Relationship at Its Prime


Published on Jun 14, 2011


Once I handed in my essay I began retracing my steps toward the dorms. I noticed I was getting anxious about hanging out with Luke one-on-one, like real friends. However, I also remembered that I always get beyond flustered when I'm around him, and when I got flustered my palms sweat.

'Only one more month of this torture, I thought to myself, and I can go home for a much needed Christmas break' As I continued walking down the snow-packed sidewalk, my mind wandered as I thought about the possibility of Luke and I actually in a relationship. I shivered at the thought of how cute of a couple we would make. He has a beautiful body with calves to die for that developed from his running who-knows-how-many miles a day He has dark brown clean-cut hair, sparkling enticing green eyes and a beautiful personality to complement his amazing good looks. We both had about the same in features. I stand roughly around 6'1, dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a toned muscular build from going to the gym three times a week. I could just imagine us walking around campus hand-in-hand. I returned to reality as I realized I was almost back at the dorms. I entered the side door of the and rounded the corner to Luke's and my room. As I opened the door I saw Luke casually sitting at his computer. He looked up to me and greeted me with a broad smile.


"Hey Ry, how was the cold?" Luke asked with a smirk on his dimpled face.

"Oh you know... Cold." I retorted

"So, what you wanna do tonight?" he asked me.

Once his question registered in my brain I began thinking about everything we could do, but I told myself

'Calm down! He is just your roommate, get a hold of yourself!'

I immediately calmed down and thought for a moment as I considered his question.

"Well considering its absolutely freezing out do you just want to hangout here and watch some movies? I asked with some anxiety.

"Sure man, that sounds great actually. I don't really feel like doing much else today anyway." he replied with another genuine smile.

"Cool. Do you just want to watch some that I have, or should I go to the redbox down the street?" I suggested.

"Hmm, what movies do you have again?" He questioned.

I walked over to my desk and pulled out my disc holder and began giving him titles of some of my favorite movies. He ended up deciding on three movies; "Moulin Rouge", which I thought was a weird choice for a supposedly straight man, "Love Actually", another strange choice, and "Transformers".

'Wow' I thought to myself, 'He chose all of my favorite movies...'

"Nice choices Luke I replied as I smiled contentedly".

"Yeah, but "Moulin Rouge" is last! It's actually my favorite movie!", he said while blushing a little.

"No way! That movie is also my all time favorite!" I said with a grin.

'I thought I knew this kid inside and out I was thinking, but obviously, I was learning a lot about him..

"Okay well I'm gonna run down to the soda machine. "You want anything?" he asked politely.

"Sure, a coke will do. I have some spare change on the desk by the door. You can use it to get both our drinks".

"Alright, be right back." he said while bounding down the hallway.

I got up from my bed and went to the little kitchenette. Our dorms are super nice at this college. They have a mini-kitchen with a sink, microwave, mini-fridge, and cupboards. The room also has two bunk beds that we de-bunked to make twin beds. We share a large personal bathroom and two desks, with a large window that has a magnificent view of the campus.

I decided to pop some popcorn for the movies, so I opened the wrappers and began the popping. While I was waiting for Luke to return, I picked up my phone and sent a quick text to Claire.

'Staying in for a movie tonight with Lukeee!' I sent.

She always has her cell with her and her fingers have no trouble finding the keyboard. She quickly replied, .

'Oooooo! What are you guys gonna watch?'

'Ummm, "Moulin Rouge", "Transformers", and "Love Actually!' I texted as I pressed send.

'Wow Ry, I can tell who picked the movies. You probably should have picked movies he actually might like.' She shot back.

'Claire, I let him pick the movies!!!! And please don't rag on my favorite movies!' I playfully sent back.

'Oh... Really?! He picked two chick flicks? Weird....' she sent back.

Just then Luke returned with four cokes in his hands.

"Yum!! I smell popcorn." He said while sniffing the air like a hungry puppy.

"Well, you can't have a movie night without some good ole popcorn!" I replied while opening the bags and pouring them into a large mixing bowl.

He put the cokes on my bed and went over to the xbox and opened the case containing, "Transformers".

'Hmmm he saved my two favorite chick flicks for last.' I thought to myself getting excited about that decision.

While Luke was setting up the movie I took a spot on my bed with my feet hanging over the side and my back against the wall, propped up by a nice soft pillow. After Luke finished loading up the movie he moved over to my bed and sat maybe a foot away from me. I suppressed a shudder as I began to smell his scent surrounding me. We both watched the movie intently while chit-chatting about the characters, and occasionally our legs touched while we readjusted ourselves to get more comfortable. After the first movie finished he groaned,"I'm way to comfy to move from this spot; besides, I put in the first one in, so... You're turn!" he said while he playfully snuggled his pillow.

"Fineee." I laughed.

As I got up off my bed, I think I saw his eyes shift towards my butt. Probably just my crazy imagination. Once I put in "Love Actually", I jumped back on my bed and sat a little closer to Luke than I had before. Luke smiled at me a little knowingly as the movie started.

Throughout the entire movie our legs and shoulders were lightly touching and I must say that I don't remember much about the movie. I was concentrating on the electric current flowing through my whole left side where our bodies were touching. Occasionally I'd look over at him, and he just looked so contented and relaxed. After the second movie finished we both got up and began stretching.

"Ungh..." He grunted while stretching.

I laughed a little and did my own grunting as I forced my stretch.

He shook out his body and said,

"Finally. "Moulin Rouge!" Luke said while smiling widely.

"I'll second that" I retorted with a smile.

"If I start singing with the movie don't shoot me!" Luke said with light chuckle.

"If I join you don't laugh at my ridiculous attempt at singing like Ewan McGregor." I laughed..

As Luke went to change the movie I climbed back on my bed. I thought how close he sat would be a good test of his feelings. If he sits close to me again and is actually touching me on his own, I'm just gonna let my barriers down and open up to him and his friendship. Luke pressed play on the controller and came back to my bed and sat exactly where I wanted him to sit. We adjusted himself until our legs and shoulders were touching. If only he knew the electric currents running through my whole body!

'I could die happy here and now' I thought to myself and smiled.

Luke turned to me and asked, " What are you smiling about?", he asked with a smile on own face.

"Oh nothing really, just happy because I get to chill with my roommate for once." I said wondering if I had an embarrassed smile plastered on my face.

"I'm glad we did this too. Who knew we had so much in common?" He asked rhetorically with a grin on his face.

'So much in common? Was there something I missed other than the movies?' I wondered

I smiled at him again as the movie began and we were soon enthralled by it. About forty-five minutes into the movie I noticed his head falling lightly on my shoulder and heard a faint snore escaping from his airway..

'My amazing, gorgeous roommate had fallen asleep on my shoulder!' I excitedly turned my head and smelled his soft brown hair and sighed contentedly.. Eventually I began nodding off as well, soon I soon passed out as well. I woke up around 2 AM and was under my soft blue comforter with Luke laying beside me with his arm and head resting on my chest. I wrapped my arm around his back, sighed again, and peacefully fell back asleep.

Thanks to all my readers for reading the second chapter in my first series.

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