Reeled In

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 30, 2022


After Don had left, Ryan squirmed in the ropes. His wrist restraints didn't give even a bit, and if he struggled too hard, he'd pull enough to make the rope around his dick tighten and pull and THAT was extremely painful. He did exactly what Don thought he'd do and screamed for help for about ten minutes. He didn't hear anything outside except for an occasional car that just motored past. After about 90 minutes, he heard a car pulling up alongside the house and he screamed again before he realized: it was probably Don. When he heard the door open and slam shut, he worried about what was gonna happen now. "WELL HELLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HANDSOME. DAMN you look good like that, Ryan bud." Don tossed off his coat and ran a cold hand along Ryan's torso. He couldn't help it: Ryan's cock began to spring to attention. Don smiled. I guess you ARE glad to see me." "THAT'S an exaggeration," Ryan retorted. It got a smack to his balls. "Enough lip you big stud." When Ryan groaned from the slap, Don hit his balls again. "GAWD those sounds are sexy. You are gonna be SO MUCH FUN." Don stopped and stroked Ryan's cock a few times. Then he stopped, and held it. "So, Ryan. From what I could tell, you're an attorney, huh?" He squeezed Ryan's cock and smiled. "UGH. Yeah. I am." "SON OF A... Now that's TWO boyfriends in a row who are attorneys. I wonder if you know my last one. I'll have to pull up a photo." "I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND YOU CRAZY FUCK." Ryan spat out. Don smiled. "Yeah, you're right. I was just trying to make it more palatable to you slave boy. What you are, really, is my sex slave. " He laughed. "Don't sound as good as boyfriend huh? Oh well... And about me being a crazy fuck... I DO fuck like crazy. Wait until you find out stud. It's gonna be sooner rather than later, you're gonna be taking cock. " Don got up from the bed. "SO, I'm gonna go and get a few things so you don't have to be buck naked helping me unload the car, because I got a whole shitload of your stuff we gotta incorporate into the house. " He smiled. "I suggest you don't try any evasive maneuvers Ryan because, well, you're on MY turf and... in any event, I think you probably figured out... I can handle you." When Don came back with a shirt and sweat pants, he untied Ryan and smiled as Ryan stretched out his legs and his wrists. "Your cock looks better tied up stud. You just gotta know I think that." In the short time Don was out, Ryan considered his options. "I can handle you," was what Don said, and Ryan had to admit to himself: he was right. Don was a LOT stronger than he looked. Further, Ryan had no idea where this house was. He'd have to figure that out. No, getting away NOW was not a possibility. He'd think about it toward the future: surely Don didn't intend to keep him captive here 24/7: SOMEONE would notice that, and start looking. "He can't keep me tied up here all the time," Ryan thought, and felt a "ping" in his crotch.

"You know, you're not gonna get away with this. This is kidnapping." Ryan said it after Don had made him get dressed to go out and eat because "we're gonna celebrate new beginnings stud." They went to a restaurant where the staff clearly knew Don. "How's Brent doing?" a waiter asked Don, after he had signaled for Ryan to slip to the inside seat of a booth and he sat outside. "HA! Brent is, as we say, on the outside looking in Pete. This is Ryan. He's my new sweetie." Don reached under the table and rubbed Ryan's thigh, and Pete the server saw it. He smiled. "Nice to meet you Ryan. I'll go tend to the order." Don squeezed Ryan's thigh. "I was wondering when you were gonna bring that up, pumpkin. And ya know, if I were a rookie, I'd be worried. But I'm not. See, everyone saw you leave that first bar with me, voluntarily. And now, everyone here sees the happy couple. So, you got no witnesses to me doing anything to you that you object to. You already know I can handle you if I have to hunt you down. But the BIG thing, Ryan sweetie..." Don smiled big time. "I bet if I reached over just a wee bit, and felt what was going on between your legs, I'd feel a more than adequate hard on." Ryan blushed, and Don laughed. He was right. On a very basic level (didn't he read that this was his limbic system somewhere?), Ryan had rarely, if ever, been as stimulated as he had been by Don. He DID have big orgasms, but he had never had one as big as the one he had when Don worked over his cock. Being tied up seemed to get him even more worked up, and then... how the HELL did Don figure out so many turn ons so fast? "Yeah, he IS gonna get away with it," Ryan thought to himself. "What are you gonna do about letting me go to work? They'll miss me there." "Who said you weren't going to work big guy? Nah, I'll drive you to the train tomorrow, I'll give you the train I expect you to take back, and I'll meet ya. And trust me stud... I will know if you try anything. " He laughed. "By the way, if I were you, I wouldn't try using my credit cards tomorrow." "WHAT THE...." Don began to laugh. "You think I'm gonna give you the chance to buy a ticket outta here? No way dude. I'M the one who controls finances from now on. " "Fuck..." escaped from Ryan's lips. "Well, not right now, and I didn't really think we would after dinner, but maybe...." Then Don started to laugh. "If you could look into a mirror stud... Your face.. I don't know what it was, but... DAYUM." The last thing Ryan remembered before he fell asleep that night was Don whispering into his ear "you are so fucking hot Ryan. " Don had one hand on Ryan's right pec, and the other one around his balls. He had also thrown one of his wiry legs over Ryan's. He was so close to Ryan that he could feel Don's dick pressing up against him. Don squeezed the pec and his balls one last time before he fell asleep. Ryan knew he was asleep because of the snoring sound. He tried to shift a little. He had just shot a small load onto the bed.

