Red Handed

By Kevin Metson

Published on Apr 25, 2012


This story contains erotic situations involving college boys. If this offends you please leave now. This is a complete work of fiction.

This story is copyrighted by the author.

Feeding Jeremy was not as challenging as Aidan expected. Indeed, after the first several bites, Aidan added the challenge himself for Jeremy -- out of sheer boredom. At first Jeremy was a little perturbed, but soon both of them were laughing and Jeremy had more than a couple of stains on his hospital gown from spills.

With food in his stomach, Jeremy felt content. He couldn't feel his arms or hands yet and the doctors had given him some nausea medicine to counter the post-effect of the anesthesia.

Once Jeremy was done, Aidan attacked his meal. It had gotten a little cold, but still edible. The meat was a little bland -- typical of hospital food, it had no salt or other seasoning to speak of -- but filling.

As he finished his last bite, the door opened and in walked RN Tony, carrying what looked like a large package of over sized wet wipes.

"Time for your bath, young man. But you can't use a shower for three days. The surgery incisions need to heal, so you get the next best thing -- a wipe down." RN Tony turned towards Aidan and handed him the package of wipes. "Here you go, when you're through, you can keep the rest of the package. You'll need it when Jeremy here has a bowel movement."

Despite the fact that he would have to endure all this, Jeremy could help but laugh at Aidan's face at the mention of bowel movements. **Shit ***, he thought (and then thought -- no pun intended :) ), *** he couldn't even wipe his own ass until he got these f-ing casts off. ****

"Can you handle this on our own, or do I need to watch you to make sure you get it right?"

It was bad enough that Aidan would have to do this, Jeremy did not want to have an audience, " .... Aidan can handle it on his own. Can't you Aidan?"

Aidan had a "deer in the headlights" look on his face, but spurred on by Jeremy's question, he responded, "Uh -- yeah -- I got this."

RN Tony gave a smile that seemed to contain a silent laugh and what Jeremy thought for a second was a wistful look. He simply said, "Push the call button when you are done. You can put the gown he is currently wearing in this hamper." He pointed to a clothes hamper by the door. "And you will find a new gown in this drawer." He pointed to the top of three drawers built into the wall across from the bed. With that, he left.

"So how should we do this?" Aidan asked.

Now that he was content from the meal, Jeremy realized how grimy he felt. "I'll sit on the end of the bed. You can wipe down my upper body, and then I'll stand up and you can finish my lower half."

With Aidan's help, Jeremy sat up on the end of the bed. Aidan leaned over him and untied the gown from behind him. And suddenly he was naked in front of Aidan. Jeremy felt helpless. He had no reason to, he argued with himself, but without clothes and unable to move his arms, he felt more exposed than he could ever remember.

Aidan opened the package of wipes and removed one. He stood in front of Jeremy and began to wipe his forehead. Jeremy's dark bangs covered his forehead some. Aidan had to lift them out of the way. Afraid of jostling him too much, Aidan took his time, often needing to hold Jeremy with his left hand, so that he could wipe him down.

Aidan slowly worked down. Jeremy had a completely smooth chest. Unlike Aidan, who had a light covering of blonde red hair over his entire body. Jeremy was thin, no abs or toned muscles to speak of, but not much body fat either.

Jeremy closed his eyes, he'd rather be cleaning himself, but if this was the only way to get rid of the grimy feeling, then so be it. He treated it like when he had to get a shot, he ignored it until it was over.

Only, unlike getting shot, it wasn't over in a matter of seconds. As Aidan progressed, and especially as he moved to his chest, Jeremy realized he was reacting to Aidan's ministrations. His body was starting to tingle a bit. ** What the fuck ** he thought. He had to admit it felt nice, but then he noticed his groin start to feel warm. ** Shit, am I about to bone? ***. Aidan was working on his back, and a quick peek from Jeremy opening his eyes, confirmed that Aidan wasn't paying any attention to his groin. But damn if he wasn't feeling fuller.

Thinking quickly, Jeremy said, with a little huskiness to his voice that he wished wasn't there, "Aidan, I need some water, can you get me a drink of water?"

"Sure," he replied. Stopping his progress on Jeremy's back. He headed over to the sink. With an inward sigh, Jeremy was grateful that the moment Aidan stopped, so did his body's reaction. He felt the tension in his cock disappear.

As Jeremy was drinking his water, the door opened and RN Tony poked his head through the curtain. "How's it going?" he said. Jeremy saw the male nurse look him over from head to toe, but just chalked it up to a professional assessment.

