Reel vs Real

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jul 20, 2020



I wrote this story way back in March but then the pandemic happened...and in between trying my hand at different genres of the Nifty sections, it kinda got lost.

I did get awesome feedback from the first chapter, and I thought now that "Patches" was done, I could sort of revive it.

In hindsight...Reel vs Real is about two male actors on a fictional South African soap opera, who's characters are gay.

Hope y'all enjoy xx

Stay safe, Ryan


"Larissa, please! For the love of God, would you just let it go! I can't and won't argue over this anymore!"

"Like hell I will! You're so coming back tonight with those faggot lips you used to kiss that actor guy! And I'm just supposed to accept that? Isn't there some association where you can report Ron for the shit he's writing?"

Mike turned around and drank the last of his coffee before shooting his girlfriend, a more than sarcastic look.

"You didn't have any problems with all the royalties that dating a Tri Star actor has bought you before. When we shot in the Seychelles it was that same Ron who you're dissing now, that convinced the company to take you with us," he said, lifting his left eye brow as he did.

She was being so unreasonable!

For fuck sake, this was his job! If he didn't do with the writers wanted he would be fired sooner than you can say Tri Star.

It didn't work like that. You signed a contract. That meant the writers could do with you and your character what the hell they wanted. And right now, what they wanted, was to appeal to their LGBT audience by writing Mike's character into a gay relationship. IT WAS ACTING!!

But for some reason, Larissa just didn't wanna see sense...

"So what am I supposed to do when I meet the girls for coffee this afternoon? And they ask me how you are? Should I just come out and say...oh, you know, my boyfriend is just going around kissing guys on set, and I have to suck it up?"

Larissa rapidly swallowed down a tranquilizer to help calm herself. She has never been this humiliated! Never in her life.

Dating Mike Chalmers was all for the exposure. She harboured a career in modelling and fashion, and she knew that, to achieve just that, she had to be seen, like all the time. Social media, magazines, radio...You name it. She wanted it all. That's what you got foe dating Mike Chalmers.

It wasn't that she loved Mike, as opposed to simply using him for what she wanted...she was most definitely NOT gonna be one of those flagship girlfriends that only lived off her boyfriend's fame. She knew actors dumped their lovers, like all the time. Use them and lose them.

Well...not gonna happen here, honey.

She needed the fame Mike gave her. She couldn't walk away, just yet. And everything was going super as fuck as she had planned, until Ron, head writer of Tri Star, now wanted to make Mike's character on the show, a homo.

Mike walked over to Larissa, shaking from rage at that point, and he placed his hand on her shoulder in a calming, loving way.

"You don't have to tell them yet. But I believe in Ron and I believe in Tri Star. Look how far this soap has come! And at the beginning people were saying shit, like that it wouldn't last a month! I might be kissing Nico today, but after work, I'm coming back home to you. You have to believe that and trust me."

That seemed to calm Larissa down, but not by much. The idea of another man kissing what belonged to her freaked her out beyond belief.

"Do me a favour then, if you are determined to do this..."

"...I have no choice..."

"Yeah, whatever. Brush your teeth or something before you get home, will you?" she hissed, her eyes all over the place, everywhere except for looking at Mike.

"If that makes you happy, I guess," Mike sighed and kissed Larissa before leaving the house.

Inside his car, he made sure he had all his scripts he needed, and all the notes he made for the scenes that had to be shot today.

Even though he had reassured Larissa of his loyalty towards her, he couldn't, for the life of him, stop thinking that he was going to be kissing another man, for the first time in his life, today.

In these past weeks that he had known about the storyline, it wasn't that big a that the day was here, he was nervous. He was an actor. He shouldn't be. But there you go.

He got where Larissa came from, being worried. He wasn't worried as well, per say, because he knew he wasn't a homophobe. He might be straight, but he wasn't judgemental at all. Loads of his fellow actors in the business were gay, and they got along just fine. be quite fair, he didn't ever have to kiss any of them.

Mike's character on Tri Star was everyone's favourite...bad boy to the bone, always getting the girl and getting into mischief. So when Ron wrote that "Kyle Stander" was going to pursue a gay relationship with an imposter claiming to be his half brother, he immediately knew it was exactly the thing his character would do, for revenge. He couldn't argue with that.

Soaps these days were all about ratings. And "Kyle Stander", womanizer supreme, kissing a can bet you're sweet ass Tri Star would be trending nationwide.

