Rediscovering Friendship

By ten.epacsten@asuhtreb

Published on Jul 7, 2001


This story will probably be pretty slow to develop. It's a mixture of reality and what was fantasy on my part. It'll eventually include sex between consenting adult males. If that's offensive, or if it is not legal for you to read it, please don't. The story also takes place right before awareness of the horror of AIDS.

I'd better take a little time to explain what's happening.

I'd known Kris a long time. We were in the same class pretty much from kindergarten through second grade. I went to another school until ninth grade, and sure enough, we were in the same homeroom again.

One of my good friends, Kris, was born with a heart condition. In our senior year of high school, he suffered a heart attack about midway through the year.

Since my homeroom teacher knew I lived near Kris, he asked if I'd be willing to courier assignments to and from school. I agreed, and yesterday was an interesting way to get started.

After stopping by and dropping off the first round of homework, Kris asked if I'd be willing to perform a "favor" for him. It turns out that he was a bit shy about having his mom watch over him while he was in the shower. I said I'd be willing to perform the task.

Of course, what he didn't know about me was that I think I'd fallen in love with him in second grade. Of course, when you're that young, you don't really know what falling in love is all about. All I knew then was that him merely being nearby was enough to make me happy. So long before there was physical attraction, there was just a real comfort being around him. Over the years when we were at different schools, I'd often wonder how he was. When I went back to public high school, it was like we picked up right where we left off. His desk was just to my left.

Getting back to events up to now...I'd helped Kris out in the bathroom. I found it exciting to see him naked, and then I felt a little bit guilty about it. I mean, my God, they guy was an invalid, and I was getting a stiffy when he was down to his briefs. Then, things got a little scarey in the bathroom. Kris collapsed. I picked him up and got him somewhat settled, and the most amazing thing happened when I stood him up to get him back to his room. He kissed me full on the lips.

I felt like I was paralyzed. I just didn't know what to do. Kris pulled away.

"Oh, man I am so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. It must be the drugs."

"Um, Kris, you're taking heart pills They're not gonna make you nuts."

"Really? Then I don't know what's going on. Before you leave, could you at least help me back to my room?"

"What makes you think I'm leaving?"

"You mean..."

"We haven't even had dinner yet." I smiled. I could see that he was a little bit freaked by what had just happened.

"You're not mad at me?"

"No. I've dreamt of something like this happening for a long, long time."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"Well, probably for the same reason as you never volunteering. Actually, over winter break, I was thinking about having `the talk' with you. Then you have to go and get all sick. What the hell kind of person would I be if I put the moves on you while you're recovering from a heart attack?"

He leaned in close again. His right arm went up over my shoulder, around my neck, and he pulled my face in close. He kissed me again. His tongue forced my lips apart, and he explore voraciously. Since I'd never actually seriously kissed anyone before, I just let him lead.

A sharp knock on the bathroom door yanked us out of our reverie.

"Kris? Kris, honey, are you alright? I heard a noise and thought something might be wrong."

"Everything's fine, mom. I slipped, but Dan caught me."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, mom."

"Well, you should probably get ready for dinner. Your father will be home in about 20 minutes."

"OK. We'll get back to my room."

After we heard his mom walk downstairs, I looked directly into his eyes.

"You and I are gonna have to talk, you know."

"I know. But right now, I'm getting pretty tired again. Can we get back?"

"Don't you want to put anything else on?" He was still standing there in just his CK briefs.

"No. Mom's busy with dinner, and my brother's seen me in my underwear before."

"Has he ever seen you with so much on display?" It seems our last kiss excited him a bit. The bulge in front of his briefs was quite a bit larger than when he'd first gotten out of the shower.

"I don't think so, but after we turn out the door, the only thing he'll have a chance to see is my ass."

"OK. Let's go."

I got situated to Kris' left. He slung his arm over my shoulder, and we made our way slowly back to his room.

