Rediscovering Lost Love

By Zane Longer

Published on Dec 13, 2005



Life wasn't going quite as I had planned; my dreams of becoming an actor had done little to mature. I had, however, made my first leap of faith toward stardom. Living in Los Angeles and going into the culinary field was a lot closer to my goals than living in the small town I had grown up in and becoming a farmer. Four years in LA serving food didn't seem quite worth the sacrifice of leaving my friends and family behind though. I had came out of the closet almost as soon as I had arrived in LA to the shock and disapproval of my parents. Without contact with my parents, and none of my friends even knowing where I was, LA had become quite the lonely place. I had some romantic encounters while in LA but they had all ended in heartbreak, normally on my end.

In the early summer of 2005 my life began to change. All throughout high school I had a crush on my best friend Rick, unfortunately at that time we were both heavily involved in a local church, I was even in the leadership. Myself, being about 5'9" with stunningly beautiful blue eyes (If I do say so myself), dark hair, and a nice trim body, and Rick, being an extremely in-shape Hispanic swimmer with dark eyes and abs to die for, had no problem whatsoever getting the local kids to join us in anything we did. Rick and I were an inseparable team, people always commented on how if we weren't "married" to God, we would probably be married to each other. When graduation day finally came and I was off to LA, I had really wanted to tell Rick how I had felt about him, but I knew that my secret would probably destroy our friendship; as it turned out we didn't end up speaking for years after high school. That is until the summer came.

It turns out that Rick had moved to LA just a few days before summer began in 2005 and he had managed to find my phone number in the local listings, it really wasn't that hard 'Gregory Timberline' is a fairly unique name. When Rick called, I was completely stunned but decided I should admit my secret.

"Rick," I began "what have you been up to? Are you married? Gotten fat?"

Rick laughed, "I've defiantly not gotten fat, and I'm defiantly not married"

I had to laugh as well, Rick is one of the only friends I ever had that got my sense of humor, "Well, I'm glad you haven't gotten fat, so do you have a girlfriend then?" I didn't see anything wrong with a little prodding before I let out my secret.

"Well...actually...I've had a boyfriend for about the last three years..."

"Great, what's his name?"

"You don't care that I have a boyfriend?"

Actually I did care that Rick had a boyfriend, but not because of the reason Rick thought I would have a problem. I was more jealous than I was surprised or upset.

"No, of course I don't care, oh, by the way I'm gay myself"

Both Rick and I laughed at my blunt honesty.

"I was actually planning on telling you I was gay but you managed to beat me to the punch, I guess I kind of pushed you towards it, but I was planning on telling you anyways."

"My boyfriend's name is Dave, I met him while I was in Minnesota. So, do you have a boyfriend?"

Wow, Rick sure did have a way to drive the steak into my heart.

"No, I haven't had a boyfriend in a while, it's just hard to find someone that you're really compatible with."

"I totally understand, I went through a lot of guys before I found Dave, I'm sure you will find someone that makes you just as happy"

"Yeah, I sure hope so."

I knew who would make me really happy, but it seemed that at the moment he was taken.

"Anyways, I hate to be short when we have so much catching up to do, but we are still unpacking our new apartment; we would like to know if you want to show us around the town tonight though, do some catching up, have a few drinks, you know the normal stuff."

"Sure, what time is good for you guys? I get off work at seven, how's eight sound?"

"Eight is good with us"

There was that "us" word again, in all the excitement I had almost forgotten that Rick had a boyfriend.

"Great, see you at eight, lets meet at the Moonlight Tavern on 22nd."

"Great, see you there"

With the excitement of the call I had almost forgotten I was on my way to work, with fifteen minutes to get to work in LA traffic, I had to rush if I didn't want to get fired. I ended up getting to work about twenty minutes late because of an accident blocking traffic on the freeway but my boss didn't seem to notice so I just clocked on and began my workday, all the time thinking about my evening plans. When seven finally hit, I was more than ready to leave work, I finished up a few tables and was out the door by ten after seven. I rushed home to get ready, took a shower, and wore my favorite outfit for the evening, my faded green Abercrombie shirt and my tight Abercrombie jeans. Even if it wasn't a date, I didn't see anything wrong with making Rick's boyfriend a little jealous.

Arriving right on time to the Moonlight Tavern, I decided to have a cigarette outside to wait for my friend and his boyfriend. Right after finishing my cigarette I saw them coming, Rick defiantly hadn't gained weight, he looked better than ever, his boyfriend wasn't exactly my type though: about 6', blond hair, blue eyes, looked to be a little overweight although not exactly fat.