As he turned the keys into the car's ignition and got her started, he looked inside his rear view mirror at his own reflection. Not to brag, but he was insanely good looking, even if he had to say it himself. This was gonna be okay...he told his mirror image.

I can do this.

Let's kick some ass.


"Nico! What up, man?" Mike said cheerfully as he saw his new co-star and the same guy he's have those kissing scenes with later on.

Both of the men were in make up right now, and as it happened, the make up artists were not at work yet.

Mike was early on set as always, not only because he desperately had to get away from Larissa that morning but he was interested at why Nico was doing all the early morning socials.

Nico smiled and once more, couldn't believe that he actually got to work with a national heart throb like Mike Chalmers.

His girlfriend Amy, were more than ecstatic when he told her that he was written into a storyline with him, and she didn't even blink an eyelid when he revealed he was gonna have to kiss Mike.

Poor girl had a crush on Mike since Tri Star had seen the light of day. She loved Nico dearly but there was something about actually meeting your favourite TV actor that made any girl's heart skip a massive beat.

Nico was a total virgin in the acting industry, landing his first ever TV role in Tri Star was his first acting gig post university. And here, he was sharing a make up room with Mike Chalmers. Kyle Stander himself.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. I thought I'd come early to go through my lines. I don't wanna fuck anything up, not today of all days," Nico said, his fingers visibly sweating.

Mike chuckled.

He remembered very, very clearly how he felt the first time he was on set. You suddenly doubt every single fucking thing you ever learned, or knew about yourself.

He patted Nico's shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"Will you relax? Your lines will come to you as soon as those cameras get rolling. Take it from me, I would know. So...shall we address the elephant in the room?"

Nico seemed as if he was really looking around for a real life elephant...Mike almost spat out his coffee in sheer laughter.

"Dude...I meant, shall we talk about me and you having to kiss today? Keep up, rookie!"

Nico blushed as he realised his mistake.

"You see? I'm nervous! Yeah, maybe we should. My girlfriend is so jealous of me getting to kiss you. She's a huge Kyle Stander fan."

Mike wiped his chin from the spilt coffee.

"You should bring her along one day. I'll be glad to fulfil all her dreams."

Nico saw Mike's cheeky smirk and immediately knew he was kidding. Everyone knew Mike Chalmers was one of the most nicest guys in South African celeb scenery you could ever meet.

"You can fulfill mine today, if you don't mind!" he said in bravado, feeling that he could joke around with his famous co- star.

Mike was just so...down to earth and nice...something you don't usually see in soap opera acting.

"Well if that's what you want, maybe I'll slip you the tongue? I'm up for everything!" Mike joked back as Nico slumped forward in cackling laughter.

Mike smiled and sat back comfortably inside his chair. This was exactly what he needed, and he was sure that Nico did as well.

It was reel, not real, after all.

They had this.


"Okay, guys, it's scene twelve, take one! Mike, Nico, take your places!"

Nico was psyching himself up mentally.

This is why he had worked so hard to be top of his drama class in University. If he did a good job, then maybe he'll receive offers after his stint on Tri Star has finished.

Actors needed work. He needed money, especially, if he and Amy wanted to buy their apartment, instead of renting it, like they were now.

Mike, in turn, was taking it all in his stride. He has been on the show for ages. The crew loved him. So did his fellow actors. The public went crazy for him and his character. It was gonna be fine.

Ron stood in position and gave the order to get the ball rolling.

"Okay guys, good luck and have a good scene. Three.. Two... one...and...action!"



"You own all of this?" Kyle Stander asked Oliver, inside the Stander mansion he had no access to before, having been taken over by the supposedly long lost son of his biological mother.

He knew Oliver was a fake, an absolute phony, but he didn't wanna give the game away, just yet.

Oliver could ness with his inheritance, but he wasn't gonna mess with him.

The thing he had going for him, was he knew Oliver was gay. He saw him going into that gay bar, the other night when he was following the little shit.

He was gonna hit the bastard right where his weak spot was and he was never ginna see it coming.

Only when Oliver was head over heels in love with him, and after he would convince him to get married and sign a pre-nup, he'll reveal that he was, in fact, Kyle Stander, and HE was bloody well, the only child his mother never had, and that Oliver was in imposter.

He'll fucking ruin him.



