The Reluctant Slave - Prologue &

By mickmack999

Published on May 13, 2023


(m/m, m/t, forced, slavery, nc, oral, anal)

This story is (c) Copyright 2007, by MickMack. All World Wide Rights Reserved.

The story below is the epic tale of a totally fictional event. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. It is gay erotica and is intended to be read by persons who are 18 years of age or older, and by persons that enjoy gay erotica.

The material covered in this story and all other accompanying parts of this story are fictional. Any similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence.

Please Note: To those who like reading my material, I apologise for taking so much time in getting this story written and posted. It is a bit off the usual subject matter I play around with, but hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Please send your comments to:

The Reluctant Slave

The Life and Times of Brad Cahill - Pleasure Slave

2.2 Brad Cahill - A Nightmare Requiem

(Extracts From the Recently Discovered Writings by Brad Cahill -- Pleasure Slave)

The terrible events of that fateful night will be forever etched into my memory.

One moment I'm a well-known, well-liked student and football captain for the most prestigious all boy's high school college I attend, and then suddenly my whole family, including me, had been enslaved to a lifetime of servitude.

It seemed so unreal, a hellish horrifying nightmare that had come to life, and there wasn't a damned thing I could do to fight it.

I still find it difficult to think back to that night, of how the appearance of six uniformed Slave Enforcement Officers would so dramatically change my life.

On that particular evening, a Tuesday night, I was in my campus dorm room, fast asleep, when they came to get me.

Because I'd won a special football scholarship, I'd been allocated a single dorm room, much like a small one bedroom apartment on campus, where I'd stay during the normal five day school week, and then late on Friday afternoons, I'd hightail it home for the weekends with my family.

The steady pounding and loud thumping on my bedroom door eventually roused me from my deep sleep, and feeling very irritated and pissed off, I got up and answered the door. I only had a pair of comfortable loose fitting y-fronts on, and because I thought it was just one of the guys mucking around and making a racket in the hall, I didn't think to put anything else on.

To say I was shocked to see six SE officers standing there, four in the hallway outside my room and two standing directly in front of me in the open doorway, asking my permission to enter my room is an understatement. I stood there stunned, wondering what the hell they could want with me.

All six officers were smiling, looking me up and down in strange uncomfortable way as they returned friendly grins that were meant to put me at ease. Instantly I was wide awake and now quite nervous. Everyone knew of the SEO, and their reputation for being very heavy handed if required.

"My name is Officer Downing and these are Officers Conroy, Denton, Reeves, Atkinson and Rodriguez. We're here on behalf of the Slave Enforcement Division! Do you mind if we come in? The matter we're here to see you about is a bit too delicate to be discussed out here in the hallway." stated SE Officer Downing, his smile not wavering once.

I immediately stepped back and invited them in, then waited for one of the six officers to say something. But they just stood crowded in the middle of my bedroom, again looking me up and down with that strange disconcerting look in their eyes, smiling at me with their arms crossed in front of their chests. Finally I looked down at myself, and realising my lack of clothing, I apologised and quickly crossed to where my t-shirt and gym shorts lay rumpled on the floor.

"Son, there's no need for you to get dressed, but if you'd be so kind as to sit down at your desk over there, we'll get down to business straight away." said Officer Downing, the larger of the uniformed men.

You know that sinking feeling you get in your gut sometimes, when you know someone is about to give you really bad news. Well, that's how I felt as I lowered myself into the swivel-chair positioned in front of my computer desk, especially when all the men slowly and casually walked towards me, to stand surrounding me.

"Firstly Brad, we'd like for you to take a look at this legal document which will explain the reason for our visit. Take your time reading them, as we need you to fully understand why we are here." Officer Downing said slowly.

With shaking fingers I accepted the rolled file he handed me, and uncurling the single sheet, I read the first line on the clear white parchment, swallowing with disbelief at the frightening inscription glaring up at me.

And then Officer Downing began speaking in a firm steady voice.

"Brad Cahill! I am required by law to advise you, that as of 8:30pm this evening, being approximately two hours ago, you were officially and legally registered within this fair state of New Texico as a lifetime indentured slave." he announced.

"You will henceforth be accorded all the rights and privileges bestowed on all slaves within the state of New Texico, and will from this moment on, observe all rules and regulations assigned to you as a slave."

"As of this moment, you are now officially stripped of your free citizen status, to be immediately micro-chipped and, in accordance with the New Texico state law, you will then be removed from these premises and placed in the care of the New Texico Slave Enforcement facility until the proper authorized processes for your sale or auction are finalised." he stated officially.

I heard him speaking, but at the same time I didn't. All I could do was look blankly down at the paper in my hand and shake my head uncomprehending. My mind was swimming, a spiraling whirlpool in my head that left me feeling completely lost, confused and nauseous.

Stunned by the enormity of what was happening, I immediately looked at the signatory names at the bottom of document. It couldn't be. There was my father's signature. It had to be a mistake, a terrible mind-boggling error.

I frantically scanned the page again, and my eyes fell on the names of my two brothers, Sean and Justin! It couldn't be! Their names were also included in this document, meaning they'd been enslaved as well.

It was too much. I looked up into the now stony faces of six SE officers, and unable to say anything, but silently pleading with my eyes for them to help me understand, to help me make sense of this madness.

"Boy, you are now officially a slave, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it! And as they say, `Once a slave, always a slave', so you'd better get used to your new slave status quick smart! Now stand up and turn around, and put your wrists behind your back like a well behaved slave!" Officer Downing said to me sternly.

What could I do? They were already standing over me, two of them with their hands on my shoulders, ordering me to stand as they turned me around. With my back to them they quickly pulled my hands behind me before I could even consider fighting back, or trying to escape.

And as they quickly secured the flexible plasti-cuffs tightly on both my wrists, all I could do was stare ahead of me in utter shock and confusion, unable to speak or make any sound.

It had happened so fast! I was in stunned shock.

Suddenly I was thrown face down on my computer desk, and as I was held tight, braced firmly and unable to move, I felt the sharp sting of a hypodermic needle enter the top cervical vertebrae of my spine.

"Keep perfectly still slave!" Officer Downing said as I felt an agonising pressure as he carefully injected the fluid contents within the syringe into my spine.

Suddenly they let go of me, stepping back as I gingerly lifted my head up off the table, trying to rub the stinging pain out of the back of my neck as I looked up at them in horror.

What the fuck had they done? What had Officer Downing injected into me? I couldn't believe what was happening to me.