"Wanna shut the door? I always have my door closed."

"You got it."

We walked over to his bed, and I leaned him over. He slowly sat down, and slid his arm off me. "You know, I kind of like the feel of you."

"Yeah, well, I like the feel of you, too, and there's a bit more of you to feel at the moment!"

He grinned up at me and he lay back on the three pillows stacked behind his head. "Now who's the shy one?"

"I'm not really all that shy, but you're mom's right downstairs and your brother's around someplace, too."

"So? They respect my privacy, and I respect theirs. Of course, my mom stops by to check on me about a billion times a day. But she always knocks."

"Well, still. I'm a little freaked about dragging around my near naked friend when anybody in the house could see."

"You worry too much, you know it? You always have."

"What do you mean `I always have'?"

"Do you think that you're the first or only guy to ever feel close to another guy? I remember second grade like it was yesterday. Do you think you're the only one who lit up when we were close to each other?"

"How the hell do you know about that?"

"Are you kidding? You shouldn't ever take up poker playing, because your face gives everything away before you can even think about it."

"Alright, I'll admit it. I loved being around you. I was glad we got to be such good friends. It was more than that, though." I sat down on the edge of his bed.

"What do you mean? Different how?"

"Well, let's see if I can explain. You know when you're a twin, it's like you've got an instant best friend, even from before you were born. I can tell my brother anything, and he knows exactly where I'm coming from. Hell, sometimes we even finish each other's sentences. But there were times when I actually felt closer to you, Kris."

"I had no idea. Wow."

"And then when I got back to a public school, I was nervous for a lot of reasons when I walked into my homeroom, and there you were, just like in the `old days'. I started to relax right away, but then started to worry that you wouldn't remember me."

"Like I could forget you. My first wet dream starred you."

"Why are we telling each other this stuff now? We've wasted about four years!"

"I don't think we've wasted that much. It took me a while to figure out if you remembered me, too, you know. I think it's good we got to be friends again before I pulled my stupid stunt. In a bathroom, too, of all stupid fucking places."

"Relax, it doesn't matter to me where our first kiss was. All I'll remember is the first kiss."

He slid closer to the middle of the bed. "Come here."

I snuggled up close to him. Our arms were around one another in a moment. His beautiful face was about an inch from mine. His eyes were brown and compelling. I leaned in close and this time I kissed him. My eyes closed as my lips opened, and my tongue shot into his mouth. My right hand started traveling down his right side. I felt his ribcage and thought that his illness had made him lose too much weight.

"Kris, wait."

"What? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. It doesn't feel right for me to be here like this with you when you're sick."

"I'm not sick. I'm recuperating. There's a difference."

"Well, still. I don't think..."

His lips were on mine again. This time, his hand began to wander. He brought it from behind my neck and down to my chest. Like a heat-seeking-missile, his left hand found my right nipple and gave a little pinch. "Oh, God. What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Shhh. Shut up and I'll show you."

His lips left mine and began to move lower. His tongue was warm and wet as he lightly licked my chin, then my neck. He pulled his hand off of my nipple and replaced it with his tongue. He made little swirling motions on it and light sucked in. Every now and again, he nip at it with just the tips of his teeth.

His hand didn't like being unoccupied, apparently, since it now began to wander lower. Down over my abs, he made a stop at my belly button. He must've known it was an outie, because he lavished some attention on it. My cock was so hard now that it actually hurt. Kris must've sensed this, or his hand got wanderlust. Next thing I knew, his hand was cupping my bulge through my jeans. "Man, you're so hard."

"Mmmm. I know. You feel so good."

His hand found the top button to my 501s and deftly opened it. The rest soon followed. He started to tug my jeans down toward my ankles, and I lifted my ass to help him along. When my jeans were off, his hand returned to my cock, which was now leaking about a gallon of precum onto the front of my briefs. His thumb found the center of the wetspot and started to circle the head of my cock. He then pulled away and stuck both of his thumbs under my waistband.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"You saw me naked. Now I want to see you naked." With that, he pulled off my briefs, tugging them to my knees.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

"God, so are you."