"You know...I kinda have a thing for nerds like you," Kyle smirked his infamous beautiful, yet evil smile as he sat next to Oliver, who looked like a sheer deer caught in headlights.

He knew he had him.

Oliver couldn't keep his eyes to himself. He was nervously eyeing up Kyle's sculpted shirtless body, his strong muscled biceps, his pectorals which were rock hard, those six blocks looking more like Lego's than it did actual flesh...his spiky black hair that was flopping all over his face...those brown eyes that made chocolate melt when ever he looked at it...

Oliver sat closer, careful not to get the wrong idea but he knew Kyle was coming on to him. He had to be blind not to see it. Question was...why him?

He was a pure braniac, an absolute geek who thought he could make a quick buck here and there...pulling off scams was what he did for a living.

Normally, for someone as smart as he was, it was no problem... But he didn't bargain on meeting this stunningly handsome piece of prime rib before him at the club weeks ago.

Kyle reached out his hand and placed his palm softly against Oliver's cheek ...I'll fucking destroy you, you bastard ...but not before I've made you mine...he thought in pure self soothing.

Oliver gasped as he felt Kyle's skin touch his. What was this man doing to him?

His eyes flickered over towards the handsome, bad boy face, nervously blowing out some much needed air.

"I've never met anyone hot as you before..." he whispered.

"Can I kiss you? Can I...? I've never had a guy like you in bed before..." Kyle deepened his voice, he absolutely hated this.

He hated going against who he was. The ultimate pussy hunter.

This fucker had to be taught a lesson. For the greater good.

And to get my money and my mansion back!

Oliver nodded to Kyle's question, slowly, very slowly.

His eyes closed in unison as Kyle's lips came ever closer..."


This was it.

Nico and Mike both knew THIS was the moment they had feared for so long.

Actually kissing another male. And as the script entailed, passionately at that.

Mike closed his eyes and took the plunge.

He swooped in and grabbed Nico's lips between his own.

He felt Nico shaking inside his own chest. He could actually feel the young actor's heart beating. He could feel how nervous and how terrified the poor guy really was.

Though not in the script, Mike decided to calm Nico down in the only way he knew possible without breaking the kiss.

He caressed Nico's face, deepening the kiss between them.

He could hear Nico sigh as he took a breath, the latter not quite having known what had hit him. Both actors kept on kissing, as neither had heard Ron say `cut', as of yet.

Stunned was Mike as he felt Nico's hand softly grab onto his own, as if to thank him for making all of this ten times better than what it could have been.

Both actors were so involved in what they were doing, neither really stopped to think that, hey... it wasn't that bad.

So they were missing another man. Both of them.

So what? Did the world end? Did corona die?


Nico enjoyed having this famous man's lips on his for some reason, more than he should, he didn't actually want to sop. He was kissing Mike Chalmers.

How many guys could say that!

Mike pulled away from Nico, and he looked the young actor dead inside his eyes.

They were green. Beautiful. Like emeralds. I mean...not beautiful...just...well, they weren't ugly.

Yeah that was it.

Both actors couldn't look away from the other. It was like some form of raw magnetism had glued them together. They were lost in each other...the first time each of them had experimented with the same fender.

It had done the seemingly impossible...awaken a deep, desperate desire and feelings in both of them. Neither knew they had it possessed. Strange as it may was magic.

It was always ginna be a real eye opener, no matter how you looked at it.


"CUT! That was...fucking BRILLIANT!"

Ron rose from the darkness of the studio and applauded the two actors, and he was quickly joined by each and every person involved inside the cast and crew, even the coffee girl, Janey had tears in her eyes at the sheer beauty of what the two talented actors had just filmed.

It was a moment to saviour. Tri Star's very first gay kiss couldn't have gone better, even if they had tried it a thousand times over.

Nico and Mike slowly pulled away from each other. They heard the applause, and yet, neither said a word.

Nor showed an emotion.

They were too...stunned, was the word?

Ron walked towards them and placed an arm around both.

"When the public sees, oh man! Get ready for the ride of your lives, you two! Wow! Anyway, everyone, take a five, great work! Crew, next scene set up!"

As majority of the workers started to leave, both Nico and Mike just remained right where they were.

Same question sprang through both of their minds...


"Mike! Yo, Mike!"

The receptionist tried her best to get Mike's attention and eventually it registered inside his brain that he was being called out to.