"Time to strip you of your free citizen status, slave! Officer Conroy, if you would please do the honours." Officer Downing said casually as he immediately moved over to close my bedroom door and lock it. Then, walking over to my single bed, he sat down, perched on the edge, watching as Officer Conroy, assisted by Officer Rodriguez, roughly stood me up, removed the plasti-cuffs from my wrists and made me face them.

"Series MC 2907, activation neural process 24-6! Overwrite muscle and body function phase 6! Download PS logic memory and enhanced SS commands, proceed!" Officer Conroy said as he read from a small glossy palm-sized brochure.

Instantly a loud shrill buzzing rang in my ears as I found myself nearly collapsing onto the floor.

A montage of images instantly swamped my brain, humiliating and shameful images that were utterly disgusting in what they depicted. I wanted to gag with growing nausea as thousands upon thousands of homosexual explicit moving pictures and scenes, all with me in them, showing me completely naked and engaging in hard-core oral and anal sex with hundreds of other men, flooded my horrified mind.

Just as quickly and to my horror, my body began to respond. I was stunned as my penis thickened and lengthened, becoming rock-hard and bulging out, tenting the front of my y-fronts. Intense sexual feelings raced through every corner of my body, making me groan and moan softly as I stood there at attention, totally ashamed and embarrassed by what was happening to me in front of these six smiling leering men.

And then to my shame, I found I couldn't move my hands from my sides to cover my shame, to block the view of my erection pushing out the pouch of my underwear in such a perverse degrading way.

For a moment, my stunned and shattered senses came back to me, and I found myself blushing furiously, on the verge of weeping as the six uniformed men began laughing at my predicament.

"No need to feel embarrassed slave. Now as you should know, it is prohibited for slaves to wear clothing of any kind at any time, so why don't you shimmy those knickers of yours down your legs and step out of them." Officer Downing said smiling up at me as Officer Reeves pushed me forward so that I stood directly in front of large grinning man.

Once more to my horror, images popped up in my head showing me how to do it in the most sensually erotic way possible, and before I knew what I was doing and against my will, I found myself staring down at him horror as I slowly slid my y-fronts off my hips, down my legs and stepped out of them, just as Officer Downing had ordered me to.

"Don't look so worried slave. That's your new micro-chip working just as it should be. Appears you've been implanted with the most advanced pleasure slave chip currently out on the market. Now why don't you assume the traditional slave position and we'll see what we have here!" he said as I instantly put my hands behind my back, lowered my head so my chin touched my chest, positioned my feet so my legs were wide apart and then thrust out my throbbing erection as far forward as I could so Officer Downing could make his inspecting me at his leisure.

I was mortified. Now I understood completely that it was the hypodermic they'd stuck in my neck that was making me do these degrading things. As images of how I should be responding flashed to the front of my mind, I found I was struggling futilely with all my inner might to try and regain the power over my muscles and body, but I knew it was all in vain as I watched him reach forward with left his hand to fondle my long pulsing erect penis.

Again I tried to back away from his extended hand in furious outrage but it was hopeless. If anything, I found myself trying to assist him as my knees bent a fraction and my hips started to slowly move back and forth, up and down, as he continued to slowly masturbate me there in front of the other grinning men.

"No, No, No! Keep your fucking hands off me! I'm not gay! Please stop this, please..." I could hear it in my mind, but nothing came out of my mouth.

After taking a few moments to run his clenched hand up and down my stiff cock, he ran the pad of his thumb over my leaking piss slit, chuckling as he made me twitch and gasp in response, before letting go and cupping my large hairy balls, weighing them in the palm of his calloused hand and squeezing them gently but firmly.

"Pleasure Level 1, proceed!" he suddenly said in a firm commanding voice, and to my utter shock and humiliation, my erect penis started throbbing in the most exquisite way as waves of pure pleasure swept through my entire trembling body.

"Got a bigger than average dick, slave! Not as big as mine, but it's big! And a nice set of large sperm-filled balls too!

Immediately Officer Downing started rattling off measurements and statistical information as he began a detailed inspection of my entire body, while Officer Denton stood by, a clipboard in his left hand, busily scribbling down all the data.

As Officer Downing ran his calloused hands over my naked trembling body, he made me lift my feet, squat down on my haunches, open my mouth so he could check out my teeth and gums with his fingers.

He squeezed and prodded every muscle on my body, before ordering me to turn around and bend over. The feel of his rough calloused hands spreading my arse cheeks wide apart, and then of his finger touching, circling and tickling the outside of my tight puckered anus, before entering and stretching my rectum wide send shockwaves of fear through my body.

But my naked trembling body reacted in a totally different way. I found myself moaning and groaning softly with each touch of his hand on my skin and when he inserted his finger up my anus, I felt myself trying to push back on his hand, trying to get more of his finger onto me.

Suddenly he pulled his finger out of me and slapped my right buttocks. As he ordered me to stand up and face him, he then complimented me on still being a virgin. And even though I'd tried to shut my mind down as he'd inspected me, I did shudder and quail when I heard what he said next, and this time I couldn't help but groan in humiliation.

"You're lucky slave. We've got strict orders not to damage you too badly, or scar your baby boy good looks. Appears whoever your new owner might be will probably want you fully intact so he can do that himself." he said, sniggering at the thought of what the future might hold for me.

"Okay, slave, we got a spare three hours before we take you down to the station to officially book you in. Officer Atkinson, what do you think we should do to fill in the time?"

"I reckon this big young strapping slave should get down on his knees and suck our dicks as if his life depended on it, and then we can take turns fucking the crap out of him. What'd you say Officer Rodriguez?" Officer Atkinson gloated in an excited eager voice. Immediately all the other SE officers loudly voiced their enthusiasm, moving forward to encircle me.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. May as well get him used to sucking cock and getting fucked up his boy-pussy straight away, cause as I see it, that's all he'll be doing for the rest of his life! Well, until he loses his looks, that is!" said Officer Rodriguez as he stepped forward and began rubbing his crotch in a lewd suggestive way.

My mind was racing. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I knew I was in deep shock and all I could do was listen in horror to what they'd just said.

Again, against my will, my body started to tremble with lust as Officer Atkinson immediately stepped forward, turned me around so he could lift my chin up off my chest and stare into my frightened dazed eyes. And then suddenly he backhanded me viciously across my face.

Stunned, the painful sting of his open palm forcing tears from my eyes, I then watched in growing horror as he unzipped his pants, lowered them to his knees, before lifting my chin up so he could stare me in the eyes once again.

