Reese and the Cowboy

By Whipped

Published on Jan 30, 2020


This chapter doesn't feature Reese or the Cowboy, but focuses on the aftermath of David using Reese. This is a complete work of fiction. All characters are 18 or older and you must be eighteen or older to read it. Never do anything like this in real life and always use protection.

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I took off the second I nutted in that gimp kid. But I couldn't forget about that fuck.

I started looking at my son's yearbook, trying to imagine which boy in it had swallowed all that frat jizz and let me use him as a dick ditch.

I decided there was no way a kid like that was closeted so I paid special attention to the boys in the Ally group for high school queers. Really only two fit the right profile.

I knew the kid was over eighteen. Dante had promised that and said he checked the kid's id. There was one black kid and I knew the boy I fucked was white so I eliminated him. 5 of the boys were too young. One was too fat. That left three. Only two of those were the right build.

I thought about just flipping a coin or giving up entirely, but then realized why I recognized one of the names.

Eric Masterson was on a swim scholarship. We all had donated some money to the school to improve it's image in town and he was one of the kids who got in.

His mom had been a total whore in high school and he was living in a trailer park on the edge of town.

It had to be him.

The other kid came from money and there was no way any kid who belonged at Xavier would do that kind of thing.

I watched him for three days before I decided to go for it.


I thought everything would be better when I won the scholarship to Xavier. I was an idiot.

None of the girls would talk to me because I was poor. The guys treated me like shit. The only one nice to me at all was Quentin, who was THE fat gay kid at Xavier, and his lesbian friends. And they were lesbians, so that wasn't exactly going anywhere.

I actually hated swimming, too. I came in on a swimming scholarship, but I had been swimming since I was a freshman and it was hard af. Five am practices, practices after school, workouts, and then trips and meets.

And the actual schoolwork was harder than I thought possible at Xavier.

But it maybe meant a way out. Half the graduating class went Ivy League after they graduated.

I just had to stick with it.

I was halfway home from practice one day when I met Mr. Johnson.


Eric always walked home after evening practice. The school was only about two miles from the trailer park, although the neighborhoods they were in couldn't be less similar and I wouldn't have wanted to walk his area in the dark.

I watched him walk past me, then decided to start the car and make a move.

I rolled down the window and said, "Eric, get in, I need to talk to you."

The kid actually flipped me off.

So I said, "100 bucks, kid, just to talk."

He stopped then.

I looked at him while he thought about. He was wearing a grey Xavier Prep sweater and black gym shorts with white tennis shoes. His hair was brown and shaved on the sides, but longer and messier on top. He had that sort of healthy pale tan glow younger athletes get and he had to be about 5'7 and 130-135 pounds.

My dick got hard imagining him under me, taking my dick like a good bitch. Remembering how he struggled under me.

Yeah, this was him. For sure.

He climbed in the passenger seat and I drove him to the place I rented across town.


My brain was screaming this guy was going to kill me or something, but he looked like someone's dad. Fat, balding, boring. And it was a nice car. If he was going to kill me, wouldn't he be in a beater or something?

He didn't talk, though. He just drove to a new looking townhouse about ten minutes away and gestured for me to get out and follow him in.

I sent Quentin a text with the address and the message, "If I die, look here."

Then things got weird. Really, really, really weird.

He handed me two fifties the second we got in and then he laid out six more on the table.

Then he explained. Sort of.


I looked at the kid. He was cute, I guess. For a boy. Even white teeth. In good shape. White. Brown thick hair. Clear skin. I knew how nice his butthole felt around my cock already. And Dante had said his mouth was just as good.

I made the offer.

I said:

I know you're the kid in the costume from the hotel. I already fucked you and liked it, kid. I'm not gay, but I decided I got no problem using a petite little faggot as a dick ditch and you obviously like being a slave for real men and taking dick.

The kid looked confused and shocked and actually started to back away. I thought he might bolt for a second.

I continued:

I'm not trying to get you in trouble, son. I'm here to make you an offer, that's it. Nobody will know anything that is said or that happens between us. Your scholarship is totally safe, alright?

He nodded and seemed to relax a little.

I went for the big pitch. I needed his cooperation for the last bit and I knew it was potentially a big sacrifice for the little slut.

I walked over to the money and said:

This money is what I usually spend at the strip clubs. 400 a week for lap dances, handjobs, whatever I can get. I'm not paying you for sex. I know you would get on your knees and eat dick and get cornholed all day for anyone who offers. That money is to make you monogamous. I want to make sure I stay clean and that means you are slave to my dick only. You don't lick, suck, or spread your legs for anyone but me. You're my faggot. Your tongue, throat, and butt hole belong to me. You understand?

