Reese and the Cowboy

By Whipped

Published on Oct 1, 2019


This story is a work of complete fiction. You must be over eighteen to read it and all characters are over eighteen. Never treat anyone like this in real life and always make sure you have full consent and respect others.

This story contains homophobic language and was written for men who enjoy that sort of thing. There is a lot of verbal abuse. If you don't like that, stop reading now.

The characters also don't use condoms because it is a story. If you smash in real life, wrap it up. The risk really isn't worth it.

And if you enjoy this and other stories, consider donating to Nifty.

Reese and The Cowboy

Reese was nervous. Fucking terrified, really.

He had just turned eighteen and was horny af. He went to this hookup website and searched for his town and there was only one match. And it was a guy. And he was old. But it was from tonight.

The ad just read:

6'3 and 225 pound mature cowboy needs his dick sucked. Married. Disease free. Here one night. You got big titties, I got roses.

That was it. But it had a picture and his messenger id. The picture just showed the man's body. His face was totally cut out. It was sort of muscular fat. He had big arms and was reddish tan all over, but he almost had tits and he had a belly. He was hairy af too.

His junk sort of entranced Reese. He had never really looked at gay porn or a man's cock before. The guy's balls hung really low and were kind of big and his dick was totally different than Reese's. It was weird enough Reese searched "extra skin dick" online and found out it meant the guy wasn't circumcised.

He was pretty hung, though.

Reese was basically the opposite of the cowboy. He was 5'7, 135 pounds, and toned. He had been on the swim team and still kept himself smooth all over. His dick was cut and only about six inches.

That weird contrast was part of why Reese decided to go for it. He wasn't gay, but he was curious about guys and a random cowboy from out of town seemed like the perfect choice to try something. The man was looking for a girl so he wouldn't get weird or too gay. He was old and from out of town so they wouldn't know any of the same people. And he figured the guy might say no so it was only barely a risk.

He sent him a message:

SwimHS2011: I saw your ad. I'll suck your dick if you want. But I'm a guy.

SwimHS2011: :Image:

WildOats1961: I'm straight, not queer. I don't like faggots, kid. Lowest thing in the world is a cocksucker.

SwimHS2011: oh. Sorry.

WildOats1961: I'll treat you like shit. Be here in fifteen minutes. Room 221.

And that is why Reese was freaking out. He was walking to the only hotel in town to meet a guy who could kick his ass who said he was going to be an asshole and he was going to be expected to blow him.

He knocked on the door.

Wilbur Jackson

Wilbur opened the door and looked at the kid. The boy was short, had short blonde hair, and was pretty skinny. He was wearing red basketball shorts and a blue and white football jersey. Wilbur wouldn't have guessed he was a faggot just seeing him, but he was here to eat dick.

No need to bullshit.

Wilbur grabbed him and pulled him into the room.

The boy asked, "Should I get undressed?"

Wilbur laughed. Why the fuck would he want the kid naked?

Wilbur shook his head and pressed down on the boy's shoulders until the kid was kneeling in front of him. He lifted the boy's face up by the chin and hocked a loogie. He spat it at the boy and watched the boy fight his anger as it dropped down his forehead and ran down his nose and to his upper lip before dripping off his chin.

Wilbur spoke then, in his deep gravely voice, and said:

All that modern shit, boy, about how faggots are as good as real men is bullshit. You're a worthless little mouthcunt who only exists as a dick ditch when a pussy and titties ain't around.

The boy started to speak and Wilbur belted him with his fist across the face. The kid collapsed back.

Wilbur continued then:

A faggot's mouth is only good for one thing and that's sucking dick. I don't want to hear you speak, unless I need a yes or no sir. You got to forget all that liberal bullshit and learn your place. You don't speak, get off your knees, look up unless asked, or do anything but obey when in the presence of a real man. You hear?

The boy nodded.

Wilbur smiled and walked over to the hotel tv and put on a porn.


My lip was throbbing. I looked at the man from my knees. He had a thick mustache, short black and grey hair, and a few days worth of stubble. He was wearing dust covered blue jeans and a ripped up dirty white undershirt. He had on a black cowboy hat and filthy black boots.