As soon as I saw them I yelled out, "Rick! Dave!"

Rick was the first to respond, jumping up and giving me a huge hug, "Greg! You look fantastic tonight, that outfit is hot!"

Dave seemed a bit hesitant at his boyfriend's reaction to me, "Hey now Rick, lets not be too excited."

Rick just laughed and rolled his eyes, "Oh whatever Dave, you know you look hot too"

I had to reply, although not completely honestly, "If you're asking me I think you both look fucking hot"

After a few moments checking each other out I decided I should move things along and not act too suspiciously, "Well, should we head in?"

Rick was quick to appease me, "Absolutely lets get ourselves a drink."

I wasn't a huge fan of the bar I had invited them to but I knew it would be busy and I would be able to sneak a few moments alone with Rick. As the night got later and the three of us had more and more to drink I finally got a moment alone with Rick while Dave was out on the dance floor. To my surprise after a few minutes talking Rick scooted closer to me in the booth we were sitting at and gave me a full out kiss on the mouth, tongue and everything! I was worried that Dave would see but at the same time I had wanted this kiss for so long I couldn't stop myself.

After a few minutes of making out I had to say something, "Where did that come from? What about Dave? You're never going to be able to hang out with me with Dave around if he find out about that." I was completely frantic, but still excited.

"Calm down," Rick had a big grin on his face, "we talked about it while you were in the bathroom, we've wanted to have a threesome for a while now and I figured it might as well be with someone that I've wanted to fool around with for a long time now."

"So Dave doesn't care that you just gave me the most exciting kiss of my life? I have to admit, even though I was worried about Dave, my manhood sprang to life as soon as your lips touched mine."

"Dave doesn't care, he would like you to come over tonight, you can spend the night with us in our new apartment, I promise you won't regret it."

I knew I would enjoy myself, but I also knew I would enjoy myself more if it were just Rick and I. Oh well, I decided I would just have to take what I could get for now.

"Sure, I will come over as long as you are sure Dave will be ok with it."

I hadn't even noticed that Dave had already came back from the dance floor.

"I'm ok with it, I'm the one that asked him if he wanted to do it"

After what was one of the most amazing and awkward conversations of my life, we hung out for a while longer at the club and then made our way out to our cars in the parking garage. Rick and Dave offered to give me a ride in their car and said they would give me a ride back in the morning. To my surprise Dave decided to ride in the back seat and let me ride in the front. After a few minutes of driving, Rick reached over, grabbed my hand, and pulled it onto his crotch. Wow! He had a huge cock, I had always imagined that he was well hung in high school but my imagination wasn't nearly as large as the real thing.

Not being able to control myself anymore I unzipped his pants while he drove and pulled out what I had waited so long to see. He had at least nine inches, it was thick and uncut, all of the things I love in a cock. I just played with it at first exploring every detail; pulling gently on his foreskin, running my hand along the length of his shaft, feeling his huge soft balls.

Finally Rick spoke, "You know you've been wanting it for a while, have fun. It wants you just as bad."

I unbuckled my seatbelt to get a little more access and moved my head over and into his lap. I ran my tongue gently over his balls, slowly bathing them both, then sucking on them one at a time. I could tell he was enjoying himself, he was moaning and I think the car was fluctuating in speed a little. I then ran my tongue up the length of his shaft tasting his salty skin savoring the flavor of the cock I had wanted for so long. I grabbed his shaft to pull his foreskin up over the mushroom head of his cock and stuck my tongue in running it around the head inside of the foreskin. He started to moan louder.

"Fuck, that feels great! Please suck it all! I want to feel your throat."

I couldn't refuse such a great offer; I took my head and shoved his cock through my lips and down my throat. My first attempt I gagged a little near the base but I pulled back and tried again. After I got used to his gigantic cock I picked up my pace a little, and fondled his balls in my hand. Luckily their was a traffic jam so Rick had to stop and wait for traffic to move which meant I didn't have to let up until I was done. I had been worrying that if he came he would crash the car, now that my fears were put to rest I went to full pace. He was moaning a lot louder and I knew it wouldn't be long until he filled my mouth with the sweetest cum I could ever dream of having. After a few minutes at full pace he shot his first blast of seed into my throat, it felt like a fucking cannon went off in my mouth.

"Yessss...Take it all down....swallow what I made for you....Ahhhh"

After a few more blasts his breathing started to get slower and I swallowed the last of what he had for me. As I brought my head up I remembered that Dave was in the backseat and got a little embarrassed. Just as I was starting to wonder what Dave would think traffic started to move and we continued on our way to their house.

To Be Continued....

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