Reeled In

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 21, 2022


Hey readers: if you like this story you may want to check one I wrote previously, "Brent Meets Don". That's where I introduce two of the characters who'll show up here. You don't need to though. The story stands on its own. ENJOY

Don was thinking about his last meeting with brent as he drove to his home. He smiled and laughed "That was good even for YOU, stud." He was referring to what he had done to brent just before he left him. brent was so used to losing struggles with Don that, when Don pulled out the ropes, he didn't put up any resistance. In retrospect, maybe he should have. Don slapped a piece of tape over brent's mouth - again, nothing he hadn't done before - then he pulled something out of his pocket, smiling. "Got a going away present for ya, stud." brent looked at him, puzzled. "Going away present," he thought, as Don sat down on the bed and began stroking brent's belly, where the semen - a mixture of Don's and his own - was already caking up. "Yeah, we're not gonna see each other for a while, maybe not again, stud, so... I wanted you to remember our time together... fondly." brent didn't know that Don had a chastity cage in his hand. "This, stud... is gonna keep you from self abuse , because Lord knows, you do enough of it." "mrgnadh?" brent still didn't know what it was. When Don picked up his flaccid penis, and stretched it out, brent began to get nervous. When he struggled, Don squeezed his dick and calmed him down real fast. "See, babe... Sooooooooo many ways to keep you sorta str8 bois in line." Don's experienced hands locked the cage on brent. "So you see, you can't jerk off unless you unlock the cage. And...." Don smiled and showed him the key. "I'm gonna mail this to you and Louise. So she may get it and open it. Then... you'll have to do some explaining. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" Don had taken his hand from brent's cock, so struggling was possible now, even if it was useless. "I should tell ya too stud, I sent Louise a present. " brent squinted. What could THAT be? "Oh, nuthin that's gonna get you in REAL trouble but... I just thought she should have a man size dildo in case she wants to... you know, spice things up." brent shook his head NO furiously, and pushed at the ropes. No give. Don smiled and bent down to kiss his forehead. "We had some fun times, big jim" (jim was brent's middle name and not many people used it: just Louise, Don and brent's family). "But I'm a travelling man and I gotta move on." He gave brent's nipples one final squeeze. "DAMN. I'm gonna have to get some photos of this. Say cheese. Ha ha hah." Don had left enough slack in the ropes so that brent could get out of them after a few hours. By then, the hotel room had been paid for, Don had left, and all he could do was get out of there, and hope he got the envelope before Louise did. brent lucked out and he got the mail the day the key arrived. He tore the envelope open and took the key. Then, he went off to the bathroom to unlock it. He stopped. He had been going to the gym regularly since he had tried, unsuccessfully, to get strong enough to best Don, and he liked the discipline. Maybe... maybe..." He took his key ring and put the key on it , but left on the cage. "Hey, brent, I got a box from your cousin Don." "OH SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THAT." brent thought. Louise was smiling. "He's such a thoughtful man, I wonder what it is." brent turned away. He was blushing. "Oh, my. " She began to giggle. "But this is WAY too big for me. Hmmm. He left a note." "FUCK" brent thought. "He didn't say anything about a note." "Dear Louise. I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you, because I enjoyed the time I did. Throw this out if you find it inappropriate but... when we were growing up, big jim and I used to use these to, well... you get the idea. It's more fun if someone uses it ON you, and..." Now Louise was blushing. "I'll take it to the trash, don't worry" brent reached and Louise pulled back. "YOU'LL DO NO SUCH THING. Anything that improves our sex life... I'm all in favor of trying it." "Then I think you'll be interested in what Don gave me." The kids were out at clubs and practices, so he dropped his pants and showed her the cage. "OH! I heard about those. How does it feel?" "Weird, but.." "I bet you'll be ready this weekend. Don't take it off until I use this." Louise smiled. AH, SUBURBAN COUPLES! We'll leave our "we're new to kink" kids and return to travelling man Don.