He looked exactly like what he was. A straight married cowboy in his fifties.

The man took off his shirt and then put his hat back on. He took his boots off and then his jeans and underwear followed. Then he gestered for me.

I crawled over to him and he said, "Put my boots back on me."

I tried to ignore his naked dick right above me and just lifted his big feet and pushed the left and then right boot back on him.

It was harder than I figured it would be. I just wore tennis shoes.

Then the man pushed my head down with his right boot. Right into his left boot.

He said, "Tongue it clean. Way too much dirt and cowshit caked on there."

I froze. No way.

He smacked me hard on the head and said, "Do I need to get the belt and teach you what happens to a disobedient cunt face?"

I gulped and forced my tongue out until it touched his boot.

It wasn't too bad. I couldn't taste the shit. It just tasted gravelly and dirty.

The cowboy started offering encouragement, "Yeah, be a good fairy. Break that filth up with your tongue. Eat that shit. Make my boots shine, boy."

The encouragement was broken up with the sounds of the porn playing. I couldn't see the screen, but the moans of the girl getting fucked were making me hard.

I could hear him jerking off above me the whole time.

I must have tongued his boots for twenty minutes before he seemed to be satisfied.

He finally growled, "Enough, cunt. Time for the main event."

Then he stood up.


I gripped the kid's head with my left hand and brought his lips to my hard dick. Then I used my right hand to open his mouth wide while he knelt there.

Then I pulled his head forward.


There is just nothing like the first plunge of your dick into a pussy or mouth.

His lips were soft as a girls and my dick oozed precum into his mouth.

I let him suckle the head and first couple of inches for a second, then I decided to get serious.

I pulled his head down balls deep.

His throat convulsed around my dick. He was gulping and choking and gagging and it felt good.

To me.

He was pressing on my thighs and trying to escape.

I let go for a second and he pulled back gasping.

His eyes and face looked snotty.

I looked at him for a minute. A tiny little pathetic faggot on his knees.

He should be burying his teenage dick in some stupid teenage twat, not retching on a fat old man's dick.

But it was his choice.

I grabbed his head and pulled it back down.

The next twenty minutes were really all about training the little bitch.

I taught him to lick my nut sack. Trained him in sucking my foreskin the way I like and running his tongue all inside it while he jerked the rest of it.

Then I decided it was time to nut.

I let the little shit catch his breath and grabbed some rope I had used to make a lead for a calf I sold earlier.

I lifted him under the arms so he was standing and used the rope to tie his hands tight behind his back.

No cattle or horse ever broke out of my knots. This kid wouldn't be the first.

Then I whispered in his left ear, "You make noise and everybody in this town and motel is going to know what you are, boy. Best to just take it real quiet like."

Then I pushed him to the bed.

He didn't seem to understand what was going on so I picked him up and threw him on the bed. I flipped him onto his belly so his face was at the foot of the bed and I could watch the porn.

Then it was time.


My throat hurt. His dick kept pushing into my throat and it was like it was forcing itself up the inside of it.

My eyes were wet and my whole face was covered in either his dick snot or me gagging or tears or some fluid. I couldn't breathe through my nose at all anymore and a few times I thought he was actually going to kill me with his dick.

It felt like my whole world for hours had been hands on my head, holding it down, my lips pressed against balls, as I gagged and choked and tried not to suffocate.

My dick had stayed the soft the whole time. I swore if I survived I would never make another girl suck my dick again.

This was awful.

When he tied my hands behind my back, I just assumed it was another weird blowjob thing.

Then he whispered in my ear and threw me on the bed. I remembered watching a porn once where the girl laid her head upside down off the bed and the guy stood and fucked her throat like pussy. It had turned me on to watch and imagine I was the guy.

Now, I figured I was about to be that girl.

But then he flipped me over and I felt him climb on the bed.

Then he placed a pillow over my head and I felt his weight settle on me.

Then I felt hands on my waist and my shorts being pulled down.

It still didn't click until I felt his dick touch my butt and he said, almost bored:

You're a shitty cocksucker, kid. If you want to drink nut instead of have it squeezed out by your pussy, you gotta up your game. You should bite down on the sheets or they'll probably be a line of men outside waiting for this cunt.

