Red Handed

By Kevin Metson

Published on Apr 15, 2012


The following is a story about two college guys. It will eventually contain m4m action of one kind or another. If such things offend or are illegal where you are at, please leave now. If you are under 18 please leave now.

This story is copyrighted by the author.


Jeremy had one leg propped on the computer desk, the other on the floor. This allowed easy access to his boxer clothed groin. The only light from the darkened room came from the computer screen, which currently depicted a naked buxom brunette. The blinds were tightly closed and the dorm room door locked and bolted.

It was Friday night and Aidan, Jeremy's red-headed Irish roommate was blessedly out for the night. Aidan wasn't a bad roommate. In fact as roommates go, Jeremy felt he had lucked out. Aidan kept his area tidy, washed his clothes regularly, and spent several hours a night studying.

At least during the week. The main problem with Aidan is that come the weekend, Aidan liked to party. Well, maybe to be fair, Aidan liked to be around lots of other people. He also thought it was his job to "help Jeremy come out of his shell." That was the annoying part.

Jeremy didn't mind occasionally (like once a month) going to a party. He found it fun. But it wasn't really his thing. What Jeremy much preferred to do on a Friday was hook up with this Raid group on World of Warcraft and assault domain of the Lich King or to try and take down Deathwing.

His raid group would not be on until 9. It was now only 8, which meant he had about 45 minutes to engage in his other pleasure when Aidan was absent, having a nice slow jack off session looking at porn. He started with nude teens. He would soon switch over to a couple of site that had decent free porn vids.

Jeremy snaked his left hand under the waistband of his boxers. He cupped his nuts and rubbed the head of his dick with his thumb and index finger. His manhood slowly took on life and spread his fingers apart. Jeremy leaned back and gave a small sigh.

He could a ghost image of his face reflected off the screen. He observed that he might need to get his dark hair trimmed, then he focused on what he really was interested in at that moment, the naked chick on the screen. He imagined himself lying naked beside her, the girl playing with the light brown hairs on his stomach, reaching lower to grasp his ......

Suddenly a siren blared: "AAAARRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr ....." The fire alarm.

Whatever inflating had been occurring in Jeremy's lap instantly disappeared. The color drained from his face. He felt light headed. The roar of flames sounded loudly in his ears. In a mere moment, he laws transported back to a fateful night 14 years prior when he had woken up to a room engulfed in flames. If it hadn't been for a courageous firefighter , Jeremy would not be alive today.

All he could think about was escape. He we so lost in his memories that it didn't register that outside of the blaring alarm, nothing had changed.

He jumped out of his chair, still only in boxers and a T-shirt. Jeremy was blind with panic. He rushed the door and slammed into it trying to push it open. He fell back when the door didn't budge. He had a moment of clarity that this door didn't open out, it opened in. He clawed at the handle, remember to turn the deadlock.

Jeremy flung open the door and rushed out. The bright lights of the hallway blinded him, but he didn't stop.

Something snagged his feet and Jeremy was falling -- falling hard with all the speed he had built up. He threw his hands out instinctively, and the last thing Jeremy remembered was jolts of excruciating pain radiating up from his hands. Blackness overtook him

** Aidan *** 30 minutes earlier

Aidan was crouched over behind the quarterback. Aidan had shed his shirt, as the day was an already 88, surely one of the last nice Fridays of the fall. As he waited for the snap, Aidan glanced up and noticed Stephanie standing on the sideline watching the pick up game.

Stephanie was wearing a nice tight halter top that accentuated her cleavage. Aidan was thinking of what he'd like to do with the huge mounds, when Tim snapped the ball back to him.

With Stephanie as inspiration, Aidan zigzagged down the short quad to the improvised goal line and spiked the ball in victory.

Stephanie clapped and blew him a kiss. Aidan ran over and asked, "Wanna grab a beer after this?"

"Score another touchdown in 3 minutes," she challenged, "and I'm all yours."

Aidan reply, "No problem."

He lined up on the defensive line, and with the prospect of a hot date with Stephanie, he blitzed as soon as the ball was snapped, tore the ball out of the QB's hands, and ran it back for a second touchdown in less than two minutes.

Stephanie laughed and smiled.

The game lasted for another 30 minutes, by which time it was starting to get too dark to play. Aidan walked over to Stephanie and asked her if she was ready.

"If you want to get me a beer, you need to clean up, studly," Stephanie laughed, making the last word sound more like a jab than a compliment.

"Whatever you say," Aidan replied, "I'll be back in ten."

He rushed back to the dorms. As he entered his floor, Aidan thought: Jeremy's probably playing one of his games, best give him a heads up. Then Aidan had a fun thought, he'd play a trick on Jeremy. He hadn't meant anything bad by it, but ...

AIdan didn't always think things through, he sometimes just did. As he walked down the hall, Aidan pulled the fire alarm. The sirens blared. Students up and down the falls started coming out. In the sudden confusion Aidan almost forgot what he intended to do. Quickly he dropped to the ground and lay in front of the door. His intention had been to get Jeremy to stumble slightly as he came out of the room.

Aidan did not expect Jeremy to give into a blind panic and race out the door.

Aidan here a large thumb against the door, like someone had thrown a bag of potatoes against it. Then a minute later, the door flew open and Jeremy came rushing out at full speed.

When his foot encountered Aidan lying on the ground, Jeremy pitched forward. He had thrown his arms forward to brace his fall. Aidan heard two sickening snaps as Jeremy smacked into the floor.

Aidan pushed himself up and went to check on Aidan. he was out cold.

"Shit," Aidan exclaimed. He rushed to the floor advisors room and knocked. Pete, the RA stuck his head out. Aidan told him what had happened briefly and Pete sped into motion contacting the security office.

Within five minutes, EMTs were carting Jeremy off.

Aidan was about to go change, figuring he had done all he could do, when a campus security guard came over, "You the one who pulled the fire alarm? Three students have pointed you out."

Aidan was never one to lie. So, he admitted it.

The next thing he knew, the security guards were escorting him out. He asked if this was going to take long, and the replied, "If I were you, I'd partake of your right to remain silent."

Aidan was suddenly very worried and all thoughts of Stephanie vanished.

The security officers took Aidan to the city police station. Aidan was booked that night on tampering with a fire alarm, hazing, reckless engangerment and battery and assault. He was released to the custodian of the school.

The next day, he found himself before a judge. The University attorney was also present. The judge informed Aidan that he was to be arraigned on the 5 charges. The judge informed him that all but one (hazing) were class D felonies and could result in upwards of 20-25 years, if he were found guilty and the terms were served consecutively.

Aidan almost fainted.

The judge then gave Aidan an offer. If he plead guilty to the misdemeanor charge of unlawful hazing, Aidan could work off his time through Community service.

Needless to say, Aidan jumped at the chance.

After signing all the plea deals, the judge then proceeded to explain the service which Aidan was do.

It turned out that Jeremy had shattered both his wrists in Aidan's prank. He would need someone to care for him 24 hours a day until he was able to use either or both hands. Aidan would be that person. The University would provide them a handicap family residence in which to live. Aidan's class schedule had been altered so that Aidan could take him to class.

The judge felt the punishment very aptly fit the crime.

Aidan just stood there shocked.

Hey all, here's the prologue to my new story. It will follow the lives of Aidan and Jeremy, as Jeremy recovers from his injuries. Red-headed Aidan will need to be Jeremy's `hands' and perform all (and I do mean all) the tasked Jeremy can no longer do. Hope you like it.

Comments e-mail me at'

Next: Chapter 2

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