The next instant was a blur as his lips came around my cock. His tongue found the piss slit and licked up and down it as even more precum oozed out. "Kris, if you don't stop, I'm gonna cum."

He hummed in acknowledgement, and started sucking. When his tongue traveled from the bottom of my shaft and poked into my piss slit again, I couldn't hold off any longer. I came more than I ever had before. A small stream of cum ran out of the left corner of his mouth.

When I was finished, he started to swirl his tongue around the head. It was too sensitive for me, so I tugged him off.

"That was incredible."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He gave me one of his semi-evil grins as he brushed the back of his hand against his lips.

"Now you lay back. It's your turn" I said.

"I don't think so. Not just yet for me."

"What do you mean? I want to give you the same pleasure you gave me!"

"Well, I just might not be able to handle it. The doctors told me not to exert myself, and I think that just might be an exertion."

A couple of raps on his door.

"Kris. Dinner's ready." It was his brother Kevin. Kevin was 18 months older than Kris and into his freshman year at the University.

"Alright. We'll be ready in a few minutes."

"We? What, do you have a mouse in your pocket?"

"Funny. Dan stopped by with my schoolwork, and he's been helping me out."

"Whatever. You want me to bring up a plate for you?"

"How `bout two?"

"What am I, your waiter?"

"Fine. Dan'll get them."

"No. It's fine. Two with everything comin' right up."

While this little exchange was taking place, I was a little freaked. I was naked, my cock was just deflating from orgasm, and my friend's hot brother was right outside the door.

"I gotta get dressed, man."

"Yeah, I suppose I should put on something else, too, huh?"

"Probably a good idea."

I dressed while Kris layed propped up on his pillows looking at me.

"Could you grab me another pair of shorts out of the third drawer of my dresser?"


Dinner arrived. I had the sneaking suspicion that Kevin suspected something was up between Kris and me. Hell, the room had to reek of cum. He didn't say anything, though, and left us alone. We were both quiet as we ate. I wasn't sure what to say. I'd hoped that something would develop between Kris and me, but now that it had, I wasn't sure how to behave. I'd never had a boyfriend before. I'd dated a couple of girls through high school, but nothing ever "clicked" with any of them.

When we finished eating, I brought the plates and glasses downstairs.

"Thanks for dinner, Mrs.K."

"Well, it's the least I can do for you Dan. Has Kris gotten started on his homework?"

"Yeah. I don't think it'll take him too long to finish it. There wasn't too much."

"Well, we appreciate your helping him, don't we dear?"

"Yeah, I think it's great Kris has a friend who'd be willing to help him out" Kris' dad said.

"Well, I think he'd do the same for me."

Kevin had to chime in with "I don't think he'd do the same for you."

What the hell is that supposed to mean? Am I getting paranoid, or is this just brother-bashing?

"Well, it's no big deal. I'm happy to help out."

I went back up to Kris' room. "We should go over your homework."

"Yeah, I suppose."

I went over what we'd done in class that day. Kris worked on it, and I hung around, taking the time to get my homework done, too.

"Oh, man. It's 10:30 already. I gotta get going, or my mom is gonna have a fit."

"Really? I like having you around."

"Yeah, I like being around you, but I really have to go."

"Come here, first."

I got up from his desk and walked over to his bed.



I leaned in closer.


I leaned down so that my face was only an inch or so away from his. He leaned forward and kissed me. Long and passionately. His tongue was warm and moist as it darted around my mouth. I was surprised to be getting hard again. I knew that if I didn't leave now, it'd just get tougher to do so. I pulled back from our kiss.

"I think I love you, Kris."

"I think I love you, Dan."

"See you tomorrow."

"I can't wait."

Next: Chapter 5

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