Then he shoved his dick in.

I bit down on the sheets and screamed.

It felt like his dick was ripping my asshole into pieces. It was pain and pressure and I actually started crying as the girl in the porn moaned.

He didn't even slow down. I could feel his dick going deeper and deeper every stroke as he slammed in and out my asshole like I wasn't even there or a person.

Just a hole. A dick ditch.

A faggot.



My estimation of this faggot went way up. He couldn't suck dick for shit, but his asshole felt cherry. The way he bucked and fought was like bronco busting and just made his butt grind against my cock.

It reminded me of that HS boy my buddies and I had gotten drunk, held down, and fucked in college. He was barely legal with boypussy so tight I still jerked off remembering it.

He had swore he wasn't a fag too, but he had hair long as a girls.

He had even thrown up when we tried making him suck dick, but he took our dicks up his cunt for something like twelve hours straight. Had to almost crawl out in the morning because he couldn't even walk.

He begged for it again the next weekend.

Good fucking times.

This kid was that tight. Maybe tighter.

And there was something about putting a faggot in it's place. I got so sick of seeing queers wandering around town like they were real men when the only place a queer belonged was on it's knees or belly.

His cries were bullshit too. He might scream or cry, but he know this is exactly where he belonged.

His pussy was like velvet.


At some point, I stopped screaming. Then I stopped crying. Then I just let go and took it.

It hurt. It hurt being his dick ditch. Being used without mercy. Treated worse than a a cheap cunt. I could hear him moaning and grunting and the movie made everything all mixed up.

Then something really fucked up happened.

He slammed his dick in hard and the pain was almost gone. And my dick leaked.

I felt precum almost pushed out of my dick. Then he slammed again and more came out. And again. And again. My dick started oozing.

Then my dick jolted. His dick was balls deep in me and it was like it stroked my dick from the inside.

I moaned.

He shoved the pillow harder over my head and said, "I don't want to hear that shit."

But I couldn't stop. He was pounding harder and his breathing was getting heavier and I couldn't stop my dick. I got hard and his thrusts were rubbing my dick against the sheets.

And then I nutted.


I felt hot cum fly out of my dick and onto my belly and the sheets. Once, twice, three times.

Then he came. I felt his dick get bigger in me and then I swear I felt his cum flood my insides. It was hot and burned.

It was the best nut I'd ever had. While a man pounded my teenage butthole.


Shit. His queer asshole was squeezing my dick the second it entered his cunt. It was like a vise made of silk and flesh. But when the kid nutted, that was fucking heaven. His asshole shook and convulsed inside as he jizzed and it sucked the nut right out of me.

I collapsed on his back for a second, then I lifted up and pulled his butt cheeks apart. I could see my load in his asshole and oozing out the top. His butthole was red too. I had really tore that shit up. Kid wouldn't walk right for days.

I used his shorts to wipe the filth and cum off my dick.

Then I stood up and lifted the pillow off his head. I grabbed his short blond hair and dragged him back onto the floor.

I looked down on him. He was younger than my boys. Better looking too. Had a tight little toned body. Green eyes. Could have been an actor or something.

Really a fucking shame to waste those looks on a fag.

I pulled his head back and spat on his face again. Then I rubbed it all over his face.

He didn't look angry this time. Maybe I taught him to accept his place.

I said, "You jizzed on my bed from getting your pussy fucked like a cheap whore. Never pretend you're anything but a slave to man dick again. Change the sheets and then we can finish up."

I watched him strip the bed and change the sheets. He really looked like he was about to collapse or fall down. I had fucked him up hard for him to be that dazed and walking that gingerly.

While he did that, I went through the wallet I had pulled from his shorts and made a decision.

I said, "Reese David Johnson. 32 Willow Cove."

He tensed.

I continued:

I will be back, Reese. A faggot like you needs a master to serve. A man who won't bullshit him and pretend he is human. Who sees him as just a cunt. That's what you need, son.

I threw him his shorts and watched him slip them back on.

Then I pulled him up from his knees and marched him to the door. I opened it and pushed him out. He started to walk away, so I grabbed him, pulled him back, and pushed him down to his knees.

