By leonard webb

Published on Jan 19, 2003



It was about 3:30am when I'd left Stephon's place. My best friend Drew, and me along with a couple other homes had been hanging out all night playing Bid Whist. It was mid March and the warm night air felt good on my skin as it rushed through the open car window. It had been a long day and I was looking forward to getting home. I was into my third year of teaching American History at the Academy. The Academy was an alternative high school for students. Who for whatever reason couldn't make it in the traditional high school setting. The student population was comprised of eighty-five percent black, the remainder being Latin and Caucasian. I was happy to accept a position on the staff when Stephon offered. I saw it as an opportunity to help some of my young brotha's and sistas. Most of whom had disciplinary problems. Stephon had been the principal there for the last four years. Spring break started today and I needed a break. I loved my job, but it could be extremely stressful at times. The only plans I had for my week off was to chill out and maybe do a little yard work around the house. At thirty-four I was well past the spring break partying. I came to a stop at a red light and noticed an all-night market on the other side of the deserted intersection. I decided to stop and pick up a few things I needed, that way I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow.

The market was as deserted as the streets outside. Quickly I finished my shopping and headed to checkout. There was only one cashier open and there was only one person in line. A fine young man who looked to be about nineteen or twenty years old.

"Damn! If I were only ten years younger."

I thought to myself as I looked at him. He was tall. I'm 6'1 and he looked like he had me by at least three inches. He glanced at me a couple of times as he purchased his Blacks. I thought he must have been a former student of mine. But there was nothing familiar about him. I watched as he headed for the door. No he wasn't a former student I thought as he turned and looked back as he went out the door. I remember every student I've taught the past three years. Now I might not remember their names, but I remember every face. I know I wouldn't have forgotten one as exceptional as his. I shrugged it off as he walked out the door, disappearing into the night. Or so I thought. Much to my surprise there he was when I walked out of the Market. He was leaning on a car, which was parked next to mine. He watched as I put my bag into the car, then introduced himself. After dealing with some of the most dangerous bangers in the city I had developed a kind of sixth sense when it came to them. Like everyone I worked with you could put two students in front of us, dressed exactly the same and in no time we would know who was the gangster and who wasn't. He wasn't wearing anything that identified him with any of the gangs. He was wearing a pair of oversized overalls; one of the shoulder straps was undone and dangled behind him. He wasn't wearing a shirt. He also looked me in the eye when he spoke. Yep, my instincts told me he wanted something, and it wasn't to do me any harm.

"How's it goin Reese? I'm...Derick."

I replied turning to face him. Force of habit almost made me introduce myself as Mr. Brown. I studied his face; long silky black eyelashes framed his dark brown eyes. A neatly trimmed line of hair sat atop of his full lips. The light from the street lamps glinted on a small silver hoop earring in his left ear. His hair was cut in a bald fade. He smiled exposing his snow-white teeth. For all you basketball fans, just picture Ray Allen. Now I was sure I'd never met him before.

`So what's up wit cha tonight?"

He said.

"Nothin much just headed home."

I replied, as I looked at his well-defined arms, since only one of his shoulder straps was buttoned it exposed half of his chest. My eyes trailed down his long neck over his bare shoulder onto his firm pec. He told me that he'd been to Chicago's, which was a very popular spot for the youngsters these days, but that he left early because he'd gotten board. I told him that I would've thought he'd like the crowd at Chicago's.

"You might be surprised at what I like."

He said, smiling again. My eyes went back to his chest, looking at a huge dark nipple which looked like a Hershey's kiss. His muscular upper body tapered nicely into his overalls. His smooth coffee colored skin seemed to glow under the soft light of the moon. The last man I'd been with was Kenny. We'd had an ongoing sexual relationship for the past few months, up until he'd moved to California six weeks ago. I hadn't enjoyed the touch of a man since. I found myself wondering if his nipples tasted as good as they looked. All I could think about was going home and jerking off while visions of everything I could do with this young man played in my head.

"Well it was nice talking to you Reese, but I ..."

I started to speak, but he cut me off.

" I was hopin that..uhh.. maybe you and me could...uhh...maybe hook up tonight, and maybe...uhhh... you know go to my place. And..uhhh.. Maybe you know...uhhh... do somethin."