"6:10 train beefcake. That's when you start heading back. Don't make me wait..." They were sitting in Don's car at the train station, Ryan dressed for work in a button down shirt, a blazer and his gray flannel trousers. He had a cock ring on, attached to a leather strip that went up to a narrow collar Don had put on him. Unless you knew what it was, you didn't "know" what it was, but at least one man did, because he walked by and smiled. "Hope your Master treats you well. If he doesn't, I hope I see you again."

Don fucked Ryan for the first time toward the end of the week. He had been tying Ryan up for a few hours every night. Sometimes he jerked him off, sometimes not. Sometimes he'd use a toy, like a vibrator on Ryan's body, or he'd tease his ears, or other sensitive body parts after he tied him down. When it happened, well... Ryan didn't hear Don come up behind him. "GOTCHA YA BIG STUD" Don wrapped arms around Ryan's middle and started pushing him toward the bed. "What does Rod Stewart sing, bud, 'tonight's the night?' Heh heh heh." Don shoved Ryan face down and grabbed his wrists, tying them securely. "NO. PLEASE. I'M NOT READY." "Yeah ya are. Cause I say you are. " Ryan began to beg for Don not to do it. PLEASE. PLEASE. "Ryan boy, it's gonna happen. Now you can accept that and be a big boy about it, or you can continue to be a baby and... I may have to gag you out of necessity." Ryan felt his athletic pants being pulled down and the cool air on his ass cheeks. "This ass though... This ass..." He heard Don muttering, and then he heard Don suck his finger before he started working it between Ryan's cheeks. "Stud... you think I'm gonna stop because you tighten your glutes? THAT is just DUMB. Now.. RELAX." As Don methodically worked his finger around Ryan's hole and then into it, he got silent and new sensations began to fill Ryan - different than the ones when Don teased his cock, or nibbled his ear. "Ease it up Ryan. Ease it up." Don gently pushed Ryan's arms up to give him more room. He put his cockhead at Ryan's hole and Ryan began to cry a little. He felt Don's body flatten out on him. He could feel Don's breath at his ear, as Don whispered. "Muffin, you're gonna have to get used to this, so try to relax. I'm gonna do this nice and slow.. but I'm gonna do it. You want my finger again?" Ryan shook his head. "No. Just do it. You're gonna win." "That's right big boy. One hundred percent correct." His cockhead slipped into Ryan just a little. "OH YEAH. THERE we go. Just relax muffin. Just relax. Remember how many times you did it to some lady. You can handle what they can, can't ya?" He slipped about a half inch of his cock into Ryan, and he heard a sigh. "Next time we'll do it face up, handsome. That way I can get to your nips and make it even better. For now though.. Just keep on relaxing." Another portion of his cock entered Ryan, and then.. Ryan began to relax. Don stopped pushing as Ryan moaned, and his body adapted to what was happening. "Your ass is so sweet Ryan. Why someone didn't take it already, I don't know." He pushed in further, and Ryan spread his cheeks. "GOOD BOY. GOOD. You must be liking it." Ryan didn't DISLIKE it, but he wasn't sure if he liked it. He couldn't tell if he was hard, but... he knew Don was, as he pushed ALL the way in. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD. YOU'RE SO FUCKING BIG." Ryan cried out and Don laughed. "Why, thank you studbottom. I'm glad you appreciate my endowment. " He began to get into a rhythm as he slid back and forth in Ryan's ass. "How's that feel, bud?" "I... I don't know. It's new.." "You hard?" "I dunno. I can't feel anything. " "Lemme slip my hand underneath. Yup, you're hard." Don pulled Ryan's hips up just a bit and the new angle led to new sensations. Don's hand on his cock amplified them. "Push back stud. It'll feel better. " Ryan didn't know why he did, but he did push back . And now, the invasion of his ass was complete. He was being fucked. Don had sped up the sliding motion and when Ryan closed his eyes, he remembered videos of automobile pistons moving back and forth. That was until the sensation of his cock getting harder took over and now, all he felt was sensation at the back and the front. "RIDING MY BIG STUDLY BOY. HELL YEAH. LIKE A FUCKING COWBOY. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAW." Ryan was starting to laugh now, but he also started spurting precum. What the HELL was this man doing to him. "HERE IT COMES STUD. TAKE MY LOAD!" Ryan thought about the times he had said similar things to women, as Don's cock exploded fluid into his ass, just before he shot, all over everything. Don pulled out "HOT DAMN that was ONE STUDLY ASS RIDE." He rolled Ryan on his side, and ran a finger over his lips. "You're gonna be ok, Ryan, ain't ya?" "I... I dunno. I'm... I think I'm in shock." Don smiled. "NAH. You're just realizing what happened. You just became my bitch. Betta get used to saying it, stud because... I'm gonna be taking your ass a lot." He ran a hand through Ryan's hair. "Beginning to learn to call me Sir wouldn't hurt either. He smiled, and kissed Ryan. "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. How's about we get you cleaned up? It's a little late to celebrate tonight, but tomorrow... tomorrow we paint what we can find of town up here, bright red. " He snickered. "Maybe we'll paint your ass red too. You like spankings, stud?" Ryan didn't answer. How the hell did Don know?

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