Red Pickup

By John Smith

Published on Feb 5, 2002



This is a partial true story of an encounter I recently had, in fact, this encounter has been going on for a while now and will continue long after this story is publish. I wont tell you what parts are fictions; reading it I'm sure you will figure that out. It shouldn't be hard, no pun intended. Email any comments to Jack all day is what I like to do best.

One beautiful warm fall day I went to the local park. I have been coming to this park for quite a while now. I drove in and park my car in the same line as the other vehicles. I looked around; I could see several people but I notice one guy in a pickup park besides me and he was moving around inside his pickup. As the sun beat down on us, I could see his refection in his side window. I could see that he was playing with himself. He actually had his dick out and was moving his hand on it. I couldn't see much, but what I did see was enough to tell me that he was playing with his male member, his dick. I thought to myself, why not on a beautiful day like this. I guess he had more nerve than I did. I quickly got out of my car and walked over to his driver's window. When I got there, he had everything all closed up, his pants were zipped up and his dick was away. I didn't want to interfere in his private moment as I said to him, 'you better be careful because I could see what you were doing to yourself. The sun was reflection your image in your side window.' He was startled as he looked to the other side of the pick up; he really didn't know what to say. I then turned and walked away from him heading toward a path that led into the woods. I didn't know what he would do, I guess I had hope he would follow me, but he didn't. I should have talked to him longer. I went into the woods about 100 or so feet and realizing that he wasn't going to follow me, I turned around and headed back toward the parking lot. I don't know why I did this but as I walked toward his pick up, I grabbed myself with my right hand, squeezing my private parts showing a bulge as I walked toward him. He had to know what I was doing. He was still sitting there. I walked up to him and we talked. We both said things like 'beautiful day, a person could really enjoy themselves out here, etc'. I said 'do you come here often?' He was all zipped up at that point, but I could tell that he had a bulge just under his zipper. In fact, the bulge was sticking straight up. His hands were on the steering wheel. He didn't move them as I quickly reached in and brush the front of his pants with my right hand. I could feel something hard just under his zipper. He just looked down then at me. In the meanwhile, I could feel my own little bulge sticking out on me. I also had a warm feeling in my stomach. With his left hand, he reached out and brushed me also. This startled me, but I enjoyed his touch. I asked if he played with himself a lot, and he answered whenever he had a chance to. I guess the ice was broken. I said something about 'I wished I had a dollar for every time I had jacked off', and he laugh as he said, 'so do I'. He said he don't do anything, but 'Jacked' and I said, that would be nice to have that much. We made plans to have more of these meetings. The other cars around us were leaving. This left us alone in that part of the parking lot. He unzipped and pulled his little dick out into the sunlight as I reached in to feel what was in front of me. That warm feeling was growing in my stomach. I rubbed his dome with the palm of my right hand then I jacked him off slowly. I unzipped my pants and with a quick movement of my right hand, I slid my underpants down over and under my dick. My dick came into view out through my zipper. I slid my hand on his dick for about 10 or so seconds. I could feel that he was ready. His creamy white liquid spilled out onto his red dome as I pulled my hand back and watch as he wiped his dick with a tissue he had in his right hand. He quickly zipped up. His plaything now away, I reached over and grabbed my self. I really don't remember if I came that day or not. All I know, he did and I enjoyed playing with him.

For the next few weeks, we met almost every day. We only missed when the weather wasn't nice. It always ended the same way as we jacked the other off. Some times we would take turns as we sat in his driver seat, or we would just stand beside his pick up bed, facing each other and jacked the other off. He was cut while I had a foreskin. I always held him between my thumb and index finger letting his dick slides in the palm of my right hand. I don't know why I did this, but a few times, while he sat in his driver seat, I would open his door and slid his dick down my throat. I just I wanted to taste him. He never did anything like that to me and he had said that all he would do is Jack. I guess I need to curb my desires. I never did do the complete act on someone, but I guess I secretly had hope I would find someone that would do that to me.