"Now be a good cock-sucking slave, get on your knees, keep your hands at your sides, and give me the best blow job I've ever had in my entire life. And slave, if I feel one tooth touch my dick, I'll take personal pleasure in yanking every one of them out of your mouth!"

"Now get on your knees bitch! Pleasure Level 2, proceed!" he snarled.

Instantly my body began to tremble even more as waves of exquisite pulsating pleasure swept through me. I couldn't understand what was happening as hundreds of images instructing me of how to suck a man's penis properly, expertly, flashed through my mind. I found myself staggering unsteadily at the disgustingly vivid pictures that were displayed in my minds eye.

With the pressure of Officer Atkinson's right hand pushing down on my shoulder, making me buckle and collapse onto my knees, I shivered as I watched him release his rigid seven inch uncut cock out of his tight fitting red and black striped underwear.

"What are you waiting for, slave?" he said impatiently as he pushed his hips forward, the tip of his leaking penis touching my now quivering lips.

There was nothing I could do but obey him. I was completely naked, on my knees with my hands at my sides. But to my utter shame, I found my mouth salivating with desire to hurry up and take his erect penis all the way into my mouth.

So opening my mouth wide, I moved my head forward, and for the first time in my life, I tasted another man's cock slide between my lips and over my tongue.

"Now start sucking nice and hard, slave!"

I obeyed Officer Atkinson completely. Unable to control my desire to please him, or understand why I was feeling these revolting urges, I instantly found myself eagerly sucking him off.

In that single moment when I took his erect penis all the way into the back of my mouth, and my lips sucked tightly and stretched up the full length of his pulsating cock shaft, the devastating feeling of despair in my heart made me even more aware that my youthful innocence and proud growing masculinity was being stripped away from me forever.

As his thick throbbing cock started sliding in and out of my sucking slurping mouth, gagging me at times, I was ever reminded I was no longer an excitable brash young teenager growing into a strong vital proud man.

Whatever strong moral beliefs I had in my own youthful invulnerability, in my own heterosexuality, was gradually flushed away as I obediently swallowed the man's copious amounts of pre-cum oozing thickly onto my lapping tongue.

"Come on, slave! Get with it! I want to see your cheeks sucked in all the way while you're blowing me! Now suck harder and faster!" Officer Conroy demanded gruffly as he grabbed hold of the back of my head and started fucking my mouth.

My mind went into a numbed dazed state as I realised I wasn't even gagging as his large erect cock slid down my throat, and that I was noisily slurping and sucking with all my might as I enthusiastically fellated him.

And even though I wanted to retch because of the vile taste of his unwashed erection lodged all the way to the back of my mouth, and the putrid stench wafting up from his sweaty balls slapping loudly against my chin made me want to vomit, I stayed on my knees and sucked him off just the way he wanted me to.

"Oh you're a sexy little fuck-face! Yeah, suck me like the queer cock-sucking faggot slave I know you are! Yeah, feeling really good bitch! Tighter cunt! Suck me harder, oh yeah!" Officer Atkinson gasped out loud as he rammed his throbbing cock in and out of my stretched eagerly sucking lips.

In shock, absolutely petrified, and with tears streaming down my face, I watched myself as if observing my actions from outside my body as I hobbled on my knees to quickly kneel between each of their parted legs, obeying them as they instructed me on how they liked to be sucked off.

In shock, absolutely terrified, I watched as Officer Conroy video recorded me eagerly and enthusiastically blowing them. Firstly Officer Atkinson's thick seven inch long cock plowing my mouth, and then Officer Denton's smaller but very thick five inch penis battering my tonsils.

This was quickly followed by Officer Reeves' six and a half inch slim but big knobbed dick passing back and forth over my lapping tongue, who once he'd finished ejaculating into my mouth, took the video camera off Officer Conroy so the larger-dicked man could pound his eight inch curved erection down my clutching gurgling throat.

And once Officer Conroy had blown his load, Officer Rodriguez's thick eight and a half inch cock pistoning in and out of my tight lips, to then be replaced by Officer Downing's very large and thick nine and a half inch erect penis.

For 45 minutes I used my tight straining lips and sucking mouth to make them cum, and when they ejaculated into my mouth, I obediently swallowed each of their foul tasting ball juices down my throat. And every time they rested up after ejaculating into my mouth, they'd order me to lower my head further down between their parted legs, so I could suckle and lick on their fat hairy balls.

Even though I was horrified by what I was doing, I couldn't understand how the micro-chip injected into my spine could possibly be making my body respond so excitedly and eagerly to do their sordid bidding. It made no sense to me, and I found myself sinking into a desolate malaise of trancelike disbelief that this could really be happening to me.

But if I thought it was all over, that the shameful degradation I'd just experienced had finally come to an end, I was sorely mistaken.

"Okay then! Time for us to sample that sweet little vagina of yours, slave! Time you assumed the mandatory slave fuck position and in a clear loud sexy slave voice, invite us one at a time to take our pleasures!" Officer Downing said in a commanding tone that swamped my mind, triggered the micro-chip in my spine, and nearly driving me insane with revulsion as vivid images of what was require of me flashed through my mind.

And then unable to stop myself, I once again felt myself detach from my body as I hurriedly rolled onto my back on the floor in the centre of the room.

There are no words to express my complete shame as I obediently lay there, bringing my knees up to my chest so I could grab both my ankles in my hands and stretch my legs as far from my body as I could, so all the men could look down on me totally exposing myself to them.

With my butt instantly raised off the ground, holding my legs wide apart, and my penis fully erect lying flush against my flat muscled stomach, I whimpered deep in my mind as I heard the strange words that escaped my mouth, words that humiliated me, disgusted me.

"Sir, please fuck my tight little slave-pussy, please Sir! Sir, I need to feel your hard manly penis deep inside my tight little vagina, please Sir!" I heard myself say in a loud clear little boy's voice to Officer Downing.

"Good slave! Very good! Now just lie there a little longer while I take my clothes off. Don't want to get them all wrinkled and covered in sweat as I'm fucking you, do we?" he said as he slowly divested his uniform and knelt down at the base of my raised parted butt-cheeks.

"Now let's get you all creamed up! I think I'll be needing some lube to get my large cock up that tight little opening of your, don't you think? Pleasure Level 3, proceed!" Officer Downing instructed as he wrapped his left hand around my erect penis and began to quickly jerk me off, and instantly my body came alive to the incredible sensations of pure orgasmic pleasure racing through my scrunched up, legs spread body.