Don had a place that was close enough to the city so that if he DID want to see brent again, he could get there with no trouble. He kept thinking of brent as he drove. "DANG. He woulda been perfect if he hadn't been a hubby and daddy." Don WAS a "travelling man," but he was getting ready to settle down. He wanted a regular life, with a regular submissive guy, preferably one who was straight before Don got to him, and a normal, but D/s life. He didn't have a particular type: his sub before brent had been a Latino guy: very macho, who had been MUCH more of a challenge to turn than brent was, and before that, a thin long distance runner who was fun to manipulate and wrestle, but was always tired. He sighed. The way he operated, he would go into a straight bar, and just look around. "I can't explain it, but I just know" he had told one of his DOM friends. It was time to start looking. This time, it wasn't for "Mr Right Now," it was for his life sub.

It took him a while to find a guy he was interested in. For about six months, he'd go out three, sometimes four nights a week, always to a straight bar, and look around. There were guys who were attractive, guys who were sexy, but no one had made his cock "ping" the way brent did when Don saw him. Then, in a bar about 15 miles from his house, he saw Ryan. "Please God, let him be single," Don thought. Ryan was on the other side of 40, with slightly long, wavy, silver hair - it wasn't really gray. Solid: maybe 6'1"? At the first glance, Don couldn't tell what color Ryan's eyes were, but they were gray too. In fact, his nickname for Ryan would become "Mr. Gray" because much of his clothing ran to the black/white/gray color range, and when his beard came in, it was gray too. So was the hair all over his chest and pubes - unless Don shaved him (but now we're getting ahead of our story). That night, Ryan wasn't wearing gray: he had on a fairly beaten up red chambray shirt tucked into some jeans. He was sitting at the bar by himself, drinking what looked like a draft beer. Don had entered the bar in a way that let him see that there wasn't a ring on Ryan's right hand, but the REAL test was the left. He waited until the seat to Ryan's left became available. "Hey, you mind company, big guy?" Don flashed a smile and Ryan looked up. "Help yourself. Ryan here." "I'm Don, Ryan. Nice to meet you." (Nope, no wedding ring). "I've never seen you in here Don." Ryan laughed. "I've sorta become a regular since I broke up with my girlfriend." ("DAMN. He's giving me what I need. He's fucking PERFECT" went through Don's head. He began to "bait the hook."). "Hey I'm sorry to hear that. Can I ask: how long?" "Two months, Don. " He laughed. "I'm not sure I want another one. Women are too hard." Don picked up his own drink. "You got that right. Toast?" "Toast." "So, you're out alone. Attached to someone?" Ryan asked. "Nah, pretty much the same as you. Broke up with someone just a little while ago. I'm gonna get back into the water but... still waiting for the chance. Until then..." (Now, Don, through the line out): "If I need to bust a nut, I just... " He paused. He saw Ryan listening intently. Tease the line. "You're interested ain't ya Ryan?" Ryan blushed a little. "Well, yeah, I am actually. It's been.. GOD, way more than two months since I had my last really excellent blow job." "Well, I'm always in search of the best, and I think I may have found the place. If you're interested..." Ryan put some money on the bar for his drink, and Don's. "How about I follow you in my car?" "Could do that. Or I could follow you, and then after you park yours, you can hop in and I'll drive us both." "That works. I'm not far. Let's go." Ryan's house wasn't that far away. As Don followed him, he manipulated the steering wheel with one hand, while his other hand toyed with his crotch. "These straight boys. TOO FUCKING EASY," he laughed. At a stop, he reached under the seat and pulled out the brown bottle, and the cloth. He stuffed them both in his pocket. Ryan parked and came over to the passenger side. "READY to ROLL" he laughed. "I'm SO up for this." "Me too, Ryan, me too." It took about 20 minutes until Don pulled up in front of his own house. Ryan looked confused. "This doesn't look promising Don." "Oh, don't worry. Let me give a call inside. Conservative town, closeted visitors.... " He mimed a call. "HEY, SYLVIA. Yeah, it's Don. I got a friend with me. Who's available? OH, Ok. Carmen. Marianne, and Janice? Well, let's see if we can have a party. See ya in a few." He turned to Ryan: "Ya ready?" Ryan felt a little anxious about this, but here he was, without his car, and not really knowing where he was. "Ok, let's go." "Hey, you've got a key?" Ryan asked as they got to the door, and he saw one in Don's hands. "This is fishy." "GET IN" Don shoved Ryan into the house and that's when he shoved the chloroform cloth over his mouth and nose. "NNNNNNNNNNNG. MMMMMMMMMMMPH.... " "Breathe deep ryan baby. Breathe deep. It'll make things go MUCH faster." Ryan struggled. He was desperate but Don knew what he was doing.