He nodded.

Then he said, "400 a week? Nobody knows? Will it hurt?"

I laughed.

Then I said, "I fucking hope so. I loved the way you squealed last time."


I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to suck dick or get fucked. It didn't turn me on and he was old and I was sure it would hurt.

But I also wanted money. And if he wasn't really gay, maybe that meant he wouldn't try and kiss me or anything.

Getting kissed by a dude somehow seemed gayer than getting fucked or even sucking dick.

And I mean, I had a pretty high pain threshold. My mom's ex used to beat the shit out of me before he went to jail.

This couldn't be worse than that.

And 400 bucks would mean new clothes and shoes and being able to go out with people at school.

I nodded.

Then I said, "Ok. I'm in. What do I do?"

He picked up a remote, flipped the TV on, put on some porn, and smiled.


I knew the kid was into bdsm and slavery and rough stuff from our last encounter, but I didn't want to have him in a gimp suit. I wanted to see his body and face and slap and feel him up if I wanted to.

I decided the fair thing to do was to collar him. I had brought with me a shock collar I picked up from the pet store two towns over. They had looked at me like I was crazy, but they had engraved "Cunt Face" on the collar. Dante had said that was the name the boy liked to be called.

I also found a slave contract online. They weren't really legal, but the kid would probably not know that or I figured would be turned on by it anyway. It said he would be allowed to have his normal life and school, but otherwise I owned him completely and could punish and use him how I saw fit. It also said he had to call me Master, Sir, or Daddy.

The faggot didn't hesitate to sign it.


I started feeling serious regret as Mr. Johnson undressed. His body was hairy, even his nipples were hairy. And he had like weird half fat and half muscle tits. And a beer belly. His cock was thick too. He wasn't hard, but the head was like massive already. His balls hung low and were like golf balls. His thighs were thick too.

Even if someone was gay, I don't think they would find him attractive. He looked like a bear. Hairy and thick and huge.

Once he was naked, he walked over to me and pulled my sweater and shirt off. Then he pulled my shorts and underwear down.

I started to cover myself, but he pushed my hands to my sides.

He fondled my cock and balls for a second. I couldn't help it. I got a little hard. Nobody had ever touched my junk before.

Even his hands running up my stomach and chest felt sort of hot. I was freaking out, but it felt sexual. Like he was touching my nerves and they were triggering my dick.

Then he handed me the collar.

I hesitated. This was real. This guy, man, was naked and intended to use me to get off. I was agreeing to that. The contract was one thing, but this was putting on a shock collar with "Cunt Face" on it. That was totally next level.

I tightened it around my neck and knelt awkwardly in front of him.

He triggered the collar seconds later.


I watched the kid shake and writhe on the floor for a few seconds. Then I triggered the collar again. And again. And again.

A minute or two later, he finally stopped shaking. He had went from kneeling in front of me to laying on his back. His teenage cock had flopped around and settled shrunken on his left thigh.

Drool was running out the side of his mouth.

I hated doing this to even a little fag, but the queer must need it or he wouldn't have been in that gimp suit in the first place.

I grabbed the lube off the bed and sat on the boy's face. I could feel my hairy ass against his totally smooth skin.

I pulled his hands to my cock and said:

I've never met a girl who would eat my fat hairy ass. But you, cunt face, you're going to eat my shithole like it's fucking ice cream. And you're going to jerk me off and cum while you do it.

I reached over to his dick and jerked it for a few seconds.

Then I gathered his low hanging balls in my hand and squeezed.

He bucked under me and screamed into my ass.

I let go of his balls and said:

When you do a good job, no pain. Bad job, I squeeze your nuts. Too bad of a job and I might break those babymakers. Now, get to licking faggot.

I felt his tongue come out and lick my butt crack.

I moaned.

It felt better than I could ever have imagined.


The shocks hurt like no other pain I'd felt. My whole body was on fire for a few seconds, then it was like I couldn't even move. And it happened again and again and again. All my nerves on fire. I couldn't even control my body. I wound up on my back drooling.

Then I saw the fat man lowering his ass to my face. Then a musky smell as his butt cheeks literally were split apart on my face. I thought there's no way he wanted me to butt munch him. I had never even imagined that.

Then he grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his cock. His dick was slick with lube.

And he told me that was exactly what he wanted. He jerked my dick up and down for a second as he told me I was going to have to tongue his hole. Then his hands went to my balls. It felt good as he fondled them.

Then he squeezed.

I fought with my whole body to get free, then I almost blacked out from the pain. I realized I was crying.

I hadn't cried in years.

I couldn't understand anything he said after that, except lick or there'd be more pain.

So, I licked.