He said. At first I wasn't sure I understood. Was he coming on to me? I stood silently for a few moments as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Now I know that I'm a decent lookin brotha, I do the workout thing and all. And I do get my share of attention from both sexes, but never have I been approached so boldly.

"What makes you think I would be interested in doin somethin?"

I said.

"At first I didn't think you even fucked around like that. And even if you did, if you would want to hook up with me, but then..."

He replied.

"Then what?"

I asked.

"You're still here."

He said, a grin spreading across his face. I smiled back at him. There was something about him that intrigued me, besides the physical attraction. It took a lot of balls to do what he just did. That meant he knows what he wants and he goes after it, and that's a good thing. Ordinarily I would have turned him down if just because of his age. I'd never been interested in very young men. I taught kids all day in the classroom. The last thing I wanted to do was to teach one in the bedroom. Shit, I guess he caught me at the right time. Or maybe I was just plain horney, because I agreed to follow him to his place. I would make an exception and if need be. I would instruct the young brotha on how to please a man.

It five minutes we were standing in front of his apartment. Neither of us spoke as he unlocked the door and we went inside. In the darkness of the room I could make out the shapes of a couch along the wall farthest from us, a chair was next to the door. I felt his hand on my shoulder and turned to face him. His hand moved slowly along my shoulder. Still we hadn't spoken a word to each other since we'd left the market. His long fingers cupped the back of my head and neck as he gently pulled me to him. I could feel the heat from his body as he pressed it against me. With a soft smack he gave me a quick dry kiss on the lips then paused, as if he was waiting to see how I'd react. I put my arms around him and pressed our lips together. I slipped my hand inside his overalls as our tongues came together. The bare skin of his back was warm and smooth to the touch. My dick started to harden as did his as we kissed. Reese unbuttoned my shirt as our tongues continued to explore each other's mouths. Then peeling it off me I let it fall to the floor. He pressed his face against my pecs. He moaned softly as he rubbed his smooth cheek against my hairy chest. He then unbuckled my belt and pants pushing them down around my ankles. He then began to rub and squeeze my dick through my underwear. We kicked off our shoes and I stepped out of my pants while he removed his overalls. I could barely make out the outline of his hard dick snaking down his thigh through his black boxer briefs. He then took my hand and led me to his bedroom. Standing next to his bed we removed our underwear.

"You got a nice body. I could tell by your arms that you would have lots of hair."

He said as he ran his hand along my abs. I compared our bodies. His was long dark and lean. His skin was the color of crude oil, mine more like milk chocolate my chest was bigger, and the muscles in my arms and legs were bigger. He was taller than I was but I was bigger in every aspect except one. His dick was bigger.

"You got a nice dick."

I said, as I stroked it. It had to be nine inches long and it was thick, but not too thick.

"So do you."

He replied, as we stood stroking each other.

He told me to lie down as he went to the foot of the bed. Pushing my legs apart as he kneeled between them he lowered his head and started to lick my balls. I gasped as the sudden wave of pleasure swept through me. He pushed my thighs farther apart as he took my nutts into his mouth. First one then the other. His warm wet mouth felt incredible as he gently rolled them on his soft tongue. I had a feeling that young blood wouldn't require much teaching. Soon he began to lick his way up the shaft of my dick until he reached the tip. Another wave of pleasure swept through me as a warm wet sensation engulfed me and slowly inched it's way down my dick. Reese really knew what he was doing. I'd been sucked many times by both men and women, but never had it felt this good. He had me moaning and squirming beneath him as he took all seven inches of me into his hot mouth. I didn't know if I could take all of him like he was doing me but I was damn sho gonna try. Reese grudgingly released my dick as I sat up. I told him to lie down as I repositioned myself so that we were lying head to foot. I starred at the big dark piece of meat just inches from my face. I could feel his hot mouth engulf me again as I took him into my mouth. I squeezed and caressed his thighs as my head bobbed between his legs. I took more and more of him with each down stroke, and soon I felt the head of his dick enter my throat. Soon he was moaning softly as I took him deeper and deeper. I was getting almost as much pleasure from sucking him as I was from getting sucked. The fact that his dick throbbed and twitched with pleasure each time it slid deep into my throat made me want to take him even deeper. The tangy taste of his pre cum spreading across my tongue was more addicting than any drug. Reese released my dick from his mouth and he began to breathe in short shallow breaths.

