Relaxing Ride

By Rose Brooks

Published on Oct 17, 2000



Relaxing Ride (Encounter F/f) By Comments welcome

I was invited to spend a few days at my older brother's condo in Florida with his wife and my niece and nephew. Since I was between jobs I thought it would be a good idea to take the drive down from Michigan to Fort Lauderdale. I thought what the heck, I've never seen that part of the country and the long drive would give me a chance to figure out my life. You see I'm 21 years old, with one year of college before I dropped out and now I'm between jobs, between boyfriends and I'm still living at my parent's house. I've only had 2 boyfriends and I guess they weren't serious relationships anyway. I haven't had that much sexual experience since I have always considered myself a little on the ugly side compared to some of my girlfriends. Although I have a reasonably nice figure, 34-26-36, at 5'4", I always though that my ass was a little chunky. Not too bad for a 21-year-old but what will I look like when I'm older?

Well I packed up my car and headed out early hoping to get in a full day's drive. The trip began virtually uneventful and boring and I even nodded off to sleep from time to time while driving. For most of the trip so far, there was another woman driving by herself and I would pass her and she would pass me. This helped to break up the monotony of the drive. I later pulled off at a rest area and to have a pee and take a little break. I noticed the woman in the other car pull into to the rest area as well. I did my bathroom thing and sat on the park bench outside to have a cigarette. I guess didn't see her go into the bathroom but I noticed her when she came out.

She sat on the bench, and lit up a smoke and we made small talk about the weather and the long drive. It so happened that she was on her way to Florida as well. By the looks of her, I figured she was around 45yrs old and maybe even a little older. Heck you can't tell the age of people these days, at least I can't. All I know is that she was much older than I was. She certainly looked good for her age. She was slim, around 5'4", she was wearing tight fitting CK jeans, a pair of Nike and a plain white T-shirt that did show a little of her breasts outline. I thinking, for an older woman she sure has perky looking breasts and wondering if they were real or just her bra doing an exceptional job. She was my height but she looked slimmer. I could tell from her jewelry that she was well to do. I especially admired the way she appeared to look after herself, with her nails just perfect, her hair nicely set and cut above just above her shoulders. Most older women I see don't seem to look after themselves and I always vowed that I wouldn't be one of them when I got older. Her make up looked like it was done professionally and I noticed that she wasn't wearing a wedding ring. Not that it was important but it's just something that caught or didn't catch my eye you could say. I was sure that even at her age she was still turning a few heads.

We finished our cigarettes and she introduced herself as Cindy. I told her my name was Rose, I said "its short for Roseanne". She suggested we stick together on the road and that way we can watch out for each other in case of car trouble or whatever. That was ok with me, I would feel much more secure in case of car trouble or whatever and I guessed she would to. We hit the road and after about 3 hours more of driving, she motioned that she was going to pull off at the next exit. We fueled up and pulled into a restaurant bar type place and decided to have a cold beer and get a bite to eat. "At least it wasn't a dry county," I said. I felt pretty cool now that I could drink legally. Not that I could never get false I.D. before but now I didn't need it. We ate our diner and she asked me if I was planning to stop for the night or try driving right through. I said "actually I hadn't made up my mind but that I was thinking of finding a room and then getting an early start in the morning. She suggested that if I decided to get a room and if I didn't mind sharing, we could split the cost. I was a little low on finances anyway so it seemed like a good idea to me. She seemed like a nice enough lady, gentle mannered and intelligent, what the heck I said "sure that would be great" We finished our diner, and decided that since it was already 6:00pm, we may as well just grab a room right across the street. We checked in at the Hampton but all they had available was a no smoking room with one king-size bed. We looked at each other; she noticed my concerned look and waited for me to decide. "That would be ok." I said. We got up to our room on the second floor and I felt a little excitement since I haven't been in very many hotels and the thought of being in one with another woman, almost a stranger was a little weird to say the least.

We both got our things hung and put out our make up bags etc She suggested we try out the pool and that after a long drive, and a refreshing swim, we'd sleep like babies. "Great idea" I said. I dashed to the bathroom with my swimsuit and looking at myself in the mirror, I felt a little self conscious and a little embarrassed to be dressed like this in the presents of an almost perfect stranger. I figured it was just we girls anyway so what's the big deal. When I came out of the bathroom, I think she sensed my apprehension and gave me that it's ok I understand look! She had already changed into hers and with both in our swimsuits, wraps, and towels, we headed for the pool.

It was an indoor pool and deserted. We were the only ones there. She commented "great!" I hate it when there are others in the pool, it's usually old fat businessmen and they constantly undress you with their eyes. Some of them are such pigs." "Yea" I said "I get that sometimes and I hate it. I don't mind the younger hunks checking me out but some of those old farts are such perverts." She gave me that knowing look. I was really feeling grown up and mature around Cindy.