I ran my tongue up and down his butt crack. I ran it up near his balls. Then I did what I knew was inevitable.

I stuck my tongue into his hole and pressed it as deep as I could. The taste wasn't as strong as I had feared and he started moaning then. He reached out and started jerking my cock.

I was grossed out and still hurting, but his hand on my dick felt so good. The more I licked inside and around his hole the faster he jerked me off.

I moaned into his ass.

The whole time, I was jerking him off. I felt his cock get harder and harder until it must have gotten huge.

It was so slick in my hands.

I couldn't help it. I became all animal and instinct. My hips started thrusting up and pumping my dick even faster into his hand. My tongue was lapping at his asshole like it was pussy and my hands sliding up and down his dick, anything to keep him going fast on my dick.

Then it happened. Both our breathing got heavy.

Then my dick stiffened and spurted up. I felt my cum splash on my stomach, followed seconds later by his dick cumming all over my body as he growled. I had jizz from my chest to my feet.

His breathing slowed.

He lifted his butt up off my face and flipped around. He opened my mouth with his right hand, then wiped his dick off in my mouth. His cum tasted so bitter.

I started to get up and he pressed me back down and reopened my mouth.

Then he said, "I always have to piss after a nut, Cunt Face. Don't spill any."


I smacked the boy across the face hard when he let my yellow piss spill out of his mouth and I growled, "Swallow every fucking drop."

And he did.

I could see his Adam's Apple gulp every time my pee flooded his mouth full. He was fucking grimacing from the taste. I'm sure it had to be vile and disgusting.

I couldn't believe he really did it.

But I guess he chose this shit. He decided to be an ass eating, piss drinking, cock riding, slave queer to a man old enough to be his dad.

His choice.

As fit as he was, he could have been banging some beautiful teenage pussy and tit fucking her too.

Instead, he was on his back, collared, letting a fat fuck like me ride his face and use him as a toilet after getting his balls mashed and being shocked repeatedly.

I decided to make the most of it.

First things, first, though, my dick needed some recovery time.


I rinsed my mouth out for what felt like the fiftieth time. I could still taste his pee and ass. I don't know if it was real or psychological, but it was fucked up.

Then I got in the shower.

Apparently, the old guy wasn't through with me. He got off me and then said to clean up all the cum off my body and shave everything, except my head. Even my pubes.

It wasn't super hard to do because I wasn't real hairy or anything, but it seemed kind of weird. I figured the guys at school couldn't mock me anymore than they already do and being on the swim team gave me an excuse.

It only took about fifteen minutes, but I felt really weird afterwards. He had left razors and some kind of lotion and my legs and cock and everything felt super slick and smooth. Even my butthole felt silky.

Weird af.

But not horrible.

He had taken off the collar before I showered so I put it back on when I was done.

Then I went and knelt for my master.


I had popped a little blue pill the second the kid left the room and by the time he came back I was more than ready for round two.

He looked good.

Being smooth all over made him look young and vulnerable. I knew he was eighteen, but his body was so thin and smooth and toned he could have passed for much younger now.

And the collar on him as he knelt, showing he knew his place and that I owned him, just made it even better.

I gestured for him to come over and just kneaded his ass for a while. Then I bit his tiny little nipples hard enough he yelped.

Then I decided it was time for the main event.

I had rented this town house because there was nothing around it and the two other townhouses it was attached to weren't yet finished.

In other words, there was nobody around for miles.


He fondled my ass and then bit my nipples, which really fucking hurt, then I guess decided to just go for it.

He grabbed me by the collar, grabbed something from the couch, and dragged me outside.

Then he pushed me to my knees and knelt behind me. He jerked my arms behind my back and used the thing from the couch to ziptie my hands together.

Then he shoved my face into the dirt. With my hands ziptied behind my back, I couldn't get back up.

I felt and heard him spit on my asshole. His finger rubbed the spit into my butthole and I felt it press the tiniest bit into my asshole.

I gasped.

He laughed and then said:

You're not going to play the sweet virgin bride with me, you asslicking cocksucking teenage faggot. Your hole might feel tight, but you're a human dick ditch and I'm going to treat you that way. Fuck your pussy with you facedown in the dirt where you belong.

Then I felt him lean down and lick my face.

Then just pain.


Seeing the little shit facedown in the dirt with his smooth ass just begging to get dicked was just too much for me. Boy or not, my finger knew premium pussy when it felt it.

All thought of giving him what he wanted left me. This wasn't going to be about roleplaying or bdsm or making the faggot happy.

This was going to be a dominant man using his slave's cunt to get his nut.

I licked the boy's smooth face, dripped and rubbed some lube on my dick, and shoved it in him.

He screamed under me, as I pressed his face into the dirt.