Every time we would meet, I would try to get him hotter. Some times I tried to give him a view of me as he drove in. I would always try to get there before he would. This would always give the opportunity for me to uncover myself. On the last time I went over to 'our spot', I had a plan. I was going to lie across the front seat on my back, I heard my friend's pick up pulling along side of me. My pants and under clothes were down to my ankles and my member was already hard as I have been pulling on my self for over five minutes waiting for his appearance. I was careful to not jack myself off. He would always tap his horn as he pulled along side of me letting me know that it was he and no one else. As he shut off his motor, I lean up and I saw his face and dark eyes looking down at me. I had a small car. He could easily look inside of my car. Today I was giving him a show. Using my foot, I booted open the door and I slid part of the way out of my car with my feet now on the stony parking lot. My pants were still by my ankles as I continue to stroke myself with my right hand and rubbed my legs and belly with my left hand as I watch his eyes on me. I was naked from my ankles up to my shirt, which I had pulled up my chest. I really enjoyed his watching me as playing with myself. I didn't want to make myself come; I wanted him to do it to me. I know watching me affected him, because he always was hard afterwards. I do this to him every once and a while. He was watching me; I could feel his eyes on me. That made me hotter. My stomach was burning. As I slowly stroke myself and rubbed my legs and belly, he said that a car was coming. I quickly pulled my pants up and fastened my belt letting every thing else just lay in my pants opening. As the car pulled up, I was then sitting in the passenger seat.

Without stopping, the car quickly turns around and headed back out the driveway. With us alone again, I got out of the car letting myself hang open as I walked over to him. I could see that he was doing the same thing that I was His zipper was down and his man hood was sticking straight up. Since his window was down, I reached in and touch his member with my left hand. I let my fingers and thumb side down his member and into his pants as I felt his silky hair. I took my palm and encircled his small balls in the sack at the bottom of his manhood between his legs. His bag was tight. I rolled his two small balls in their protected bag as I let my right hand slowly slid up and down on his cut shaft. His dick was smaller than mine, but I didn't care. It was just that we enjoyed doing the same things. In my life I wish I had a dollar for every time I had jacked my self off. He had said the same thing. I don't know when I started. I guess I was in the eight grade or some ware around that age. He reached up and unfastened his belt as he pulled opened his pants showing me his dark crop of hair at the place where his dick was attached to his belly. I quickly licked my right palm as I placed it back onto his dick and I slowly jacked him off. He was getting really hard now. I was still rolling his tight little bag back and forth with my left hand and I was sliding my right hand up and down on his hard dick. I was doing this very slowly. I wanted to see his face as I was bringing him off. His dick was now very hard and his tight bag had sucked up his little balls into the base of his dick. I continued to jack him off with my right hand as I rub the area between his legs and the base of his dick with my left hand.

I could tell he was ready, as I kept the pace up with my right hand. The top of his dick was a deep purple and he was moaning. A blast of clear liquid rolled out of the little hole on the top of his dick. The liquid rolled down his dick over my fingers as I continued to stroke his dick. I opened my hand letting that first blast slid on his dick with my hand. I was using his liquid like I had used my salvia earlier. A second and much larger blast of liquid was now bubbling out his little pea hole. This one had a little power behind it as it shot into the air and landed on his pants by his right leg. I took the palm of my right hand and rubbed his purple dome bring as much of his sticky fluid with me as I continued to rub his staff up and down. I notice that some of his liquid had made it to the base of his dick. I rolled it around the base with my left hand as I slowly jacked his dick with my right hand. I must have done to him for 20 or 30 seconds before he told me he was done. He placed his hand on mine as we both were touching his dick together. His eyes were now opened and he was panting. I guess I did a good job for him.

In the mean while, my pants were still open and my dick was sticking straight out through the zipper. Pre cum was at the top of my purple dome. I took my index finger and whipped the liquid off of my dick and sucked on my finger. It tasted good. No car had appeared since that first one. He had taken out his handkerchief and was wiping off his dicks, legs, and belly as I watch him. He said he didn't like it when it's that messy. He handed me a tissue to dry off my hands also. I could smell his odor on me. As he continued to rub himself down, I started to jack myself off. Seeing that, he said 'wait, I got something special for you.' I walked around his pick up and got into the passenger side.