"Not all that bad is it, slave? You just got to hope you get a decent master who'll use the pleasure unit in your micro-chip whenever he fucks you!" Officer Downing said as he continued to jack me off, and as my penis throbbed and pulsed from the heady sensations his jerking hand was causing me, I felt myself getting closer and closer to shooting my load.

"No, don't want you cumming, slave! Only doing this so I can get me some lube to cover my big dick before I fuck you! Ah yes, here we go, you're leaking it out now like a good little slave boy!" he said as he stopped masturbating me and squeezed the length of my rock-hard cock.

This couldn't be happening I repeated over and over again in my mind. I must have gone insane, or maybe died and gone to a bad place in hell, I kept telling myself as I watched Officer Downing using my own leaking pre-cum to lube up his huge cock and then using two thick calloused fingers to rub it deep up inside my anus.

"Yes, now we're ready, aren't we? Okay, this will only hurt for a second and before you know it, you'll be begging me to fuck you as hard as I can!" Officer Downing said as he lowered his naked hairy body on top of me, positioned his massive penis at the entrance to my anal passage, and then took a deep breathe as he prepared himself to spear me.

Yes, the pure pain of his first lunge up my virgin hole was excruciating agony. I tried to scream out my fear and outrage, but my mouth only turned up at the corners and smiled widely for him. I felt like my insides were been ripped to shreds and my anus split asunder as he pushed the thick girth of his full nine and a half inch erect penis up into my bowels.

But suddenly the agony in my anus stopped and a pulsating throbbing took its place. A throbbing that grew and expanded throughout every cell of my body, lashing me with sensual erotic feelings that increased and had me panting and moaning for more.

I couldn't help myself as my whole body responded to his cock sliding in and out of my anus, powerful thrusts that knocked the breathe out of me and left me gasping for even more. I could even feel my anus molding itself tightly around his cock, massaging it, caressing and milking it as it tried feverishly to get all his length inside me.

Again my mind protested in horror and disgust as my buttock frantically rose up to meet every one of his potent downward lunges.

"Now you're getting there! Now you're learning your new status, slave! I know in your head you're terrified at what you're doing, of how you're responding, but you'll learn to love getting fucked before too long! Now let go of your legs, wrap them around my waist and then reach round with your hands and hold on tightly to my humping butt cheeks!"

"Yes, you're nearly there, girl! I want you to force more of me up into your vagina as Officer Reeves films how much you love getting fucked, slave! That's it, oh yeah! Now smile for the camera and let's really go to town!" Officer Downing said in short grunted gasps as he pounded away, fucking me with all his strength.

And as he'd instructed me, I obediently wrapped my legs around his thick waist, reached round and grabbed hold of his bobbing buttocks and hugged him as close to me as I could as he commenced viciously fucking me back and forth.

By now, my mind had disintegrated into a maze of despair and hopelessness. Here I lay on my back, with a large hairy sweaty man with a huge cock that was even bigger and thicker than my own, being fucked brutally and responding to the abuse as if I loved every moment of it.

And what was even worse was the fact that five other lusting, leering men were watching me, and Officer Reeves was video recording it all.

Suddenly I felt Officer Downing shudder and quiver on top of me, and as my anus responded by squeezing even harder, tightening and milking his ever expanding and throbbing cock, I felt him slam all the way up into me and shoot his ball juices deep inside my bowels.

Immediately he rolled off me and then Officer Rodriguez was on his knees, ordering me to place my legs over his shoulders as he moved forward and waited for me to beg him to fuck me.

"Sir, please fuck me really hard, please Sir! Sir, I need to feel your hard penis deep inside my little boy vagina, please Sir!" I heard myself say in the same giggling little boy's voice to Officer Rodriguez.

"We don't need any lube now, do we cunt! Now slide that vagina up and down my big cock like you did for Officer Downing and give me a really good ride, slave!" he growled into my face as he lay down on top of me and pushed his large erection all the way up my anus.

Like Officer Downing, Officer Rodriguez fucked me as hard as he could, enjoying the sensations my tightening massaging arse muscles were having on his hard erect uncircumcised tool. He took his time, laughing at times as I enthusiastically ran my hands lightly all over his back and humping butt cheeks as he fucked me, at times slowing down, trying to prolong his approaching orgasm.

Eventually he shuddered all over and ejaculated deep up inside me, and as he pulled his big wilting cock out of my cum-filled hole, the next officer knelt down and took his place.

So it was that I just lay there, begging and pleading with each of them to fuck me and then letting them fuck me over and over again. I obediently humped my buttocks up to meet each of their thrusting erect penises as they slam-fucked into me, fucking me as hard as they could as they enjoyed the fact I was completely receptive and submissive.

By now my mind was absolutely numb. I thought nothing, and I felt nothing. I watched in a daze as my body responded of its own accord, passionately and eagerly doing whatever they demanded of me. I heard myself speaking when ordered to, but I don't remember what I said.

All I knew was I was no longer a virile young man with a fantastic future ahead of myself, and that I was now a slave to the micro-chip they'd injected into my spine.

Eventually, after they had all fucked me at least three times each, I was once more ordered up onto my knees and forced to use my tight straining lips and sucking mouth to make them cum again. And when they ejaculated into my mouth, I obediently swallowed each of their foul tasting ball juices down my throat again.

Eventually I found myself sitting on Officer Downing's naked lap, my back pressed against his chest, my legs spread wide apart across his own parted knees.

As he held me tightly against him, licking the back of my neck, and whispering profanities into my left ear, he reached down between my wide open legs, took hold of my dangling balls, and with his other hand, he commenced furiously jerking me off.

After the last blow job I'd just given Officer Denton, where he'd held onto my head and repeatedly rammed his cock up into my aching mouth as hard as he could, he'd joked with Officer Rodriguez that I'd probably be a right little root-rat and most probably had gallons of slave juices sloshing around in my balls to spurt for my new owner.

Officer Conroy had disagreed, saying I was probably only a dribbler, so they'd placed a small wager on how much and far I could blow my load.

Now I sat there on Officer Downing's large hairy lap and let him jerk me off. I didn't struggle. I just did what they wanted. I was in deep shock and the constant threat of being anally penetrated again by them all again terrified me.

"You know you love this slave! Just look at how hard your cock is! And your huge fat dick is twitching and aching for release! You're leaking all over the place. Now concentrate real hard, smile real sexy like a good queer slave, and show us how far you can blast your filthy little slave juices!" Officer Downing whispered into my left ear.

With tears rolling down my cheeks and a sexy sensuous smile plastered on my face, but feeling completely devoid of any feelings except for utter despair, I watched as Officer Reeves video recorded what the large SE officer was doing to me.

