms crossed.

"Don't be like that," I said leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "I promise we'll make time for that later. Just right now, my mind is on something else and before you start, you know what at something else is. I'll be back in five minutes."



"No, you go do whatever it is you want to do. I'm just going to sit here alllllllll by myseeeeeeeeeeelf," he sang.

"Carver can you just look at me?"

"Fine, what?" he asked looking my way.

"I'm in lesbians with you too."

"That's not the line, but I guess I could forgive you. Grab me something sweet while you're in there okay?"

"How does a scone sound? My mom and I made those last night."

"Sounds good!" he said with a smile.

"Okay I'll be back soon," I said as I walked up the steps, unlocked the door, into my house, and then straight into the kitchen.

Once there I walked towards this white marbled tray with a glass dome. Inside were those scones I mentioned earlier. There were probably about fifteen of those dense, triangles in there, each maybe about half the size of my face. Each scone had it's own set of berries packed in there. We decided to go with blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. And there was one of those thick sugary glazes zigzagged on top. We did make more than that but at first they didn't fit under that dome so my mom and I stuffed ourselves until we were able to get all them to fit under that dome. I think I ate about five or maybe it was six? I lost count after like three. Oh and when I say fit, I mean that they're all stuffed in there. After I admitted defeat, she refused to eat another so she forced the lid over the rest. So now I'm left with the task of opening this beast up. Yeah we definitely went a little overboard with it. I blame my mom though. She definitely got a little too excited about baking with me.

"Are those the scones?"

"Oh my god! Carver!" I cried punching him in the arm. "You scared the shit outta me. I thought you said you were gonna wait in the car?"

"I did and then I thought, "he's going to need my help cause he's going to over pack" so I grabbed your bag that you left in my car the other day and now I'm here wondering why you're just staring at what I assume are scones."

"You didn't look in my bag, right?" I asked concerned.

"No, I learned that the hard way when my grandpa asked me to look in my grandma's bag a couple months ago. She hit me so hard at the back of the head cause apparently you're not supposed to go through a lady's purse."

"Okay cool. It's not a purse though."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked with his right eyebrow cocked. "You carry it around like one so it's a purse. Anyway, I just stuffed our waters in there. Is that okay?"

"Uh yeah, that's...fine," I said taking my bag back.

"You're acting weird," he said peering at me.

"What? No I'm not. I'm acting perfectly normal," I said adamantly.

"What's in the bag?" he asked with his arms crossed looking at the bag.

"Nothing, I swear!"

"Then you wouldn't mind if I looked in there then."

"No touchy!" I said smacking his hand away.

"Ow, hey!"

"Heh heh!" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Fine I won't look in your bag. You're just like my grandma," he whined rubbing his hand.

"Good, now let's change the topics. Can you grab some paper bags in the pantry? I'll grab the scones. Any preference?" I said turning my back away from him to focus on the scones.

"You pick. You know what I like."

Even though I do know what he likes, when it comes to my cooking he will literally eat whatever without a complaint. So although true, he helped none. Sighing I lifted up the glass dome and set it aside. Without any real plan, I grabbed two handfuls of the scones and stacked them over to the side.

"Is this it?" Carver asked standing by with an opened brown paper bag.

"Yup," I said as I started packing them into the paper bag. "Oh can you grab some chips too? They should be in the pantry."

"Got it. Anything else?"

"Uh one last thing."

I walked over to the fridge, grabbed a glass container filled with leftover peanut soba noodle salad from the night before, and put it into my bag.

"You sure you got enough?" Carver asked chuckling to himself.

"What? I don't know about you but I'm starving."

"Remember a moment ago when I said you tend to over pack? Well you're doing it right now. I mean we're only going to be gone a few hours right?"

"You think so? I mean it'll take like a few hours to get there and back. I don't think we'll be back till late. Now I'm questioning why we're even going out of our way to do this. Should I just text Dante and tell them we changed out minds? Maybe we don't need the fireworks. Ugh, I don't know what to do now!"

"Babe, it's fine. Relax," he said calming me down. "I take it back about the food. If it's going to take that long then it's better we're prepared. Speaking of him, do you know where we're supposed to meet this guy?"

"Oh that would probably help, wouldn't it?" I said as I checked my phone. Two new messages from an unknown number.

"Hey this is Henry. I forgot that I didn't actually tell you where you're going to meet my friend. My bad. I'll send the address," read the text. Right underneath that text was a link. After clicking on the link, I was redirected into my maps app.

"Okay, we're good to go. Henry sent me the address. It's somewhere on the west side of Azure."

"Have you ever been there before?"

"To where? Azure? Sure, loads of times but when I was kid. My parents used to go there for business parties all the time. I always got dragged along only to be left behind while they partied it up with potential clients. Somehow I always found my way outside to look at, you guessed it, the stars. Speaking of which, it's been a while since I've looked up at them."

"Well if it's going to take as long as you say, we could take a break while we're there and stargaze for a little if you want."

"No it's fine, I don't think I need them anymore," I smiled as I rubbed the star pendent between my fingers.

"Is that so?" he asked closing the distance between us, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I've found something or someone better to keep me grounded or something."

"And would this thing or person have a name?"

"You know who I'm talking about."

"Maybe, but to ease my conscious maybe you should just say it?"

"And what? Boost your ego? Mm no, I think I'll pass," I laughed slipping out of his grasp and heading towards the front door. "Come on let's go! We've somewhere to be!"

I could hear him heavily sigh as he shook his head walking towards me with a bag of chips at his side.

"You're going to get it later for that," he said as he walked out.

"I'll hold you to it," I winked as I walked out and locked the door behind me.

As I made it down the same stone steps as before, I climbed back into my seat, pushed my bag at my feet, and buckled up. Carver was already buckled in and was revving the engine. He looked at me and smiled.

"What's that smile for?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm just happy you're mine," he said as he pulled out of the driveway and headed for the road.

Next: Chapter 21

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