When Ryan woke up again, he was naked. He was spread out, face up, on Don's bed, wrists and ankles tied. There was a big cloth gag tied around his mouth. "mmmmmmmmmmmph?" GOD his head hurt. He also felt something... around his cock. At his balls. He lifted his head and he saw a white rope extending from his balls, all the way down to the frame of the bed. "WHAT THE?" he thought. He pulled at the restraints and the movement made the rope around his balls go taut. "FKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" he screamed into the gag. If he didn't stand still, the rope would pull his bound balls . Ryan tried to control his breathing: to relax. Where was Don? "HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome" Don walked in, still dressed, smiling. "Sorry I had to do this the way I did, ryan babe, but I didn't think you'd come with me if I told you what this was about, would ya?" Ryan looked at him and grunted, and shook his head no. "Yeah, ya see? That's the thing about you straight guys. " Don sat down on the end of the bed, and he put his hand around Ryan's cock. He began to stroke it. He said nothing and just smiled, as ryan began to moan. Then he stopped. ryan had closed his eyes, so he didn't see the smack that Don administered to his balls. "ALWAYS THINKING OF YOUR COCKS AND NOT BEYOND." Don smiled. "Like how you could get SO MUCH MORE stimulation, if you just opened yourself to anal stimulation." He slipped a finger under ryan and circled his hole with it. ryan's eyes popped open, and he moaned louder. "Or even something as simple as these babies." Now, Don moved his fingers to ryan's nipples. He traced circles and even though he knew what it would do, ryan jumped at the sensation, nearly ripping off his own cock. Don smiled. "You're gonna get used to it babe. Cause I LOVE playing with tits. And cocks. And also... butts. And ears. And lips... OH SWEET MAN YOU ARE SO PRETTY I CAN'T BELIEVE MY LUCK. I found my lifetime sub just a few miles from home." "mmmmmmmmmph?" ryan was confused. "You have questions, babe? " ryan shook his head yes. "Well, if you can keep up decent deportment, I'll take off the gag and we can talk. I might wanna use that purty mouth anyway. Can you do that?" Resignedly, ryan shook his head yes, and Don took off the gag. "Thank you. I appreciate that Don. Now, tell me what this is about." "Well, YOU'RE WELCOME. My new sub to be has some manners. Good to know." Don ran his hand over ryan's torso. "I love a FINE chest with lots of hair. I could see yours peeking out of your shirt at the bar, ryan. I was won over already, but that.. that just sealed the deal." "What deal? Don, what're you talking about?" "AH, you straight boys. You don't get it. IF there are any blowjobs, I'm gonna get them, and you're gonna give them." "WHAT? FUCK NO. " Don laughed and put his hand back around ryan's cock. "You know, I don't think I've had a single straight boy who didn't say that. And eventually... they ALL learn that their tongue is good for more than talking. By the way, you like getting stroked like that?" When ryan didn't answer, he got another slap to his balls. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU COULD BEHAVE WELL. DO YOU LIKE IT OR NOT." "YES. YES I DO. OH .. Sorry. I'll behave." "Well, that's good. Cause I was planning to pleasure ya tonight, and not punish ya." He went back to stroking. "Here's the plan ryan. The plan is, we're gonna be a couple, with very specific rules. I'm gonna be the top, you're gonna be the bottom, and you're gonna learn to accept me in control. " A big smile. "Like I am now. I mean, I know you're feeling that being tied up is shit, but.. look at the big picture. Your cock ever feel so good?" It was a good question and the answer was "no." Whatever this guy was doing, ryan thought, he was doing a DAMN good job at it. He couldn't do much in the way of bucking his hips because of the ropes but ryan was moaning and groaning . He was trying to imagine it was some woman, rather than Don, and he made little tiny "bucks," faster and faster. Then Don stopped. Ryan looked at him. "Hey. What the..." "ryan stud, now that was just a teaser. Yeah, I'm being a mean bastard right now, but you are about to learn the first lesson: the top man cums first. The bottom cums if the top says he can. "WHAT THE. I'M NOT A BOTTOM." Don smiled. "Ya will be. Starting now." ryan watched as Don pulled off his clothes. He had a stringy, wiry but muscular body. And his cock was out at attention in front of him. "Gonna take that rope off your dick, ryan. Give me more time to maneuver, but remember, stud. If I have to, I'll use it again." "Yeah, I got that," ryan grunted out as Don, now naked, climbed on top of him. "AH. You feel better than I thought you would you sweet sexy thing." With his cock untied, ryan could squirm a little more, and he tried. His dick was hard, though, and smashed between his body and Don's. During one of his squirms, ryan moved his head , and Don stuck his scraggly chin into the space. The beard fur began to slide back and forth on ryan's neck. