Relationships and Memories

By moc.loa@fIWdniWthW

Published on Jun 11, 2001



As it says above, this is part 4. By reading part 1, 2, 3 you will understand the story. So if you didn't read them, you should. Only than can grasp the story. But that's only my opinion, not that many value it. And thanks to everybody who sent me feedback. I love you, man!

This is a work of entire fiction, and most of it I make up on the spot. I have no idea what he's going to do next. But anyway, if you're under 21, or this stuff isn't legal where you live then get-along little doggy this isn't for your virgin eyes. This is about sex between consenting males (yes, it's in the story somewhere), if you do not like reading about that then I suggest you learn how to find your way around the internet. And that's all I have to say about that.

I was in a daze. Being half drunk dulled the pain in my heart, and calmed the turmoil in my head. Without even thinking I was certain I was walking in the right direction. I've walked there many times. But that was during the day, never at night. I passed by a few unfamiliar faces on sidewalk. It was obvious they could tell I had been drinking. Not that I cared. At least not anymore. Central Park was getting closer and closer. I stood just outside of the park looking in. Although my judgement would be impaired, I still wasn't sure if I should enter. I took a deep breath and found myself in darkness.

If felt like a graveyard. I could hear the wind rustle through the trees but nothing more.

"How long would it take, and how long will I walk," I quietly said aloud. I looked around and there wasn't a soul in sight. I decided to sit on the bench and perhaps something will find me, instead of me trying to find it.

"What are you looking for," a low voice spoke slowly from behind. I began to turn around. "Don't turn around," the voice snapped.

"Something. I- I don't know." "I know what you want." I didn't say anything but stared forward. The man came around to the front of me. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a black shirt with would show off his pectoral muscles. They weren't overly huge, but the shirt improved the size they would normally look. A baseball cap covered his face so I couldn't see his eyes. I have to admit that I was feeling a bit anxious and excited. I've never done this before and was unsure of what to expect. "Get behind the hedges," he commanded. I did as he instructed, and I heard his zipper coming undone. I stood behind the hedge and looked around to see if anyone was coming.

I had a sudden moment of clarity, and the idea that I shouldn't be here. Before I could move two hands had grasped my jeans and roughly pulled them down along with my boxers. I tried to speak, "No, I can't do this." I tried to turn around to face him. The man didn't listen as he continued to pull the jeans down to my ankles. "Stop, stop it-" I began to yell. The mysterious character came back up and put his hand over my mouth.

"Shut it, now." His other hand moved to my waist. "You asked for it, and now you'll get it." He was stronger than I had thought by just looking at him. But his left hand was at exactly the right place for him to make my upper body lean forward. I resisted.

"NO," I screamed and with all my force pushed myself back upwards. This caused my head to collide with his face. The man fell over onto the ground and his baseball cap a few yards away. This man was not a man at all. He was mere teenager. I was at a loss for words and apparently so was he. He scrambled away and I stared is disbelief. I suddenly remembered the position my pants were. As I began to drag them back up my legs, I saw my erection. I was understandably confused. It could have been the alcohol in my body; it was definitely not my teenager attempted-rapist. The real source of my excitement was the mixture of emotions. I was angry with Justin leaving, taking it out on Beverly, in despair about Justin dying on me, and everybody in my life affecting me in some way. Why couldn't things just stay the way they were? I feel to the ground on my knees. My hand went directly to my cock. Without thinking I furiously moved it up and down. All the emotions in my body coming to a boil and coming out through my actions. I could not control anything I did at this point. My mind was pulled in different directions, and was not aware of anything going on outside of this little world. Time had passed without me noticing it. There was obviously pleasure coursing through my body and of course I enjoyed it. Suddenly I hit the breaking point and I sped up my movements. As I could feel the semen rising up I turned to one side. I was still conscious about getting anything on myself. I groaned aloud as I felt the release. The first spurt shot clear into the hedge. The second one following but falling short. Another one and yet another one directly after that landing closer to me. My hand kept moving but gradually stroking slower and slower. A few more spurts came forth until I was spent. My hand stopped and I lied there silent.

For a short while I felt at peace with the world. Unfortunately, this would not last. I sat up and pulled my jeans and boxers back up so I could appear decent. I thought about what I had just done. Was I that desperate for relief? Couldn't I have done this anywhere else? These were the first questions to fill my mind. Did anyone hear me? Did anyone see me? Can I hide? The second set of questions was concerned with being discovered and these were fear-filled questions. I did not have time to process them as I remembered Justin. Or rather Justin's letter. I stood up but I could not cry. I didn't want to cry this would not solve anything. I only had these thoughts because they take precedence over everything else. I slowly walked back to the apartment.

I stood at the entrance but did not enter. I thought what I should say to Steven. Should I talk at all? I came to the conclusion that Steven would have to say something first so I could accurately decide what to say. As I entered I could see Steven sitting in the couch with his head resting on his hand. He didn't move as I took a few steps forward. I closed the door and I saw Stevens hand slip and His head fell forward. He woke up. The first few seconds he was disoriented and then he looked at me.