And as Officer Downing continued to vigorously masturbate me with no lube or spit, sliding his rough meaty clenched hand up and down the full length of my thick erect penis, I realised with a sense of detachment that my life had now changed forever, and any free citizen, no matter who they were, could do whatever they wanted with me and there wasn't a damned thing I could do about it.

And to my complete humiliation, as the large SE officer masturbating me jerked and squeezed tightly on my throbbing cock, I closed my eyes as my muscled naked body spasmed and shook, groaned loudly, and before I knew it, I shot my shameful load splattering across the room to the loud applause of the five other SE officers.

"Good Slave! You'll make a wonderful pleasure slave for some lucky free citizen!" he said as he squeezed the last of my jism from my thick wilting cock.

Also, to Officer Denton's delight, he'd won the wager.

  1. Evan Morgan - Inconceivable Coincidences

(From the Private Diary of Evan Morgan)

It should have been the most exciting day of my life. But like so many times when I'm enjoying myself, along came something to ruin it and plunge my life into utter chaos.

In fact, only the night before I'd finally lost my virginity. It was a momentous and monumental occasion for me as I suddenly seemed to transform from being a shy timid nerdy teenage virgin into a proud teenage masculine youth about to ascend manly adulthood.

Then all the next morning I'd strutted around with a cheesy grin stretched across my face, and a new macho swagger to my walk.

Noel had instantly recognised there was something different about me, and he'd smiled knowingly.

"Good on you champ... And about fucking time! Now you know why I got you that pleasure slave. Just make sure you pound his pussy every night and every morning, and you'll feel like a real man all the time!" he'd said cheerily as he'd clapped me on the back affectionately.

We'd both laughed in good humour, and for the first time in a long time, I felt a connection with Noel that I'd never experienced before.

Oh yes, I was aware of how different I felt. I no longer felt like the awkward little boy anymore. Now I felt like a man, a true man who'd fucked his own personal pleasure slave and proved he was just as masculine as any other man alive.

It showed too. In how I glowed and how I spoke quickly, trying to be friendly and fit in to any conversation being discussed around the breakfast table that morning.

Thinking back to the afternoon before, I can hardly believe it all happened. How once I'd selected my new pleasure slave, I'd shyly led him to my room and then taken the initiative of sexually using him.

Of course, Noel had given me a few hints before I'd retired, and also suggested a name for him, which I gratefully accepted.

"When you get him up into your room, make sure you trigger the pleasure unit in his micro-chip. It'll make him docile as a lamb begging to be slaughtered, and he'll respond as his meant to instantly. And don't take any shit from him. If for any reason he doesn't do what you want straight away, hit him with the punishment commands immediately. I guarantee he'll be as eager to obey you as any queer cock-sucking faggot, which is actually what he really is anyway." Noel had whispered, chuckling softly to me out of hearing range of father.

"And you should give him a name straight away too. Let him get used to it. A slave name that's appropriate for what he does the best. How does `Swallow' sound? Believe me you'll understand exactly how relevant that name fits him after tonight." Noel finished before winking at me and dragging off the youngest new slave to his own room.

At first I'd just stood there, looking up at `Swallow' as he stood in the mandatory slave position.

I must admit I loved the way his long hard uncircumcised penis stood out from his protruding groin. The very submissive and passive nature of his naked stance made me stiffen, and before I knew it, I ordered him to follow me and rushed upstairs to my bedroom.

Locking the door behind us as we entered my bedroom, I sidled over to my large king-sized bed and sat down on the edge. Suddenly I felt very timid and shy, not sure how to proceed.

"Come here Swallow!" I said finally, wondering to myself if I could really go through with this.

"Master, yes Master!" he replied straight away, and within seconds, Swallow stood before me in the mandatory slave position.

His head was again bowed low, his hands behind his back, his legs parted so wide apart, and his groin thrust out lewdly for my inspection. As always, his beautiful penis stood up to attention, its long length jutting out horizontally from his hairless crotch, and his large low hanging hairless testicles dangled just within my reach.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out and wrapped my fingers around Swallow's penis. It felt smooth and silky, but it vibrated and throbbed hotly in the palm of my hand as I gently began stroking it up and down.

With my other hand I reached forward and cupped and gently squeezed his large ample hairless balls.

"Pleasure level 4, proceed!" I commanded as I remembered my brother's earlier suggestion.

Looking up into Swallow's face, my own dick hardened as I noted how his whole body began to quiver and vibrate, how he'd half closed his eyes, how his mouth was slightly parted as he sensually ran the tip of his tongue over his moist boyish lips every time he felt the firmness of my soft fisted hand sliding up and down the length of his thick rigid boyhood.

He was breathing more deeply, taking in more air into his lungs as his firm muscled chest rose and fell rapidly as I increased the pace of my tightly clenched hand moving up and down his cock.

In a way, I was entranced. Here was a teenager who was the same age as me, who was taller and far more muscular than I'd ever be. Also, I found it far more exciting that he didn't even look like a real pleasure slave, as they're usually depicted in Slave Market Weekly or Deluxe Slave Edition magazines.

He just looked like a normal everyday teenage youth, but what made this far more erotic was the fact I owned him and had complete control over this young tall handsome youth.

Also, the fact I'd never done anything like this in my entire short adolescent life sent shivers up my spine. And even though I felt confused, I also felt utterly exhilarated, powerful yet cheap and very, very naughty.

Like a little boy caught by his best friend playing with himself.

Also, I still felt very nervous too, as I'd never done anything that might identify me as being openly gay, even though he was only a slave and I was his master. But here I was, thoroughly enjoying the fact I was jerking off my young male pleasure slave, about to fuck him, regardless of whether he wanted me to or not.

My dick was painfully hard now.

As I continued to look up into Swallow's face, again I realised how good looking he was. How closely he resembled my football hero and role-model.

Swallow definitely did look like a smaller compact version of Brad Cahill, and he exuded a boyish masculine sensuality which triggered my own rampant 16 year old hormones, driving me wild with desire.

"Master, I'm ready to cum if you wish, Master!" Swallow gasped out breathlessly, his cock bucking and thrusting in and out of my fisted hand as he waited for me to give him permission.

"No! Not yet! Not just yet!" I instantly commanded loudly, immediately letting go his thickening boy cock that was on the verge of erupting.

The look on Swallow's face was one of pure devastation. Fighting back tears, he immediately bowed his head as he tried to hide his rising fear from me.

