Redman Plantation

By Imma Sucker

Published on Oct 6, 2013


Redman Plantation Chapter 5

                          • Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction and has no relation to actual persons, events or places. This story depicts male-on-male, bareback sex. Real life is not a story, please use protection. - - - - - - - - - - - - -

John found himself a hell of a lot more compatible sexually with Alfredo than he did with Henry. He enjoyed Alfredo's free-spirited nature. Unlike Henry, whose first question before almost every encounter was 'what if someone sees'; Alfredo's attitude was one of 'who cares if they see'. They had fucked in some risky places and at risky times too. Once in the equipment shed, despite knowing old man Redman was coming down for an inspection of the place. They had barely gotten their clothes back on in time. Furthermore, John was spending less time with Henry; not that the red-head noticed. Micah was working every man to the bone to get the place in top form before autumn came, and of course they would be two men short then, what with the boys heading to Marthilston College.

Autumn brought with it ever decreasing temperatures and whipping winds. Despite such challenges, John managed to find himself in the barn, bent over an ancient ox-cart with his ass poking backward as Alfredo knelt behind him eating his hole. John gasped and moaned, enjoying the persistent tongue swirling around and digging deeper into his heated tunnel. His big ebony pole was hard as steel and drizzling a thick stream of precum. He was ready to get fucked.

"Fuck me, Alfredo. C'mon, stick that big dick in me!" John grunted, his buttocks jiggling under the heavy smack of Alfredo's hands. The Mexican ignored John's pleas for the moment. He was totally immersed in the delicious flavor of John's hot ass. He sucked on the hole one last time then stood. Like John, he was stark naked; his big fuck-tool pointing straight out with a slight upward curve.

"You want this dick, vato?" Alfredo teased, pressing his cock to the hole. Alfredo groaned with pleasure, feeling his cock swallowed up by the chocolate abyss. He gripped John by the waist and pulled him backward, impaling him on his thick brown ass-plunger.

"Oooooh fuck yes!" John cooed, his guts stuffed to capacity.

"You liked that, huh? Well, you're gonna love this, homeboy, 'cause now I'm gonna fuck you good," Alfredo announced with a grin and did just that.

"Ummmmmm FUCK! Fuck! Fuck me!" John growled, holding on tight to the old wood of the ox-cart as he got hammered. He could feel every inch of Alfredo's pole deep inside of him; stretching him wide with its impressive girth. He felt the sting of Alfredo's pelvis smacking hard against his ass. He couldn't resist taking hold of his own erection and stroking.

"Oh man! What a tight fucking ass!" Alfredo moaned, "Take this big fucking cock, vato! Take it!" He slammed into John, ensuring the black stud could feel the entirety of his pole. He wanted to fuck the nutt out of John, and he was well on the way to achieving that goal. Every hard thrust swiped across John's prostate and brought him closer to orgasm in tandem with his own pumping fist.

"Shit! Shit, I'm gonna cum!" John barked, "ARRRRRRHHHHHHH!" His cock spat heavy spurts of warm, creamy load all over the side of the cart as Alfredo continued the thorough plowing of his spit-wet asshole. His anal muscles clenched involuntarily and milked the cum from Alfredo's balls.

"Ah, vato! Here it fucking comes! AUUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!" Alfredo bellowed. John growled; feeling every shot of hot load blast straight up his colon. A smile crossed his lips as he settled back on the dick; feeling it go soft inside of him.

"That was fucking good," Alfredo panted as he pulled out of John.

"Yeah, it was. Next time I get to tap your ass," John added.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Alfredo said, pulling John to him and planting a wet kiss on his lips. John reciprocated and slid his tongue into the Mexican's mouth. The two sweat-glazed fuck-studs swapped spit for a few moments longer before pulling on their clothes and exiting the barn.

"So that's what it is, huh?" Henry growled, glaring at the two men as they made their exit.

"Henry?! Crap! Look, it's not what you think-" John started then stopped, realizing he had been caught red-handed.

"I can't believe you! We haven't even gotten to Marthilston yet and already you've started cheating on me?!"

"Henry, I'm sorry, OK. I-I don't know what else to say," John stammered.

"Then don't say anything," Henry said, marching off.

"Oh, man! What a fucking mess!" John sighed, leaned up against the old barn, "What to do now?"

"I wish I could help you, vato, but I never had a boyfriend before. Only fuck-buddies."

John had an idea of where Henry had gone. He borrowed his dad's blue pick-up and drove down to the swimming hole. The wind was like ice as he pulled up and found Henry sitting on the bank. He pulled a blanket from the back of the truck and draped it over Henry's shivering shoulders.

"I'm really sorry," John said softly, wrapping his arms around Henry.

"And you want me to just accept that?" Henry growled.