I again unfasten my belt and let my pants slide to the floor where I stepped out of them. All I had on was a shirt, nothing else. He reached over with his right hand and started to stroke me. My uncut dick immediate jumped to attention. I raised my left leg upon the seat between us as he brought his left hand up and was rubbing my legs, balls and the area below my dick. Oh, I was getting so hot, and I closed my eyes letting him do what ever he wanted. As my eyes were closed I felt him moving around and I felt a wet warm feeling on my dick. I opened my eyes as I looked down and saw his bobbing head between my legs moving up and down. I know he was giving me a blowjob. I have told him several times that what I really wanted but I never did expect he would ever do it. I believe I grew even larger as he started to do that. My friend was really giving me a blowjob, a head job, he was making me come with his mouth and it felt great. He told me one time that he only makes friends come with his hands, nothing else. I believe him. I had gone down on him a few times but I never completed the act. I can feel my juices collecting in my little bag of balls. The same bag of balls he was rolling around with his fingers. His one hand was on my balls and the second one was forcing under my bare butt. I gentle place my hands on his ears as I forced his head up and down. I was in the same motion as he was. I push his head down and then I pulled his head back up. When we came up, I raised my butt off of the seat as he slid his hand under my butt. Before he would remove his hands, he would squeeze my butt using his thumb and index finger. During all of this, his other hand was rolling my balls around in their little bag.

I could feel everything coming to the climax, my hot little balls, my butt being squeeze, my dick being sucked and my hands guiding this beautiful mouth on my dick sucking everything out through my little pea hole. I could not wait; I never had a blowjob before. Several had tried, but nothing like this. I'm Cumming. I could feel it, His head stopped and he was just sucking, not moving either his mouth or hands. One of his hands was lying around my dick between his thumb and indexed finger and he was squeezing my dick. He had made a fist around my dick as he started now to slowly jack me off while his mouth was still sucking on me. When I started to come he slowly started to move his mouth again up and down on me as I pumped the first load into his mouth. Within ten second or so, a second load was pumped into his waiting mouth. Only this time he let my dick slid all the way in. I could see his lips on my hair at the base of my dick. I can feel me coming and coming. I don't know many times I ejected into his mouth. All I know, I have never came that many times in a row. His mouth was still on me and he was moving up and down. I was still large, but not completely hard. I could feel the ring at the base of my dome being sucked on by the roof of his mouth. My dick was lying between his teeth and his lips were touching the hair at my belly. He continued this for 15 to 20 seconds before he let my dick go. I'm leaning against his door as I looked down at my self. My foreskin was red and loose fitting on my dick. I could see some of my liquid on my hair at the base of my dick. My dome was no longer purple but red. My legs were wet with his saliva and cock juice between us. I didn't have any balls, or the little bag that contained the balls. They were up and tight under my dick. I could feel the bag, but I couldn't see them. His eyes were closed and his face was wet with my juices. His mouth looked as if he had sucked on a red pop cycle. His face around his mouth was red and he was panting. I was too.

We sat there for several minutes before either of us said anything. I said that I better get dress as I pulled up my pants and under pants. My dick was so sore, I was careful placing it into my underpants. I didn't fasten my belt nor did I fasten my pants top. I wanted to stand when I did that. I said 'that was great. I never did feel anything like that in my life. You were great.' He couldn't talk at first, then he said, 'I don't know what came over me. I never did anything like that in my whole life'. I said 'did you ever sucked anyone off before' and he said 'only once before when I was a kid, he was playing with himself like you were. I guess that what starts it.' I said, 'I will need to remember that.' I said 'I owe you one'. And he didn't say anything. I reached over and laid my hand on his leg as he pulled over, letting my hand drop to the seat' I said 'let me touch you one time with my mouth. I never had done that neither and I liked the feeling you gave me. I would like to try it also. I never did it neither before.' With that I dropped my mouth on his pants just above his swelling dick. I could feel it under the material of his pants. I said, unzip your pants and let me see if I can do it or not. I watch as he unzipped and pulled his half hard dick out. He had a hold of it by the shaft. He then slid his underpants and pants down to his knees. I lay on the seat placing my head into his lap. I could smell his cock juice from before when I had jacked him off. I held his half hard dick as I lick the head. I could feel him getting harder as I licked it again, and again. On the third or forth time, he was standing straight up into the air. It was different than mine. I had a foreskin, and he was no skin, nothing. Mine slides inside of my skin while his is just a shaft of hard skin.