"About half done, I was just about to put Jeremy's arms in his sling and have him stand to clean his lower half," Aidan reported dutifully.

"Sounds good," RN Tony quipped and, closing the curtain behind him, left the room.

After the door closed, Aidan helped Jeremy stand. As he lifted him up, he whispered in Jeremy's ear, "Did you see him check you out? I think your nurse has a crush."

"What? He was not!" Jeremy replied in a loud whisper as he stood up.

"I think he drooled at your tool, Jermy." Aidan shot back with a laugh. "Of course, with a horse dick like yours, lots of guys probably look." Aidan reverted back to locker room humor, as the time drew near for him to clean that "horse dick". As Jeremy stood, Aidan began with his feet, leaving the no man's land for last. But finally, there was nothing left. Just wanted to be done, he grabbed a hold of Jeremy's package (balls and all) and lifted up so that he could wipe between his legs. He let the nuts drop down and cleaned them off. While he wanted to be done as quickly as possible he also wanted to do a good job. Personally Aidan hated when his nuts got grimed up. He liked them clean and didn't want Jeremy to be uncomfortable with sweaty balls.

He finished by wiping the shaft. Jeremy was cut, but h some foreskin remained, so he pulled it back to make sure he got the whole head clean. Then standing a little, he reached around Jeremy and wiped his ass crack, thankful that the wipe came back clean.

"Done," Aidan announced, as he draped a clean gown over Jeremy. For Jeremy's part, he was glad. He was pretty sure his cock had plumbed up some during the cleaning, but either Aidan hadn't noticed or had the grace to ignore it.

"Thanks," Jeremy said, as Aidan helped him back in bed. Aidan had treated the whole business as clinical as possible, but he couldn't help notice the musky smell coming off Jeremy's groin, when he had been on his knees wipe down his upper legs. He would never admit this to anyone but he had found it strangely pleasant.

Aidan reached over and pressed the call button. He and Jeremy bullshitted about nothing of consequence for a couple of minutes, waiting for RN Tony to appear. Aidan began thinking maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. He and Jeremy were mature young men, and there was nothing untoward going on.

Finally the room door opened and RN Tony came in pushing a cart bearing some electrical machine on it. He wasn't alone, Dr. Groth followed him in.

"Good evening, Jeremy, how are you feeling this afternoon?" she inquired professionally.

"Still can't feel much in my arms. Apart from that I feel fine, especially since I feel somewhat clean now."

"Good, good," she responded as she began checking his eyes, nose and throat; the first steps of a quick but thorough once over. "I'm here to give you your first treatment. Aidan will need to watch, as he will be administering the treatments from here on out.

She motioned to RN Tony, who brought out a small jigsaw. He gingerly removed Jeremy's right arm from the sling and laid it on the table. After plugging in the drill, he deftly used it to cut a square window in the cast right above the upper wrist. He removed the piece of cast and set it on the table. He repeated the procedure with the other arm. Dr. Groth then came over. She brought out a small metal pad which was hooked up to the machine. She attached a small tube of ointment on the end and then inserted it into the cast window so that it was just touching his skin.

"You'll feel a slight tingle here," she explained. I'm using electricity to administer the treatment. It helps the ointment to get worked into the bones." She turned on the machine and despite the numb feeling of his arm Jeremy felt a small warm flush in his wrists. "Leave this on for 15 minutes, then repeat the procedure on the other wrist. Nurse Tony will stay here and observe you. When you're finished, we can send you home."

Two hours laters, Jeremy and Aidan entered their new home for the next six months.

******* Later that day ********

Tony walked in and hung his jacket up on the hook. He flicked on his laptop and loaded up the browser. He was really wanting to hook up tonight. Before he had left work, he had quickly posted an ad on Craigslist. He didn't expect anyone takers yet, but there was always the chance.

1 Unread E-mail

Tony smiled as he say it was a reply to his ad. He had offered to host a younger guy who want to be serviced. Tony was 29, but he still liked messing around with the college studs at the college here in town. Fridays he could almost always guarantee that one of them would happily drop a load down his willing mouth, especially when they realized he was in top shape. Tony was 6'3" sandy blonde hair, hazel eyes, 190#. He had no fat on him. He spent two hours in the gym 4-5 days a week, half the time lifting, the other half doing cardio. A lot of guys were willing to let him blow them, so long as 1) he never told, 2) They kept their shirts on, 3) he stayed clothed (some did let him strip and play with himself) and 4) they could leave as soon as they nutted.