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he began to moan. He almost let "that feels so good" slip out, but he didn't. He couldn't control what his cock did, though, and Don could feel it too. He whispered: "feels good, stud, doesn't it?" ryan remembered the spanking his balls got and answered "yes. yes it does." Then, abruptly, Don stopped. He sat up, straddling ryan. "Ya know, one of the things you straight boys don't know, is how really really erotic nipple work can be." He stopped talking and began twisting ryan's nipples every so gently. If the beard scruffing felt good this felt... well, awesome. "GOD. OH GOD. FUCK. DAMN." Random words of pleasure were coming out of ryan's mouth, even though he was trying hard NOT to show enjoyment. "MMMM. Know something ryan, you are as cute as a button." Don put a kiss on the tip of ryan's nose before he ran his finger around his lips. "I am gonna get inside that mouth of yours, sooner rather than later, but for now... GOD I was blueballed since the minute I saw you tonight, and I'm gonna have to take care of that RIGHT NOW." He put one hand around his dick, and he played with ryan's right nipple with the other. They were both moaning. Don would occasionally let slip something about what he was going to do to ryan in the future, and ryan heard it but didn't care: the nipple play, combined with his hard dick, was putting him in another world. "He came out of that world when the first lash of Don's semen hit his face. Then the second, and the third. It was only when Don was up to the eighth pulse that the cum started missing ryan. "Oughtta taste it ryan. You're gonna be eating a lot of it soon." ryan didn't answer and Don squeezed his nipples hard. "Treat it as an order, bud. Move your tongue out and get some." The pleasure had turned to pain, and ryan did. He had never tasted cum before. It wasn't as unpleasant as he thought it would be. "I bet you never thought about asking your ladies if they wanted to taste it or not. See your double standard, you sexy fucker." Don began climbing off of ryan. He faked leaving the room and then turned around. "OH YEAH. My new toy is lying here, needing or at least wanting some pleasure. You wanna cum big boy?" "YESSSSS. PLEASE," ryan's voice was a low baritone, but it was high tenor as he begged. "Well, stud," Don put his hand around ryan's cock. "I'll get ya off, but you're gonna have to agree to behave. If I tell ya to sit, you sit. If I tell you to kneel, you kneel. " He squeezed ryan's cock for a minute. "AND NO TRYING TO GET AWAY BECAUSE IF YOU DO AND I CATCH YOU..." Don licked his lips. "Those ball spanks are gonna feel like nothing." "I understand. I'll behave. I promise. I promise Don." "Heh heh. Soon you'll be calling me something else, but for now, it'll do.." He went back to stroking ryan. He teased, and then he went to deep stroking. Then he'd stop and just blow on ryan's cockhead. ryan had never been so stimulated in his life. His hips were moving as fast as they could and finally, he gave in. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" came out of his mouth as his own jizz spilled . "Wow. I got me my own version of old faithful here. GEEZ. You a milk cow, stud?" ryan was breathing hard. "I have big orgasms. Always have. " "Well, now, THAT is good to know." Don was starting to gather up his clothes. "I'm gonna have to make an errand. Gonna go visit your place and get some stuff and, well, I'm not comfortable leaving you here by yourself untied." "I could go with you" ryan looked at him pleading. "Nah. Good practice for you to get used to being roped. No gag though. Too dangerous. But you know... if you scream, all you'll do is aggravate yourself. We're pretty much in the middle of nowhere ryan. You'll find that out when we take a little walk. " He picked up the rope that he had used on ryan's dick and reattached it. "You be good now, stud. If you're house is organized well, I shouldn't be gone for more than an hour. Then... we'll get you cleaned up, and have some more fun."

Next: Chapter 2

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