"Master, I have displeased you, Master! Master, please punish this worthless slave severely, please Master!" he blubbered, tears pouring out of his terrified distraught eyes.

"Swallow, it's alright! You're not in trouble, honest! It's just that I want this to last a while, do you understand?" I quickly said to him.

The relief that flowed through his tensed muscles was palpable. His posture immediately relaxed and as he sniffled, he even lifted his eyes up a fraction to glance at me and give me a sheepish embarrassed smile.

Then it was my turn. Shyly, timidly, I leaned back a fraction, and spread my legs apart. I hoped to god he knew what to do, because I didn't have the faintest idea of how to instruct him in giving me a blow job.

But before I could even squirm in embarrassment, he'd already sunk to his knees, moved quickly between my legs and expertly unzipped my pants and eased the whole length of my throbbing aching cock out of my tight jockey brief underwear into his cute little sucking mouth.

Instantly I was zoning out. I was squirming uncontrollably as the indescribable sensations his hot moist mouth were having on my dick send waves after rippling waves of orgasmic ecstasy through to every cell of my entire body.

It was unbelievable! I gasped for breath. I no longer had control over my trembling body.

Again, pure waves of exquisite pleasure swamped my body. Again the incredible sensations of his suctioning mouth repeatedly engulfing and swallowing the full length of my hard pulsating dick to the back of his throat lifted me to new heights.

And as his lips slid firmly yet gently up and down my straining cock shaft, and he used the flat of his swirling tongue to lick the whole length of the underbelly of my dick, I closed my eyes tightly and groaned in absolute happiness as my first ever orgasm induced by someone giving me a blow job, blasted powerfully from my quivering cock to fill Swallow's mouth to overflow.

Needless to say I collapsed flat on my back, and in a state of pure euphoric bliss, I slowly opened my eyes and looked down my body at Swallow's face as he dutifully opened his mouth as wide as he could, showing me how full his mouth was with my cum.

Unable to take my eyes off him, he kept his mouth open, and suddenly I realised he was waiting for me to tell him he could swallow.

"That's very good Swallow. You can swallow it all down now." I said, watching him as he swallowed all of my sperm.

Suddenly I giggled happily as it hit me what Noel had said about his name. Finally I'd caught on to why my older brother thought `Swallow' was a good name for him.

Then Swallow quickly put his head back in my lap and proceeded to suckle and lick my cock and foreskin clean. And if I thought I'd enjoyed his warm sucking mouth on my cock, I was taken by complete surprise when he lowered his head further down and commenced licking and sucking on my hairy balls.

Even though I felt drained, Swallow's incredible tonguing and sucking of my balls made my dick stiffen up once again. I would have let him suck me off again, but now I wanted to explore his firm muscular smooth body.

I was excited and buoyed by the fact I'd just been given my first ever blow job. Now I wanted to experience and enjoy my first ever fuck.

Reaching down, I gestured for him to get up and help me undress completely, and then before I knew what he was doing, he quickly stood up, assumed the slave position and spoke in a small soft trembling voice.

"Master, thank you for letting me put your beautiful penis into my mouth, Master! Master, if I have disappointed you in any way, or not done a good enough job, I am ready to be punished severely, Master!" he said to my utter astonishment.

"Swallow, you were fantastic. Now hurry up and help me strip the rest of my clothes off." I said to him kindly, excitedly.

As Swallow attended me, I realised as he took off my shirt it didn't seem so embarrassing for me to be standing naked in front of him. Like Noel had told me, maybe I was finally coming to understand that Swallow really was my very own personal pleasure slave, and what he thought of me didn't matter at all.

Once I was naked, I told him to get into my bed. At first he looked at me strangely, hesitating a bit. He seemed confused, as if he'd misunderstood me.

"Master, please may I speak, Master?" he asked in a soft voice as he quickly, once again, assumed the slave position.

"Of course you can!" I answered, wondering why he seemed so flustered.

"Master, do you want me on top of your bed sheets, or between them, Master?" he asked.

"Well, in between them of course." I answered, feeling none the wiser.

Immediately he obeyed and slowly crawling between my bed sheets, his beautiful tall naked body stretched out as he sighed with pleasure. And as I heard him sighing, he turned over and lay on his back while looking up at me with eyes full of lost memories and sincere gratitude.

Then it hit me. Swallow probably hadn't slept in a nice comfortable bed since he'd been enslaved, whenever that may have been.

But now I was in a bit of a quandary. I wanted to fuck him, but I wasn't really sure how to go about it, or what position to do it in.

Again Swallow took control, as if instinctively knowing what I was thinking. Suddenly throwing the sheets off himself, he brought his bent knees up against his chest, grabbed his ankles and parted them as far apart as he could. In one movement, he had opened himself up to me and was exposing his tight little pink puckered love hole to me.

"Master, please fuck me, Master! Master, please put your beautiful penis in my tiny boy-pussy and fuck me hard, Master!" he said, his voice heavily laced with lust and his eyes glazed over as he smiled up at me.

I admit! I couldn't contain myself. One minute I was staring down at his young firm smooth hairless naked body, stretched out on his back, holding his ankles up past his head, forcing his own legs wide apart. The next I was clumsily climbing on top of him.

And as I lay down, I reached my arms around and under him as I pushed my excited throbbing cock against the entrance of his boy-hole. Suddenly my stiffness slid into him all the way, and when I was balls deep, his sphincter and all his anal passage muscles closed tightly around my cock and started to caress and massage it.

The sensation was too much for me. I started to fuck him slowly, not wanting to hurt him in anyway, and as I clumsily picked up the pace and his body moved and responded to my erratic rhythm, I couldn't help myself when I moved my head down and started kissing him full on his pouting thick lips.

No more than 5 minutes would have past when I found I was arching my back and I suddenly experienced the most intense orgasm I'd ever had in my young teenage life. This was way better than any jerk off I'd given myself. In fact, this had been better than the blow job he'd just given me.

I slumped on top of him, breathing heavily, lost in a sea of wonderment and bewilderment.

Slowly I lifted my head and stared into Swallow's face, an outpouring of inexplicable feelings of compassion and love flowing towards him. But he laid there, his face half to the side, his eyes squinted half shut as he peered through them and up at me with a frightened look screwing up his face.

"What's wrong Swallow?" I asked, suddenly worried I might have somehow hurt him.

"Master, I await your punishment, Master! Master, please hit me as hard as you can for not pleasing you better and prolonging your pleasures, Master!" he stammered, this time preparing himself and smiling a false smile as he lay there bent up and spread-eagled under my weight.