Tony clicked on the e-mail and was happy to see the guy had sent a pic -- a naked pic at that. He looked to be around 20, dark hair (just like that Jeremy, he thought) and nicely hung. The guy was available to come over any time, in fact the sooner the better, he said. He was going to a game with some friends later on.

Tony replied back, and after a couple more e-mails offered Luke (that was his name) his address. 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door.

Tony answered the knock and caught his breath as he saw the guy looked even better than the pics they'd exchanged.

"You a doctor or something," the twink asked? Tony hadn't changed out of his scrubs yet.

"No, a registered nurse," Tony replied without thinking.

"Nice, I've always had a fantasy of some hot nurse taking my temperature orally, if you know what I mean." He gave a small laugh. "She's always been a chick in my dreams, though. But what the hell, I'm boned and horny and you were advertising."

With that, he closed the door behind him, unzipped his jeans and in one motion pushed his pants and underwear (yellow and black checkered briefs) to the floor. His cock was perfect, like the rest of the boy. He had trimmed his pubes, leaving a five o'clock shadow. His penis was still soft, and while not as big as that injured student Jeremy (whom he had sneaked a look at during his sponge bath) was decent size. His nuts hung behind and slightly below, framing the dick like a showcase.

Tony didn't need any further encouragement. He immediately dropped to his knees and took the meat into his mouth. Ummm, the guy had a clean, fresh washed taste. Tony lived for that first taste of manhood, the feel of the velvety cock in his throat. He felt Luke expand quickly and fill his mouth.

Tony pulled back and focused on his knob, tracing the groove on the underside with his tongue. Luke moaned and placed his hands on Tony's head.

"Oh, baby, that's it. I got left high and dry last night by my date. She doesn't put out, so I need your sweet mouth now." Luke began to put pressure on Tony's head, and slowly he allowed himself to go deeper. It wasn't long before Luke had buried his whole cock down Tony's throat.

Tony gagged and pulled back, but Luke was already pushing forward again. He began to fuck Tony's face.

Once...twice.... three times .. and then with one final push, Tony felt more than saw Luke's nuts pull up and he nutted down Tony throat.

Tony immediately pulled back, so as to be able to taste the treasure. He savored the couple more blasts from Luke. He continued to milk the now softening dick. But all too soon luke swayed his hips backwards and pulled out of Tony's mouth.

"You are one hot cock-sucker my pretty little nurse. I got something for you." Luke pulled up his pants and reached into his pocket.

Tony wished Luke had lasted longer, but there was always a good possibility that some other guy would want to get blown.

"It's really not necess....." Tony began, standing up. He never finished the sentence. When Luke had reached into his pocket, he deftly squeezed a small liquid capsule, causing its contents to squirt onto a small piece of clothe. He then pulled the soaked cloth out and, timing it so it coincided with Tony breathing in, held the cloth up to nose.

Tony interrupted himself with a "What the hell...." but then started to fall forward. Again with a practiced motion, Luke caught Tony before he fell and guided him to the couch, where he laid him down like he was taking a nap. Which he was in reality. The liquid was a very special compound. It was a derivative of chloroform, but with a slight addition. It helped the brain dump what was in short term memory. For most people, it caused them to forget about the last 15 minutes.

Luke would have preferred to enjoy getting his knob sucked a little longer, but he didn't dare take too long, otherwise Tony might remember some of this. Strictly speaking, getting the blow job was not part of the plan, but hell, he was horny. He had been telling the truth about the girl last night leaving him high and dry. And damn, if it wasn't true that guys give the best blow jobs.

Tony would wake in about an hour. Another quirk of this drug was that it would actually make him refreshed and alert. He would have no idea how he got to couch, as his memory would be a blank from about the time he walked into his building. But the mind's an interesting thing. It would quickly "re-create" the most likely scenario and Tony would convince himself he had come home, had been extremely tired and taken a nap on the couch. Luke knew from his surveillance that he did that on average of one a week.

Without wasting any time, Luke located Tony's IPod. It had a pass pattern locking him out, but a quick wave of a wand like object over the screen easily broke the security. The app he wanted was still up, although again password protected. The wand device worked like a charm again. He scrolled down the name until he found what he wanted.

Jeremy Rogue.

Clever -- one small letter swap and he falls off the grid. Well it was time to find him and settle things once and for all.

Then he saw the note -- Discharged. He looked up the address on the account and found Jeremy's address. He was living in the dorms. He quickly found Tony's e-mail and erased all traces of their exchange. He turned off the tablet and left it on the counter.

The dorms would be his next stop.

To be continued.....

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