"Umm...umm.. yeah...yeah...suck it."

He panted.

"Ooooooh that shit feels good."

He continued, as I sucked him. I knew it was feeling really good to him, and judging by the way he was carrying on, it was getting better by the second.

"Yeah...yeah.. Suck my muthafuckin dick."

He panted again, and again. I knew he was getting close to blowing his load. I had him right where I wanted him. I slowed down just a little. Reese cut loose with another long stream of obscenities, as I took him right up to the edge and held him there. He was in complete ecstasy. His moans turned to whimpers as he teetered on the brink. I was caught up in the moment too. As I said before it had been a while since I'd sucked a dick and I was making up for lost time. I found myself anticipating his orgasm. A feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. I wanted him to nutt in my mouth. I wanted to taste him, to consume him. I decided that we'd both waited long enough. I pulled his body to me, he cried out and his back arched as suddenly my lips slid down to the base of his shaft.


He grunted as I pulled back. My tongue swirled around the head of his throbbing cock. Again and again I pushed my head forward, the head of his big dick stretching my throat. I resisted the urge to gag, his hips thrusting his cock to its deepest point yet.

"Yeah!...Yeah!...I'm gonna nutt!...Here it comes!"

He gasped.


He cried out. I could feel his dick throbbing in my throat, and his body jerked. Suddenly I felt a warm sensation sliding down my throat and a slightly bitter taste spread across my tongue as his throbbing dick continued to plunge in and out of my mouth. Pulling back until just the head of his cock remained in my mouth. He grunted again and again. I began to swallow as spurt after spurt of his cum splashed onto my tongue. His chest heaved, he was sucking oxygen like a marathon runner as his hot juices filled my mouth. I savored the taste of him as I nursed the last drops from of cum from his nutts. He moaned softly and his cock showed no signs of softening, as I continued gently sucking him long after he'd stopped shooting.

"Damn! Ain't nobody ever sucked my dick like that before."

He finally spoke before taking my cock in his mouth. I closed my eyes as his head began to bob between my legs. It felt like he was going to give as good as he got. His mouth felt incredible on my dick. But after a few moments I pulled away from him. Gently I rolled him onto his stomach. I got on all fours straddling his body. He turned his head and looked at me as I hovered over him. Lowering my head I began to suck his earlobe.

"So you enjoyed it when I sucked your dick."

I whispered.


He whispered back

"So did I. Your cum tasted good."

I continued.

"Ummm...I wanna taste yours."

He said, softly.

"You will, and soon. I promise, but first I have something else in mind."

I my lips moved from his ear down onto his neck. I kissed and licked my way around to the back of his neck. Slowly I worked my way onto his shoulder. His body shivered slightly under the gentle touch of my tongue and lips. His dark skin was salty from the sweat he'd worked up a few minutes ago. He shivered again, as my tongue played on his back, from side to side, lower and lower. By the time I reached the small of his back he was squirming and moaning in sheer delight.


He moaned, as my lips moved onto his firm rounded asscheeks. Gently I kissed every inch on his cheeks, first one then the other. He didn't resist so I continued onward.


He cooed, as I started to lick up and down the crack of his ass, pushing my tongue deeper between his cheeks with each pass. After a few moments I pushed his legs apart and lied down between them. My face inches above his ass. Taking the firm muscular globes into my hands I squeezed and massaged while spreading them apart. Peering into the dark valley between his cheeks I could see nothing but darkness. I heard him moan again as I pressed my face into his ass. He started to squirm again when he felt my soft wet tongue start to probe. He made a hissing sound as he suddenly inhaled through his clenched teeth as the tip of my tongue brushed across his asshole. Reese's head snapped back and he cut loose with another stream of obscenities as I zeroed on the object of my desire. My tongue flicked the soft folds of skin of the puckered entrance to his pleasure tunnel. I teased the super sensitive skin for a while gently rimming him with the tip of my tongue. What I wanted though was to see how he'd react to something entering him. Pressing my lips against him I began to push with my tongue. He started to moan and I pushed harder. His moans became louder as his spit soaked hole began to give way. I could feel my tongue start to enter him. I started slowly, gently working my tongue into him. His asshole resisting less and less. Soon my tongue was sliding easily in and out of him. Reese was panting heavily, just like he was right before he came just about ten or fifteen minutes ago. I was glad he was enjoying the fucking, but I had something better to fuck him with than my tongue. Getting up on my hands and knees again I began kissing him up his back until I reached the back of his neck. Spitting in my hand I rubbed it on my dick and lowering my body onto his I guided the head between his spit-drenched asscheeks.