I said to myself, well, if I'm going to do this then now is the time. I opened my mouth making an 'O' and covered my teeth with my lips as I let his dick slid in. It was both hard and soft at the same time. The top skin was soft and pliable. I let it slid in pass my teeth. I felt it hit the roof of my mouth. I let it go until it wouldn't go any further. My lips were at his hair. I could smell his body; I could smell his cock juice from when I had jacked him off before. I placed my hands around his dick like he had done to me. As I held the base of his dick, I let his member slid almost out of my mouth. I started a rhythmic motion down to the hair as far as I could go, then up to the ring just below his dome. I held onto his dick with my thumb and index finger on my right hand to make his dick even harder Just as he did to me. I placed my left hand on his bag of balls. I found myself feeling and rolling his balls around just as he had done to me. I guess that must come naturally. I found that I was enjoying what I was doing. I was moving faster, I was sucking harder with my mouth and I was squeezing more to make his dick even harder and longer. I didn't want to hurt him as I was playing with his balls, so I thought I better not squeeze as much as I was. I felt a shot of liquid in my mouth. I didn't thing he had come yet, but it must have been the pre cum. I didn't even slowly down; I kept up the pace I had. Up and down; up and down; suck, suck, and suck again. I was sucking so hard that my cheeks were drawn in.

Here it comes, I was thinking I could feel his dick getting very hard; I could feel his moving around on the seat; and I could also hear him moaning; not what he sounded like when I jacked him off, but a much louder sound. This excited me, as I felt a much larger dick in my mouth. I stopped the up and down motion and I placed my mouth on his large dome as I felt his juices roll into my mouth. I rolled his juice around and around my mouth. The taste was something I never tasted before. I drank it down as if I was drinking a Coke. I knew full well his juices were now in my stomach. I had planned to not do this; not swallow his cock juice, but that was a long time ago. That was before I found that I enjoyed sucking on his cock until it was empty. I think I like doing this; In fact, I know I like doing this. I wish I had started earlier. This made me feel like we were one. I looked at him and his eyes were closed. He was truly enjoying him self. I stayed on him as I started to pump him again, bring up even more of his juice. He was still hard as I finally removed my mouth from him. This time, I placed his dick into my waiting hand, my thumb and index finger touching his belly, as I slowly moved my hand up and down. I then sat back up as I waited for him to say something. He also sat up; his pants were still on the floor and his dick now looked like mine did earlier, all red and everything. We both sat there for about ten minutes. He had put everything away as my pants were still open at the top. I was slowly touching myself. I wasn't trying to jack myself off, it was just sore and I was trying to calm myself down.

He said that he had enjoyed himself and that we could become very good friends. I agreed with him. He asked if I had enjoyed everything, and I answered that I did. He also asked if we could get together again, and I said 'I would like that'. This is how I met my new friend, Tony. I still don't know his last name or were he works or lives. We see each other at least once a week, sometimes twice a week. Never did we know that we both wanted this type of relationship. Sometimes we jack off, other times we give each other blowjobs and sometimes only one of us do the other. When we first met it was nothing more then mutual jack off's, but now it has turned into a very good sexy friendship. Because of the winter, I haven's seen Tony for over 4 or 5 weeks. Since I wrote this story today and was feeling the same hot sensation in my stomach, I went looking for Tony, but he didn't show up. At least I can jack off if he is not there. Who knows, things may happen again, there is still tomorrow. I don't really know what I would do without him.

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