Religion Class

By Tempus

Published on Jun 27, 2023


Um.. disclaimers. Yeah, don't read it if you aren't supposed to. This depicts acts of sexual intercourse between two males, both consenting. Blah blah blah. Don't read it if you don't like it.

Everything in here is true, except for the names, I've gotta change those for obvious reasons.

I'm going to go crazy if I have to spend another weekend alone. My computer seems to be the only constant companion that I've got these days. I only hang out with the Nicoles during school hours...

Nicole was always telling me of how my eyes changed when I was upset, or in a good mood. I would always blow it off, I don't take compliments very well. She told me one day to try out for the football team.

"Six foot would be perfect!"

She was always badgering me about that.

I was hanging out at Nicole's after school for a quick Chemistry session and I had to stretch. Of course, my shirt lifted up a little bit, as always. And, Nicole couldn't pass up the opportunity to tell me to "put my forest away". How embarrassing. When she gets really mad at me, she would always threaten to shave my body when I was asleep. She-devil.

It was the first day of my sophomore year and everything was just as I remembered. All of the jocks were still hot, only if you could tape their mouths shut and beat the unconscious. My older brother completely ignored me and kept walking in the halls. Ah, the good old days. I hear someone shout my name and turn around, it's Nicole! She's my best friend, and has been since eighth grade. Wow, a whole two years, impressive huh? We hug and continue walking while comparing schedules. We have Advanced Band, Algebra II Honors, Chemistry Honors, English II Honors, Religion, and Latin II. A lot of honors eh? Don't get me wrong, I'm not some super genius, I get by. Now, you might be thinking what's up with that Religion class huh? Simply put, I go to a Catholic school. It sucks. My school is downtown. It's a racially balanced school, and for that I'm glad. No one likes ignorant, bigoted, close-minded people do they? That's what the football team is for.

The day drug on until I got to my elective, Photoshop. It was with my other friend, Nicole. Weird huh? She had flaming red hair and a temper to match. But she kicked ass. I've known her since I was in diapers. I'll call the other Nicole Debbie because Deborah is technically her first name. The class rocked. We were doing basic stuff, like really basic stuff. I knew that it would pick up soon. I got a ride home with my ignorant brother and took a nap. When I signed onto my Instant Messaging program Debbie's window popped up:

ImaginaryPigs: hey hun, how was seventh hour? got to see your other lover? SleepNFoodAholic: Yeah, I did. We had hot wild sex. ImaginaryPigs: what? did she grow a penis? SleepNFoodAholic: Har de har har. Anyways, what'd you want? ImaginaryPigs: Melancon. SleepNFoodAholic: Gross, what'd he do now? [[He's our Religion teacher.]] ImaginaryPigs: remember when we went to talk to him about me before we found out he sucked ass? SleepNFoodAholic: How can I forget? ImaginaryPigs: he pulled me aside and asked me if i was still being abused and raped SleepNFoodAholic: And....? ImaginaryPigs: i told him no and walked off SleepNFoodAholic: I still think he's hot.... ImaginaryPigs: take em ImaginaryPigs has signed off.

I took a shower and went to sleep.

Let me explain Melancon. I was walking to my sister's car, before she graduated, and saw him. I said hi and he saw that something was wrong. He asked and I told him that I didn't wanna talk about it because Debbie wasn't feeling well. Apparently he took psychology and pulled it out of his ass that she had been raped. I mumbled and walked to the car. The next day he wanted me and her to talk to him. We agreed and went to his classroom during lunch. We shot the shit for a few weeks and he got her to spill the beans somewhat about her life. What got her was this line he pulled: You've got to trust me, it's a two way street. Well, after she told him he nodded and we walked out.

That night she called me and didn't sound cheerful at all. "Fuck! He called Georgia and Dan!", she shouted [Her step parents, her mom died when she was young, but only after she married Dan, and her dad abandoned her.] "Are you joking!? What a whore!", I replied "Yeah, that trust is a two way street, what bullshit.", she said. "He knows that you're bi, and I'm gay, how great is life.."I mumbled. [Did I forget to mention that? Oh well.] "Fuck, I'm going to run off some steam. Talk later." she spat and hung up.

He apparently called to make sure that they really weren't her parents and that it had happened. Then he had the never to act like it never happened. Ugh. He made up some bullshit about it's Dan's fault that she was bi and how he could "fix" it like it was some disease or something. I now had a purpose in life, to get back at Melancon. I sent him an email that read:

Dear Mr. Melancon,

I'd like to thank you for securing my hatred for pig-headed men like you. Thanks for everything that you've done for me; it really means a lot. I'm full though. You might ask of what, and here it is: I'm full of all of the shit that you shoveled to me with a golden spoon. Thanks a bunch..

Sincerely, Your Secret Admirer

End Part 1 ------------------------------

Please don't stone me for my random spacing and whatnot. I don't have anyone editing this, except for myself. So, it's probably riddled with grammar, typing, and spelling errors.

Don't worry, as all good things do, this story is taking its time. I promise that it'll heat up eventually.

Send all emails and inquiries to Feedback and criticism is my lifeline! Please send some!

P.S. I like to talk to people. Mail me.

Next: Chapter 2

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