"Hold on."

He said, his voice croaking with lust. He reached over to the nightstand near the bed and pulled open the drawer and retrieved a small bottle of lube. I sat back on my heels as Reese threw one leg over my head and rolled over onto his back. I watched as he opened the bottle and poured some of the slippery liquid into his hand. Then pulling his knees up he smeared the lube between his cheeks. I gazed into his eyes as he poured more lube in his hand and rubbed it on my dick.

"Take it easy man."

He said softly as he rubbed the lube on the entire length of my cock. I hooked one arm behind one of his knees and put my hand on the bed next to his head, leaning forward I used the other hand to guide my dick to his waiting hole. Looking down at him I asked if he was ready. He nodded his head yes, and I started to push. I applied even pressure. After a few moments he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply as the head of my cock started to wedge open his asshole. I could feel his assring slip over the tip of my dick and half the head slid inside, causing Reese to groan, and squirm beneath me. I slowly pulled out and paused a moment then began again this time pushing the entire head inside of him before pulling back. Reese continued to groan as again I eased back inside of him. I paused leaving my dick inside him, praying that he wouldn't make me stop. Then with short gentle thrusts I started giving him a little more dick with each thrust before pulling out till just the head remained inside him. His tight ass gripped my dick. The warm softness of his insides engulfing me, sending increasing waves of pleasure through me the deeper I went. I continued this until he had half my dick buried in his tight little hole. He has committed himself to doing this so with one steady gentle push I buried the rest of my dick inside him. He gasped as his asshole is stretched to its widest point around the base of my cock. His body flinches and I can see the pain in his face as my balls rested against his butt. I lowered my body onto him pushing his knees into his armpits. I covered his mouth with mine. I could feel every beat of his heart through his asshole. I held still for a while, relishing in the pleasure I was feeling. His tongue probes deeply and frantically, as if the kiss somehow eases the pain he is feeling. I remain still inside him and soon his kisses go from frantic to passionate. His hands no longer push against my shoulders, instead they caress them. Sensing he's ready I began to fuck him. Slowly my ass rose and fell, the heat from his ass seemed to radiate through my cock into my nutts. His mouth tastes as good as his ass does. His kisses as fresh and sweet as the warm spring night. I could tell by the feel of him that I was in a place not many men had been before, if any at all. Too bad, cause the ass was good. And I hadn't even started to git in it like I wanted to. In the beginning I was concerned with causing him as little pain as possible. Now he was apparently pain free. Now all I could think about was getting as much pleasure out of his ass as I could. With every down stroke I ground my hips into him. causing him to moan softly. His meaty cheeks cushioned my strokes as the flattened against my pubs. If was as if I was shoving my cock between two firm pillows. The pace of my thrusts increased, as was my pleasure.

"Damn yo ass is good."

I whispered in his ear.

"Git you some, git you some of dis ass."

He whispered back. I knew he was enjoying it too cause I could feel his hard dick between our bodies. I was humping hard and fast. The sounds of good fucking filled the air of his bedroom, our moans, grunts, and groans. Along with the slapping noises as bare skin slammed against bare skin. Drawing my knees up I leaned back on my heels; Reese grabbed his cock and started stroking. I watched as my dick slid in and out of his hole. His beautiful black ass nestled between my thighs. His feet waving in the air as he fisted his shaft. I watched him lying before me, jerking his dick. I knew it was feeling good to him, I could feel his asshole occasionally contract around dick as I fucked his ass. That sight along with the extra pleasure his contracting butt was giving me was driving me crazy. Grabbing his bobbing feet I started to slam into him again. Using his feet for leverage pulling down on them as I thrust forward.


He groaned, his head rolling from side to side as my dick plunged deep inside him. My skin glistened with perspiration as I pounded his hole. I knew it wouldn't be long before I would cum. His shit was just too good.