"Jason!" He ran up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "I've been worried sick!" I almost giggled thinking that's what my mother used to say. This was not the time to laugh. At this point I still did not know what to say. He hugged me. "I'm just glad your safe." He was comforting me.

"Thanks," I felt I bit uncomfortable with him hugging me. Although I usually liked being hugged I didn't feel like it at this moment. Steven could feel me trying to free myself so he let go. "I just want to-," I stopped unsure of what I wanted. I wasn't tired. I stood there for a moment without speaking. I was headed for my but I changed directions. "I just need a drink." I walked into the kitchen and Steven followed me. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and Steven just stared at me. As soon as I swallowed I curiously asked, "What?"

Steven continued to look at me, "Jason..." He couldn't find the words. "You've been drinking haven't you?"

"What of it?" He looked down disappointed, "I'm not mad at you, but your not telling me something." Walking closer to me he looked up again. "Tell me." My mind clicked. Those words. Those exact same words were used my Justin. Now one might say that is was a coincidence and anybody could have said it. But it's not just the words themselves; it was the way he said it. I could've sworn it sounded just like Justin. I stared deeply into Steven's eyes. He looked back but only in a concerned friend way. My stare was more of a surprise and perplexed gaze. My eyes moved off to the side and I saw the counter glittering. I could see my reflection.

"Did you clean," I asked breaking the silence. Steven sighed. He knew I was trying to get off the subject. He also knew that he couldn't try to switch back to the original subject. He never could. Steven had tried many times to twist conversations to go the way he wanted it to. But I was very talented in that area. I notice little details in everyday life that people overlook. This is just the way my mind works. Steven smiled admitting defeat," Yeah, when you... I mean, I decided to... I thought it needed cleaning." Steven was having trouble speaking. He couldn't formulate sentences in a gentle way.

I looked around and nodded my head," It looks nice. You're a great guy." I hugged him from behind putting my arms over his shoulders and locking them in front of his chest. I always loved to kid him like this.

"Aw, cut it out, Jas." He wrestled free. "All right, I'm going to bed. You going to be fine?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me, I'm going to watch TV." Steven wasn't trying to imply anything about my feelings about today, but it was secretly hidden in his words. It was a sentence that could be taken in a few different ways. I did my best to pretend I didn't notice. Steven closed the door to his room softly and I turned on the TV. Before the picture faded on to the screen I held down the volume button. I always did this ever since I lived with my parents. I could've sworn they were going deaf, they always had the television on so loud. I would sneak downstairs and turn it on and it would wake them up. So I learned to adjust it before it made any sounds. The picture came into focus. It lit up the room slightly. I began to sit back when I noticed the letter sitting on the ground. I picked it up.

We have sent a copy of Justin's will to his lawyer who will contact you as soon as he's in town.

I stopped reading again. Justin's will? I'm in Justin's will? And his lawyer? Justin never had a lawyer as long as I knew him. Of course I have no idea what had happened after he left. Many years had passed, why should I be in his will? I sat back in the couch and put the letter on the table. I stared at the TV but I didn't watch the program.

As I woke up I saw an infomercial about George Foreman's newest grilling machine sensation. I groaned and turned off the TV, before I even found out I hadn't slept in my bed. As soon as my bearings were straight I wondered how I could have fallen asleep after my ordeal. As I looked at the clock I noticed it was already past ten o'clock. I went to Steven's room to wake him. He never likes to sleep past 10:30, not that he be aloud to. He always has something going on before than. I knocked on his door but there was no answer.

"Yo Steven, you awake, bud," I called out. There wasn't an answer. I opened the door and realized he wasn't in there. It's unusual that he would already be up without myself waking him up, and besides his alarm wakes me up before he gets up. As I began to walk through the hallway the door opens and Steven stands there with a big white paper bag.

He stood there with a big smile," Breakfast is ready."

"This is a surprise. What ever compelled you to go out and get breakfast?" I followed him into the kitchen. "Smells good, what is it?"

"Well, let's see," he looked in the bag. "I got some bacon, pancakes, a small container of scrambled eggs, and your favorite: sausage! Oh, and freshly squeezed orange juice." He pulled out a plastic cup of orange juice.

I smiled at him," You are full of surprises. Surprises I'd like to see more often."

"Hey, can't I guy do this every once in a while."

"Seems like once in a blue moon- I mean thanks." We both ate pretty much in silence. But it wasn't uncommon; Steven was reading the comics while I read living section. The phone disturbed our little meal.

"Don't worry I'll get it," Steven already stood up from the table. I had no intention of getting up he was closer to the phone than I. Steven walked back to the table with cordless phone in hand. "It's for you."

"Hello," I said with a curious tone. I had no idea who would want to call me at this hour. I certainly didn't expect what I heard next.

OK, that's part 4. It took longer than expected. And why do I always stop the story at this point? I try to make it sound suspenseful but you know what's going to happen next. Oh well, nevermind that now.

Sorry I lied. There was no sex, I'm not apologizing for having no sex; you already made that abundantly clear. I'm apologizing for lying. Like I said, I write this stuff on the spot, so sex will come out when it makes it's presence when it feels like it. Part 5 will come along shortly. With guest appearance: Marcus is back! And some other guy, you don't need to worry about. Contact me at

Next: Chapter 5

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