For the first few minutes, all I could do was scream into the dirt. His dick felt like it was tearing my teenage asshole up, like it was breaking me inside.

He wasn't going slow, either.

His first thrust pressed deep into my guts and the second he pulled it out, he thrust in harder and further. I tried pulling away, but my hands behind my back left me no way to escape. His thick meaty hands gripped my hips and ass and held me in place.

I was crying and it just made him moan and laugh.

Within two or three minutes, I felt and heard his balls slap my ass for the first time as his entire dick was inside me.

He started calling me names then. He gripped the side of my head and turned it so my right cheek was in the dirt. Then he spit on me, rubbed it all over my face, and said:

You're a good actor, kid. But your asshole tells the truth. This pussy exists to be a man's cunt. You never should have been free. A faggot like you was born to be a human dick ditch.

Then he started grunting and breathing heavy and knocked me completely down on my stomach.

I felt his whole weight lay on top of me as my dick grinded into the ground.


To say the kid had good pussy would be an understatement. It was tight, but it gripped and sucked my dick in the way I had thought only a real cunt could.

And the sounds the little fairy made just made my dick harder. He grunted and cried and groaned and made animals sounds.

It was almost too much for my dick to handle.

It still took me over forty-five minutes to jizz inside him.

I could have nutted in him right away. Just the sight of him, shoved into the dirt, collared like an animal, tied, waiting for dick, could have made me jizz if I stroked hard enough.

But I wanted this fuck to be memorable.

After fucking him doggy, I shoved him flat on his belly, wrapped my legs around his, and laid my whole body on him. I must have humped him deep like that for ten or fifteen minutes. His hole was torn open by then and there was just a squishing sound as his velvet cunt was plowed deep by my dick.

The air and the fact we were outside made it even more amazing. This was primal stuff and he had stopped doing anything but whimpering as I used his hole and my sweat covered his smooth little body.

I pulled my dick out of him and carried him to the picnic table. I laid him down and decided it was time to finish.


For a second, I thought it was over. I felt his dick come out of me and then his body weight lifted off me too.

I could breathe again.

Then his hands scooped my body up. I could see his fat body, now covered with sweat, as I was carried a few feet.

He laid me on my belly on a picnic table and I thought he was about to re-enter me.

Instead, he cut my hands free and flipped me over.

He ran his his hands all over my chest and thighs and just looked at me for a minute.

His voice was deep as he said:

I've had a good time. I cut your hands free so you can come with your master rutting inside you. I want your dick throbbing to squeeze the nut out of me like last time. I'll be as rough as I can for you, but I need you to work your dick and get this done. I have work in the morning.

Then he spit on his hand and jerked my dick a few times. It felt so good. Even with my ass throbbing, his hand on my dick felt so fucking good.

After a few strokes, he pulled my hand to my cock. It was mostly hard already.

Then he lifted my legs up like I was a girl and shoved his dick in.

I don't know if it was the position or my ass just opening up, but something different happened then.

I moaned.

My dick had been hard for a while, but the pain went away and all of a sudden it just felt like his cock was jacking my cock off from the inside. My dick started oozing precum.

He laughed.

Then he started slamming me harder than ever before.

I didn't want to like it.

I was on my back being used like an object by a fat old man.

I didn't want to like it.

But I couldn't help it.

My asshole throbbed as I came.


The kid didn't disappoint. After only a few minutes on the table, his dick exploded all over his stomach. Some of his cum even shot into his face and there were small gobs in his hair.

But the main thing is what that did to his pussy. His tight little asshole squeezed my dick over and over as he came, sucking out every ounce of jizz I had in my nuts until his hole was practically gushing my cum when I pulled out.

I didn't waste a lot of time after that. I dragged him by the collar to the shower and had him bathe me with one of those loofa things.

I rinsed him off too and fingered his little cunt until it was empty of my jizz.


I could barely walk to the car. The shower had helped me a little bit, but I still felt dazed and fucked wide open.

But I also felt something else.

Sort of floaty.

I had never cum like that. Ever.

I wasn't gay. He was old and fat and hairy and really did gross me out.

But, I think maybe my dick liked him. Or this.


I parked at the playground a block from the trailer park and took the collar off the kid's neck.

Then I gripped him by the chin and said:

With or without the collar, I own you from now on. You're going to carry it with you at all times in case I show up, but with or without it you're my bitch. Nobody else's. I own your throat and ass cunt. Understand?

He nodded.

Maybe it was the sex, but I had to admit he looked cute sitting there. Petite, young, vulnerable, with his wet hair clinging to his face....

It made my dick throb a little, looking at him and remembering his pink tongue deep up my shithole.

Tomorrow was going to be fun.

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