"Fuck my muthafuckin ass."

He moaned. I was completely caught up in my own world. A world of lust and pleasure. The muscles in my arms flexed as I pulled down hard on his feet with every thrust, forcing my dick even deeper into him. The soles of his feet were soft to the touch, pulling them to my face I gave in to the urge to kiss them.


He cried out, as I kissed and licked his feet while I continued to slam my hips into his butt. I felt him contract again and again. I could tell he really liked it when the new sensations of my tongue on his feet joined with the others. I was doing a job on his asshole and feet with my dick and tongue. His big dick, now lubed with his pre cum glided in and out of his fist as he stroked wildly. Each thrust of my hips pushed me closer and closer to bustin my nutt. His bowels caressed my dick from tip to base like a soft fleshy condom. I was lovin this shit. And judging by Reese's moans he was too. Feverishly I licked his feet as I continued humping into him with wild abandon.


He grunted.

"Is this booty good to ya?"

He continued.

My dick became harder and harder as I humped away. I was about to show him how good his booty was.

"Yeah man, that's it cum in my ass."

He panted.

I guess he knew I was close. I was humping harder and harder, the harder I slammed into him the better it felt. Sweat was running down the middle of my back into the crack of my ass just as I started to cum.


I moaned, my body jerked uncontrollably as the intense pleasure swept through me.


Reese cried out, as my dick swelled stretching his asshole some more. My thighs squeezing his cute little butt as my cum spurted into him. My chest heaved and I gasped for breath as I erupted again and again. Filling his butt with fresh hot cream. My cum coated dick plunged even deeper into him I continued fucking him throwing everything I had into every thrust as the orgasm racked my body. I continued humping gradually slowing my pace as the best nutt I've ever busted began to subside. I was slowly being brought out of my ecstasy-induced stupor by the sound of moaning. I realized it was Reese. He was really jerking his meat. For a while I was no longer aware of anyone else in the world. I looked down at him as I kept thrusting into him, his chest heaving as he panted. His hand was almost a blur as he jerked himself. I could tell he was about to cum. I began to lick his feet again.

"Oh fuck yeah!"

He panted.

Knowing he really got into that I gave the soles of his feet long leisurely laps with my tongue. Which drove him crazy. I continued working on his feet and soon he was ready to pop.


He groaned loudly. I felt his ass contract on my dick, and I watched as a long white stream of cum spewed from his dick. He grunted and growled and his hole clamped down on my now semi-erect dick as he emptied his nutts. I kept watching as stream after stream stripped his chest and stomach. I remained inside of him until his ass stopped contracting and I was sure he was through shooting before releasing his feet. Reese pulled me onto his body the mixture of his cum and my sweat matting the hair of my chest and stomach as our lips met. Usually after I busted my nutt, and the other person had gotten theirs (if they wanted) now is the time I'd be looking for my drawz, thinking only of getting home. It hadn't been two minutes since we'd gotten off, him for the second time tonight. And here we were kissing as passionately as we did before we started. And I was liking it. After a couple of minutes he broke off the kissing. I started to tell him I had to go, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry for me to leave, as he started talking. He told me that he'd only been fucked once in his life when he was seventeen. He said he didn't enjoy it and never thought he'd do it again. He couldn't explain it but even though he knew he wouldn't enjoy it. He wanted me to fuck him. I asked him if it was as bad as he expected.

"Man that shit hurt at first just like I remembered. Then after it stopped hurting it started getting good."

He said.

"So you enjoyed it?"

I asked.

"I never knew it could be so good."

He said. I smiled, I knew he liked it before I asked.

"Who's tha man?"

I said jokingly as I reached over and cupped one of his asscheeks.

" Yeah I gotta give you your props. The dick is good. So when am I gonna get a chance to git in that ass of yours."

He said, as he moved closer. The thought of this sexy young brotha fucking me was appealing. Hell I was almost as eager for it as he was. He moved still closer, our faces an inch apart. I knew he wanted to fuck me and he wanted it tonight. It had been awhile since I'd been fucked. Kenny was the last. Damn I was due; I felt a stirring in the pit of my stomach in anticipation. Reese was young and had already cum twice tonight so it figured to be a nice long ride.

In the interest of space I'll have to stop here. I'll get the rest of the story out soon.

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