I stood there, still naked except for my boots and cowboy hat. I threw the hat back in the room.

Then I said, "You ain't done yet. Nobody out here, but you still need to be marked. Open your mouth."

He opened wide and looked at me confused.

Then I aimed my dick and took a piss.


The first shot of piss hit me directly in my mouth. It was hot and salty.

I thought I was going to throw up.

But I didn't.

I kept my mouth open and swallowed when he said swallow.

I drank it. Almost every drop. Right outside the room where anybody looking could have seen.

The last few seconds he aimed his dick at my body. His urine soaked every inch of me.

I figured it was over when he was done. I tried standing up, but he held my shoulders down.

Then he looked at me and said:

I just fucked your asshole, boy. I let you suck my dick and lick the sweat off my balls. I creampied your little pussy and treated your throat like my personal toilet. What do you say?

I knelt there, confused. Then it clicked.

I said, "Thank you, sir."

He nodded and shut the door.

I ran home as quick as I could and climbed in through my window so nobody would see or smell me.

I couldn't stop shaking and crying.

But my dick was rock hard.

Part Two


I texted my mom the next morning and said I was sick and couldn't go to school. I didn't want her to wake me up or see me as a mess.

No one else lived here but us. My dad had moved out last year.

Once she left, I climbed out of the bed and into a bath.

My body hurt.

My lip wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was just a little swollen.

But my ass...

It hurt inside. And my throat. It felt like the inside of my throat was bruised. I sounded hoarse and when my Adams apple moved it seriously hurt.

I basically couldn't talk.

The bath helped my asshole a little. I could see his sperm in the bathtub where it leaked out of me.

I swore I would never do anything like that again.

It took a week for my body to recover. I mean, for me to be able to talk and walk comfortably again it took a week.

Then, something fucked up happened.

I had a wet dream about it one night.

Then another one the next night.

Then I loaded up gay porn on my computer and jacked off watching a guy get fucked.

Something was seriously wrong with me. I was still jerking mostly to girls, but the pain of that fuck was going away and I was remembering more how hardcore I nutted with that guy.

Then, I got the message:


SwimHs2011: What do you want?

WildOats1961: Room 225. Now.

I logged off chat immediately.

No fucking way. He was crazy if he thought I'd do anything like that again. Absolutely batshit crazy. No way in Earth I'd go there.

It took me ten minutes to get ready.

I stood at the door for another five minutes. I couldn't make myself knock.

There were guys around my age everywhere at the motel and a few stared at me. They weren't from my school, though, so I figured it didn't matter if they saw me.

Then the door opened.

A black man in his fifties answered the door.

I had one second where I thought, "Oh, thank God. It's not him. He isn't here. This was just him fucking with me."

Then I was pulled inside.

Dante Jones

Wilbur had told him the boy had a nice pussy, but hadn't warned him the kid looked fucking 12.

Well, maybe not twelve. But fucking young. If Wilbur hadn't copped his id when they met, things would have stopped right then.

But he had.

The kid was eighteen. And a willing slave faggot.

He looked normal, though. He was wearing a baseball cap and his blonde hair was just hanging out of the sides and back. He had perfectly straight white teeth and was white without looking sickly pale. He had green eyes and really pink lips. He was wearing ripped up jeans and a grey t-shirt with the sleeves cut off that said, "Xavier Prep Athletics." Dante could see the band and top inch of the boy's white briefs where the pants sagged.

Had nice tennis shoes too. Dante had spent three hundred on a similar pair for his son.

Goddamn waste of money getting kicks like that for this queer.


I hadn't been this close to a black guy ever. In my whole life. And he was really black. His skin was super dark and almost shiny and he smelled sort of like coconut.

And he was big. I came to the bottom of his chest and he had a big belly and a shaved head. He was just wearing grey boxer briefs and they were filled. He looked big af.

He even had weird curly chest hair. I didn't realize black guys even had chest hair.

Then he spoke.

He said, in a deep voice:

Wilbur said you need training in how a queer pleases a man. Said you think too much like a boy and too little like a slave cunt. He also said you can't suck dick for shit.