Most of the time I felt inadequate and immature but today, well not today. Cindy took off her wrap and stepped down into the water, "I bet you get a lot of young hunks checking you out Rose" she said. She turned around and looked directly into my eyes as she said that. I was a little embarrassed thinking she had caught me staring at her since I was a little mesmerized at the site of her when I noticed just how beautiful of a woman she was. She looked great in that yellow two piece contrasting against her tanned figure and wondering if I would ever be able to wear a bikini at her age. I knew she was much older than I was but her figure didn't look it. She looked up at me and said "come on in, the water's warm" My nipples were hard as I removed my wrap, and I was a little embarrassed since I noticed them clearly protruding through my thin top. I tried to jump in as quickly as I could in case Cindy noticed. I knew that the air was a little cool but I think it was much more than that. I never considered myself to be that good looking but when this beautiful woman complimented me, I began to get that familiar feeling inside. I'm thinking this is crazy, it's another woman for God's sakes she could be old enough to be my Mother.

We swam around a little. Cindy was trying out some swim strokes. We had a one-lap race, and I think she let me win. We swam around splashing and she would bump into me or touch me sometimes by mistake with her arm or leg and once she even bumped her head into my ass when she was swimming under water. Then popped up "sorry, I had my eyes closed" she explained. I thought nothing of it. I was having fun. It had been sometime since I've had a smile on my face. I was enjoying myself. I found myself swimming underwater and use that opportunity to sneak a peak at Cindy. I especially enjoyed watching her doing the crawl as her legs opened and closed sometimes showing her pubic hair. I even thought of swimming up to her underwater like she did to me but chickened out. Really I thought to myself, for an older woman she is pretty hot. I think I was becoming attracted to her. I quickly dismissed the thought and came up for air. To get away, I complained about the kinks in my neck from driving and with that I jumped out of the pool into the bubbling hot tub. She said "great idea" I'm right behind you. We floated and relaxed together in the hot tub in silence. I could feel her feet touching my legs in the water as we allowed our bodies to just float and relax and unintentionally my feet and legs would casually float and touch her. I was becoming light headed, I suspect from the hot tub and the change in temperature from the pool so I decided to head for the sauna as a final stop before taking a shower.

I lay flat out on my tummy on the top bench in the sauna and just as I was about to doze off, she came in. She scooted up to the top bench and began to message my shoulders. She startled me at first then she whispered "this should loosen those kinks", "a good hot sauna and good message does it for me every time. After that long driving day, it felt so good. I was feeling so relaxed, I let out an involuntary moan and I hoped she didn't hear it. She continued to message my shoulders and neck. She would move her hands down my back across my shoulder blades and from time to time she would move her hands to the sides of my ribs and lower back, then back up to my shoulders. I couldn't help it I was getting very horny. Crazy thoughts ran through my mind of getting a full body message in the nude by this woman. I secretly hoped that for a moment this is what she had in mind. It had been over a month since I had been laid and my hormones were getting the better of me. I decided right there that if this was going anywhere, I was going along with it.

I felt so relaxed as she continued to rub her hands all over my back. I asked her to "undo my top" I reasoned to her that it gets in the way of her rub down and because it felt to restricting. She easily unclasped my bikini top and began to rub ever so much closer on the sides of my tits. When her hands came close I would slightly raise myself so that she could get to them better and she did. Cindy began to message my thighs. Her hands would move along the inside of my legs and back again to my back. Each time she would message my inner thighs, I would ease myself up just a little and spread my legs hoping she would go further. Cindy managed to undo the clasps at the sides of my bottoms and without resistance I raised myself up slightly and allowed her to pull them down. I slowly turned onto my back, leaving the top under me on the bench. I lusted for her body by now and she gave me a little sinister smirk as she continued to rub my shoulders, my arms, my tummy and our eyes met. Our bodies were covered in sweat from the sauna. She began to rub my breasts and with that she bent down to meet my lips with hers. I was so wet and excited I didn't hesitate to dart my tongue as deep into her mouth as my tongue would go. I had never kissed a woman before. God here I was so very horny, kissing this older woman and loving it. I had never done this sort of thing before except in my mind. Sometimes when I masturbate I would image that I was being licked by a woman, no particular person, just another woman. Now was my chance to really know how that feels.

Cindy removes her bikini top and bottom, moves on top of me without breaking our kiss and here we were tits to tits and mound to mound. We rubbed our pussies together, rubbed our legs into each other's cunts and I could feel her wetness on my leg and her sweat on my body. Breathless by now, I couldn't remember when I was so horny. She finally broke the kiss and whispered in my ear "let's get to bed".

Any comments are welcome.

Rose Brooks

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