"Yes, Marie? Sorry! I guess I was still in character..."

Yeah. Right.

"Your girlfriend is here. She wants to see you. I told her you have an hour before your next scene."

"Oh? Okay, well, thanks Marie!"

Mike slowly stood up and stretched out his arms and legs. He was so stiff, all of a sudden...and not just from his limbs.

"Uhm...I'll see you later then," ...he hissed, somewhat confused, and after nearly falling over his feet from the props on the floor in his current state, he managed to safely exit the set.

Nico...he didn't even blink.

How...what...for God's sake, he was straight!

How did that one gay kiss...why did it affect him so much? It was just supposed to be work! Just kiss the man and move on! It was Oliver, who had kissed Kyle...not Nico kissing wasn't real!

"I've...I've gotta phone Amy. Yeah, that's what I have to do. Phone Amy. Now..." he whispered to himself and got up, grabbed a cup of warm coffee from Janey, the coffee girl, and walked off set.


"Hey baby!" Larissa screamed at the top of her voice as she saw a daunting Mike walk slowly towards her.

Mike smiled in return, but it didn't reach his eyes...he was still mortified at what had happened on set with Nico.

Larissa never came to visit him on set...she always said that a woman's place was inside the shops, not at work...yeah.

Those were the facts. Why was she all possible times?

"Hey you," he said as he reached her, with a sudden feeling of animalistic passion and need to exercise his masculinity, and gave her an extra long, deep kiss, the sort of which he only usually gave her in bed.

Larissa wasted no time to mark down her man, she could just as well have pissed all around Mike.

She wanted to make it clear to everyone just who Mike had belonged to. And if the faggot he had to kiss on set happened to be watching, all the better.

When Mike finally released Larissa, she batted her eyes suggestively, before holding both his hands in hers.

"Guess what! The network just offered me my own TV talk show! Can you believe it? Just like out of the blue! It's all because of you! God, I love you so much!"

Mike was genuinely happy for Larissa although he didn't look it.

Fame and fortune was her dream, that he knew. Maybe she'll stop giving him a hard time over his own job now.

Just then, Nico walked around the corner, holding his phone to his ear.

His eyes immediately caught that of Mike's.

For a few seconds, as Larissa's back was turned, both eyes made contact more than both men were comfortable with.

Mike saw that Nico continued to talk on his phone, before turning around and going back the same way he was coming.

As he held Larissa to celebrate her good news he couldn't help but think...tomorrow they'll have to do this all over again.



Nico was watching a bit of TV long after Amy had gone to bed.

After dinner and after having told her about seven times just how it was kissing the one and only Mike Chalmers, he was exhausted.

He had set his alarm for five in the morning to learn his lines. He only had one scene tomorrow, so he knew he would be fine.

What wouldn't be fine, was his emotions.

Of course, he had often wondered what all the gay hype was about. Why men chose to have sex with each other rather than with women.

What exactly was the attraction? Why did they seem to enjoy it? He never could understand it, I mean, why go to a man for sex, if you have a beautiful, gorgeous girl waiting for you in bed?

He, that question had been partly answered.

He respected Mike Charmers as an actor. As a man. Even, after today, as a friend.

But that man's lips on excited him. It made him hard. Thank God no one except him knew it...the humiliation... Imagine! My god!

He could see the headlines already...


Maybe it wasn't so bad, his body having reacted this way.

It can only be good for this type of part, couldn't it? As well as for Tri Star. For his future endeavours, when eventually casting agents sees his performance once the episode airs.


Who was he kidding? He had gotten hard kissing a guy.

Nico heard his phone beep and stood up, taking it off charge, and making sure the alarm was indeed set to four a clock, before seeing a WhatsApp message from unknown number.

The profile picture revealed it to be Mike.

Excitement fluttered through him. He didn't know why.

It just...did.

"Yo biddy! Awesome first scene today. Let's rock it tomorrow as well. See ya! Mike."

Nico read, and re-read the message.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Just a message you wound send any colleague on a job well done.

So why...why did he get this sense there was more?

He couldn't remember giving Mike his number, for a start.

Did Mike get turned on by their kiss as well?

Surely not! Not Mike Charmers...who could literally have his pick and choose of any girl he wanted.

Tomorrow was another day.

For now...just take things easy.

Was all he could do.



The sexual tension between those two! Haha! Should I go further in making them realise they want each other??

Lemme know!

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