The man paused then. He reached out one hand and pried open my mouth with it. Then he pushed his hand so deep in it my jaw stretched and I retched.

He laughed.

Then he said, "Don't worry, son. We will turn that throat into a well used pussy before the night is over."

He picked me up then. Literally. One minute I was standing and the next in his arms.

He threw me on the hotel bed and dragged my head off the edge.

Then he pulled his boxer briefs offs.

I had one second to take in his huge black dick as it bounced on my face and then it was in my throat.


The cunt took about five inches down his throat pussy before gagging for the first time. I let him choke on it for a second before pulling back. Then I shoved in seven inches.

His throat convulsed as he took me deeper and he gripped my ass tight like he was holding on for dear life.

Then I felt his teeth. Gently, but painfully, scraping my cock.

I restrained myself from slapping the little fairy and pulled out.

Then I smacked his face over and over with my big black dick and said:

Wilbur wants your throat cunt to be as good as your boy pussy. I'm here to help you be a good cocksucker. You got to realize there are consequences when a bitch uses his teeth.

I reached my right hand over his body and into his underwear. I covered his mouth with the left and then grasped and squeezed his little white nuts with my right.

I felt him scream into my hand as I gripped his nuts tights.

Then I let go and asked, "Have you learned your lesson?"

His little tear covered face shook as he said, "Yes, sir."

I wanted to make things very clear.

I told him:

Everytime I feel teeth, I'm going to squeeze them a little bit harder, slave. You got to learn your role. You hurt a man, he hurts you twenty times harder. Understand?

He just nodded this time.

I only has to squeeze his nuts five times before he was deepthroating my cock like a champ.

The kid not only learned to take it balls deep, but his little pink tongue would lap at my big black nuts while all eight inches of my dick was down his throathole.

The little shit still gagged as I leaned over and treated his throat like a whore's pussy, but he finally took it without a single tooth so much as touching my dick.

I shot my nut deep into his belly.


I felt the black dick stiffen, then relax. Then cum flooded into my mouth and throat.

It was bitter and slimy and disgusting. I tried to swallow every drop.

His dick didn't pull out either. All I could was see stomach and balls as the black man kept fucking his cum into me.

Cum was pouring out of my lips and even out of my nose as I choked and gagged on it.

Then, finally, it was over.

He pulled his dick out of my mouth and rubbed it as it softened all over my face.

Then he made me an offer.


My nut was all over the little white boy's face and swimming deep in his belly. I read somewhere jizz stays alive for days so I figured my cum would be wiggling in him all weekend if his inside juices didn't kill them.

But he wasn't really done.

I went to my suitcase and pulled out the black vinyl gimp suit Wilbur had bought for him. It had a slit in the ass and small eyeholes and a mouth slit, but was otherwise skin tight.

What was about to happen would be rough on a loose slut or a cheap worn out whore, so I wanted to give the little fag an out.

I said:

Wilbur expects you to be a well-trained slut when he's here next week. You can walk out and never see us again, walk out and try him next week as you are, or put on this suit and let those frat boys out there put you in your place. Hell, we might even get some locals in here to use you.

I threw the vinyl suit on the bed and watched him sit up. My nut and all the juices from the face fucking had saturated his shirt.

I decided to let him think on his own. I've known women who were permanently broken from nights like this.

He needed to make the decision without any pressure.

I walked to the door, opened it, and said:

There are about twenty young men out there who won't be half as nice to you as we were and they don't believe in safe words. They are going to start piling in this room in about five minutes and won't stop using you until we check out tomorrow at five am. You have five minutes to make your choice.

Then I walked out.


I took my shirt off and wiped my face. I could walk home shirtless. It wasn't that cold. Then I looked at the suit. It was all shiny and had a weird texture. The back and front of it both had the word "slave" on it in rubber.

No way was I doing this.

Then I remembered all the guys I had seen coming here. They were closer to my age. Mostly fit. Nothing like the black man or cowboy. Maybe I'd like it.

Then my asshole sort of twitched.

I had nutted really hard from being fucked and that was by an old fatish guy.

What if this was better?

I stripped off my pants and underwear and unzipped the gimp suit.

Then I pulled it on.

Next: Chapter 2

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