"No. I don't expect you to do that. I was stupid. I should have resisted him in the first place but..." John sighed deeply, "I've had sex with Alfredo more than a few times."

"I figured...Why?"

"I was horny...and stupid. I'm so sorry, Henry. I don't know how much more sincere I can be right now."

"You're only sorry you got caught," Henry dead-panned.

"That too...If punching me makes you feel better then go ahead," John said, standing. Henry got up and faced him. He did feel like punching him. He felt like knocking the shit out of him actually.

"I can't hit you," Henry finally admitted.

"Why not?"

"Because, as much of an asshole as you are right now, I still love you," Henry admitted, embracing John.

"I-I...I do love you, Henry. I was...just stupid," was all John could find to say. He had been stupid, letting himself get carried away and caught up with Alfredo. It had been fun but he hated himself in that moment for causing Henry such pain.

"Can you forgive me?"

"In time, maybe, but not right now. Let's just get back and finish work," Henry muttered, walking to the pick-up.

The ride back to the main property was dead silent. There was nothing more to be said. John felt like a wrench was twisting his stomach. He had experienced something beautiful with Henry and had gone and fucked it all up. The cute red-head wouldn't even look at him. He couldn't blame him. He would have probably reacted the same way had he caught Henry cheating. When they arrived, Alfredo was waiting for them.

"I just wanted to apologize," he addressed Henry, "It was my fault too." Henry simply nodded and headed inside to put on a jacket before getting back to work.

"I don't think Henry and I will ever get back to the way we were before college starts," John said, more to himself than to Alfredo.

The week passed by and Henry had hardly said two words to John. Granma Eula had taken notice and pulled Henry aside one day for a talk. Confronted by his grandmother, Henry spilled the beans on everything, from the first hook-up to catching John cheating on him (although he did not mention with whom). Eula merely smiled, which caught Henry off-guard.

"Of course I know about you two. A mother, or grandmother, always knows, Henry," she chimed, her eyes glittering, "What are you going to do about it? You can't not speak to him forever."

"I feel like I could."

"I know, dear. I know," she sighed.

"Wait? Granpa...has he ever...?"

"Well, he is a man," she shrugged, "But I forgave him and we're still married aren't we?"

"Do you trust him like you did before it happened?"

"In time, yes, we built that back up. But this situation is different. It seems John has found someone he may want to be with more. If that's so, you should just let him go but you still have to forgive him," she advised. She gave Henry a kiss on the cheek and headed back upstairs, leaving Henry in the sitting room with his thoughts.

Within minutes, Henry was outside looking for John. He found him carrying out in the fields, inspecting the silos. For a long moment, the two stood there staring at each other before Henry walked over.

"I have just one question for you. Did you truly ever love me, John?"

"What? Of course I did."

"Did we really have love, or was it just sex?" The question made John think. He leaned against the silo, looking at the ground.

"If you put it that way, I don't know," he finally answered, "Now that I think about it, every time we've gotten together, since day one, it's just been about sex."

"But we slapped a label on it and called it love," Henry added.

"I guess. So was that all it really was? A few incredibly hot fuck sessions? If that's so, then why do I feel so guilty."

"You prefer sex with Alfredo?"

"I...Yes, Henry. I do. He's...not as cautious as you are. He's more free. He's more like-"

"You? He's more like you. The sex must be hot," Henry chuckled.

"Yeah, it is," John admitted with a smile, "But that's all it is with him. Just sex."

"Isn't it the same with us? Just sex, except we chose to say 'I love you' somewhere in there and mess it all up?"

"So what do you want to do?"

"I forgive you, John. I forgive you but let's be real. College is starting in just a few days. We're going to meet new people, maybe new lovers. Let's just quit while we're ahead."

"Is that what you really want, Henry?"

"It's for the best...Yes, it is what I want."

"OK...Can we still be friends though?"

"We'll always be friends. Just never lovers, or fuck-buddies, again."

"I can live with that," John smiled. Henry returned the smile and the two embraced.

"Dad is driving me up to Marthilston, and you're coming with us. No objections," John decreed.

"I can live with that," Henry quoted.

With autumn's arrival, the boys said goodbye to Redman Plantation and hello to Marthilston College. As they arrived on the grounds in front of the dorms, there was such a rush of excitement as everywhere, other freshmen were also moving in. Henry and John had mended their friendship to a point but were content that they were not placed in the same dorm building. It would be a fresh start for both of them as they jumped out of Jonathan Nicholson's big blue pick up truck and began unloading their stuff. Once they had placed their belongings securely in their rooms, Jonathan gave both boys a big hug and wished them well before driving off.

"So, this is the start of a new life," Henry noted, looking at John.

"Yeah. See you around, I guess?" John shrugged.

"Yeah," Henry nodded, and the two parted ways, heading back to their individual dormitory.

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