Instantly I kissed him on the lips once again, reaching under his smooth back once again and hugging him tightly to me.

"Oh, Swallow, I'm not going to hurt you! You just gave me the best sex I've ever had! In fact, it's the first time I've ever done it, and it was so incredible. Why would you think I would want to punish you?" I said softly, kindly, unable to stop myself from gently kissing his quivering lips.

"Master, it's what we were taught. A lowly slave is never good enough, and we should always expect to be severely punished no matter how hard we try to please our masters."

"They taught you this at the slave training facility? That's terrible!" I said astonished.

"Well, that's not how it is with me, Swallow. I thought you were fantastic." I said gently, amused at his concerns I would hurt him as I finally lifted myself up off him and slid my wilting penis out of his stretched anus. Instantly he slivered down under me and took my flaccid cock and emptied hairy balls in his sucking mouth, and as I looked down in surprise I watched him lick and polish them clean.

Eventually I fell asleep with Swallow lying next to me, and once during the night when I woke up to go to the toilet to take a piss, he immediately knelt between my parted legs and took my penis back into his mouth.

"Not now Swallow. I need to go to the toilet. You can do it again later in the morning if I'm still up to it, okay?" I said groggily, smiling tiredly at his enthusiasm.

"Master, you need not get up out of the warmth of your bed, Master! Master, please empty your bladder in my mouth and I will drink it all down without spilling a drop, Master!" he said meekly, looking up at me from his position in between my legs.

At first I thought he was joking, but by now I really needed to go, and as I thought about it, thinking this was terribly wrong but that it must also be part of his duties as well, I just shrugged my shoulders and allowed myself to relax completely. Instantly a steady endless stream of urine sprayed uninterrupted into his gulping mouth, and I listened enthralled as he noisily drank it all down.

After I'd finished and he'd nestled back next to me, I lay there for a while in deep thought thinking how wonderful it was to have my own sexual pleasure slave. Already I'd lost my virginity to an extremely tall handsome teenage slave who appeared to be the same age as me, who uncannily resembled Brad Cahill, and was completely obedient to every one of my sexual desires.

Eventually I fell back asleep, but awoke to see the early rays of the morning sun filtering through my bedroom window, and Swallow sucking deeply on my knob. Immediately I rolled him onto his stomach and climbing on top of his firm muscular back, I mounted him for a quick no-nonsense fuck, wanting to hurry up and cum before Monet came into my room to prepare me for the new school day.

After Swallow had showered me and then himself, and Monet had dressed me, I sauntered down to the large family dining room for breakfast.

"You know if you take him to school, you'll probably have to share him with some of the other students, Evan?" Noel had said to me as I'd finished off a slice of toast and marmalade. Instantly I was alert, wondering what the heck he was talking about.

"Evan, to be honest it'll be a great way for you to make new friends. Swallow there is an extremely valuable good-looking pleasure slave, so all the rest of the guys at school will be really envious. If you allow some of the more senior and well-known students permission to use Swallow now and then, you'll definitely be considered one of the `in-crowd', if you know what I mean?" Noel continued.

I must have been looking stupidly back at my older brother, with a blank look on my face. How could he even think I'd do that? Swallow was mine, and I knew I was developing close feelings towards him. I couldn't possibly betray him like that.

Noel must have been reading my mind, because he suddenly smiled at me and chuckled loudly.

"He's nothing but a sex slave, Evan. Remember that at all times. He's been trained to do whatever you want and with anyone you want him to do it with. He doesn't care or mind. His only concern in life is to make sure you are happy at all times. Anyway, you might find things at school will change quite dramatically for the better once everyone sees him tagging behind you." Noel finished as he once again slapped me on the back and raced off to get ready for school.

And Noel was right. I couldn't believe how many of the students came up to me when I walked through the corridors of the high school classrooms. Before I'd even stepped inside, Joe Becker, a guy two grades above me who had always picked on me whenever he saw me, suddenly came up and asked if he could inspect Swallow there and then.

I was amazed. As I looked up at him, he kept running his eyes appreciatively over Swallow's naked body, waiting for me to give him permission. It was obvious to everyone there that my slave was a truly unique slave, and a very expensive one at that.

I mean, what could I say? Of course I agreed, and I watched as Joe immediately grabbed Swallow's erection and pumped it, before spinning him around so he could slide two large fingers up my slave's arsehole.

"Do you mind if he gives me a quick blow job before classes start. Love to see how good he is and I'd owe you one if you let him suck me off! We can go to the guy's toilet right now if you don't mind?" Joe said enviously, hoping I'd say yes.

So this is what Noel meant! I was really beginning to like the new opportunities opening up for me. I knew now high school would never be the same again. In fact, with Swallow in tow, I could see how I would suddenly become a well-known, well-liked student from this day forth.

I mean just consider it. Here was Joe Becker, a huge fat smelly guy who always terrorised me whenever he saw me, asking my permission to use Swallow, and promising he'd lay off me if I let him.

Anyway, Joe hurriedly led the way to the boy's toilets, where once inside, he forced Swallow onto his knees, unzipped his school pants and took his large uncut erect cock, before jamming it all the way into my slave's mouth.

I watched entranced, unable to look away as Swallow knelt there obediently sucking him off. The look on Joe's face was one of complete joy as he grabbed hold of my slave's ears and fucked his sucking mouth as hard as he could. When he came, he zipped up, and thanking me loudly, promised he'd keep the other bullies off my back if I'd let him do it again same time tomorrow.

And to my surprise, some of the other guys who'd come into the toilet block to watch Joe getting blown instantly approached me to see if they could go next. Shrugging my shoulders, I agreed, now smiling openly as each one stepped up to take their turn. Within 20 minutes, Swallow had blown five students, and he was sucking on the sixth when the school bell rang.

Never had I felt so happy to be at school that morning, knowing I had something that everyone else wanted. Not only that, they seemed genuinely eager to do anything I wanted for a chance to inspect Swallow and then have him blow them.

I watched exhilarated as Swallow obediently sucked off all the guys. And as they each ejaculated into Swallow's mouth, they'd high five me as they zipped back up and left.

But as the day progressed, I suddenly realised I no longer wanted to share Swallow like this anymore. It was during lunch break when one of my few real friends came up to me and looked me in the eyes

"What are you doing, man? That's your personal pleasure slave, and a really expensive one by the looks of him. He shouldn't even be here. Besides, how can you expect him to be totally loyal to you if you share him around with everybody, Evan? I reckon you should get him home and keep him there from now on."

