
By Dale Lewis

Published on Aug 27, 2011


This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to an event or persons is purely coincidental. The Rights of the Text are of those of the author and of "". Any opinions expressed within this story are purely fictitious and do not necessarily reflect those of the author or Nifty.

Mark Enning is preparing to attend his new school and settled down in his new life. If only the people around him lead simple lives too...

Welcome to Chapter One and to the story! I hope you enjoy reading and please do let me know what you think!


Chapter One

Laughter erupted from the group as Alex tripped over a passing younger kid. The kid got up blushing as he brushed himself down before trotting off as fast as he could.

Alex was a sixteen year old student at the Grynde Hall High School. He was tall and toned with short black hair and deep brown eyes that help enhance he perfect facial features.

As the laughter died down, there was one person who walked passed shaking her head. She did not think terrorising lower school children was funny. This was Carrie. She was also sixteen, thin, blonde and beautiful which was often the reason why she was either being hounded by hormonal teenage boys or having insults thrown at her from other girls who were often so clad in make-up that they looked like shop window manikins.

She ignored Alex who called after her something about giving her his cum load. So immature!

Alex and Carrie shared a secret and it was Carrie greatest fear that someone would discover it. She didn't think she could bare it if people found out about how foolish she had been. They had had a brief relationship 3 years ago but they had never spoke about it, in fact; Carrie just pretended it did not even happen as it was completely out of character for her. She shuddered to think what her friends would say if Alex ever revealed their secret or the bigger secret that scared them both. One night of them having sex resulted in an unplanned pregnancy. After much arguing with her mother, she finally agreed to terminate it. Alex was conveniently absence throughout this ordeal and only showed up afterwards with a pathetic "The-Condom-Broke" apology. That was the end of their relationship. That was a perfect reason for her to stay away from him. She never wanted to see herself back in that situation.

On this sunny Wednesday lunchtime our story starts, there was nothing about the gentle breeze or warmth of the sun to suggest that something was about to happen to push both of them in a new direction in both of their lives.

Not one person in Alex's group or in Carrie's group noticed a lady walk towards the school.

It was at the end of Lunch Break as Alex was making his way to his form room that he saw something he had never seen before -- two boys holding hands underneath the stairs. At first Alex did not realise what he had seen -- then he jerked his head around to look again. There was two boys stood under the stairs but they were not holding hands. "Of course they are not holding hands," he thought to himself. "Guys don't hold hands." He pushed the thought out of his mind and continued up the stairs. At the top, he looked back down at the two boys. They were staring into each others eyes. No, they were just looking at each other. Guys didn't stare into each others eyes or hold hands. He lined up outside Classroom 12 for registration, his mind back on school.

"Have you seen the new starter?" one of his mates asked him. Alex shook his head, no.

"Mark," continued a second friend. "That's the name I heard."

"Wow, great," Mark replied mockingly but his mind was drawn to Carrie who was walking passed with her mates.

"Carrie! Have you heard anything of our new boy?" he asked, jumping in her way.

"No," she replied sharply. "Why?" She was silently cursing herself for failing terrible at avoiding Alex today.

"Well, are you not interested to know his name?" he asked her, grinning.

"Mark?" she replied, looking at the ceiling. "Tish told me," she explained, pointing at one of the girls behind her. "Why would I be interested?"

"Well now you are single again, you might be looking for someone to give you a little something."

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked, darkly as she snapped her eyes to his. Alex's cocky attitude disappeared instantly. By "little something" he meant sex but he knew he had nearly over-stepped the mark.

"N...nothing," he replied, sheepishly and stepped aside to let her pass.

The class filed into the classroom moments later. Alex felt ashamed of himself for his loose tongue and about how much he had just hurt Carrie. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he completely forgot about Mark or the boys on the stairs. These bits of information were trivial to the guilt he felt as neither stories could affect him...


Two floors below, a middle aged lady with long black hair sat outside the Headmaster's office. This was Mark's Mum. She watched as a tall thin man walk towards her down the corridor. He stopped in front of her and held out his hand.

"Miss Enning I presume, I'm Mr. Holdsworth the Headmaster. I'm very sorry to have kept you waiting."

She did not reply but simply shock the man's hand. She was slightly intimidated by his presence. Mr Holdsworth invited Mark's Mum into his office.

They sat around the rectangle desk and waited as the headmaster sifted through a file with Mark's name on it.

"His report is very good. You should be proud. I've heard of the reasons why he joins us here today and I must say that I am truly very sorry." Holdsworth stopped and looked at Mark's Mum as if hoping to hear the story first hand. When she merely replied "Thank-you" he pressed on. "I've heard rumours of course but..."

"My house was burnt to the ground by a suspected arsonist. Luckily no one was in the house at the time. The culprit is still at large." Miss Enning explained in a monotone. She was slightly annoyed that he was snooping for gossip. "Now we have that elephant out of the room perhaps we could discuss what you can offer my son at this school."

"Of course, I'm sorry," Holdsworth nodded. "Will Mark be joining us during our meeting?"

"He is at home."

"Oh, well, I do prefer to have the pupil present when I am giving an introduction to the school."

"He's in shock and I would prefer to keep him away from prying eyes while he's so upset."

"Of course," he nodded again. "Forgive me."

There was a long silence as the clock ticked louder and louder.


Two floors below on the ground floor two boys had sneaked into the toilets to be alone. They were the boys that Alex thought he had caught holding hands. They were now in a cubical doing more than holding hands. Kyle was locking lips with his lover, Reece. Kyle was shorter than Reece but had loads of muscle. Reece was skinny, tall and tanned. As they embraced one another they could both feel their hard cocks in their school trousers. Reece's 9 inch cock was slightly longer than Kyle's 8 inch cock but Kyle's was thicker. Reece ran his hands down Kyle's back until he cupped his perfectly round arse that he had fucked so many times. Kyle's hands ran down Reece's shirt covered chest and found the zip in his trousers. He slowly pulled the zip down and took hold of Reece's cock through his boxers. There was a wet patch of pre-cum at the tip of Reece's throbbing cock. Following Kyle's lead, he too unzipped Kyle's trousers but went one further by thrusting his hand inside Kyle's boxers to grasp his throbbing meat. Within seconds, both cocks were sticking out of each others fly's and, knowing they only had a few minuets before their absence would be discovered, started to wank each other furiously. They both sighed deeply as pleasure rushed through them. Every now and then a little groan would escape one of them as the pleasure mounted. They both got close to cumming at the same time and, at the last minuet and to stop cum splashing onto their uniforms, they shoved each others cocks into the opposite fly hole and shot stream after stream of hot cum on each other's balls and legs. They both stood and wrapped arms around each other, leaving their cocks inside the fly's to go soft, and kissed.

There kiss was interrupted by the sound of a door out in the corridor. They held each other and their breaths as the sound of footsteps drew nearer. The door creaked open.

"And this is the boys lavatory." It was Mr. Holdsworth, the Headmaster.

"Yes that's great but I don't think you really have to show me that room," came a woman's voice.

"Oh, sorry." The door squeaked as it was closed. The muffled sounds of their conversation drifted into the room as Reece and Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. Reece could feel Kyle's cum start to leak down his inside leg as they kissed passionately. When they heard sounds of footsteps leading away, they quickly ran out of the room and up the stairs giggling as they went.


Outside the school, the Headmaster bode Miss Enning farewell leaving her to walk down the street on her own thinking to herself. The man was clearly a moron and had not advertised this school very well but the police had insisted Mark attend this school as a safety measure and so she had little choice but to comply.

Chapter Two will be posted shortly. In the mean time, please do let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 2

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