The words struck at my heart. Swallow had been my first sexual experience and I'd lost my virginity to him. And as I looked at him on his knees, sucking off some young skinny student I didn't even know, I saw for the first time a huge despairing sadness radiating from Swallow's hunched up kneeling body.

It was at that moment, as I realised I'd betrayed Swallow's trust in me, that I stopped lending him out to any other person.

So for the rest of the day, as more and more students made their way to me, I kept him close to me and rejected their requests, even though some offered money.

Then the day turned into a nightmare. It was Noel's best friends Steve Newby and Trevor Drummond who finally came up to me at afternoon recess, wanting to inspect Swallow. They didn't ask permission, they just pushed me roughly out of the way as each took turns cruelly weighing and squeezing Swallow's testicles and then ran their hands all over my slave's firm muscular body, before telling me they were now going to fuck him.

At first I didn't know what to say. I mean, Swallow was my slave, my personal pleasure slave, and I really didn't want to share him with anyone in any sexual way from now on. And even though Steve was a 6' tall, muscle-bound bruiser, and Trevor was 6' 2" tall, and both played on our high school football team alongside my brother, there was no way in hell I was going to let them bully me around like this, or take something from me that wasn't theirs.

But as they dragged my slave behind them towards one of the students' private resting rooms, with me shouting and yelling behind them, Steve suddenly rounded on me.

"I'll let you watch us fuck this fancy bitch slave cunt of yours, but if you try and stop either of us, we'll rip your arms off and shove them up your arse, you understand?" Steve growled as he threw Swallow before him into the room and onto his back on one of the cots.

I could see the terror on Swallow's face, and all I could do was nod my head in astonishment and fear as Trevor slammed the door shut behind us. Maybe it would be over as quickly as possible and I could then get Swallow back home straight away.

Instantly Steve rushed over to Swallow where he immediately lowered his school pants and jock strap around his knees, grabbed Swallow's legs and placed them over his shoulders. And before I could even move or say anything, he shoved the full length of his hugely thick raging seven inch erect cock all the way up Swallow's arsehole.

The scream that came out of Swallow's mouth was so loud that I thought my eardrums were going to explode, but it was just as quickly silenced by the loud sickening punches that continually connected with Swallow's grimacing tear-stained face.

"Shut the fuck up slut, and enjoy my big fat cock pounding your faggot pussy, slave bitch!" Steve screamed back as he continued to brutally fuck Swallow while at the same time slamming his fist into my slave's face.

Suddenly I found myself roaring with rage as I raced over and started pummeling Steve on his heavily perspiring hairy back with my small fists, desperately trying to get him off of my slave. Then, in the blink of an eyelid, Trevor closed in on me and I found myself sailing across the room, crashing against the opposite wall and slumping down onto the floor as Steve picked up his fuck pace and continued to sodomise Swallow brutally.

I had struck my head against the wall, and I was feeling concussed. Things around me seemed to slow down as I looked around dazed and confused.

As my senses slowly returned, I heard Steve bellow loudly as he blasted his load up Swallow's poor tortured anus, and when he'd finally finished, Trevor stepped forward and dropped his pants and y-front briefs. And just as Steve had done, he lifted Swallow's legs onto his shoulders, laid down heavily on top of my slave and began fucking him as hard as he could.

It seemed like an eternity before Trevor shuddered all over and he ejaculated deep up into Swallow's bowels, but that's when I noticed for the first time that Brad Cahill had entered the room.

Within seconds he had picked up Steve high above his head and flung him across the room. Then he'd pulled Trevor off Swallow and smashed his fists into Trevor's face until he knocked him out. Then Brad returned to Steve and began beating him around his face.

And when Steve lost consciousness, Brad hurried back to Swallow and crying openly, hugged my raped and battered pleasure slave close to his chest.

What the fuck was going on? I felt like I was in a surreal movie, where nothing made sense.

I knew I should get up and thank Brad for saving my slave, for getting Steve off of him, but what was he doing hugging Swallow and weeping like that. Why were they both clinging to each other and sobbing loudly.

And as I stood up unsteadily, it was as if a light bulb went off in my head, and a sinking nauseous feeling grew in the pit of my gut.

As both Brad and Swallow suddenly looked my way, and I saw the resemblance on their faces, I reeled in horror at what should have been so obvious to me from the very beginning.

"This is my younger brother Sean, you fucker, and you let them hurt him. I thought you were my friend, but look what you've done to him. How could you? What did I ever do to...?" Brad was yelling at me, his fury rising as he glared at me with absolute hatred in his blue eyes, but he was cut off as the voice of my brother Noel roared over his.

"You get away from my brother's slave or I'll have you arrested now, you faggot! Get away now or I promise you you'll never see your brothers ever again!" Noel bellowed as I watched him enter the room, escorted by his newest young slave following a step behind him.

Brad slowly stood up, flinching at Noel's words, and looking down at his brother Sean, he reached down and placed the palm of his hand tenderly against Sean's upturned tear-soaked battered and bruised face.

Then he turned, and ignoring Noel and me, and without looking up until he got close to Noel's newest slave, he suddenly reached out and hugged the younger slave boy close to him quickly before walking out the door.

Immediately Noel followed him, and as I quickly hurried out to see what was happening, I watched as Noel pulled Brad up and suddenly slapped him viciously across his face as hard as he could.

"You know the conditions, fuck-head. If you want to ever see them alive again, you do what I tell you. If you don't, then fuck off. Anyway, you got two days left to decide and then the offer lapses, forever!" Noel said angrily as he glared at Brad.

Brad just stood there with his head hanging, his huge hands clenching and unclenching, and when Noel had stopped speaking he instantly turned on his heels and left.

I felt like I was going to faint. Both these two new slaves were Brad Cahill's younger brothers and Noel and I owned them.

I looked around, realising no-one was in the corridors to have witnessed what had just happened, and as Steve and Trevor staggered to the exit door, I rushed back to Swallow, I mean Sean, to see how he was.

Quickly he stood up on unsteady legs and assumed the mandatory slave position. I could see Steve' spent sperm and bright crimson red blood slowly trickling down his inner thighs as he stood there with his legs as wide apart, his penis still rock-hard and jutting out from his hairless groin as he obediently held his hands behind his back. Terror and pain was written on his badly beaten face as he watched Noel walking towards me.

"Evan, get him home now before anyone sees you or him. I'll explain everything when I get home later today after football practice." He said to me, a flint-like stony look on his face as he glared at my terrified pleasure slave.

To Be Continued...

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Next: Chapter 6: Reluctant Slave 3.1 3.2

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